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【09.10.01 经济学人】中国在世界上的地位

发表于 2009-10-7 13:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【原文标题】China's place in the world
【登载媒体】经济学人 n(

The People's Republic at 60
China's place in the world

Oct 1st 2009
From The Economist print edition


The world has accepted that China is emerging as a great power; it is a pity that it still does not always act as one


FOR a country that prides itself on its “peaceful rise”, it was an odd way to celebrate a birthday. The People’s Republic of China marked its diamond jubilee on October 1st with a staggering display of military muscle-flexing (see article). Goose-stepping soldiers, tanks and intercontinental ballistic missiles filed through Tiananmen Square, past the eponymous Gate of Heavenly Peace, where, 60 years ago, as every Chinese schoolchild is taught (wrongly, it now seems), Mao Zedong declared that the Chinese people had “stood up”.


For many Chinese, daily life remains a grim struggle, and their government rapacious, arbitrary and corrupt (see article). But on the world stage, they have never stood taller than today. China’s growing military, political and economic clout has given the country an influence of which Mao could only have dreamed. Yet Chinese officials still habitually complain that the world has not accepted China’s emergence, and wants to thwart its ambitions and “contain” it. America and others are trapped, lament these ascendant peaceniks, in a “cold-war mentality”. Sometimes, they have a point. But a bigger problem is that China’s own world view has failed to keep pace with its growing weight. It is a big power with a medium-power mindset, and a small-power chip on its shoulder.


Seventy-six trombones and better nukes


Take that spectacular parade. What message was it meant to convey to an awestruck world? China is a huge, newly emerging force on the world scene. And it is unapologetically authoritarian, as were Japan and Prussia, whose rises in the late 19th century were hardly trouble-free. Nor is China a status quo power. There is the unfinished business of Taiwan, eventual “reunification” with which remains an article of faith for China, and towards which it has pointed some 1,000 missiles. There is the big, lolling tongue of its maritime claim in the South China Sea, which unnerves its South-East Asian neighbours. And China keeps giving reminders of its unresolved wrangle with India over what is now the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which it briefly overran in 1962. Nor has it reached agreement with Japan over disputed islands.


China’s intentions may be entirely peaceful, but its plans to build aircraft-carriers are shrouded in secrecy and it is modernising its nuclear arsenal. A modicum of anxiety about its ambitions is more than just cold-war paranoia. And those prey to it will have been reassured neither by the October 1st parade nor by the massive military build-up and the increasingly sophisticated home-grown weapons technology it flaunted.


None of this is to deny that China is playing a constructive—and vital—role on a number of international fronts. A year ago there was much scepticism about whether the huge fiscal boost it announced for its economy was genuine. Its insistence that its main role in responding to the crisis would be to keep China’s economy growing smacked of an excuse for inaction. The stimulus, however, did prove real and effective (though it was imposed without debate). Also, China has been a helpful part of the global recovery effort. At last month’s G20 summit in Pittsburgh it even signed a communiqué committing itself to a process of economic co-operation and IMF-assisted mutual assessment. How far China’s decision-making, opaque even to its own officials, will be submitted to outside scrutiny is questionable. But for a government so fiercely insistent on the inviolability of its own sovereignty, this was a big step.


It has also softened this same principle as applied to some of its nastier diplomatic friends, such as Myanmar and Sudan. Flouting its hallowed doctrine of “non-interference”, it has nudged them into slightly less hostile stances towards the West. North Korea would probably not be a nuclear power today if China had been prepared to exert more pressure on it in the past. But at least China now plays host to the six-party process aimed at getting it to ditch its nukes, and is trying to bring it back to the negotiating table. Wen Jiabao, the prime minister, is off to Pyongyang on October 4th. Elsewhere, China has forsaken belligerence for courtship. Despite those missiles, it at present seems more intent on winning Taiwan by sending tourists to buy it than soldiers to conquer it. And it has agreed with Japan on the joint exploration of some disputed gasfields.


Yet as a constructive international partner in multilateral diplomacy, China still seems to dabble—to pick and choose the issues where it is willing to help. It will find expectations running ahead of it: the more it proves it can contribute, the more will be demanded of it. There is no shortage of issues, from climate change to virus-containment, where its role is crucial. But the image that it would like to cultivate, as a responsible, unthreatening, emergent superpower, is constantly being undercut by two of its leaders’ habits.


