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气坏了!! "The Week"杂志颠倒黑白!!

发表于 2009-8-8 04:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-8-8 12:27 编辑

气坏了!! 这是一篇充满偏见,颠倒黑白的新闻报道,刊登在最新一期的"WEEK"杂志上。


在这一段"发生了什么事? What happened?" 里头写到:
麻烦始于6月底,维族工人强奸几个汉族妇女的谣言引发了一场混战,几百个维族人和几百个汉族人持刀和铁棍互相攻击。2个维族人死亡。为此几百个维族人在新疆首府乌鲁木齐市进行抗议,然后维族人放火烧车,用石块砸碎店铺玻璃。几千个汉人用锤子,棒球棒和桌球杆回击,他们高喊"杀死维族人!! 杀死所有的维族人!!" 有人说维族人被往死里打和很多尸体被烧到无法辨认,而当时警察袖手旁观。警方最终掌握了局势,当形势依然紧张。
What happened?
The trouble began in late June, when a false rumor that Uighur men had raped some Han women sparked a melee involving hundreds of Han and Uighurs, who attacked each other with knives and metal pipes. Two Uighurs died. In response, several hundred Uighurs gathered for a protest march in Xinjiang’s capital city of Urumqi, during which Uighurs torched cars and shattered store windows with stones. Thousands of Han fought back with hammers, baseball bats, and pool cues, yelling, “Kill the Uighurs! Kill all Uighurs!” There were reports of police standing by while Uighurs were savagely beaten, and many bodies were burned beyond recognition. Police eventually brought the riot under control, but the situation remains tense.




The plight of the Uighurs


A remote, little-known people are at the center of China’s worst ethnic violence in decades.


A Muslim Uighur man rests with his two wives and their six children in front of their house at the Buzak Commune. Near Khotan, Xinjiang Province, People's Republic of China. (Earl & Nazima Kowall/CORBIS)
图片说明: 一个穆斯林维吾尔男子和他的两个老婆和六个孩子,在位于新疆和阗布扎公社的家门前。

What’s behind the recent unrest?

A concerted campaign by Beijing to assert control over a restive region that for centuries was dominated by the Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gurs), Turkic-speaking Muslims who migrated from Mongolia. Since the 10th century, the Uighurs have lived in and around the Tarim Basin, a vast, mountain-bound depression in northwest China bordering Tibet. The region’s rugged, arid terrain is so inhospitable that it was one of the last areas on earth to be settled. Historically, the Uighurs were money-changers and merchants who operated along the Silk Road, the legendary trading route between Asia and Europe. But today, most of them—about 10 million—live a harsh, uncertain existence in what is now Xinjiang, about 2,000 miles from Beijing. Last month, China’s worst unrest since the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre left some 200 people in Xinjiang dead and more than 1,000 injured. The killings were the latest result of longstanding ethnic tensions between the Uighurs and the Han, the ethnic group that makes up 92 percent of China’s population.



What happened?

The trouble began in late June, when a false rumor that Uighur men had raped some Han women sparked a melee involving hundreds of Han and Uighurs, who attacked each other with knives and metal pipes. Two Uighurs died. In response, several hundred Uighurs gathered for a protest march in Xinjiang’s capital city of Urumqi, during which Uighurs torched cars and shattered store windows with stones. Thousands of Han fought back with hammers, baseball bats, and pool cues, yelling, “Kill the Uighurs! Kill all Uighurs!” There were reports of police standing by while Uighurs were savagely beaten, and many bodies were burned beyond recognition. Police eventually brought the riot under control, but the situation remains tense.


麻烦始于6月底,维族工人强奸几个汉族妇女的谣言引发了一场混战,几百个维族人和几百个汉族人持刀和铁棍互相攻击。2个维族人死亡。为此几百个维族人在新疆首府乌鲁木齐市进行抗议,然后维族人放火烧车,用石块砸碎店铺玻璃。几千个汉人用锤子,棒球棒和桌球杆回击,他们高喊"杀死维族人!! 杀死所有的维族人!!" 有人说维族人被往死里打和很多尸体被烧到无法辨认,而当时警察袖手旁观。警方最终掌握了局势,当形势依然紧张。

Why are Uighurs under assault?

