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翻译亚洲时代 揭露中央情报局支援鞑.赖.团伙的报道

 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-29 23:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
亚洲时代 揭露中央情报局支援鞑.赖.团伙的报道

Tibet, the 'great game' and the CIA
中 情 局和西藏大赛

作者 理查M本尼特(Richard M Bennett)


同样,由于藏人的精神领袖鞑 赖 喇嘛和美国情报部门50多年来的密切合作,
有线索(表明)这次骚乱是在美国中央情报局的涉及下,由鞑 赖 喇嘛资助和掌控的。

中 情 局密切参与自 由 西 藏运动,而且此机构资助的自由亚洲电台神奇地知道详细的内情,因此任何骚乱看起来都实在不象是在中 情 局事先不知情的情况下策划和实施的,甚至(骚乱)有可能是得到了坐落在郎格雷城(Langley)的中 情 局总部国家秘密服务处(前称是行动委员会)的批准。

著名的专栏作家,前印度高级情报官员B. 喇曼(Raman)在3月21日评论说,根据目前各种迹象,已经可以合理的推测,3月14日的起义的开始,是有预谋、有指挥的。


早在在1956年,为对抗中共开始进入西藏,中 情 局就指挥了一个大规模的策反行动。这次行动导致了1959年灾难性的血腥起义,造成了数万藏人丧生。鞑 赖 喇嘛带着10万部下被迫穿越喜马拉雅山的陡峭关口,逃到印度和尼泊尔。

中 情 局在美国科罗拉多州(Colorado)里德维里(Leadville)附近的海尔营地
为鞑 赖 喇嘛的抵抗战士建立了一个训练营地,由中 情 局训练和装备藏族游击队进行游击战和破坏行动,来对抗中共,

在美国训练的游击队在有中 情 局雇员领导和支持的情况下,每隔一段时期就进入藏区进行袭击。最初的集训在1961年12月结束。然而科罗拉多的营地至少在1966年以前还没有关闭。

罗格E麦克卡提(Roger E McCarthy)创建了中 情 局的西藏差遣队,协助藏族游击队,进行代号为ST马戏的活动,来骚扰中国人西藏驻军。活动持续了15年,一直到1974年,官方的停止批准(这一活动)


在60年代中期,中 情 局变换了战略部署,不再用降落伞投放游击战士和间谍,而是以尼泊尔的木寺塘(Mustang)为基地,建立了一只有大约2000卡巴族(Khamba)战士组成的陆军游击队。

尼泊尔政府在北京的强大压力下,于1974年关闭了这个基地。在1962年印中战争爆发后,中 情 局在西藏训练和提供间谍方面,和印度情报局发展了密切的关系。

肯尼-康贝(Kenneth Conboy )和詹姆斯-茉莉森(James Morrison)合著了一本书《中 情 局在西藏秘密战争》,书中透露中 情 局和印度情报局合作训练和武装藏人间谍,并且一起建立了空中侦察机构,比如航空研究中心和特种兵中心等等。


随着印度和北京关系改善,中 情 局和印度关系才开始淡漠,导致中 情 局和印度大多数配合行动结束。


前中 情 局官员维克多-马彻其(Victor Marchetti)描述了很多前线特务在华盛顿最终撤除行动时候的愤慨情景,还说有数人甚至为了得到安慰,竟去做西藏式的祷告,这些藏式祷告是他们在和鞑 赖 喇嘛相处的岁月中学会的。

约翰-肯尼-瑙斯(ohn Kenneth Knaus)在1958-1965年期间担任前西藏差遣队的队长,用他的话来说:“这又不是中 情 局自己暗中搞鬼”并且说“率先开始的是整个美国政府”


尽管中 情 局没有公开的支援,到处都有谣言说他们用代理人参与1987年10月失败的叛乱。这次动荡随之而来的结果,是中国人的镇压一直持续到1993年。

择机在下一次重大行动中动摇中国统治的,符合中 情 局的想法,毫无疑问,郎格雷城总部不会排除任何手段。



中 情 局认为中国在“反恐战争”中没有用,基本上不提供合作,中国西部的穆斯林地区武器和人员涌入阿富汗和中亚诸国支持伊斯兰极端运动,(中国)也没有做什么有益的事情去阻止


