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【09.04.28 纽约时报】猪流感命名,一个铭感的话题

发表于 2009-7-16 21:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-7-17 00:49 编辑

【原文标题】The Naming of Swine Flu, a Curious Matter
【登载媒体】Newyork Times 纽约时报
【译者】Athan zhang


Published: April 28, 2009
HONG KONG — What to call the new strain of flu raising alarms around the world has taken on political, economic and diplomatic overtones.


Pork producers question whether the term "swine flu" is appropriate, given that the new virus has not yet been isolated in samples taken from pigs in Mexico or elsewhere. While the new virus seems to be most heavily composed of genetic sequences from swine influenza virus material, it also has human and avian influenza genetic sequences as well, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.

Government officials in Thailand, one of the world’s largest meat exporters, have started referring to the disease as “Mexican flu.” An Israeli deputy health minister — an ultra-Orthodox Jew — said his country would do the same, to keep Jews from having to say the word “swine.” However, his call seemed to have been largely ignored.

Janet Napolitano, the secretary for homeland security, and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack went out of their way at a press conference in Washington on Tuesday to refer to the virus by its scientific name, as the "H1N1 virus."

国家安全部长Janet Napolitano和农业部长Tom Vilsack费心的去参加星期二在华盛顿举办的记者招待会,用病毒的科学名称,“H1N1病毒”

"This is not a food-borne illness, virus -- it is not correct to refer to it as swine flu because really that's not what this is about," Mr. Vilsack said.

“这不是一种食物传染疾病,病毒,称呼它为猪流感是不正确的,因为这不是它的实质,” Vilsack先生说。
The World Organization for Animal Health, which handles veterinary issues around the world, issued a statement late Monday suggesting that the new disease should be labeled “North American influenza,” in keeping with a long medical tradition of naming influenza pandemics for the regions where they were first identified. This has included the Spanish flu of 1918 to 1919, the Asian flu of 1957 to 1958 and the Hong Kong flu of 1967 to 1968.

The debate is likely to continue as scientists and health authorities try to trace the disease. While all signs now point to Mexico as the epicenter, the genetic material in the virus there includes part of a swine influenza virus of Eurasian origin. And influenza viruses tend to emerge from Asia.

Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China called for stepped up measures on Tuesday to prevent and control any possible cases of swine flu that might show up in the country.

Many medical historians believe that the Asian and Hong Kong flus started in southeastern China near Hong Kong, where very high densities of people live in close proximity to hogs and chickens in rural areas and can share their viruses. Some historians also suggest that the Spanish flu also started in southeastern China.

The Mexican ambassador to Beijing, Jorge Guajardo, has been outspoken this week in suggesting that the disease did not originate in Mexico. He said in a telephone interview on Tuesday that the disease was brought to his country by an infected person from somewhere in “Eurasia,” the land mass of Europe and Asia.

墨西哥驻北京大使Jorge Guagado,这周已经公开发言指出这种疾病不是始于墨西哥。他在星期二的一次电话访问中说这种疾病是由来自欧亚(欧洲和亚洲大陆)某地感染此病的人带到墨西哥的。
Ambassador Guajardo said in a telephone interview that his government had been told by American and Canadian experts that the genetic sequence of the virus pointed to Eurasian origin.

“This did not happen in Mexico,” he said, adding, “It was a human who brought this to Mexico.”

But flu specialists in Asia said that the new virus probably did not make the jump from animals to people in Asia.

“If that is the case, you would see a lot of infections in Asia by now,” said Subash Morzaria, the regional manager for Asia and the Pacific at the Emergency Center for Transboundary Diseases, which is part of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization.

如果是那样,到现在你会在亚洲看到很多感染者了。”越境疾病应急中心,亚洲和太平洋事务的地区管理员Subash Morzaria说,该中心是联合国食物和农业组织的一部分。

The neuraminidase genetic segment of the virus, which gives the virus its “N1” name and controls the ability of the virus to break out of infected cells, comes from a Eurasian strain of swine flu, said Dr. Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiologist at Hong Kong University. But he added that enough pigs are moved across national borders that it is impossible to place the location more precisely.

给病毒命名“N1”并且控制病毒突破感染细胞能力的是病毒基因片段的神经氨酸酶,它来自一种欧亚大陆猪流感病毒,香港大学的微生物学家,Yuen Kwok-yung教授说。但他又补充说足够数量的猪被运过了国家边境,所以不可能 更准确定位出病毒的发源地。
There seems little indication of any outbreak of the new flu in China. There have been no recent surges in illnesses among pigs or pig farmers, according to Ben Boake, the executive vice president of the Henan Zhongpin Food Company Ltd., one of China’s largest pork processors.

似乎很少有迹象表明在中国有任何爆发新流感的情况。据中国最大的猪肉加工厂商之一,河南众品食物有限公司的执行副主席Ben Boake说,最近在猪和养猪农民中没有感染疾病数量猛增的情况。
Millions of pigs died in China two years ago in an epidemic so severe that it pushed pork prices up 90 percent. Veterinarians attributed the deaths at the time mainly to blue-ear disease, which does not affect humans, but also to swine flu. The Chinese government did not issue a public report assessing the outbreak and provided very few details to international organizations.

在中国上百万的猪在两年前死于一场很严重的流行病,导致了猪肉价格上涨了90% 。当时兽医们把猪的死主要归结于猪蓝耳疾病,一种不会感染人的,但同样归属于猪流感的病。中国政府没有发表评估那次流行病爆发的公开报告,并且只提供了很少的细节给了相关国际组织。




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