Beijing wants the Han to control the political and economic levers of Xinjiang, which boasts rich mineral, gas, and oil deposits. Toward that end, Beijing has been systematically crushing Uighur culture—banning the language from schools, forbidding Uighurs from wearing beards and head scarves, and razing large sections of their cities to make way for modern developments. Beijing has also been resettling millions of Han in Xinjiang while moving Uighurs to other areas throughout China—where, the government says, they have better opportunities. Only the Han in Xinjiang receive government perks such as health insurance, housing, and free transportation. Within a few hundred yards of the steel-and-glass towers where many Han live and work, Uighurs dwell in mud-brick homes without running water or sewers. “We all feel the difference,” said Ashan Saidi, who recently lost his job as a street cleaner. “There are seven people in my family. We want to buy an apartment, but we can’t afford it.”
新疆拥有丰富的矿产,天然气和石油储量,北京想要汉人来控制新疆的政治和经济杠杆。为此,北京一直在有系统地破坏维吾尔文化: 包括在学校禁止维语,禁止维吾尔人留胡须和戴头巾,和为了现代发展将他们城市的大量地区夷为平地。北京安置数百万汉族人到新疆的同时,也迁移维吾尔人到中国其他地区,政府说,在那里他们有更好的机会。在新疆,只有汉族得到政府的补贴,如医疗保险,住房和免费交通。在距离钢铁和玻璃建造的高楼(汉族人生活和工作的地方)仅仅几百码,维吾尔人居住在泥砖房里,没有自来水或下水道。 “我们都感觉到不同。 ”阿斯汉赛说,他最近失去了街道清洁工的工作。 “我家里7个人。我们想买房子,但我们买不起。 ”

When did this conflict start?

Its roots extend back to about 1760 in the Qing Dynasty, when China annexed Xinjiang. There were periodic conflicts over the next two centuries, but the region was largely left alone because it was so remote. In 1944, the Uighurs declared Xinjiang’s independence, renaming it East Turkestan—a name that Uighurs still use. But when Mao Tse-tung’s Communists took power in 1949, they regained control of Xinjiang and began resettling large numbers of soldiers there. A second wave of repression occurred in the 1990s, following the breakup of the Soviet Union. Fearful that Xinjiang might get separatist notions of its own, Beijing began labeling Uighurs traitors and terrorists. Violence has flared every few years since then, with the central government cracking down hard.

1760年的清朝,当时新疆是中国的附属国。在之后的两个世纪中冲突不断不时发生,但因为这个地方如此遥远,几乎没人管。 1944年,新疆的维吾尔人宣布独立,改名为"东突厥斯坦",至今维吾尔人仍使用这一名称。但是,当1949年毛泽东的共产党掌权后, 中国重新控制了新疆,并在此安置大批士兵。第二次的镇压浪潮发生在20世纪90年代苏联的解体之后。北京担心新疆可能会分裂成立自己的国家,开始给维吾尔人贴上"叛徒和恐怖分子"的标签。从那时起暴力冲突和中央政府的严厉打击每隔几年就发生一次。

Are the Uighurs separatists?

Some of them are. Whenever blood is spilled in Xinjiang, the state-run media usually pins the blame on what it depicts as sinister forces bent on insurrection. Their favorite target is the World Uighur Congress, an umbrella group of expatriates. There’s also the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which wants to create an independent Islamic state of East Turkestan. The ETIM reportedly has links to al Qaida and has been labeled a terrorist group by both Beijing and Washington. Many Uighurs, though, simply want to be left alone, free to practice their religion and maintain their way of life in their own homeland.


Is that likely?

No. The Uighurs’ future appears grim. Unlike the Buddhist Tibetans, the Uighurs have yet to command the world’s sympathy, in part because they lack a charismatic, globe-trotting, multilingual leader like the Dalai Lama. Some Muslim nations are protesting China’s treatment of the Uighurs—Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has called it “a kind of genocide”—but the Western response has been muted. President Obama urged both sides in Xinjiang “to exercise restraint,” while the European Union declared that the Urumqi massacre was “a Chinese issue, not a European issue.” World Uighur Congress President Rebiya Kadeer, who now lives in Virginia, has been trying to generate support for her people. “Only if the world pays the same attention to Uighurs as to Tibet and Darfur,” she said through a translator, “is there a chance for this to change.”

不。维吾尔族的未来严峻。不同于信仰佛教的西藏人,维吾尔人尚未得到世界的同情,部分原因是他们缺乏一个像达赖喇嘛这样的有魅力,常环游世界,讲多种语言的领袖。一些穆斯林国家抗议中国对待维吾尔族的方式,比如土耳其总理埃尔多安称它是“一种种族灭绝” ,但西方的反应静悄悄。美国总统奥巴马敦促双方在新疆“保持克制” ,而欧盟宣布,乌鲁木齐大屠杀(译者: 注意这个词)是“一个中国的问题,不是欧洲的问题。 ”生活在弗吉尼亚州的世界维吾尔代表大会主席热比娅,一直在努力让人们支持她。 她通过翻译说:“只有当世界象关注西藏和达尔富尔一样关注维吾尔人 ,事情才有转机。 ”

The Uighurs of Guantánamo

Most Americans had never heard of Uighurs until earlier this year, when a small group of them became embroiled in a drama at the U.S. military prison at Guantánamo Bay. The saga of the Guantánamo Uighurs actually began soon after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, in 2001, when Pakistani bounty hunters turned over 22 Uighurs to the U.S. The Uighurs claimed they were in Afghanistan to receive military training in the fight for their people’s “liberation,” not to fight Americans. After keeping them in Guantánamo for years, the Bush administration determined they were neither enemy combatants nor security risks and, in 2006, released five to Albania. A federal judge ordered that the remaining 17 be freed, and in June the Obama administration released four more to Bermuda. The fate of the remaining 13 remains unclear. Congress voted overwhelmingly to prohibit any Guantánamo detainees from being resettled in the U.S., and most countries don’t want them out of fear of offending China. The Pacific island of Palau recently said it would take the Uighurs, though no formal offer has been made. The U.S. has promised Palau an additional $200 million in development aid.