在这场愈演愈烈的叛乱中,毫无疑问,中 情 局会确保不留下自己的指纹,对尼泊尔和印度北部的流亡藏人将会使用代理人单线联系

中 情 局的确期待尼泊尔、印度的治安机构都高度支持,并且给抵抗运动提供指导、资金,还有最重要的,就是宣传。但是直到动荡之前,一直没有可靠的迹象表明这次暴 动 会演变成藏族公开大规模地对着汉族和回族平民施暴,而且也没有迹象表明武器会出现。

有报道说,在过去30年中,大量前东欧阵营的小型武器和炸药被偷运到西藏。但这些武器好象仍被隐藏起来,直到时机成熟才会冒出来。这些武器是从被美国和以色列从世界各地市场或者仓库中截获而来的,几经转手,变得来路不明,不能沿着线索追到中 情 局。这类武器还有一个好处,就是可以和中国武装力量的武器兼容,自然弹药也是相同的的,在未来的冲突中,解决了(消耗后)补给的问题

尽管中 情 局30年前就结束了对西藏抵抗运动公开支援,但一直保持联络,并仍在为大量西藏 自 由 运动中提供资助这样看来,中 情 局是否又一次在去参加“西藏大赛”呢?


所以很可能答案是,对,如果中 情 局在西藏放弃机会不参与,那实在是太怪了。这是一直花钱要做的事情。


对华盛顿和中 情 局来说,这是天赐良机(让他们)创立**势力重要的操纵杆,而伤害美国利益的风险却极小,根本就是有赚无赔的买卖。

中国政府会因继续镇压、侵犯人 权,受到世界范围的谴责,而将来在街上丧生的是藏族青年,而不是身穿制服的美国孩子。


在中国中央政策的远景中,西藏 自 由 运动要获得重大进展几乎没有什么可能。也没有什么机会从他们的家乡摆脱中央的控制。



北京政权官方描述这次是是支持鞑 赖 的反对派爆发了短暂动荡,可是他们反应却象是面对了真正巨大规模的叛乱,担心美国、应该和其他西方国家会把西藏描绘成另一个科索沃,可能是部分原因。



发表于 2008-3-29 23:55 | 显示全部楼层





 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-29 23:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-3-30 01:00 | 显示全部楼层
Tibet, the 'great game' and the CIA
By Richard M Bennett

Given the historical context of the unrest in Tibet, there is reason to believe Beijing was caught on the hop with the recent demonstrations for the simple reason that their planning took place outside of Tibet and that the direction of the protesters is similarly in the hands of anti-Chinese organizers safely out of reach in Nepal and northern India.

Similarly, the funding and overall control of the unrest has also been linked to Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, and by inference to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) because of his close cooperation with US intelligence for over 50 years.

Indeed, with the CIA's deep involvement with the Free Tibet Movement and its funding of the suspiciously well-informed Radio Free Asia, it would seem somewhat unlikely that any revolt could

have been planned or occurred without the prior knowledge, and even perhaps the agreement, of the National Clandestine Service (formerly known as the Directorate of Operations) at CIA headquarters in Langley.

Respected columnist and former senior Indian Intelligence officer, B Raman, commented on March 21 that "on the basis of available evidence, it was possible to assess with a reasonable measure of conviction" that the initial uprising in Lhasa on March 14 "had been pre-planned and well orchestrated".

Could there be a factual basis to the suggestion that the main beneficiaries to the death and destruction sweeping Tibet are in Washington? History would suggest that this is a distinct possibility.

The CIA conducted a large scale covert action campaign against the communist Chinese in Tibet starting in 1956. This led to a disastrous bloody uprising in 1959, leaving tens of thousands of Tibetans dead, while the Dalai Lama and about 100,000 followers were forced to flee across the treacherous Himalayan passes to India and Nepal.

The CIA established a secret military training camp for the Dalai Lama's resistance fighters at Camp Hale near Leadville, Colorado, in the US. The Tibetan guerrillas were trained and equipped by the CIA for guerrilla warfare and sabotage operations against the communist Chinese.

The US-trained guerrillas regularly carried out raids into Tibet, on occasions led by CIA-contract mercenaries and supported by CIA planes. The initial training program ended in December 1961, though the camp in Colorado appears to have remained open until at least 1966.

The CIA Tibetan Task Force created by Roger E McCarthy, alongside the Tibetan guerrilla army, continued the operation codenamed ST CIRCUS to harass the Chinese occupation forces for another 15 years until 1974, when officially sanctioned involvement ceased.

