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【09.05.29 法国24台】西藏辩论精神权威和政治必要性

发表于 2009-12-30 00:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【中文标题】西藏辩论精神权威和政治必要性; ~8 J& r4 }/ i. L0 x2 a
【原文标题】Tibet debates spiritual authority and political necessity% ?8 y& `2 Q9 e: s0 u7 X
【登载媒体】France 24   法国24台
【来源地址】http://www.france24.com/en/20090529-reporters-controversial-voices-dalai-lama-tibet-dharamsala-exile-oracles-predictions-autonomy: c+ K$ X, |$ b  k+ [$ s
【译文】+ z2 _* ~8 r2 C1 `5 G

Many Tibetan youths are distancing themselves from the non-violent precepts of Buddhism preached by the Dalai Lama and now believe that Tibet's independence from China must be won by taking up arms.
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Dharamsala in northern India is home to the Tibetan government-in-exile and its head, the 14th Dalai Lama. It’s a place where Buddhism is the main religion. According to Tibetan tradition, the Dalai Lama makes no political or spiritual decisions without first consulting his state oracles, mediums who can communicate with the gods.AC四月青年社区6 M: S( B! c: x9 b" s

In the small monastery of Neshung, Tibetans fall over each other to ask the oracle whether their long, forced exile will soon end. The ritual is always the same. The monks start by calling up the spirits. The medium goes into a trance and his sacred words are scrupulously recorded and translated by the monks. And when the oracle faints, the ceremony is over.

For the members of the Tibetan parliament in exile, the spiritual authority cannot be questioned. “The concept of a protecting deity is to help you in achieving things where humans are not able to under certain circumstances,” explains the parliament spokesperson.
对西藏流亡议会的成员来说,精神权威不容质疑。 “一个保护神的概念是为了帮助你得到人类无法在某些情况下得到东西。”议会发言人解释道。 求真务实 理性交流# T. {8 b. o* I

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Generational conflict
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两代人的冲突求真务实 理性交流, o. {4 {; N; [) Z& S2 b  w2 K

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But for some time now, the impatience and anger of the younger generation has been gaining ground in the community. This Tibetan youth see the oracles’ predictions as an excuse to take away responsibility from the government-in-exile.

Many Tibetan youth are ready to take up arms, believing that the freedom of Tibet will only be achieved at the cost of human lives. They refute the choice of the current government-in-exile, whose allegiance to Buddhism and non-violence necessitates a refusal to go to war, even to save Tibet.  ( O! P6 I3 I9 t+ [
许多藏族青年准备拿起武器,认为实现西藏独立只能以生命为代价。他们反驳流亡政府目前的选择,流亡政府效忠佛教与非暴力,拒绝发动战争,哪怕是为了拯救西藏。 AC四月青年社区( U, ~2 @/ j. X7 W$ k8 k4 b' q

This cultural and generational fracture represents a major challenge today for the keepers of the sacred teachings of the Buddha.

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