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华尔街日报+时代+BBC :燃油泄露--黄河危机

发表于 2010-1-6 23:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 連長 于 2010-1-7 00:06 编辑


【原文标题】LeakHits Yellow River
【译文】 

Diesel Spill in TributaryContaminates China's Second-Longest Waterway

BEIJING-- A diesel spill has contaminated a stretch of China's Yellow River, officialssaid Monday, despite frantic efforts to contain its spread into the waterway,which provides drinking water to tens of millions of people.

Pollutedwater is seen while an environmental protection agency worker tries to clearthe oil from the surface of the Wei River after diesel spilled from a brokenpipeline on Wednesday.
上周三,管道破裂后燃油泄露,环保机构的工作人员正在试图从渭河的水面上清除被污染的水。 


Theleak underscored the grave challenges to the environment posed by China's rapideconomic growth. Chinese leaders face growing social unrest linked toenvironmental pollution. There were no immediate reports of public disturbancesin the area.

VicePremier Li Keqiang had ordered local officials to "strictly preventleakage and pollution from flowing into the Yellow River and ensure the safetyof drinking water for the masses," according to a Shaanxi provincialgovernment news release.

Thepublic-health scare began last Wednesday when diesel started gushing into theWei River, a tributary of the Yellow River in northern China, from a rupturedpipeline operated by China National Petroleum Corp.
由于中国石油天然气集团公司管理的管道破裂,上周三,柴油开始涌入中国北方的黄河的支流---渭河。并开始引发了公共健康的恐慌。 

Overthe weekend, workers threw 17 floating dams across the Wei to block the toxicdiesel. But scientists discovered diesel traces in a reservoir behind a dam inSanmenxia, a city about 100 kilometers downstream from the point where the Weijoins the Yellow River, an official in the Henan provincial environmentalprotection bureau said Monday.

Theofficial said authorities had closed the gates of the dam, one of the largestalong the Yellow River, halting power-generating turbines. A clean-up operationwas under way in the reservoir. So far, no pollution had been detecteddownstream of Sanmenxia, the official said.
这位官员说:当局已关闭了大坝,黄河最大的发电涡轮已停机。清理行动正在水库中进行,到目前为止,还没有发现下游的三门峡被污染。 

Avice governor of Henan province and other senior officials traveled toSanmenxia, a city of about 2.2 million people, to lead pollution-controlefforts, the environmental official said. The Yellow River flows from Shaanxiprovince into Henan, and is the country's second-longest river after theYangtze.
河南省副省长和其他高官前往三门峡,这座城市有200万人,去指挥控制污染的工作,据环境局官员说。黄河从陕西流进河南省,是该国继长江后第二长的。 

Chinesestate media said cities along the Yellow River are required to stockpiledrinking water in preparation for such an emergency.

Untreatedchemicals and waste flowing into China's river networks have created anenvironmental crisis that threatens human health and agricultural production.The Yellow River is dry in parts because of unchecked water diversion by citiesalong its path.
未经处理的化学药品和废物流入中国的河流网,已经形成了一个流动的环境危机,威胁到人类健康和农业生产。由于部分沿黄河流经的城市过度引水,导致干旱。 

Theaccident recalled an earlier disaster in 2005, when a chemical spill in theSonghua River forced authorities to temporarily cut off water supplies for morethan three million people in the northern city of Harbin. The spill resulted inthe resignation of China's top environmental regulator.

Apress official at the Shaanxi provincial government said the leak occurredduring a test run of the pipeline. CNPC's General Manager Jiang Jiemin said ina statement on Monday that although preliminary control efforts had succeeded,clean-up operations were being extended further downstream along the Wei and"the situation is still severe.
"陕西省政府的官方新闻机构报道说:泄露发生时,管道正在运行一个测试。中石油经理蒋洁敏在声明中说:尽管周一的初步治理工作取得成功,然而清理工作正在往深一层推进,下游的渭河“形式依然严峻”。  

【原文标题】Chinawater warning as oil spill hits Yellow River
【译文】 

Pollutionfrom a broken oil pipeline in northern China has now reached one of thecountry's major water sources - the Yellow River, state media say.

