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Tibetans Intelligence is far more than Buddism

发表于 2009-8-15 14:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Stevenyaung 于 2009-8-20 01:14 编辑

I think the Tibetans are very good and suited  at  singing the european classic musice like what Dorje Tsering did because they live in the high-altitude plateau with very thin air where make them  sing an extreamly high voice with  a deep and grave effect in nature.

You know there are lots of Tibetans' names like Dorje Tsering.For example ,One persone named  Dorje Tsering was the former minister of Ministry of Civil Affairs.

That Dorjie Tsering I metioned is very prefessional in singing  European Classic Music who got very good music instructions in European Classic Music  from Madam Jiangying.Dorjie Tsering is also very popular in the circles of  European Classic music .

Maybe Most of People are not very familiar with Jiangying.But I think every body knows Qian Xuesheng ,the Missle father of China ,who has made very contribution to China's Astronics and airspace Technology.

Qian xuesheng is the husband of Madam Jiangying .

I also think there are lots of people who are very familiar with Jiang Baili who is a very famous military specialist in the time of Republic of China(ROC) and who  metioned the theory of protracted warfare of anti-Janpanese invassion at first time which is much earlier than the protracted warfare theory that Mao Tsedong created in 1938 .

Jiang baili is the father of Jiangying.

May major thinking is that The Tibetans' intelligence is far more than Tibetan Buddism and traditional  Tibetan arts.Tibetans progressed very fast since China  opened to the outside world in 1978 .Tibetans will get very progress and step into modernization with other ethnic Chinese together .This can not be realized  without Communist Party ,This cannot be realized if Tibet is still under  the rules of Dala Lama and Tibetan BUddism along.

I also ever saw a TV program in which the  exlusive  painter of the 10th Panchen Lama introduced his  new technics of Tibetan paintigs which mainly focused on titles or items in TIbetan Monasteries. He ever made his private paintings' show in the west world and many western people felt very surprised because they never saw this kind of Tibetan paintings before.This Panchen's Painter said the Tibetan arts is the arts which is in the rapid period of developement rather than a living fossil.

So TIbetan Buddism will turn into more monasterized and common TIbetans will enjoy more and more new changes in their socity.I firmly believe that the Tibetan culture ,Tibetan arts and their thinkings and intelligences will be fully presented to the whole China and the whole world in the near future apart from Buddism.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-15 14:57 | 显示全部楼层
who can help me make the translation of this article into Chinese?
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发表于 2009-8-15 15:24 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-15 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 dorje 于 2009-8-15 17:33 编辑
I think the Tibetans are very good and suited  at  singing the european classic musice like what Dorje Tsering did because they live in the high-altitude plateau with very thin air where make them  si ...
Stevenyaung 发表于 2009-8-15 14:34

Some good points here. I definitely agree with you on Tibetan culture and Tibetan arts which are getting more and more popular and catching people's attention in the world.However ,I am also wonder,what do you know about Tibetan Buddhism ,I bet you must assume Tibetan Buddhism is evil and dangerous,associating them with secret societies and Satanism,right? Hoho~not only you but also most of Han-Chinese people in mainland China have the same idea. I think it's wrong to stereotype Tibetan Buddhists as extremists and conservatives.

Ummm....anyway,I don't want to make it sounds like something serious, but something worth thinking about. Maybe my message  wasn't clear, you were expected to read some Tibetan books on history and should know what really happened in Tibetan of the past hundred years .
By the way ,promoting ethnic and social harmony in China is most Tibetans' wishes.
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发表于 2009-8-15 17:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 音乐盒 于 2009-8-15 18:41 编辑

楼主此文原回复在dorje的索朗扎西 - 姑娘我爱你帖子内,现单独成帖。试翻译如下:







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发表于 2009-8-15 18:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 音乐盒 于 2009-8-15 18:10 编辑



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发表于 2009-8-15 18:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-15 18:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 音乐盒 于 2009-8-15 18:20 编辑


发布时间: 2009年04月30日 10:47















    到纽约后我又了一个艺术家学位。在纽约市是比较有名的三所学院之一,叫Manage MusicSchool(音),这个学位花了我两年的时间。老师非常好,是声乐教育家,在美国也非常有名,叫RoseFocon(音)。在他的介绍下找到了经纪人,之后就开始了我在纽约的职业演唱家的生涯。











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发表于 2009-8-15 21:15 | 显示全部楼层

