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[翻译完毕] 【路透社,09.9.14】Classes Resume In Riot - Turn City Of Urumqi, China

发表于 2009-9-18 23:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Classes Resume In Riot - Turn City Of Urumqi, China  


Published: September 14, 2009

Filed at 9:23 a.m. ET

BEIJING (Reuters) - Classes resumed at primary and middleschools in the far western city of Urumqi, the Xinhua news agency said, aftersome were closed for up to 10 days following a panic over alleged needleattacks.

A police warning about syringe stabbings led to hundreds ofpeople reporting attacks with needles in early September, when schools openedfor the fall semester after bloody ethnic riots by minority Muslim Uighurs in July.

About 600 people reported they were attacked with needles,often on crowded buses, but only just over 100 showed any sign of injury.Parental anxiety about sending children to school alone may have contributed tothe reports of attacks, many on women and children.

The city is now trying to contain outbreaks of the H1N1flu, which Chinese health authorities have warned can spread quickly amongchildren at schools.

Han Chinese took to the streets on September 3, demandingthe resignation of regional party secretary Wang Lequan for failing to ensuretheir safety. Many in the crowds cited having to accompany their children toschool and take other precautions as part of the reason for theirdissatisfaction, in addition to concern about a lack of information on trialsfor the rioters.

(Reporting by Lucy Hornby; Editing by Bill Tarrant)




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