McCarthy, who also served as head of the Tibet Task Force at the height of its activities from 1959 until 1961, later went on to run similar operations in Vietnam and Laos.

By the mid-1960s, the CIA had switched its strategy from parachuting guerrilla fighters and intelligence agents into Tibet to establishing the Chusi Gangdruk, a guerrilla army of some 2,000 ethnic Khamba fighters at bases such as Mustang in Nepal.

This base was only closed down in 1974 by the Nepalese government after being put under tremendous pressure by Beijing.
After the Indo-China War of 1962, the CIA developed a close relationship with the Indian intelligence services in both training and supplying agents in Tibet.

Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison in their book The CIA's Secret War in Tibet disclose that the CIA and the Indian intelligence services cooperated in the training and equipping of Tibetan agents and special forces troops and in forming joint aerial and intelligence units such as the Aviation Research Center and Special Center.

This collaboration continued well into the 1970s and some of the programs that it sponsored, especially the special forces unit of Tibetan refugees which would become an important part of the Indian Special Frontier Force, continue into the present.

Only the deterioration in relations with India which coincided with improvements in those with Beijing brought most of the joint CIA-Indian operations to an end.

Though Washington had been scaling back support for the Tibetan guerrillas since 1968, it is thought that the end of official US backing for the resistance only came during meetings between president Richard Nixon and the Chinese communist leadership in Beijing in February 1972.

Victor Marchetti, a former CIA officer has described the outrage many field agents felt when Washington finally pulled the plug, adding that a number even "[turned] for solace to the Tibetan prayers which they had learned during their years with the Dalai Lama".

The former CIA Tibetan Task Force chief from 1958 to 1965, John Kenneth Knaus, has been quoted as saying, "This was not some CIA black-bag operation." He added, "The initiative was coming from ... the entire US government."

In his book Orphans of the Cold War, Knaus writes of the obligation Americans feel toward the cause of Tibetan independence from China. Significantly, he adds that its realization "would validate the more worthy motives of we who tried to help them achieve this goal over 40 years ago. It would also alleviate the guilt some of us feel over our participation in these efforts, which cost others their lives, but which were the prime adventure of our own."

Despite the lack of official support it is still widely rumored that the CIA were involved, if only by proxy, in another failed revolt in October 1987, the unrest that followed and the consequent Chinese repression continuing till May 1993.

The timing for another serious attempt to destabilize Chinese rule in Tibet would appear to be right for the CIA and Langley will undoubtedly keep all its options open.

China is faced with significant problems, with the Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province; the activities of the Falun Gong among many other dissident groups and of course growing concern over the security of the Summer Olympic Games in August.

China is viewed by Washington as a major threat, both economic and military, not just in Asia, but in Africa and Latin America as well.

The CIA also views China as being "unhelpful" in the "war on terror", with little or no cooperation being offered and nothing positive being done to stop the flow of arms and men from Muslim areas of western China to support Islamic extremist movements in Afghanistan and Central Asian states.

To many in Washington, this may seem the ideal opportunity to knock the Beijing government off balance as Tibet is still seen as China's potential weak spot.

The CIA will undoubtedly ensure that its fingerprints are not discovered all over this growing revolt. Cut-outs and proxies will be used among the Tibetan exiles in Nepal and India's northern border areas.

Indeed, the CIA can expect a significant level of support from a number of security organizations in both India and Nepal and will have no trouble in providing the resistance movement with advice, money and above all, publicity.

However, not until the unrest shows any genuine signs of becoming an open revolt by the great mass of ethnic Tibetans against the Han Chinese and Hui Muslims will any weapons be allowed to appear.

Large quantities of former Eastern bloc small arms and explosives have been reportedly smuggled into Tibet over the past 30 years, but these are likely to remain safely hidden until the right opportunity presents itself.

The weapons have been acquired on the world markets or from stocks captured by US or Israeli forces. They have been sanitized and are deniable, untraceable back to the CIA.

Weapons of this nature also have the advantage of being interchangeable with those used by the Chinese armed forces and of course use the same ammunition, easing the problem of resupply during any future conflict.

Though official support for the Tibetan resistance ended 30 years ago, the CIA has kept open its lines of communications and still funds much of the Tibetan Freedom movement.
发表于 2008-3-30 01:01 | 显示全部楼层
So is the CIA once again playing the "great game" in Tibet?