看“圆明园”这部片子,感触良多,英法烧杀抢掠时竟发现圆中是有英国之前表示友好相赠的洋 ...
音乐盒 发表于 2009-8-15 18:04
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发表于 2009-8-15 23:58 | 显示全部楼层
I agree with dorje on his comments about Tiebtan Buddism. The Tibetan Buddism is a treasure of humanities, including cultures, religion, philosophy, psychology, logic and sciences; it is the heritage of a long-standing tradition embedded with some greatest human minds. This tradition had been isolated from mainstream modernization and therefore misunderstood by many people. The overall human experiences will be greatly enriched if the modern people can discover and understand more from this tradition.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-16 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Stevenyaung 于 2009-8-20 01:12 编辑
Some good points here. I definitely agree with you on Tibetan culture and Tibetan arts which are getting more and more popular and catching people's attention in the world.However ,I am also wonder, ...
dorje 发表于 2009-8-15 17:08

I have a little study on the history of Tibetan buddism.But I do not do deep researchs on Tibetan buddism itself .       I ever read the book-----"the shadow of Dala Lama",in which the author gave very serious critism on Tibetan Tantrism.But I think the author's critism is too extreme and insane.Anyway I have some kind of understanding about Tibetan Buddism.

Traditionally Tibetan monasteries are the only resource of  arts ,intellengence and knowledge before 1950s because Tibetan Monastery is just like a Buddism school  or college  that Melvin Goldstein ever stated in his book----"THe Demise of Lamaist state" and monopolied the thinkings of the entire Tibetan socity before 1959.

So you know I understand some kind of Tibetan buddism and culture.To be true I also read the book ----"Tibet:a political history" writed by Wangchuk Deden  Shakabpa who is formal Tsibon in Kashag government before 1959.

I here want to list the four sects of TIbetan buddism----Nyingmapa,Sakyapa,Karmapa(sorry,should be “Kagyupa”) and Gelugpa.I also have some knowlege on the inner structure of Tibetan Monastery before 1959.Both Tibetan Buddism and Northern Buddhism belong to Mahayana.BUt TIbetan tantrism is more like Vajra .So Tibetan Tantrism is very special to Tibetans themselves.I think only very few people know about Tibetan tantrism including Tibetans themselves.

I am not new here.You can read my message dilivered by me---- " 达赖喇嘛--评论时用注意的地方"  that I show my capability on the translation of some words between Chinese language and English language concerning about the Tibet.

我是 中国 的汉族人。我会用中文和英语。下次我将使用中文。
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-16 12:28 | 显示全部楼层
音乐盒 ,谢谢你 非常 精准的 翻译
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-16 13:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Stevenyaung 于 2009-8-16 16:39 编辑


what i want to say is that It is very normal that there are many Han Chinese who do not know the Tibetan Culture and History.Even many Han Chinese themselves do not know the history of CHina very much. I think most of Tibetans also do not know the history of China .

THe basic and fundamental thing is that history is and will be always develping toward right direction.It is only the question that how long the Tibetans will be fully intergrated into the whole China with their own properties still being preserved very well.Chinese socity is not like the US socity which is typical imigration socity which make people easy to be intergrated.So I think Tibetans should make more efforts to intergrate into Chinese socity and the whole world and let the people in the world know that Tibetan culture is not  always old ,traditional and Buddism-monopolied,but also new and keeps up with the time.

I think Tibetans should look forward and do not strengthen too much on history.After all both cultures of Tibetans and Han chinese have fundamental similarities.For example,religionly both Han Chinese and Tibetan Chinese believe Buddism even though Han chinese do not have deep trust on Buddhism like Tibetans because most of them  believe reality more than Buddhism which is far from reality when it comes to the practical life.

Common Han Chinese do not hate Buddhism, so does Tibetan Buddhism.What common Han chinese hate is that Buddhism is being involved into politics that is not the tradition of Northern Buddhism.So I think Tibetan BUddhism was and  is involved into Politics too much.Especially 14th Dala lama took part in too much political activities that makes Han chinese have some kind of misunderstanding on Tibetan Buddhism.

The key is in TIbetans themselves,especially on 14th Dala Lama himself.If Dala Lame continues to involve in politics,Han Chinese will have more misunderstanding on TIbetan Buddhism.THe good thing  is that  Panchen Lama is still there in Tibetan buddhism which let people  and Han Chinese see the different face of TIbetan Buddhism.