One is the knee-jerk resort to hysterical propaganda and reprisals when a foreign country displeases it by criticising its appalling treatment of political dissidents, or accepts a visit from the Dalai Lama or other objects of the Communist Party’s venom. The other is its readiness to put its perceived economic self-interest ahead of strategic common sense. That is the message from its reluctance to contemplate sanctions against Iran. Much as it would abhor a nuclear-armed Iran, China does not want to jeopardise important supplies of oil and gas. And this is merely one among many countries, especially in Africa, where China may be suppressing its global political influence for the mirage of energy security.


Were you watching, Mrs Wang?


China’s leaders rightly point out that theirs is still a poor country which will naturally give priority to lifting its economic development. And this in one sense answers the question about the message conveyed by the National Day parade: its main audience was not the outside world, but China’s own people. With no popular mandate, the government’s legitimacy relies on its record in making China richer and stronger. The display of strength, showing how well it has done in this, hints at its own lack of confidence. For those worried about where China’s rise might lead, that the government is so insecure is not a comforting thought.


(小编提示:经济学人的网站上,这篇文章的读者评论已经连续几天列“最多评论”排行榜的首位了,读者对该文争议蛮大的,大家有兴趣可以去看看。另外这篇文章的翻译难免有错误之处,希望大家帮我指正,谢谢!o3O89) )




 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-7 14:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-10-7 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
Mrs Wang
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-7 14:37 | 显示全部楼层
Mrs Wang
zyzcncn 发表于 2009-10-7 14:21

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发表于 2009-10-7 15:01 | 显示全部楼层

注释China’s place in the world

数学让人晕晕的(显然与昨晚那位说数学是休息时拿出来顺便翻翻的学姐不是一个级别的 ...),思维短路中想到了这期的the economist 还没浏览,迅速download然后第一眼看到毛爷爷的相片,心想外国人这次应该艳羡一把中国阅兵吧,厄...看来这个思想的瞬间我是yy了。。。
注:我观点的对立面是整个西方社会而不仅仅是作为economist 的创刊地英国。
The People's Republic at 60   (红色是文章中的固有色,看来某些人拍马屁的功夫也发挥到了极致,但不好意思,我还是看到了你们一边摇尾巴一边狂吠的样子。)
China's place in the world
Oct 1st 2009
From The Economist print edition

The world has accepted that China is emerging as a great power; it is a pity that it still does not always act as one  (第一句话的has accepted 很有意思,既然接受中国为 great power的现实,但为什么又“still does not always ”呢?如果逻辑上没有什么问题的话,我就可以这样说:“我承认你们已经是有道德的人,你们的社会已经是文明的社会,但只是可惜,你们不总是这样的。”)