Hundredsof workers had battled to contain the oil upstream, but officials discoveredtraces in the river itself.

Hundredsof emergency workers are trying to contain the leak
数百名抢险工人正在试图抑制泄露 

Thetraces were found about 200km(124 miles) upstream from Zhengzhou.

Threecounties in neighbouring Shaanxi province have warned people not to takesupplies from the river or drink river water.


 Correspondentssay local towns and cities get some of their water from the river, the restfrom underground water sources.

飘动的屏障 

Theofficial Xinhua news agency said: "At present, cities along the river inHenan province have sufficient water resources."

About150,000 litres of diesel poured into the Wei river in Shaanxi province after aconstruction accident on Wednesday, state media reported.
Theleak occurred on the fuel pipeline operated by the state-run China NationalPetroleum Corporation (CNPC) that connects Lanzhou in the north-west provinceof Gansu with Zhengzhou in central Henan province, according to the China Dailynewspaper.
Thediesel first went into the Chishui river, a tributary of the Wei.

Around700 emergency workers are said to be labouring round the clock, using floatingdams and solidifying agents to contain the spill.
据报道:大约需要700名抢险工人工作24小时,使用浮动的屏障和固化剂来控制泄露。 

Theirtask has been helped by the current cold weather in the region.
他们的任务是借助该区域当前的寒冷天气进行补救。   

【原文标题】AfterOil Spill, China's Polluted Rivers in Spotlight


Workerstry to contain diesel oil leaking from a pipeline into a river in China'sShaanxi province on Jan. 3, 2010
ChinaDaily / Reuters
中国时报/路透社 

Apipeline accident just before New Year's Eve that dumped a massive amount ofdiesel fuel into two tributaries of China's Yellow River has exposed how far the country has to go before it canensure the health of its imperiled waterways. An estimated 40,000 gal. (150,000 L) of diesel fuelspilled from a China National Petroleum Corp. pipeline in northwestern Shaanxiprovince, some two-thirds of which flowed into the Wei and Chishui rivers.Hundreds of workers have set up a series of temporary barriers in an effort toprevent the fuel from reaching the Yellow river, China's second longestwaterway and a source of drinking water for millions.

除夕前的一次管道事故,大量的柴油然刘流进中国黄河的两条支流中。has exposedhow far the country has to go before it can ensure the health of its imperiledwaterways。(不确定意思)中国石油天然气公司估计泄露的柴油约有4万加仑(15万升)。管道位于陕西省西北,约有三分之二流入了渭河和赤水河。数百名工人筑造了一系列的屏障以阻止燃油流进黄河。黄河是中国第二长的航道,并且是数百万人饮水的水源。 

"It'svery tragic," says Wen Bo, China co-director for the NGO PacificEnvironment. "It's more evidence that the oil companies are not preparedfor such an ecological crisis." The accident mirrors a 2005 explosion thatreleased 100 tons of toxic benzene into the Songhua river in northeasternChina, tainting the water supply for several million residents of the city ofHarbin. While that disaster helped sparked new public awareness of the extentof the nation's water pollution, the lessons of 2005 are still being painfullyrelearned today.(Seepictures of the world's most polluted places.)温家宝说:“这是很可悲的”。国际非政府组织太平洋环境和中国的主任表示:更多的迹象表明,燃油公司并没有为这种生态危机做好充足的准备。这次事故就是2005年爆发的100吨有毒苯释放到中国东北的松花江的翻版,污染了供应数百万哈尔滨人的水。虽然这一灾难引发了新的泉水水质污染的公众意识,然而2005年的事仍然在今天痛苦的重演了。(见世界上污染最严重的地方的照片) 

