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发表于 2009-8-22 15:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-25 04:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hong_hai_er 于 2009-8-25 04:43 编辑

刚发现索罗斯开放社会基金会有一个美国婆去年在香港大学当助教! 美国婆操流利汉语, 还会到AC中文论坛潜水!

[日期:2008年03月15日 16:44] 来源:新华网  作者:           字体:[ 繁體 大 中 小]














请大家看看, 这只是美国一个"颜色革命排头兵NGO"中的一个"兵"的背景资料 >>>>  

美国婆的自我介绍 :

Rebecca MacKinnon

Click here for my full professional resume.
Back to my blog:Read Global Voices:Contact info:(NOTE:Messages from unknown persons who fail to identify themselves clearly can expect no response.)
    AIM Name: rebmack2004

    Yahoo! ID: rebecca_mackinnon

    Skype: rebeccamack

    GTalk: rebecca.mackinnon
    Email:  rmack (AT) hku.hk


Now: I am currently an Open Society Fellow, working on a book tentatively titled "Internet Freedom and Control: Lessons from China for the World."

I am on leave from my position as Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong's Journalism and Media Studies Centre,where I spent 2007 and 2008 teaching online journalism and conductingresearch related to free expression and the Chinese Internet.
I am an active member of the Board of Directors for Global Voices, an award-winning citizen media community which I co-founded in 2004 with Ethan Zuckerman.

In 2007-2008 I was Project Lead for Creative Commons Hong Kong.
I am also a founding member of the Global Network Initiative, a corporate code of conduct for free speech and privacy.

Prior life as a TV journalist in Asia: Soon aftercollege, after a one-year stint as a Fullbright scholar in Taiwan, Iworked my way up from the very bottom of CNN's Beijing bureau. SomehowI managed to wind up as CNN's Beijing correspondent and Bureau Chieffrom 1998-2001. After that I moved on to be Tokyo Bureau Chief from2001-03.

Transition from TV to Internet: In January 2004 I went on leave from CNN to do a fellowship at the Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policyat Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. My research focus was onblogs and participatory online media, especially as relates tointernational news. After about 3 months at Harvard I resigned from CNNand was invited to stay at Harvard as a Research Fellow at Harvard LawSchool's Berkman Center for Internet and Society,enabling me to evolve from a TV person into an Internet person. Iremained a Berkman Fellow for two and a half years, from mid-2004 untilthe end of 2006.

Selected writings beyond the blog...



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发表于 2009-8-25 04:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hong_hai_er 于 2009-8-25 06:03 编辑

美国婆的专业档案 (2007/1) :

Rebecca MacKinnon

Assistant Professor,Journalism and Media Studies Centre
Eliot Hall, University ofHong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Tel: +852-2219-4005; Fax:+852-2858-8736
Blog: http://www.RConversation.com/


  • Assistant     Professor of journalism at the University of Hong Kong
  • Former     CNN Beijing and Tokyo Bureau Chief with 13 years' journalism experience in     Northeast Asia
  • Co-founder     of the award-winning global citizen media network, www.GlobalVoicesOnline.org
  • Research     Fellow at Harvard Law School's Berkman     Center for Internet & Society


January 2007-present: Assistant Professor, Journalism andMedia Studies Centre, University of Hong Kong. Responsible for "new media" courses. Developing the Centre's online capabilities for teaching and media development. Conducting research and writing on the Internet in China.

December 2004-present: Co-founder of Global Voices Online(www.GlobalVoicesOnline.org) anon-profit global online citizens' media network, funded by Reuters, MacArthur,Hivos and others. Winner in 2006 of the Knight-Batten "Innovations in Journalism Grand Prize."

July 2004- December 2006: Research Fellow: Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard Law School. AsResearch Fellow: conducted research, wrote articles, and lectured about: thefuture of journalism in the Internet age, new media and the Internet in Chinaand Northeast Asia, freedom of speech issues.
Organized a conference on "Blogging, Journalism andCredibility" in January 2005, plus three international bloggers'conferences (yearly, 2004-06).

Spring 2004 Fellow: Shorenstein Center on the Press,Politics & Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, HarvardUniversity. Conducted research and wrote aresearch paper about the impact of new forms of online participatory media oninternational news. Started an experimental weblog on North Korea, www.NKzone.org
(still active). Also wrote and lectured on events inNortheast Asia.


