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[翻译完毕] 【ABC】China's turning children against me: Kadeer

发表于 2009-8-4 16:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-4 18:34 编辑

China's turning children against me: Kadeer

By China correspondent Stephen McDonell

Posted 53 minutes ago
Updated 43 minutes ago

Rebiya Kadeer, who isvisiting Australia, denies she is behind the recent violence in farwestern China. (User submitted: James Fehon)

The children of exiled Uighur leader Rebiya Kadeer have gone on Chinese television criticising their mother.

Two of Ms Kadeer's children and her brother were at first reportedas having written letters blaming their mother for orchestrating recentviolence in far western China.

Now the two children, along with another son, have recorded interviews with Chinese television for a special program.

Her eldest son, Khahar, said: "She is my mother. It's not good tosay bad things about her but we wish she would pull herself out ofthese separatist activities".

One of her sons was interviewed in the prison where he is being held.

Human rights groups say her family is coming under great pressure in Xinjiang.

Ms Kadeer, who is visiting Australia, denied she was behind the recent violence.

She says it is obvious the Chinese Government is coercing her children to criticise her.

"I am a human being and a mother," she said.

"Look how abusive the Chinese Government [is]; the ChineseGovernment are trying to turn my children against me. This iscompletely inhuman."

Ms Kadeer is a figurehead and activist for the Chinese Muslimminority and is visiting Australia to take part in the MelbourneInternational Film Festival (MIFF).
The film about her life - Ten Conditions Of Love - has attractedcontroversy, with Chinese authorities attempting to have it banned fromscreening.




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