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【09.12.8 新闻周刊】为什么中国不会统治世界

发表于 2010-1-6 00:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原文标题】Why China Won't Rule the World

A National Day parade in China Fang Xinwu/ZUMA Press
中国国庆游行Fang Xinwu/彩色中国照片-ZUMA新闻 

Conventionalwisdom can be devilishly hard to dispute. For example, most pundits agree thatthe Great Recession helped China more than any other state. At first glance,this claim seems obviously true. Unlike the United States and the other majorWestern powers, which saw their economies plummet and their financialinstitutions come close to ruin, the Chinese economy has kept on growing.Chinese financial institutions, considered technically insolvent only a fewyears ago, now boast balance sheets and market capitalizations that Westernbanks can only dream of. With its economy expected to grow at 9 percent in2010, China will soon surpass Japan as the world's second-largest economy(measured in U.S. dollars). Pundits like Martin Jacques, a veteran Britishjournalist, are predicting that China will soon rule the world—figuratively, ifnot literally.

 Yetbefore declaring this the Chinese century, you might want to take another lookat what's actually taken place in the country over the past year.


One of the strangest things about predictions of Chinese dominanceis that they tend to impress everyone but the Chinese themselves. Take China'ssupposedly miraculous economic recovery. While the international businesscommunity has practically run out of words to praise Beijing's handling of thecrisis, Chinese leaders haven't stopped worrying. They fret that their bankshave gone on a reckless lending binge; Liu Mingkang, China's chief bankregulator, warned in September that "all sorts of risks have risen"as a result. He's right. In the first half of 2009, Chinese banks shelled outroughly $1.2 trillion, creating a potential tidal wave of future nonperformingloans. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) used much of the money to speculate inthe real-estate and stock markets and to make questionable expansions; as aresult, Dragonomics, a Beijing-based consultancy, now estimates that as much asone sixth of all the bank loans made between 2008 and 2010 could end up notpaying off. Yet Beijing is still wary of shutting off the spigot, lest Chinaprove unable to keep growing without it.
奇怪的事情之一是:除了中国他们自己,其余的每个人都非常关注有关‘中国优势’的预言。中国的经济复苏令人惊叹。当国际商界几乎耗尽了词去赞美北京的决定性买卖时,中国的领导人没有停止过担忧。他们担忧的是他们的银行持续鲁莽的疯狂借贷。中国的首席银行机构监管者刘明康曾在9月份警告说:“结果就是‘所有的各种风险都是上升’”。他是对的。在2009年上半年,中国的主要银行掏出了大约1.2万亿美元, 埋下了未来的潜在的不良贷款的浪潮。国有企业(SOEs)用大笔的资金去炒房地产和股票,并导致问题扩大。北京一家咨询公司Dragonomics(Dragonomics,我猜大概是研究‘龙’的经济)估计:现在有多达六分之一的银行在2008年至2010年之间的贷款可能最终不会有收益。北京还是谨慎的停止了援助,以免北京无法证明没有它仍能保持经济增长。  

 Its leaders' frequently voiced trepidation may be overstated.Perhaps the officials are simply being modest or trying to soothe Westernworries about the so-called China Threat. It's far more likely, however, thatChina's leaders are actually telling the truth. They know their country hasindeed pulled off the world's most impressive recovery. But they also knowthat's a relative -accomplishment—and China has paid a huge long-term price inthe process. In addition to sowing the seeds for future dud loans, itsinvestment-focused stimulus policies have exACerbated the country's economicimbalances by creating new productive -capacities—factories and thelike—without really boosting China's anemic household consumption. In otherwords, Chinese plants may be cranking out even more TVs, cars, and toys thanbefore, but no Chinese are buying them. Loosened bank credit has mainlybenefited SOEs, allowing these inefficient behemoths to expand at the expenseof the private sector, which has been given little access to the government'slargess.
他的领导人常常诚惶诚恐,这可能有夸大的成分。可能官方只是故作谦虚,或是试图平息有关中国威胁西方的忧虑---这没什么可信的。然而,中国的领导人实际上说的是实话。他们知道他们的国家的确完成了令全世界印象深刻的复苏,但是他们同时也知道这是相对的成就,中国已经在这一过程中付出了巨大的长期的代价,除了种下未来不良贷款的种子,其刺激重点投资的政策---创造新的生产以及没有提高家庭消费力---加剧了该国经济的失衡。换句话说,中国计划造更多的电视机、汽车和玩具,但是中国人却不去买。开放银行信贷的主要受益者是国有企业,并允许这些低效率的庞然大物扩大在私营部分的花费,那些私营企业获得政府捐赠的机会是很少的。 