July 2001-December 2003: CNN Tokyo Bureau Chief: Responsible for CNN's news coverage of Japan, inaddition to other Asian assignments. Served as CNN's only on-air correspondent in Japan. Managed a news team of five people. Assignments outside of Japanincluded: Peshawar, Pakistan (2 months post-9/11), Philippines(focus: U.S. war on terror), Korea (North and South).

March 1998-June 2001: CNN Beijing Bureau Chief. Managed a news team of seven people. Conducted thebulk of CNN's on-air China reporting during that period. Set the direction for the network's China coverage as CNN's main China correspondent. Also reported from North Korea on three separate occasions.

World Leaders interviewed: Junichiro Koizumi (Japan);Dalai Lama (Tibet); Pervez Musharraf (Pakistan); Mohammad Khatami (Iran)

March 1997-98: CNN Beijing Producer/Correspondent. Planned and organized CNN's China coverage. Alsoreported on-air in the Bureau Chief's absence, and when news demand was heavy.
March 1996-97: CNN Beijing Producer. Planned and organized CNN's China coverage.
November 1993-March 96: CNN Beijing Associate Producer.
November 1992-93:
CNN Beijing Bureau Assistant.

December 1991-August 1992: Newsweek Taiwan stringer. Wrote stories concerning Taiwan for Newsweek, provided information and did reporting for numerous regional roundup stories which included Taiwan.



  • Columbia     University Journalism School symposium: "Politics and the Internet:     Is the Web Revolutionary?"     Panelist. November 2006.
  • Shorenstein     Center 20th Anniversary Conference: The Future of News, Panelist: ""New Media and News:     Peering Over the Horizon," November 2006.
  • 2nd     Annual Chinese Blogger Conference, Hangzhou, China, Global Voices Panel, Moderator and panel organizer, October 2006.
  • United     Nations 59th Annual DPI/NGO Summit Panel: "The Role of Media and Communications     Policies in Achieving the MDG�s," Panelist. September 2006
  • 4th     Annual Chinese Internet Conference:
    Lunchtime     keynote symposium: Corporate Responsibility and the Internet in China. July 2006.
  • FORTUNE     Brainstorm, Aspen, CO, Panel: China and the Internet. June 2006.
  • Poynter  Institute Seminar: "Making the Global-Local Connection," Lecturer, May 2006.
  • Full bright  Enrichment Seminar, New York, Keynote     Speaker, May 2006.
  • We     Media London:, Global Voices panel     moderator and organizer, May 3-4.
  • TTI     Vanguard "Perspectives on China" Workshop," Consultant and speaker, April 2006.
  • Freedom     of Expression in Asian Cyberspace, Manila, Philippines, April 18-21, 2006, speaker on global     citizens� media and Chinese internet censorship.
  • Taiwan     2nd Annual Bloggers� Conference, Taipei, Taiwan. April 15, 2006. Speaker on Global Voices and     international blogs.
  • Midwest     Media global reporting seminar, Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, March 14 2006, speaker on global citizens�     media.
  • China     and the Internet, Council on Foreign Relations, March 8, 2006, panel moderator.
  • Reuters     "Newsmaker" event on blogs and journalism, London. Jan 30, 2006, panelist.
  • "Cyberpublics"     conference on the future of publice media, Jan 12-13 2006, convened by the Center for Social Media.     Presentation about Global Voices Online.
  • Global     Voices Summit, Dec. 10 2005,     London. Organizer
  • Les Blogs, December 5-6. Panelist on Global Voices and     international citizens media.
  • World Sumit on the Information Society,     Tunisia, Nov. 17-18: Keynote Speaker     and moderator, "Expression     Under Repression" workshop
  • Chinese Blogger Conference,     Shanghai Nov. 5-6: Discussion     moderator (in Mandarin): "Blogging Beyond Borders"
  • Pop!Tech, Camden, ME, Oct. 20-22: Presentation: "China and the Internet:     Change Goes Both Ways"
  • State of Play,
    New York Law School, Oct 6-8: Co-moderator of panel on "virtual world     journalism"
  • We Media Conference, New     York, Oct 5: Panel moderator:     "Activism & Democracy"
  • Overseas     Press Club, June 1st:     Panel on blogging
  • CNN     World Report Conference, Atlanta, May 2005: Televised panel     discussion on blogging and its impact on broadcast journalism.
  • Digital Silk Road:     China Internet Conference, Michigan State University, May 2005: Discussant for presentations on the internet     and political change in China
  • Personal Democracy     Forum, New York, May 2005: moderated     panel on international blogs
  • Blognashville, May 2005:
    Presentation on Global Voices and international blogs
  • International Summit on     Democracy, Terrorism & Security,
    March 2005: Terrorism     and the Internet
    Panelist and     workshop participant.
  • South-by-Southwest, March 2005:
    Spoke on 2 panels: international blogging and online activism
  • World     Economic Forum, Davos, January 2005: Moderated panel     on China's economy, speaker for dinner panel on blogs and new media
  • "Blogging, Journalism &     Credibility" Harvard, January 2005 - primary organizer.
  • Internet &     Society, Harvard Law School, Dec. 9-10 2004 - panelist and workshop participant
  • Forum     Barcelona, September 2004: panelist     and moderator
  • World     Economic Forum China Summit, Beijing, September 2004: moderator and panelist
  • Association     for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2004 Toronto     conference: panelist in session on     blogging and new media, Speaker at side event: "Exploring Fusion     Power of Public and Participatory Journalism" organized by the     Public Journalism Network (PJNet)
  • World     Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos 2004: Moderated panels on Japan's future and the Korean Peninsula