 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-8 04:42 | 显示全部楼层
THE WEEK is a weekly current affairs magazine founded in the United Kingdom by Jolyon Connell in 1995. In April 2001, THE WEEK launched in the United States and in October 2008, an Australian edition was also launched. Felix Dennis and his company Dennis Publishing Ltd. publish all editions.

The magazines provide a digest of the week's news and editorial commentary from a large number of news outlets. Coverage and editorials from multiple political viewpoints are included. In addition to news coverage, THE WEEK gives attention to the arts, with sections on music, film, television, and celebrities.

In September 2007, THE WEEK’s U.S. edition launched a daily website. While the daily website carries the mission of THE WEEK to the Web, unlike the print editions, TheWeek.com features original commentary from such writers as David Frum, Robert Shrum, Will Wilkinson, and Brad Delong.
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-8 04:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-8-8 05:59 编辑

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-8 05:59 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-8 12:01 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-8-8 12:22 编辑

Are the Uighurs separatists?

Some of them are. Whenever blood is spilled in Xinjiang, the state-run media usually pins the blame on what it depicts as sinister forces bent on insurrection. Their favorite target is the World Uighur Congress, an umbrella group of expatriates. There’s also the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which wants to create an independent Islamic state of East Turkestan. The ETIM reportedly has links to al Qaida and has been labeled a terrorist group by both Beijing and Washington. Many Uighurs, though, simply want to be left alone, free to practice their religion and maintain their way of life in their own homeland.



Is that likely?

No. The Uighurs’ future appears grim. Unlike the Buddhist Tibetans, the Uighurs have yet to command the world’s sympathy, in part because they lack a charismatic, globe-trotting, multilingual leader like the Dalai Lama. Some Muslim nations are protesting China’s treatment of the Uighurs—Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey has called it “a kind of genocide”—but the Western response has been muted. President Obama urged both sides in Xinjiang “to exercise restraint,” while the European Union declared that the Urumqi massacre was “a Chinese issue, not a European issue.” World Uighur Congress President Rebiya Kadeer, who now lives in Virginia, has been trying to generate support for her people. “Only if the world pays the same attention to Uighurs as to Tibet and Darfur,” she said through a translator, “is there a chance for this to change.”


不。维吾尔族的未来严峻。不同于信仰佛教的西藏人,维吾尔人尚未得到世界的同情,部分原因是他们缺乏一个像达赖喇嘛这样的有魅力,常环游世界,讲多种语言的领袖。一些穆斯林国家抗议中国对待维吾尔族的方式,比如土耳其总理埃尔多安称它是“一种种族灭绝” ,但西方的反应静悄悄。美国总统奥巴马敦促双方在新疆“保持克制” ,而欧盟宣布,乌鲁木齐大屠杀(译者: 注意这个词)是“一个中国的问题,不是欧洲的问题。 ”生活在弗吉尼亚州的世界维吾尔代表大会主席热比娅,一直在努力让人们支持她。 她通过翻译说:“只有当世界象关注西藏和达尔富尔一样关注维吾尔人 ,事情才有转机。 ”

The Uighurs of Guantánamo

Most Americans had never heard of Uighurs until earlier this year, when a small group of them became embroiled in a drama at the U.S. military prison at Guantánamo Bay. The saga of the Guantánamo Uighurs actually began soon after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, in 2001, when Pakistani bounty hunters turned over 22 Uighurs to the U.S. The Uighurs claimed they were in Afghanistan to receive military training in the fight for their people’s “liberation,” not to fight Americans. After keeping them in Guantánamo for years, the Bush administration determined they were neither enemy combatants nor security risks and, in 2006, released five to Albania. A federal judge ordered that the remaining 17 be freed, and in June the Obama administration released four more to Bermuda. The fate of the remaining 13 remains unclear. Congress voted overwhelmingly to prohibit any Guantánamo detainees from being resettled in the U.S., and most countries don’t want them out of fear of offending China. The Pacific island of Palau recently said it would take the Uighurs, though no formal offer has been made. The U.S. has promised Palau an additional $200 million in development aid.






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发表于 2009-8-8 12:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-8 13:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-8 14:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-8 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 欧洲的猪啰 于 2009-8-8 16:16 编辑
注册真难 发表于 2009-8-8 14:51

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发表于 2009-8-8 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-9 04:59 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/zgz ... content_8401819.htm
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发表于 2009-8-9 10:45 | 显示全部楼层
深感无力。如果西方人总是信那么些错得很明显的报道,我们有什么能力去改变他们呢 1# rlsrls08
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发表于 2009-8-9 10:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-9 21:06 | 显示全部楼层
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