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【2009.07.02 美国连线杂志】中国想用“杀手锏”来削弱美国霸权(有点YY的文章)

发表于 2009-9-29 16:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China Looks to Undermine U.S. Power, With ‘Assassin’s Mace’
【登载媒体】连线杂志The Wired
China Looks to Undermine U.S. Power, With ‘Assassin’s Mace’

By David Hambling
作者:David Hambling


Could China wipe out an American military advantage with a simple black box? Joshua Cooper Ramo’s thought-provoking book The Age of the Unthinkable challenges all kinds of conventional thinking about everything from venture capital to military strategy. One section caught my eye in particular, about how the Chinese might neutralize American air superiority, using a type of weapon known an “Assassin’s Mace.” The specific device in question is an unassuming little case; how worried should we be?


U.S. airpower depends on the ability to overcome surface-to-air missile (SAM) defenses, and one of the key weapons for this role is the AGM-88 High Speed Anti-radiation Missile (HARM), which homes in on radar emissions. (You can see them, under the F/A-18’s wings in the picture, above.) The defenders can either turn off their radar, thus blinding themselves, or have it destroyed. This is where the black box that Ramo found at a military trade show in Zhuhai in 2002 comes in:

美国的制空权基于对防空导弹(萨姆导弹)的防御能力,实现这种防御的关键武器之一是AGM – 88,一种高速反辐射导弹(哈姆导弹),它是靠发射雷达波导引的。(你可以在上面图中F/A-18的翅膀底下看到它们。)守卫者不是得关闭导弹的雷达装置从而使导弹失去目标,就是得摧毁它。这就是黑盒子的功能,雷默在2002年珠海举行的军事贸易展(译者:指的是珠海航展)中发现了它:

“…packed inside were several thousand microtransmitters and when you plugged the device in and turned it on, it broadcast signals - 10,000 of them - on the frequency of a SAM site. From the perspective of an American pilot - or , more precisely, the perspective of his HARM missile looking for a ‘lock’ on a SAM radar signal - this meant an air-to-ground picture that looked like 10,001 SAM signals, only one of which was real…”

“……里面装有几千个微型发射器。当你接通电源并打开它时,它开始发射频率和萨姆防空导弹发射装置一样的信号——10,000 多个信号。从一名美国飞行员的角度——或者更准确地说,从他的哈姆导弹的角度来看——这就意味着从空中看到的地面上有10001个萨姆系统的信号,其中只有一个是真的……”

Ramo suggests that if defenders have these black boxes then the U.S. aircraft would be helpless against enemy SAMs, and air superiority would be lost at stroke.


This is just one example of Beijing’s “Assassin’s Mace” family of weaponry that’s been much discussed in both Chinese and American military circles. The Pentagon defines the Maces as technologies that might afford an inferior military an advantage in a conflict with a superior power. In this view, an Assassin’s Mace is anything which provides a cheap means of countering an expensive weapon. Other examples might include Chinese anti-satellite weapons, which might instantly knock out U.S. space assets, or a conventional ballistic missile, designed to take out a supercarrier and all its aircraft in one hit. It’s an interesting contrast to the perspective of the American arms industry, which can end up spending vast amounts countering low-tech, low-cost threats like mines and IEDs.


Why “Assassin’s Mace?” A club-type weapon sounds like a rather unsuitable weapon for an assassin. The actual Chinese term is Sha Shou Jian (literally “killing hand club”), which refers to a pair of short wooden or metal rods used as a martial arts weapon. Jian” normally denotes a long Chinese sword but Sha Shou Jian are blunt and heavy. They could be concealed in the long sleeves of court robes and used to make surprise attacks — hence the association with assassins.

为什么这种武器要叫“杀手锏”呢?这种大棒子(锏)听起来不像是适合杀手的武器。实际的中文名称是“Sha Shou Jian”(字面意思即“杀、手、锏”),指的是一对木制或金属制作为武术兵器使用的短棒。“锏”通常是指中国式长剑,但是杀手锏既钝且重。它们可以藏在长袍的大袖子里用来偷袭——因此和杀手联系了起来。 (译者:我感觉……作者还是没太弄清这个杀手锏是个啥,主要是因为英文翻译的不对。英文直译成“刺客用的大棒子”,实际上这个词应当一个字一个字的解释,这里的“杀手”和刺客没啥关系,指的是“必杀绝技”。建议他去读读隋唐演义。)

And although some Western commentators like the New Atlantis claim that the meaning of the assassin’s mace “remains elusive, ” it’s no mystery to Mandarin speakers. Sha Shou Jian a popular expression used by sports commentators, businessmen and even in romantic advice columns. Alastair Johnston of Harvard University criticizes the way Washington pundits want to make the Assassin’s Mace “mysterious and exotic”: it’s simply the decisive, winning quality. In sports, the Assassin’s Mace may be the key goal-scorer; in business, it’s any quality that puts you ahead of the competition; in love, it might be the subtle smile that wins over the object of your affections. Johnston suggests that a fairly idiomatic translation would be “silver bullet” and that the concept behind it is less fiendishly oriental than is often supposed.

虽然有些西方评论家,比如新亚特兰蒂斯,认为杀手锏的含义“仍然很难让人理解”,但是对于讲普通话的人来说这没什么神秘的。“Sha Shou Jian”是一种流行的表达方式,体育评论员、商人、甚至是浪漫的咨询专栏都在用它。哈佛大学的阿拉斯泰尔·约翰斯顿批评华盛顿的学者希望使杀手锏罩上“神秘感和异国情调”的方式:它只不过指的是一种决定性的取胜手法。在体育方面,杀手锏可能是一名关键射手;在商业上,它是可以使你在竞争中领先的所有手段,在爱情中,它或许是助你赢得感情对象的微妙的微笑。约翰斯顿认为更地道的翻译是“silver bullet(银子弹)”,“杀手锏”的实际含义并不像人们通常认为的那样具有东方邪恶的色彩。

Ramo (who speaks Mandarin) — is more concerned with the potential threat from these devices. But is the black box intended to stop HARM so dangerous? I was not so sure: Danger Room covered new HARM upgrades a few months back and the makers seemed relaxed about dealing with countermeasures. So I asked Ramo if he really thought the Chinese were ready to take on the Air Force.


I have to say I did ask some people about U.S. HARM technology and the general answer was that they are pretty confident that the sort of ECM [electronic countermeasure] system on sale at Zhuhai they have now found a solution for – which the Chinese probably know and that’s why they were selling it,” said Ramo. “And I think frankly that the box I saw was probably an early attempt that has now been passed by not only by better anti-HARM spoofs but also by a much more sophisticated integrated air-denial operational plan that includes a wide variety of tactics where ECM is complemented by space weapons, cyber, and other system-level attacks. ”


So the box itself may not be a HARM-killer. However, Ramo sticks very much to his original thesis about the Chinese approach to warfare.


The point I was trying to make with the box was the way in which asymmetric power does allow cheap things to undo expensive ones — to introduce both the idea of the “Assassin’s Mace”(which I think fits many asymmetric systems) and to lead into some of the technological oscillations behind Offense/Defense balance, which I get into later on…. the best Assassin’s Maces are still secretly guarded and definitely aren’t for sale — at least not yet.”


So the good news is that U.S. air power still rules — and that Iran can’t buy “Assassin’s Mace” technology from China to cancel it out. The bad news is that this situation might change at any time.


[Photo: U.S. Navy]




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  【拼音】shā shǒu jiǎn











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