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[翻译完毕] AFP: Denmark seeks to pacify China over Tibet

发表于 2009-12-12 03:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Denmark seeks to pacify China over Tibet

(AFP) – 1 day ago

COPENHAGEN — Denmark will oppose Tibetan independence and carefully consider China's reaction before inviting the Dalai Lama again, Copenhagen said Thursday in a diplomatic note to Beijing.

"Denmark is fully aware of the importance and sensitivity of Tibet-related issues and attaches great importance to the view of the Chinese government on these issues," the note said.

"Denmark takes very seriously the Chinese opposition to meetings between members of the Danish Government and the Dalai Lama, and has duly noted Chinese views that such meetings are against the core interest of China, and will handle such issues prudently.

"In this regard, Denmark reaffirms its One-China Policy and its unchanged position that Tibet is an integral part of China. Denmark recognises China?s sovereignty over Tibet and accordingly opposes the independence of Tibet."

Ties between Beijing and Copenhagen have been strained since late May when the Tibetan spiritual leader visited Denmark and was received by Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen and Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller.

The welcome accorded to the Dalai Lama in what was termed a private visit led to the cancellation of official Danish visits to China and fueled problems for Danish firms operating in the country.

The note said Denmark "attaches great importance to the considerable progress of the bilateral relations and the fruitful cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, educational, scientific and technological fields since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1950."

The diplomatic note was backed by two big opposition socialist parties but was slammed by an ally of the liberal-conservative government.

"The government is going on bended knee before China," said Soeren Espersen, spokesman of the far-right Danish People's Party.

Political analyst Hans Engell told the TV2 News television channel: "The government has given in to Chinese pressure" to "preserve the interests of its companies."

The Dalai Lama fled Chinese-ruled Tibet more than 50 years ago and is seen by Beijing as a separatist seeking independence for his Himalayan homeland -- an accusation that the Buddhist monk has vehemently denied.

China has repeatedly said the door was always open for dialogue with the Dalai Lama's representatives, but so far sporadic talks since 2002 have failed to make progress.


Exiled Tibetan spirtual leader, the Dalai Lama (R), walks hand in hand with Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen




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