FOR a country that prides itself on its “peaceful rise”, it was an odd way to celebrate a birthday.(odd way ?我还觉得你们中有些国家总统宣誓后阅兵odd呢。还有,一个以和平崛起而自豪的国家,你们认为应该怎样庆祝国家的生日?再有,我告诉你,“五年一小庆,十年一大庆”也是国际惯例吧,用你们的话说是“tradition”,这次明白了吗?(╯﹏╰)估计你们还是不明白...崩溃) The People’s Republic of China marked its diamond jubilee on October 1st with a staggering display of military muscle-flexing .(staggering?是吗?貌似我了解的是阅兵的大多数武器装备只是所谓的“三代”,你们好多国家的不已经是“四代”了吗?难道在你们认为,中国人的武器只有停留在拿着木棍、锄头的阶段,你们才能不惊讶?) Goose-stepping soldiers, tanks and intercontinental ballistic missiles filed through Tiananmen Square, past the eponymous Gate of Heavenly Peace, where, 60 years ago, as every Chinese schoolchild is taught (wrongly, it now seems), Mao Zedong declared that the Chinese people had “stood up”.For many Chinese, daily life remains a grim struggle, and their government rapacious, arbitrary and corrupt. (开始了猛烈攻击,接招。我承认自己的国家里有不和谐的声音出现,但这些问题你们这些国家里是不是也有?更何况难道你不知道锦涛同志提出要构建和谐社会么?对于一个国家性质的事务,你不要用一个月或一年的时间的标准来对我们指手画脚行不?虽然我们的制度比你们优越,你们认为我们能用很短的时间把这些问题搞定给你们指出光明的道路,但不要着急嘛,事情发展的总有一个过程,这个过程所遵循的客观规律你们不曾经并且也同样正在经历么?所以我们也是需要一些时间的,至于时间是多长,我实话告诉你,我也不知道。不过我们会尽快的做好这些事情给你们树立榜样的~另外提醒一句,“资本主义从出生那天就注定是要灭亡的”——马克思这话时说给你们听的,知道么?)But on the world stage, they have never stood taller than today. China’s growing military, political and economic clout has given the country an influence of which Mao could only have dreamed. Yet Chinese officials still habitually complain that the world has not accepted China’s emergence, and wants to thwart its ambitions and “contain” it.(难道不是吗?看见以前你揍过的家伙现在一天天比你强壮,你当然不会乐意。这些恐怕都是你的常态的畸形反应,你们这是怕招报应知道不?当然,我们中国是文明的国家,我们的成长叫“和平崛起”,和平,知道么?60年里,除了几次刀驾到脖子上的自卫,我们有和别人打过架么?而你们所谓的和平是什么?拿着导弹朝别人家院子里投,砸死了人毁了房子抢了东西,到最后还说是为了“维护世界和平”) America and others are trapped, lament these ascendant peaceniks, in a “cold-war mentality”. Sometimes, they have a point. But a bigger problem is that China’s own world view has failed to keep pace with its growing weight. It is a big power with a medium-power mindset, and a small-power chip on its shoulder.(我不得不承认你的英语比我好,最后的比喻很漂亮,这里我甚至可以同意你的看法。我们的确需要更快的前进,但这是我们自己的想法,和你们没关系。这样就有个矛盾的东西需要我们来解决:每天夜色即将到来的时候你总是非常兴奋带你出去散步,但问题是我们每走一小步,你就要表示你的不满并且叫唤“你们还要走啊,这次危机都是你们搞出来的”,停下来吧,你们又会感到更加不舒服——“快点走吧,我快被你勒死了”,这样矛盾的想法我们也就忍了,问题是你狂吠知道吗?这让我们坚定了继续在你们脖子上套根绳的想法,理由是为了世界和平。)
Seventy-six trombones and better nukes

Take that spectacular parade. What message was it meant to convey to an awestruck world? China is a huge, newly emerging force on the world scene. (为什么是force这个词呢?我们想显示的是仅仅是捍卫和平的决心和国家的综合国力,这个仅仅是power知道吗?你们那tmd系统,那个才叫force) And it is unapologetically authoritarian, as were Japan and Prussia, whose rises in the late 19th century were hardly trouble-free. (吼吼,你居然把法西斯性质的东西与我们联系起来,我真的要大笑三声哈哈哈哈。难道你是历史盲,当年我们是反抗法西斯的中坚力量,现在,我们当然也是反对法西斯的重要国家。用心险恶!)Nor is China a status quo power. There is the unfinished business of Taiwan, eventual “reunification” with which remains an article of faith for China, and towards which it has pointed some 1,000 missiles. (你知道台湾问题上中国的立场还真是不错,但中间有细节我想必须澄清一下,那传说中的1000枚导弹是为了不让你们插足我们的内政而竖的,对于自己的同胞我们显然不会动用武力)There is the big, lolling tongue of its maritime claim in the South China Sea, which unnerves its South-East Asian neighbours. (南海问题的确需要解决,但这是我们与亚洲国家的问题,好像和你们无关吧。但我们很失望,为什么你们中的一些开着船大摇大摆的到我们家门口驱而不散呢?行为很发指,品德很无赖。)And China keeps giving reminders of its unresolved wrangle with India over what is now the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh, which it briefly overran in 1962. (在这里我只能告诉你,印度瘪三我们一直在忍。再就是keeps giving reminders...不是我们在提醒他,是他挑衅我们很久了,印度那个散播什么“涂鸦门”的媒体不是已经受到自己国内的法律制裁了么?还有貌似印度的国防部长对于媒体的失事报道不是多次恼火么?看来你的消息不灵通啊,唉。。。多上上网易吧,再推荐一下网易的盖楼活动)Nor has it reached agreement with Japan over disputed islands.(这就叫领土完整性的不可侵犯性,懂否?)