Meanwhile,China has yet to confront what has become an enormous overcapacity forproducing cheap goods. During the boom, when Americans were hungry for theseproducts, Chinese exports registered double-digit growth year after year,accounting for nearly a quarter of the country's net GDP growth. Now thatnervous and debt-ridden U.S. consumers have virtually shut their pocketbooks,China can no longer expect them to snap up its wares. To account for thischange, Beijing must embark on some painful restructuring, shuttering manyexport--oriented factories and strengthening the social safety net to boosthousehold consumption (which remains stuck below 40 percent of GDP). China'sleaders know all this. But they've yet to take the plunge.


Dig a bit deeper, and it becomes very difficult to pin down justhow exactly China has gained so much from the crisis. Its failures are muchmore evident. Take Beijing's lack of success in snapping up prized assetsoverseas. For several years, Chinese leaders have aimed to secure foreignnatural resources by acquiring effective control of or stakes in oilfields,mining companies, and commodity producers in other countries. Beijing isconvinced that such moves are essential for its long-term security. Yetopposition by Western politicians, entrenched multinationals, and vigilantgovernments in developing countries has stymied many attempts by cash-flushChinese SOEs to execute their government's master plan. During the first monthsof the crisis, these SOEs and China's sovereign-wealth fund did nab modeststakes in a few minor natural-resource companies. But they failed to score abig hit, and there were some embarrassing failures. In late 2008, for example,Chinalco (a state-owned Chinese aluminum company) reached a tentative agreementto pay $19.5 billion to increase its stake in Rio Tinto, a global mining giant.But fierce shareholder opposition and the skepticism of Australian regulatorsdoomed the deal, to Beijing's intense frustration. To borrow a colorful Chineseproverb, Chinalco saw its "cooked duck fly away." This ignominioussetback served as an uncomfortable reminder of the humiliation of 2005 whenCNOOC, one of China's state-owned oil companies, was prevented from taking overUnocal, an American energy producer, by congressional opposition.
掘得更深一些,非常难以说明中国究竟在危机中取得了哪些巨大的利益的。它的失败反而更明显,参加抢购海外资产的北京没有大获成功。近年来,中国领导人的目标是获得外国自然资源的有效控制权以及油田、矿业公司的股份和其他国家的商业生产。北京认为这些行动是其长期稳定的必要措施,但是西方政治家和地位牢固的跨国公司仍然反对,并且发展中国家的政府已经限制了资金充足的中国国有企业去贯彻他们政府的控制计划的多次尝试。在危机的第一个月里,中国的国有企业和主要基金趁虚而入,控制了一些小的自然资源有限股份公司。但是他们有时进球则一分未得,并有一些令人尴尬的失败。比如2008年底,中铝(国有中国铝业公司)与全球矿业巨头力拓达成初步协议,支付195亿美元以增加其在力拓的股份,但是股东的激烈反对和澳大利亚监管机构管理者撕毁了协议,使北京强烈不满。借用一个丰富多彩的中国谚语:中铝看到它‘煮熟的鸭子飞走了’。这是人们用来提示丢脸的挫折的暗语,2005年,美国国会曾反对中国的国有石油公司CNOOC接管美国能源制造商Unocal. 