  • Freeman     Visiting Lecturer, Indiana     University School of Journalism and East     Asia Studies Center March 29-April 1, 2004. Spent one full week lecturing to classes in the Journalism and     East Asian Studies departments.
  • Harvard     Asia Center, Spring 2004 lecture on     covering China and Northeast Asia as a CNN correspondent
  • Harvard     Kennedy School: spoke to various     classes and seminars about online media
  • Berkeley     School of Journalism, November 2004: guest lectured     to East Asian Studies students and Digital China class
  • Emerson     College, October 2004,     February 2006: guest lecture on     blogs, new media and the future of journalism
  • Harvard     Law School, November 2004, Fall 2005: lectured     on participatory media to Digital Democracy course; Spring 2004: Brown Bag talk to East Asian Legal Studies     program
  • Harvard     Asia Center, March 2006 panelist: "The     Ethics and Realities of Internet Business in China."
  • University     of Hong Kong, Journalism & Media Studies Centre, November 2006     lecture:
    "Journalism 2.0: The Future of News."


ABC Nightline, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Radio Open Source, Wired, Newsweek,Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Online Journalism Review and many others.


World Economic Forum: Global Leader of Tomorrow 2003. One of 100 accomplished professionals aged 37 and under selected annually to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos,Switzerland for a term of three years.

Fellow, Asian Security Seminar, Center for War, Peace andthe News Media. November 2000. Selected as one of 15 journalists from the United States and around Asia to attend aone-week conference in Honolulu.

September 1991-May 1992: Fulbright scholar in Taiwan. Focus: press and politics in modern Taiwan.Attended graduate courses on Taiwan politics and Taiwan-mainland relations atNational Taiwan University. Worked as an intern at a local Chinese languagenews magazine.


Languages: MandarinChinese (fluent), Japanese (survival), Russian (2.5 years in college), French(high school)

Harvard University.
1991BA Magna Cum Laude in Government.Senior thesis on Russian nationalism.
Editor-in-Chief, Harvard International Review.

Other education: public middle and high schools in Tempe, Arizona. Primary school in Arizona,India (Delhi Public School), Hong Kong (Quarry Bay School), and Beijing, China(Fangcaodi Primary).
(For an online version of this page with live web links,please visit: http://rconversation.blogs.com/about.html)

(Revised January 2007)

美国婆到AC潜水: http://rconversation.blogs.com/rconversation/2009/07/xinjiang-infowar.html

美国婆的博客: http://rconversation.blogs.com/rconversation/
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发表于 2009-8-25 05:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 hong_hai_er 于 2009-8-25 05:25 编辑

这是昨晚找到的, 是美国人写的东西,

汉人在那里有比维吾尔人早近千年历史, 但是也可以被鬼子这样一笔钩销的 >>>

  ( Sinkiang: Chinese : "New Frontier" or "New Territory") .  Formerly
called Chinese Turkestan ( Hui Chiang, Uighur territory), the western
province comprises many cities of the "Silk Road" : Kashgar, Urumchi,

Yarkand, Khotan and the site of Turfan (Qocho) and Dun Huang. It is
also home to the Chinese nuclear test center of Lop Nor.  It contains
the Taklamakan desert and the Tarim river basin.  The northwestern
province of China, Xinjiang borders on Afghanistan, Pakistan and
Kashmir and the Central Asian republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrguztan and
Tajikistan. Xinjiang is inhabited largely by Uighurs (in Chinese Hei
Hui, "Black Hui") , a Turkic people from the Altai who are Muslim.

