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【The Australian】中国向WTO提交议案,以保障其产品能销往欧美

发表于 2009-8-5 20:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-8-5 23:05 编辑

【原文标题】China launches WTO action to keep US, EU markets open
【刊登媒体】The Australian
【 译   者 】xiongshu
【 声   明 】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载
【 译   稿 】

China launches WTO action to keep US, EU markets open


CHINA launched formal complaints at the World Trade Organisation in a bid to take down trade barriers set up by the European Union and US, a sign Beijing is fighting more aggressively to keep foreign markets open for its exports.


The targets of its two complaints are high EU import tariffs on Chinese screws and a US ban on the import of Chinese poultry. Beijing had already announced the suit against the US.


China insists it is countering protectionism and fears about job losses at home in a slumbering global economy. Brussels and Washington say the sanctions are justified by lax business and health rules in China. The EU and the US, the two biggest buyers of Chinese goods, combined for $US610 billion ($731 billion) of imports from China last year.


In both cases, the WTO could dismiss the complaints or give China the right to reduce imports by as much as it lost in trade by imposing higher import tariffs on some EU and US goods by the end of 2010.

The two suits are signs of China's coming-of-age in global trade politics, say trade experts. When China joined the WTO in 2001, its exports took off so fast that minor impediments to trade weren't even noticed.


"It took them a few years to care about and understand the process," says Simon Lester, chief administrator at WorldTradeLaw.net, a Washington-based consultancy.

  “中国人花了好几年才开始关心和了解起全球贸易的进程来”,WorldTradeLaw网站的首席执行官Simon Lester如此说道。该网站主要提供贸易顾问服务,总部坐落于美国华盛顿。

At a multi-lateral trade summit in Geneva in July 2008, China played a leading role for the first time, says Mr Lester. China has recently built a sparkling trade mission down the street from WTO headquarters in Geneva. It has started spending more money on legal advice, say lawyers for major trade-law firms.

  Simon Lester先生表示,在2008年7月于日内瓦召开的多边贸易峰会上,中国首次担任了会议的领导者。

On Friday, Chinese trade officials accused the EU of failing to follow WTO procedure when it raised tariffs on the import of steel fasteners, the technical word for screws and similar parts, earlier this year.


The EU said Chinese companies were benefiting from tax breaks and bargain raw-material costs, then illegally "dumping," or selling below cost, fasteners on the EU market. Chinese prices were 30 per cent to 50 per cent lower, the EU said.


Under WTO law, if domestic companies are losing substantial sales, countries can fight dumping with increases in import tariffs. That is what the EU did in January, hitting Chinese fastener imports with duties of 26.5 per cent to 85 per cent for the next five years. Sales - almost a billion dollars a year - fell off dramatically.


The suit is the first time China has challenged a European antidumping duty at the WTO. Brussels has levied over 140 anti-dumping duties against China since 1979. China filed a similar complaint against the US last year over paper products.


EU officials defended the duties. "Anti-dumping measures are not about protectionism, they are about unfair trade," said Lutz Guellner, a spokesman for the European Commission. "The EU's decision to impose measures was taken on the basis of clear evidence that unfair dumping of Chinese products has taken place with state distortion of raw material prices.”

  欧盟的官员们都赞同征收关税。“反倾销措施不是贸易保护主义手段,而是针对贸易过程中的不公平现象的”,欧盟委员会的发言人Lutz Guellner如此表示。“中国商品由于其原材料价格不符合全球市场均价,在向欧盟国家出口时有违背市场原则的倾销行为,欧盟采取征收进口关税这一措施有事实依据。”

China also petitioned the WTO to launch an investigation of a US ban on chicken imports. Beijing had already announced its intention to launch the suit a month ago. The US has banned the import of Chinese poultry products on health grounds since 2007.


In its suit, Beijing complained Washington was imposing "naked discriminative measures." US officials say they are still studying whether Chinese chicken is safe to eat. China still imports US poultry, mostly feet and other products.





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在就该学一下美国了,建议人大搞一个315法案,学学什么“Safe Card”,顺便每年讨论是不是要给美国“最惠国待遇”,把美军在伊拉克和阿富汗的非人道行径和贸易联系起来。
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