 Anotherpuzzle: if China is so strong, why doesn't it show more leadership inaddressing global problems? While Chinese officials show up at almost everyimportant gathering of world leaders, and their opinions and support areeagerly solicited, they consistently maintain a low profile, preferring tofocus on guarding their national interests and skipping opportunities toshowcase their soft power. At the G20 summit in London in April 2009, forexample, the only thing China cared about was keeping Hong Kong off the list ofoffshore tax havens being scrutinized. Beijing's coffers may be bulging with$2.1 trillion in foreign-currency reserves, but it is not exactly offering tospend that cash on common crises. Besides calling for a new international reservecurrency, China has remained mostly silent on how to reform the globalfinancial system. Nor did it take charge in advance of the make-or-breakCopenhagen climate-change conference in December 2009. Beijing's foreign policyremains stuck in a reactive mode; if this is a superpower, no one's told thePolitburo yet.
另一个迷题:如果中国的确如此强大,为什么没有更多的参加解决全球性问题的领导人会议?虽然中国官员出现在了几乎所有的世界领导人的每一次的重要会议,并且都热切的征求他们的建议和支持,但他们始终保持低调,情愿将注意力集中在守卫自己的国家利益,忽视了找机会展示他们的软实力。以20094月在伦敦举行的G20峰会为例,中国唯一关心的是避免香港出现在避税地名单上。北京的国库可能暴增2.1万亿美元外汇储备,但是他们并不完全提供度过危机的资金,除非制定新的国际储备要求,否则中国会对如何改革全球金融体系保持沉默。200912月的歌本哈根气候变化峰会上,Nor did ittake charge in advance of the make-or-break.(他们也没有提前做好成或者败的准备。)北京的外交模式仍然停留在被动状态下,尽管这是一个超级大国。然而没人能转告中国共产党的政治局。 


Still, most Chinese leaders seem unconcerned with their inabilityto translate strength into real gains on the international stage. That'sbecause they're far more concerned with domestic stability. Yet here again thenews is hardly reassuring. Antigovernment riots and collective proteststhroughout China are on the rise. Corruption remains rampant. More than a dozensenior officials, ranging from a vice minister of public security to severalCEOs of giant SOEs, were arrested in 2009. The political maneuvering for thenext succession, due in 2012, has already begun, making Chinese leaders all themore cautious—even a tiny misstep between now and then could be politicallycatastrophic.


The worst news on this front has been the reemergence of ethnicseparatism in China's restive, but resource-rich, border regions. The bloodyriots of July 2009 inUrumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, killed nearly 200 and wounded more than 1,000,making it China's worst ethnic conflict in three decades. Coupled with theTibet problem, the challenge by the Uighurs to Chinese rule will preoccupy theminds of Beijing's ruling elites for years to come—and keep their sights firmlyfixed on matters domestic.
在这方面最糟糕的消息是中国难以控制但资源丰富的边境地区已经抬头的民族分裂主义。20097月新建首府乌鲁木齐的血腥暴乱造成近200人死亡,1000多人受伤,是中国30年来最严重的种族冲突。结合西藏问题,维吾尔人反对中国的统治迫使北京的统治精英一年来的精力贯注于此---并且同时保持他们的目光坚定在国内的事项上。 

All this helps explain why, while China's leaders may be mightilyrelieved to have escaped the worst consequences of the world economic crisis,they see no cause to celebrate. True, the crunch enabled China to close theeconomic gap with its badly ravaged rivals, particularly the U.S. and Japan.And popular perceptions of new Chinese strength have allowed China's leaders tobask in the global limelight and flaunt their elevated international status tothe Chinese public. Deep down, however, Chinese leaders are no fools. Theyunderstand perfectly well how tough are the challenges they still face—and howquickly fortune can turn. If only foreigners knew this as well. Of course, theChinese are thrilled that everyone thinks they're the biggest winner. The truth,however, is that they're more like the least-bad losers—and they know it.




发表于 2010-1-6 01:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-6 04:07 | 显示全部楼层
capitalizations意思是The amounts and types of long-term financing




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发表于 2010-1-6 06:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-6 10:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-6 11:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-6 11:28 | 显示全部楼层
又不是在全班考试  非得品学兼优社么的
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发表于 2010-1-6 13:24 | 显示全部楼层
strengthening the social safety net to boosthousehold consumption (which remains stuck below 40 percent of GDP).




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发表于 2010-1-6 13:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-1-6 16:28 | 显示全部楼层
now boast balance sheets and market capitalizations that Westernbanks can only dream of.




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发表于 2010-1-6 16:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-6 16:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-6 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-6 16:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-6 18:26 | 显示全部楼层
最后一句很好啊  我们只是损失最少的输家而已……
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发表于 2010-1-7 16:12 | 显示全部楼层
我爱国,但我对国家的未来悲观多于乐观,中国的体制是制约一切的根本原因,中国之所以没有创新,就是中国的 ...
firetheworld 发表于 2010-1-6 16:34

能不能创新另说  你意思是和美国一样金融创新就无敌光环了?
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发表于 2010-3-14 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
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