Xinjiang covers one-sixth of China and the Uighurs and other Muslim
groups living there have been involved in a centuries' long struggle
with the Chinese.
Official Chinese figures put the Uighur and other
Muslim nationalities' population in China at 17.6 million.  This
includes the Uighurs and the Hui, and others. The Hui, although the
word is derived from the word "Uighur", denotes a people who are more
Han than Turkic and most of whom do not live in Xinjiang.  In Xinjiang
the percentage of the population who are Muslims is 48% and Han
Chinese 38%, of Uighurs higher, at 25 million, and say that almost all
th Han Chinese settled in Xinjiang in the last forty eight years,
raising the percentage to its present figure from an original
proportion of 4%.  There are also Uighurs in neighboring Kazakhstan
and Kyrgyztan and Uzbekistan as well.

In 762, a Uighur army liberated the T'ang Chinese eastern capital of
Lo-yang, on the Yellow River, south of Peking.
Among those who
greeted the victors were Soghdian Manichean priests, and the Uighur
leader, the Khagan Mo-yu (Bogu Qan) was converted to Maicheism in an
event which is recorded in a tri-lingual inscription in Karabalghasun
on the river Orkhon in Mongolian. The Uighur ruler became a protector
of Manicheism in Central Asia, including that area which was under
Muslim control, because he threatened to slaughter the Muslims in his
territory if Manicheans were harmed in Khorasan.  In 840 the Uighur
kingdom collapsed in the face of an attack by the Kirghiz, a related
people, and Manicheism which had been allowed temples in the Yang-Tse
basin in China was again proscribed by the Chinese rulers from 843
onward.  Manichean priests were even massacred and dressed to look
like Buddhists om deatj tp re,pve traces of the religion. This came at
a time of weakness of the T'ang dynasty, when Taoism gained over
Buddhism while foreign ideas in art, science and religion penetrated

With the fall of the first Uighur Empire, the Uighurs moved south to
Turfan from their former power base near lake Baikal.  The second
Uighur Empire flourished at Oocho ( Kao-chang) which is moder Turfan,
also a Menichean kingdom at least as far as the ruling elite was

The ruler of Oocho, the Idiqut, was visited by the Sufi al-Hallaj in
the early 10th century.  In the mid-13th century the Tarim basin was
conquered by the Mongols, under whom later.

Islam was to replace Buddhism and Manicheism in the region ever since.

After seventy years of struggles with the Dzungar Mongols, in 1759
Eastern Turkestan was conquered by the Qing dynasty but the local
populations continued to resist the conquerors on and off.
Under the
Manchus there were a number of Muslim revolts in China and wars
against them in 1820-28 (Lanchu), 1830 (Che Kanio), 1847 (Xinjiang),
1857 (Yunan), 1861 (Shansi).  Led by Yaqub Beg, Turkestan became
independent from 1867 to 1877.  In 1884 the region was renamed
Xinjiang and declared China's 19th province.  After the republic of
San Yat Sen in 1912, Turkestand rose in the Qumul rebellion which led
to an independent Turkestan republic in 1933, and from 1944 to 1949.

In the last few years there have been many incidents in the province
indicating resistance to the policy of imposing Chinese language and
cultural dominance.
These include Baren in 1990.  Khoten in 1995 and
Ghulje (Yining) in 1997.  They include alleged arrests of over 57,000
ethnic Uighurs, massacres, and summary executiions of hundreds because
of anti-Han chinese demonstration or activities.

source : The new encyclopedia of Islam

By Cyril Glasse, Huston Smith


About the Author

Born in 1944, Cyril Glasse, author of "TheNew Encyclopedia of Islam", is an American citizen of mainly Russiandescent.

He is currently an international lecturer on comparativereligion, and is preparing a time line of Islamic history (alongsideother works).

He has recently lectured at the University of Saratov,Russia; the Oriental Institutes in St Petersburg and Moscow; at theGrand Mosque, Tashkent; the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore; the University ofCalabria, Italy; the Open Center and Cooper Union in New York; and atLund Sweden.