Han Chinese in fact do not see the person according to  their race which is a long tradition of common Han Chinese.This is why China change so fast and rapidly in the past 30 years.Han CHinese can learn anthing from other peoples including Tibetan Chinese.

I do not know whether Dorge know my views above or not .I hope you understant that.I hope you can see the relationship between Han CHinese and TIbetan Chinese from a deeper and wider angle and do not trap into the angle of race and do not trap too much on the thinkings of many westerners because  Han Chinese have their own philosophy which is very maturated.Even from the angle of race,Han chinese and Tibetan Chinese are the same.The difference is ethnics and only ethnics.I hope you can have a little bit of  thinking from a Han CHinese's aspect.
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发表于 2009-8-16 19:06 | 显示全部楼层

what i want to say is that It is very normal that there are many Han Chinese who do not know the Tibetan Culture and History.Even many Han Chinese themselves do not know the history of CHina  ...
Stevenyaung 发表于 2009-8-16 13:26

Yep, we should look into the future instead of always living in the past. We should extensive communicate with each other just like now. What’s the more,  We should seek common ground while reserving differences. We should respect and understand for the cultural differences between two peoples. Anyway, without respect for people of different ethnics or religions, how can we have a peaceful and harmonious society? And without a harmonious society, how can there be the necessary economic development and atmosphere conducive to spiritual happiness and self-realization?

The world is constantly in flux, and continually changing, especially in this era of Internet. Misinformation and strategic propaganda is losing ground everyday as the common person becomes more aware and more educated every minute.

Having said that, However, I agree with your some points,  Whatever nationality we are, Whatever background we are, we are all Chinese, that is enough.Again, promoting ethnic and social harmony in China is most Tibetans' wishes.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-16 19:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Stevenyaung 于 2009-8-16 19:48 编辑
Yep, we should look into the future instead of always living in the past. We should extensive communicate with each other just like now. What’s the more,  We should seek common ground while reservi ...
dorje 发表于 2009-8-16 19:06





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发表于 2009-8-16 23:33 | 显示全部楼层
I donot think reading books like "the shadow of Dala Lama", "THe Demise of Lamaist state", would give you any idea about the spiritual achievements of Tibetan Buddhism. They are highly political, and politics is not everything about Tibetan Buddhism.

possibly the book by 舍尔巴茨基  will give you some impression about the Tibetan buddhism.
http://www.amazon.cn/mn/searchAp ... 4%E8%8C%A8%E5%9F%BA
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-16 23:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Stevenyaung 于 2009-8-17 00:56 编辑
I donot think reading books like "the shadow of Dala Lama", "THe Demise of Lamaist state", would give you any idea about the spiritual achievements of Tibetan Buddhism. They are highly political, and  ...
袭明 发表于 2009-8-16 23:33



本身佛教是个好东西,不过跟政治结合起来就糟糕了。这就是我看那些书籍的原因。当然那本阿佩阿旺晋美说的喜欢cut history的"西藏政治史"(前亲英和支持独立的原噶厦孜本夏格巴所著述)。当然平措次仁写得西藏史也值得看一下。这些都有利于我了解西藏历史的真实。



大乘佛教强调 佛由心生,普渡众生
小乘佛教强调 佛由心生,超度自身
藏传佛教 就 大大变形了,原因是其跟政治权力结合太深,特别是其密教太过于神秘.神秘的宗教仪式太多。


比如来说,最简单的 14th 达赖喇嘛居然 以“抓阄”的方式 决定他自己的前途,决定噶厦政府的政策,这简直就是草菅西藏人民的前途。当然西藏佛教对于普通的藏民也有非常积极的贡献,因为西藏是个人口很稀少的地方,他们需要佛教来净化他们的心灵。当然,藏传佛教也是利用这一点来统治它的人民。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-18 21:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Stevenyaung 于 2009-8-18 21:50 编辑


本身佛教是个好东西,不过 ...
Stevenyaung 发表于 2009-8-16 23:51







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发表于 2009-8-18 22:28 | 显示全部楼层


越南在抗美救国时,有些和尚以自焚来表示抗议,这其 ...
Stevenyaung 发表于 2009-8-18 21:46


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-18 22:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Stevenyaung 于 2009-8-18 23:14 编辑
dorje 发表于 2009-8-18 22:28

我是 通过 不同佛教徒在国家和社会面临危机的时候,特别是外国入侵的时候的表现而对于大乘佛教和小乘佛教的一些区别做简单的解释。



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