China’s intentions may be entirely peaceful, but its plans to build aircraft-carriers are shrouded in secrecy and it is modernising its nuclear arsenal. (再这样说我们,我明天就要上你们家造航母的地方和核武库旅游!)A modicum of anxiety about its ambitions is more than just coldwar paranoia. And those prey to it will have been reassured neither by the October 1st parade nor by the massive military build-up and the increasingly sophisticated home-grown weapons technology it flaunted. None of this is to deny that China is playing a constructive—and vital—role on a number of international fronts. A year ago there was much scepticism about whether the huge fiscal boost it announced for its economy was genuine. (小人之心度君子之腹的事情还好意思自己拿出来说,现在看到我们政府的做法了没有)Its insistence that its main role in responding to the crisis would be to keep China’s economy growing smacked of an excuse for inaction. The stimulus, however, did prove real and effective (though it was imposed without debate)(我猜想你这个作者应该是不会看经济数据的,但是还是想告诉你,中国实行的积极财政政策至少现在看来是经济复苏的重要保障,至于你的怀疑,我只能理解为嫉妒). Also, China has been a helpful part of the global recovery effort.At last month’s G20 summit in Pittsburgh it even signed a communiqué committing itself to a process of economic co-operation and IMF-assisted mutual assessment. How far China’s decision-making, opaque even to its own officials(笑死我了,如果国家的政策连官员都不知道那怎么执行呢?我猜测你说的是还没发布所以官员不知道吧?再者,我们愿意同国际组织合作并且有意识的去加强合作以及评估在合作中的效率,有问题吗?这不是那次会议的成果吗?如果我们不和你们玩,不签这些东西,你恐怕会叫的声音更大而不像这般有气无力吧?), will be submitted to outside scrutiny is questionable. (又是一次质疑,前面的质疑难道还不能说明问题吗?)But for a government so fiercely insistent on the inviolability of its own sovereignty, this was a big step.(要不是如此坚决的坚持自己主权的神圣不可侵犯性,这会是一大进步。你NC?)

It has also softened this same principle as applied to some of its nastier diplomatic friends, such as Myanmar and Sudan.(不管我们怎么看待外交朋友与你们无关,nastier这样的词语应该是你们自己的观点。但话说回来,我们一直在坚持周总理在1953年提出的和平共处五项原则)Flouting its hallowed doctrine of “non-interference”, it has nudged them into slightly less hostile stances towards the West. (拜托,这个是干涉别国内政么?我们只是希望事情好好的发展,希望世界和平,不要杀戮,不要战争。知道什么叫干涉内政吗?西藏世界你们公开的支持达赖,7.5事件你们公开扭曲事实,每年那烦人的所谓的白皮书,还有台湾问题...这是干涉内政。如果我们劝朝鲜回到六方会谈上来是干涉内政,那你们促进巴以和谈是不是也在干涉呢?当年你们进军伊拉克是不是呢?现在仍然在阿富汗的土地上驻军是不是呢?当年你们侵略亚洲国家是不是呢?)North Korea would probably not be a nuclear power today if China had been prepared to exert more pressure on it in the past. (可耻啊,居然把别国怎么发展核武器的原因归结到我们国家头上,那我可以说如果早些年你们给伊朗压力,伊朗现在是不是就不发展核武器了呢?)But at least China now plays host to the sixparty process aimed at getting it to ditch its nukes, and is trying to bring it back to the negotiating table.(你们还知道没有中国你们会更加麻烦啊!)Wen Jiabao, the prime minister, is off to Pyongyang on October 4th. Elsewhere, China has forsaken belligerence for courtship. (现在我可以告诉你,金正日已经宣布可以接受多方会谈,当然,包括六方会谈。然后我也要告诉你,中国和朝鲜是好邻居,我们也希望朝鲜繁荣富强,我们每年有很多无偿的对朝援助,中国不仅仅在六方会谈上可以有所作为,在朝中友好关系上也同样有所作为)Despite those missiles, it at present seems more intent on winning Taiwan by sending tourists to buy it than soldiers to conquer it. And it has agreed with Japan on the joint exploration of some disputed gasfields. (当然,和平解决台湾问题一直我国国家领导人的心愿,也是所有中华儿女的心愿。我们现在正处在最好的时代,所以我们要勇于也要善于抓住这次契机,让台湾同胞真切感受自己是中华名族大家庭里的一员,真诚地希望台湾早日回到祖国的怀抱。另外东海油气田的进展让我们看到了在处理与邻国的问题上所存在的共同点和双方共同努力创造的弹性环境,这也向世人表明,中国人有能力处理好自己的事情,而你们西方,站一边去。)

