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【2009.10.02 洛杉矶时报 】共产中国庆祝诞生60年

发表于 2009-10-4 13:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-10-4 18:03 编辑

【原文标题】Communist China celebrates its 60th anniversary
【登载媒体】洛杉矶时报 Los Angeles Times

Communist China celebrates its 60th anniversary

By Barbara Demick

October 2, 2009

Reporting from Beijing - At the end of a gala Thursday celebrating communist China's 60th anniversary, President Hu Jintao and his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, got down from their rostrum and joined hands with the dancers in Tiananmen Square.


It was a symbolic gesture designed to soften the image of a remote and authoritarian leadership that had been reinforced by a military parade earlier in the day.


But the day of festivities was like that, full of contrasting images and a hodgepodge of sometimes contradictory slogans. The People's Liberation Army paraded the weapons of war -- missiles, fighter jets, tanks -- while commentators in the official media waxed on about the nation's love of peace.


Slogans about "democracy," "reform," "opening up" and "a new era of progress" were at odds with the way they were spelled out by 80,000 Beijing students, who appeared less like human beings than pixels in a digital photo as they lifted colored pompoms to form Chinese characters. The depersonalizing technique has been discredited in recent years because of its associations with North Korea's dictatorship.


Propaganda extolled the harmonious relationship between China's ethnic groups, but there were few minorities at the event. Dancers dressed in colorful headdresses and costumes appeared to be Han Chinese masquerading as ethnic minorities.


Security around Beijing was extraordinarily tight because of fears of terrorism or protests by Uighurs and Tibetans.


"Xinjiang people show their appreciation by happily singing and dancing," intoned a commentator from China radio without a trace of irony, referring to the western region where at least 200 people were killed and thousands injured July 5 in China's worst ethnic rioting in decades.


The military parade celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Communist Party's rise to power was billed as the largest ever in China, but its staging followed the hackneyed formulas of parades past. There were the same formations of goose-stepping soldiers and the floats looked like they'd barely been refurbished from the 1980s, with replicas of cows and tractors publicizing agricultural achievements.


"Socialism with Chinese characteristics," a concept developed by the late Deng Xiaoping in 1984, was the phrase heard most often in official commentary.


The leadership watched from high above, on a rostrum in front of the Forbidden City, from which Chinese emperors used to hand down edicts. When Hu ventured out to review troops, he glided past in a 21-foot-long limousine with an open roof so that he protruded like the severed upper half of a statue. His body was almost entirely immobile as he intoned repeatedly into five microphones on the limousine's roof,"Tongzhimen hao" -- "Greetings, comrades."

领导们高高在上,在故宫前端的观礼台观看阅兵,而故宫是中国皇帝下发诏书的地方。当胡锦涛冒险去检阅部队,他坐着21英尺的敞篷加长车滑行,使他看起来像一尊只有上半身的雕像。当他对着车上的5个麦克风反复说,“同志们好” ,“欢迎,同志们”的时候,他的身体几乎完全不动。

The evening gala was more joyous, bringing back some of the glitz of last year's Olympics. Film director Zhang Yimou, who staged the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies, designed a spectacular display of fireworks that looked like 60 candles. The vast expanse of Tiananmen Square was filled with dancers, many of them holding colored lights. It appeared that fewer than 10,000 people observed the festivities live, with everyone else ordered to watch on television. Authorities closed many hotels and evacuated nearby residents.


Technicians used cloud-seeding measures the night before to deliver a rain shower that cleared the air. The result was the sky repainted a Technicolor shade of blue rarely seen in nature (at least not in Beijing) and the air so unusually clear that spectators in the viewing stands complained afterward of sunburn.


译者注: 该新闻刊登在两家报纸上:洛杉矶时报和芝加哥论坛报。内容和标题稍有不同。红字是多的部分。

洛杉矶时报: 共产中国庆祝诞生60年
Communist China celebrates its 60th anniversary

芝加哥论坛报: 中国庆祝共产主义国庆
China celebrates anniversary of communism

BEIJING -  -- At the end of a gala Thursday celebrating Communist China's 60th anniversary, President Hu Jintao and his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, got down from their podium and joined hands with the dancers in Tiananmen Square.

It was a symbolic gesture designed to soften the image of a remote and authoritarian leadership that was reinforced by a military parade earlier in the day.

But the day of festivities was like that, full of contrasting images and slogans.

The People's Liberation Army paraded the weapons of war -- missiles, fighter jets, tanks -- while official commentators on television and radio waxed on about the nation's love of peace.

Even as propaganda extolled the harmonious relationship among China's ethnic groups, there were few minorities at the event. Security around Beijing was extraordinarily tight because of fears of terrorism or protest by Uighurs and Tibetans.

The military parade was billed as the largest in Chinese history, but its staging followed the formulas of parades past with the same formations of goose-stepping soldiers.

For the evening ceremony, film director Zhang Yimou, who staged the Olympics opening and closing ceremonies, designed a spectacular display of fireworks that looked like 60 candles celebrating China's birthday. The vast expanse of Tiananmen Square was filled with dancers. There appeared to be genuine smiles on their faces as the camera panned through the crowd.

Nothing was left to chance, including the weather. Technicians used cloud-seeding measures the night before to deliver a shower that cleared the air.

The result was an October day with the sky turned a Technicolor shade of blue and the air so uncannily clear that spectators in the viewing stands complained afterward of sunburn.




 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-4 13:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-10-4 14:29 编辑


"Genuine smiles"........You're kidding me.

I'm not even Chinese (I'm Australian-Chinese, so obviosuly you can't say I'm brainwashed right?) and I'm as happy as ever to know that my home land has come so far.

We Chinese certainly do not need any Westerners extolling the virtues of democracy and preaching human rights. Sure China was bad 40-50 years ago, but that's history, things are changing everyday for the better.

What peeves me most is that Western journalists whenever they report something positive (eg. last year's Olympics Beijing), they seem to have a habit/need of ending it with the typical template of "but China's population are still ruled by a brutal repressive regime".

I'm telling you, and no doubt the 1.4 billion Chinese will also tell you that IT'S NOT TRUE. of course SOME are repressed (just like any nation on earth), but the majority if given the opportunity to choose between having a multi-party state and the Communist Party of China, they would 100% choose the CPC.

By the way, you might find this amazing, but my family was purged by the CCP denounced as land owners....we're now living in Australia but we visit CHina every year and support the CCP. No point explaining to some people why because they'll never get it, but China wouldn't have any other party rule right now at this point in time other than the CCP.

andrewj86 (10/02/2009, 3:15 AM )










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发表于 2009-10-4 13:46 | 显示全部楼层
我靠~~~ 这是我见过的最恶心的一篇报道。。。洛杉矶时报。。记住了
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发表于 2009-10-4 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
celebrating communist China's 60th anniversary,

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-4 14:30 | 显示全部楼层
celebrating communist China's 60th anniversary,

考古 发表于 2009-10-4 14:15

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发表于 2009-10-4 22:48 | 显示全部楼层
我靠~~~ 这是我见过的最恶心的一篇报道。。。洛杉矶时报。。记住了
支持一下 发表于 2009-10-4 13:46

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