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[政治] 【10.01.01 英国卫报】 Hong Kong demonstrators urge full democracy

发表于 2010-1-2 08:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Thousands of Hong Kong residents marched to the Chinese government's liaison office today, calling on Beijing to grant full democracy to the semi-autonomous financial hub.
Chanting "one man, one vote to choose our leader" and carrying signs reading "democracy now", demonstrators set off from a crowded street in the heart of Hong Kong's Central financial district.
Dozens tried but failed to breach a police cordon at the Chinese government compound. Instead, they staged a peaceful sit-in and were joined by hundreds of others.
The large turnout for the protest – police said 9,000 people took part – is a boost to Hong Kong's political opposition, which is trying to reignite the democracy movement at a time when many are more preoccupied by economic issues.
Five pro-democracy legislators plan to resign later this month, hoping to turn the elections that the resignations would trigger into a referendum on democracy.
At their peak, pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong drew hundreds of thousands of people.
In July 2003, 500,000 marched to demonstrate against a national security bill that many considered draconian, forcing the Hong Kong government to shelve it.
The former British colony returned to Chinese rule in 1997 under a separate political system that pledged western-style civil liberties.
Democracy is promised in the Hong Kong constitution, but in 2007 the Chinese government ruled that the territory could not directly elect its leader until 2017 and its legislature until 2020.
Hong Kong's current leader was chosen by an exclusive committee dominated by Beijing allies. Only half the territory's 60 legislators are elected, with the rest picked by special interest groups.
Protesters claim Beijing's timetable for democracy is too slow. For years, activists in Hong Kong have argued that the city is mature enough to choose its own leaders.
"Hong Kong should get democracy sooner," Joseph Fung, who took part in today's protests, said.
"The sophistication, the worldliness of Hong Kong people has already reached the level where universal suffrage can be allowed."
The Hong Kong government made no immediate comment on the protest.




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