Yet as a constructive international partner in multilateral diplomacy, China still seems to dabble—to pick and choose the issues where it is willing to help. It will find expectations running ahead of it: the more it proves it can contribute, the more will be demanded of it. (不知道恶意的中伤原来还可以发挥到如此境界,真的很后悔自己不能拥有如此登峰造极的捏造技能去抨击你们。中国在犹豫?我告诉你,这不叫选择性的去承担,也不是害怕奉献越多需要的帮助更多,我们是一个发展中国家,我们还有很多人吃不饱穿不暖,但是我们是以一个负责任的态度加入到国际事务中来的。你们说我们选择干一些事情,没错,因为我们有自知之明,那些我们干不了的事情我们为什么要逞能呢?我们做了力所能及的事情,这本身就是对世界的贡献,近年来我们也积极地派军队加入联合国组织的维和部队去国外帮忙修筑工事,我们也派遣军舰进驻索马里护送商人,我们也积极地削减温室气体排放,我们也全力防止各种突发的疾病扩散...难道你还要说我们小心翼翼,说我们犹豫考虑?告诉你们,我们正在努力的融入到国际社会)There is no shortage of issues, from climate change to virus-containment, where its role is crucial. But the image that it would like to cultivate, as a responsible, unthreatening, emergent superpower, is constantly being undercut by two of its leaders’ habits.

One is the knee-jerk resort to hysterical propaganda and reprisals when a foreign country displeases it by criticising its appalling treatment of political dissidents, or accepts a visit from the Dalai Lama or other objects of the Communist Party’s venom. (我不知道你们是真不知道还是装傻,达赖喇嘛等一群分裂分子打着宗教的旗号,至始至终干的都是分裂国家领土的勾当。他们试图分裂中国,阻碍中国的完整统一,而你们中的一些人很显然是别有用心,天天用他们的事情来谈所谓的中国人权问题。告诉你们,领土不可侵犯是任何国家的基本底线,我们不可能超越底线,另外所谓的人权我也告诉你,我们已经不止在一次的多次重申,只要达赖不搞分裂,我们可以和坐下来谈,现在我还要再次申明,只要达赖愿意放弃祖国分裂的行径,我们依然可以坐下来和他谈。)The other is its readiness to put its perceived economic self interest ahead of strategic common sense. That is the message from its reluctance to contemplate sanctions against Iran. Much as it would abhor a nuclear-armed Iran, China does not want to jeopardise important supplies of oil and gas.(同伊朗我们是正常的贸易关系,我们一直就是反对伊朗持有核武器,我们也一直致力于外交途径解决伊朗问题,我们希望国际社会保持克制,如果制裁伊朗,不仅仅对我国的资源引进不利,从某种意义上来说更是整个国际社会的失败。如果能在联合国框架下解决伊朗核问题,为什么要选择制裁这种不人道的方法呢?你们平时的道德、文明呢?) And this is merely one among many countries, especially in Africa, where China may be suppressing its global political influence for the mirage of energy security.

Were you watching, Mrs Wang?(Mrs Wang?谁?)
China’s leaders rightly point out that theirs is still a poor country which will naturally give priority to lifting its economic development. And this in one sense answers the question about the message conveyed by the National Day parade: its main audience was not the outside world, but China’s own people. With no popular mandate, the government’s legitimacy relies on its record in making China richer and stronger.(谁说我们没有民众授权,我们的全国人民代表大会你知道吗?只不过我们的形式不同于你们那种低效率的全民公投罢了。然后,你还居然开始怀疑中国政府的合法性,简直荒谬)The display of strength, showing how well it has done in this, hints at its own lack of confidence. (怎么会呢?我们展示的是信心怎么可能是缺乏信心的表现)For those worried about where China’s rise might lead, that the government is so insecure is not a comforting thought.(我们政府怎么样由人民来说,你们连公民都算不上就不要大放厥词了)





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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-7 15:21 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-7 16:25 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-7 17:20 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-7 17:29 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-7 18:08 | 显示全部楼层
真是搞笑的西媒 你们简直就是欠抽  迟早要被好好的抽一顿才老实 才知道怎么样尊重别人
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-7 18:54 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-7 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
吐啊吐的就习惯了=  =
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-8 02:07 | 显示全部楼层
关我鸟事  你以为老子高兴看你们的鸟文啊
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-8 09:07 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-10-8 09:36 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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