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【2009.07.26 澳大利亚TheAge】中国人黑了澳洲电影节的网站

发表于 2009-7-26 03:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Chinese hack into film festival site
【登载媒体】The Age(澳大利亚历史悠久的主要报纸之一)
Chinese hack into film festival site


Mary-Anne Toy
July 26, 2009

CHINESE hackers have attacked the Melbourne International Film Festival website in an intensifying campaign against the screening of a documentary about exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer.


The sabotage comes as festival organisers confirmed federal and state police had been called in, private security guards were being hired to protect film-goers and festival staff, four Chinese-language films had been withdrawn and a long-term Hong Kong-based sponsor had pulled out of the event.


The hackers broke into the festival's website early yesterday, just hours after Premier John Brumby officially opened the 2009 festival at the Arts Centre.

昨天早些时候,维多利亚州州长John Brumby在艺术中心宣布2009年电影节正式开始仅仅几小时后,黑客就黑入了电影节的网站。

The hackers replaced festival information with the Chinese flag and anti-Kadeer slogans and were last night continuing to disrupt the site by spamming.


"We like film but we hate Rebiya Kadeer," one message says and calls for an apology to the Chinese people.


Festival director Richard Moore said staff had been bombarded with abusive emails since it was disclosed that the festival had rejected Chinese Government demands to withdraw the film about Ms Kadeer, The 10 Conditions of Love, and cancel her invitation to the festival.


"The language has been vile," Mr Moore said. "It is obviously a concerted campaign to get us because we've refused to comply with the Chinese Government's demands."


He said the festival had reported the attacks, which appear to be coming from a Chinese IP address, and was discussing security concerns with Victoria Police. He said private security guards would be hired to protect Ms Kadeer and patrons at the film's screening on August 8.


Victorian police are monitoring developments and federal police will probe the hacking claims. The State Government last night backed festival organisers.


Last week, three Chinese directors withdrew films, with two denying they were forced to do so by Chinese authorities. Director Tang Xiaobai, who withdrew her film Perfect Life after being phoned by the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, said it was her decision to boycott the festival.


"I do not want to see my film screened on the same platform as a film about Kadeer," Tang told the official English-language newspaper China Daily.


(译者:中国日报引用唐的原话还有半句,是关于外交部和广电总局的电话的:"They told me the news, nothing else," she said. "Personally, I do not want to see my film screened on the same platform as a film about Kadeer." 澳媒没有提及唐说过两个机构仅是告诉她这个消息而没有强迫她做决定。中国日报原文地址:http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2009-07/24/content_8466373.htm

Mr Moore said he had finalised a replacement film for Perfect Life on Wednesday to fulfil the festival's contract with long-time sponsor the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office.


"We paid the screening fee and the new film, Claustrophobia, was en route to Melbourne, then this morning I get an email saying they've withdrawn it, no explanation," Mr Moore said. The festival will now lose the Hong Kong body's sponsorship as it is unable to fulfil its contractual obligation to provide a Hong Kong film for it to present on the scheduled date.


The Kadeer film, made by Melbourne director Jeff Daniels and partly financed by Film Victoria and Screen Australia, is about the impact on Kadeer's family of her campaign for greater autonomy and improved rights for China's estimated 10 million Uighurs.

关于热比娅的影片是由墨尔本导演Jeff Daniel制作的,部分资金来源于Film VictoriaScreen Australia两家公司。这部影片记录了热比娅参与政治活动对她的家庭造成的影响,热比娅一直在进行着寻求更广泛的自治及提高一千万(中国的评估数据)维吾尔人权利的活动。

Beijing accuses Ms Kadeer of masterminding the riots on July 5 in Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi, in which almost 200 people died. She denies the claim.


Bruce Jacobs, professor of Asian languages and studies at Monash University, said Beijing was clearly behind the campaign against the film festival and was villifying Ms Kadeer in the same way it targeted the Dalai Lama. "It's bullying. It's clearly the (Chinese) Government because they've made that clear when the consulate rang the festival. I think they need to be faced down. You don't give in to bullies," he said.

莫纳什大学亚洲语言学教Bruce Jacobs认为北京毫无疑问是针对电影节攻击的幕后主使,北京用诋毁达赖喇嘛的方式来诋毁热比娅女士。“这是专横的恐吓。这些针对电影节的攻击毫无疑问是(中国)政府干的,当中国领事揪住电影节不放的时候,事情就已经很明显了。我认为必须要震慑他们,你不能对恐吓让步。”


翻译交流 40#

We like film but we hate Rebiya Kadeer," one message says and calls for an apology to the Chinese people.

olgacheung 发表于 2009-7-26 13:34

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发表于 2009-7-26 06:20 | 显示全部楼层
  我还在等待  等待ZF强硬的措施
别让什么啊MAO 啊gou 都出来乱蹦跶
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发表于 2009-7-26 06:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-26 07:05 | 显示全部楼层

墨尔本国际电影节官网被黑  黑客不满播放热比娅纪录片



  打开墨尔本国际官方网站,在电影节官方网站首页上,一位署名为“oldjun”的黑客留下一面“飘扬”的五星红旗,并用留下三行英文。英文上写着“We likefilm,but we hate Rebiya Kadeer!We like peace,and we hate East Turkistanterrorist!Please apologize to all the Chinesepeople!”大意是:“我们爱电影,但我们讨厌热比娅;我们爱好和平,同时讨厌‘东突’民族分裂分子;请向全中国人民道歉!”墨尔本国际电影节官网被黑的消息传开后,有不少网友发帖表示祝贺,而有不少网友则在跟帖中表示又被代表了。

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发表于 2009-7-26 07:21 | 显示全部楼层
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