He is the author of "The Berlitz Guide to Saudi Arabia",editor of "A Pilgrim's Guide to Mecca" for the Hajj Research Center ofKing Abd al-'Aziz University in Jeddah.

His graduate degree in IslamicStudies from Columbia College in 1991 had been preceded 15 yearsearlier with a degree, also from Columbia, in Russian.

As a young man,Cyril Glasse worked in Morocco as a volunteer on a United Nationsdevelopment project. It was in Ouzzanne, the religious center in thefoothills of the Rif mountains in Morocco, and site of age-oldArabo-Islamic institutions, that Glasse converted to Islam.

In the late1960s, he studies there with traditional teachers, and "faqihs".

At thesame period of early life he conversed or studied with the heads ofvarious important mosques and centers of pilgrimmage, including MoulayIdriss Zerhoun, the Imam of the Qarawiyyin,

Sidi Boush'arah (one of thelast surviving representatives of the Shaykh Tayyib Darqawi), SidiAhmad al-'Alawi (of Algeria), and various other "'ulama" (scholars oftheology).

His acquaintanceship and region of studies includedassociation with wandering dervishes and Sufis of various orders. Inparallel, he studied the full range of Western academic authorities onIslam (and the other major religions), in the five langauges of whichhe has a fluent command. From this period Glasse has continued totravel extensively throughout the Islamic world, attending spiritualcenters in Maurentia, Algeria, Egypt, Turkey, Arabia, India, Pakistan,Indonesia, and the republics of Central Asia.

He has an intimateacquaintance with Mecca. From 1972-1978 his main residential base wasSwitzerland, as editor of an international journal. He now lives inNew York City, with his wife and son.

不管介绍得他多么有头有面, 单是读他写新疆那一个词条就看出他如果不是不认真, 那就一定是别有用心的了!

( Sinkiang: Chinese : "New Frontier" or "New Territory") .  Formerly
called Chinese Turkestan ( Hui Chiang, Uighur territory), the western
province comprises many cities of the "Silk Road" : Kashgar, Urumchi,
Yarkand, Khotan and the site of Turfan (Qocho) and Dun Huang.  


开始第一句就说: 新疆在中文的意思是新的边疆, 新的领土,  

之前叫 Chinese Turkestan 中国突厥斯坦,  

这个西部省份包括许多丝绸之路的城市: 喀什,乌鲁木齐, 莎车,和田和吐鲁番和敦煌遗址。

这本书的另一个作者是一位美犹学者 Huston Smith,

Huston Smith

Huston Smith
BornMay 31, 1919(1919-05-31)
Soochow, China
OccupationAuthor and Professor of Religion
Known forAuthor of The World's Religions
Spouse(s)Kendra Smith

很老的了, 90高龄,  父母是保守基督教派Methodist (循道会) 派来中国传教的教士,  还要是一百年前来华的帝国主义传教士,  他对世界数大宗教全都深入研究, (英文版)不同宗教书籍许多都是他写的或者跟人合作写的


宗教/ 宗教史领域的话语权和解释权都被他占领了! 控制了人们的所见所闻, 就可以控制人们的所思所想!

The New Encyclopedia of Islam
这样的垃圾书变成学者做研究的权威工具书/ 参考书, 还要卖到US$120.95  一本!  o055)



Smith has devoted his life to the study of Christianity, Islam, Judaism,Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism. He believes in them all.

  • Huston Smith                                        From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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发表于 2009-8-29 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
hong_hai_er说的Rebecca MacKinnon应该就是曾经来AC做过访谈的CNN前驻北京首席记者。

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发表于 2009-8-29 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
这些书主要不是卖给个人的, 是卖给图书馆, 大学图书馆的, 这个影响更为深远, 所以才会这么贵, 装高档!  


手法就是谎言混着真话来讲新疆的 (有点像纽约时报),

一开头就说: "新疆, 前身为突厥斯坦, 是中国最大的行政部门,覆盖该国总面积的六分之一"  

Xinjiang, formerly known as Turkestan, is China's largest administrative unit, covering about one-sixth of the total area of the country.

要有这样的声明才可以顺理成章否定汉人在新疆的合法性, 一笔抹去维吾尔人出现以前我们汉人在新疆的那一千年的历史 !
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发表于 2009-9-6 17:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-9-6 22:25 | 显示全部楼层
耳冉子 发表于 2009-8-13 13:37

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