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【09.12.31 泰晤士报在线】西方士兵被指控处死10名阿富汗公民,包括儿童

发表于 2009-12-31 15:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

      【原文标题】Western troops accused of executing 10 Afghancivilians, including children

      【翻译方式】人工1 h$ j% t* a* p2 f

Afghan investigators today accused US-ledtroops of dragging ten civilians from their beds and shooting them dead duringa night raid.


Afghan government investigators said thateight schoolchildren were killed, all but one of them from the same family.Locals said that some victims were handcuffed before being killed.


Western military sources said that the deadwere all part of an Afghan terrorist cell responsible for manufacturingimprovised explosive devices (IEDs), which have claimed the lives of countlesssoldiers and civilians.


“This was a joint operation that was conductedagainst an IED cell that Afghan and US officials had been developinginformation against for some time,” said a senior Nato insider. But he admittedthat “the facts about what actually went down are in dispute”


The allegations of civilian casualties led toprotests in Kabul and Jalalabad, with children as young as 10 chanting “Deathto America” and demanding that foreign forces should leave Afghanistan at once.


President Karzai sent a team of investigatorsto Narang district, in eastern Kunar province, after reports of a massacrefirst surfaced on Monday.


“The delegation concluded that a unit ofinternational forces descended from a plane Sunday night into Ghazi Khanvillage in Narang district of the eastern province of Kunar and took ten peoplefrom three homes, eight of them school students in grades six, nine and ten,one of them a guest, the rest from the same family, and shot them dead,” astatement on President Karzai’s website said.

代表团断定一个小队的国际武力在周日晚上从飞机上降落并进入位于Kunar省东部的Ghazi Khan,然后从三个家庭抓走了十个人,其中八人是六年级的学校学生,九或十岁,其中之一客人,剩下的来自于同一个家庭. 之后就将他们射杀了,”总统Karzai的网站声明表示.

Assadullah Wafa, who led the investigation,said that US soldiers flew to Kunar from Kabul, suggesting that they were partof a special forces unit.


“At around 1 am, three nights ago, someAmerican troops with helicopters left Kabul and landed around 2km away from thevillage,” he told The Times. “The troops walked from the helicopters to thehouses and, according to my investigation, they gathered all the students fromtwo rooms, into one room, and opened fire.” Mr Wafa, a former governor ofHelmand province, met President Karzai to discuss his findings yesterday. “Ispoke to the local headmaster,” he said. “It’s impossible they were al-Qaeda.They were children, they were civilians, they were innocent. I condemn thisattack.”


In a telephone interview last night, theheadmaster said that the victims were asleep in three rooms when the troopsarrived. “Seven students were in one room,” said Rahman Jan Ehsas. “A studentand one guest were in another room, a guest room, and a farmer was asleep withhis wife in a third building.

在昨天晚上的电话采访中,校长表示当士兵抵达时,受害者正在三个房间中睡觉.”七个学生在一间房中,” RahmanJan Ehsas(校长).”一个学生和一个访客在另一间房中,一个访客间,一个农民和他的妻子在第三个房间中.”

“First the foreign troops entered the guestroom and shot two of them. Then they entered another room and handcuffed theseven students. Then they killed them. Abdul Khaliq [the farmer] heard shootingand came outside. When they saw him they shot him as well. He was outside.That’s why his wife wasn’t killed.”

第一个外国兵进入访客间并且射杀了他们俩.接着他们进入另一个房间将七个学生戴上手铐.然后他们把学生们杀了. Abdul Khaliq[农民]听到了枪声然后来到外面.士兵看到它然后就把他也射死了.他当时在外面,这就是为什么他的妻子没有被杀掉.

A local elder, Jan Mohammed, said that threeboys were killed in one room and five were handcuffed before they were shot. “Isaw their school books covered in blood,” he said.”


The investigation found that eight of thevictims were aged from 11 to 17. The guest was a shepherd boy, 12, called SamarGul, the headmaster said. He said that six of the students were at high schooland two were at primary school. He said that all the students were his nephews.In Jalalabad, protesters set alight a US flag and an effigy of President Obamaafter chanting “Death to Obama” and “Death to foreign forces”. In Kabul,protesters held up banners showing photographs of dead children alongsideplacards demanding “Foreign troops leave Afghanistan” and “Stop killing us”.

调查发现八名受害人的年龄在1117.访客是一名牧羊的男孩,12,叫做Samar Gul,校长表示.他说所有的学生都是他的外甥.Jalalabad,抗议者们在高喊过奥巴马去死外国军队去死之后,点燃了美国国旗和奥巴马总统的塑像.Kabul,抗议者们高举着有死去孩子的照片的横幅,以及要求外国军队离开阿富汗别再杀我们的标语.

Hekmatullah, 10, a protester, said: “We’resick of Americans bombing us.” Samiullah Miakhel, 60, a protester. said: “TheAmericans are just all the time killing civilians.”

Hekmatullah,一名10岁的抗议者,说道:”我们已经受够了美国人轰炸我们了.” Samiullah Miakhel,一名60岁的抗议者表示:”美国人一直就在屠杀平民.”

Nato’s International Security Assistance Forcesaid that there was “no direct evidence to substantiate” Mr Wafa’s claims thatunarmed civilians were harmed in what it described as a “joint coalition andAfghan security force” operation.


“As the joint assault force entered thevillage they came under fire from several buildings and in returning firekilled nine individuals,” he said.


Eight Americans were killed in an attack ineastern Afghanistan yesterday (Jerome Starkey writes). Nato’s International SecurityAssistance Force said that the dead were not uniformed soldiers. Afghan sourcessaid that they were civilians killed in a suicide attack on a compound in Khostprovince. The US Embassy in Kabul said: “Eight Americans have been killed in anattack on RC-East,” referring to the military region of eastern Afghanistanthat includes 14 provinces.



发表于 2009-12-31 16:18 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-31 16:25 | 显示全部楼层
友邦惊诧论,人权组织又会谴责,最后没有人受惩罚,阿富汗人白死,平民加入塔利班,恐怖势力更强。 ...
sunny2006hlj 发表于 2009-12-31 16:18

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发表于 2009-12-31 16:49 | 显示全部楼层
看看这些可怜的人, 还有那些死去的伊拉克平民,  西方国家视别国民众的生命就是草芥, 他们确实不需要死刑, 因为他们根本就是滥杀无辜~ 人权组织?! 简直成了维护罪犯的组织~
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发表于 2009-12-31 16:54 | 显示全部楼层

阿富汗平民戰爭死亡人數同比上升一成 (10.8%)
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发表于 2009-12-31 17:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-12-31 20:06 | 显示全部楼层
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勇三郎 发表于 2009-12-31 20:43

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和解团结 发表于 2009-12-31 21:34

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