It certainly has the capability, with a significant intelligence and paramilitary presence in the region. Major bases exist in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and several Central Asian states.

It cannot be doubted that it has an interest in undermining China, as well as the more obvious target of Iran.

So the probable answer is yes, and indeed it would be rather surprising if the CIA was not taking more than just a passing interest in Tibet. That is after all what it is paid to do.

Since September 11, 2001, there has been a sea-change in US Intelligence attitudes, requirements and capabilities. Old operational plans have been dusted off and updated. Previous assets re-activated. Tibet and the perceived weakness of China's position there will probably have been fully reassessed.

For Washington and the CIA, this may seem a heaven-sent opportunity to create a significant lever against Beijing, with little risk to American interests; simply a win-win situation.

The Chinese government would be on the receiving end of worldwide condemnation for its continuing repression and violation of human rights and it will be young Tibetans dying on the streets of Lhasa rather than yet more uniformed American kids.

The consequences of any open revolt against Beijing, however, are that once again the fear of arrest, torture and even execution will pervade every corner of both Tibet and those neighboring provinces where large Tibetan populations exist, such as Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan.

And the Tibetan Freedom movement still has little likelihood of achieving any significant improvement in central Chinese policy in the long run and no chance whatever of removing its control of Lhasa and their homeland.

Once again it would appear that the Tibetan people will find themselves trapped between an oppressive Beijing and a manipulative Washington.

Beijing sends in the heavies
The fear that the United States, Britain and other Western states may try to portray Tibet as another Kosovo may be part of the reason why the Chinese authorities reacted as if faced with a genuine mass revolt rather than their official portrayal of a short-lived outbreak of unrest by malcontents supporting the Dalai Lama.

Indeed, so seriously did Beijing view the situation that a special security coordination unit, the 110 Command Center, has been established in Lhasa with the primary objective of suppressing the disturbances and restoring full central government control.

The center appears to be under the direct control of Zhang Qingli, first secretary of the Tibet Party and a President Hu Jintao loyalist. Zhang is also the former Xinjiang deputy party secretary with considerable experience in counter-terrorism operations in that region.

Others holding important positions in Lhasa are Zhang Xinfeng, vice minister of the Central Public Security Ministry and Zhen Yi, deputy commander of the People's Armed Police Headquarters in Beijing.

The seriousness with which Beijing is treating the present unrest is further illustrated by the deployment of a large number of important army units from the Chengdu Military Region, including brigades from the 149th Mechanized Infantry Division, which acts as the region's rapid reaction force.

According to a United Press International report, elite ground force units of the People's Liberation Army were involved in Lhasa, and the new T-90 armored personnel carrier and T-92 wheeled armored vehicles were deployed. According to the report, China has denied the participation of the army in the crackdown, saying it was carried out by units of the armed police. "Such equipment as mentioned above has never been deployed by China's armed police, however."

Air support is provided by the 2nd Army Aviation Regiment, based at Fenghuangshan, Chengdu, in Sichuan province. It operates a mix of helicopters and STOL transports from a frontline base near Lhasa. Combat air support could be quickly made available from fighter ground attack squadrons based within the Chengdu region.
The Xizang Military District forms the Tibet garrison, which has two mountain infantry units; the 52nd Brigade based at Linzhi and the 53rd Brigade at Yaoxian Shannxi. These are supported by the 8th Motorized Infantry Division and an artillery brigade at Shawan, Xinjiang.

Tibet is also no longer quite as remote or difficult to resupply for the Chinese army. The construction of the first railway between 2001 and 2007 has significantly eased the problems of the movement of large numbers of troops and equipment from Qinghai onto the rugged Tibetan plateau.

Other precautions against a resumption of the long-term Tibetan revolts of previous years has led to a considerable degree of self-sufficiency in logistics and vehicle repair by the Tibetan garrison and an increasing number of small airfields have been built to allow rapid-reaction units to gain access to even the most remote areas.

The Chinese Security Ministry and intelligence services had been thought to have a suffocating presence in the province and indeed the ability to detect any serious protest movement and suppress resistance.

Richard M Bennett, intelligence and security consultant, AFI Research.

(Copyright 2008 Richard M Bennett.)
发表于 2008-3-30 01:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-30 04:17 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-31 19:41 | 显示全部楼层
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'great game' 通常被翻译成“大博弈”
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