Thenas now, news of the incident was only made public days after the initialaccident. While the initial response to last week's spill was quick,coordination with downstream governments was slow, says Wen. "When thespill occurred, there were 700 people immediately mobilized to try to deal withthe problem. That's still not enough," he says. "Officials should realizethat once the spill occurred, they should immediately inform downstreamareas."
那时就像现在,只不过是几天后才公布了这一事件的初步事故消息。虽然上周的初步反应很迅速,但政府与下游的协调却很慢。温家宝说:“当泄露发生的时候,这有700人被立即调动起来试图解决问题,但这还不够”,他说:“官员应该意识到,一旦发生泄露,应该立即通知下游地区。” 

Theaccident hit in the early morning of Dec. 30, when construction by third-partyworkers caused a rupture in a section of pipeline near the city of Weinan,according to a China National Petroleum statement. A government spokespersonfor Weinan, a Shaanxi city along the Wei river, says that as of Jan. 4 no dieselfrom the leak had reached the Yellow river, about 62 miles (100 km) to the east. But some state mediaoutlets said Monday that the fuel has already reached the Yellow river. 这起事故发生在1230日凌晨,当时第三方工人施工造成渭南市附近一节管道破裂,中国石油天然气公司发表声明称。陕西省渭南市的市政府发言人说:截止14日,柴油尚未流进黄河,渭南市距黄河东面约62英里(100Km),但是一些国家媒体星期一报道说,燃油已经流入了黄河。 

Chinahas reported some modest progress in controlling water pollution, butenvironmental experts both inside and outside of the government say many of thecountry's rivers and lakes still suffer from severe contamination. In itslatest annual assessment of the state of pollution in China the Ministry ofEnvironmental Protection said in June that the country had released severalplans for control of emissions into major rivers and inspected more than 15,000drinking-water sources. But the agency acknowledged that "surface waterpollution remained very serious" and nearly half of the water in thecountry's rivers was unsafe for human contact.

 TheYellow river is considered "moderately polluted," according to theenvironmental ministry. A survey released in 2008 by the Yellow RiverConservancy Committee, a Ministry of Water Resources-affiliated environmentalorganization, found that water in one-third of the river and its tributariescontained water unsuitable for industrial or agricultural use. More than 4billion tons of sewage had been dumped into the river in 2006, according to areport by the state-run Xinhua news service.

环境部认为黄河是“中度污染”。水利部下属的环保组织---黄河委员会在2008年发布的一项调查中发现,三分之一的河流及其支流中的水不适合用于工业或农业。2006年,有超过4亿吨污水被倒入河中。据国营的新闻机构新华社报道。 

WhileChina's air pollution woes are literally more visible and receive moreattention, water pollution is generally believed to be the country's morepressing environmental problem. The 3,395-mile (5,464 km) Yellow river, known as the mother river forits role in sustaining early Chinese civilization, has an iconic role in China,and a threat to it will draw attention the country's water woes in a way thatfew other Chinese rivers can. As hundreds of workersrace to prevent its already tainted waters from absorbing a new flood ofbefouling chemicals, it serves as a painful reminder of how imperiled bypollution this society has become.
虽然中国的空气污染更明显,也更受重视,但通常认为该国最紧迫的环境问题是水质污染。黄河长3394英里(5464Km),众所周之,该河是早期中华文明的母亲河,在中国扮演圣母的角色。以它受威胁的方式吸引整个国家来关注水危机,几乎没有其他的中国河流能做到As hundredsof workers race to prevent its already tainted waters from absorbing a newflood of befouling chemicals, it serves as a painful reminder of how imperiledby pollution this society has become.(这句很模糊)




发表于 2010-1-7 00:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-7 00:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-7 00:59 | 显示全部楼层
珠江也很脏 不知道市长的河涌承诺办的怎么样了。为了提醒环保还年年游珠江,喝的都是西江水
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发表于 2010-1-7 01:00 | 显示全部楼层
珠江也很脏 不知道市长的河涌承诺办的怎么样了。为了提醒环保还年年游珠江,喝的都是西江水
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发表于 2010-1-7 01:29 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-1-7 01:58 | 显示全部楼层
There were no immediate reports of public disturbancesin the area.
連長 发表于 2010-1-6 23:48

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发表于 2010-1-7 08:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-7 09:54 | 显示全部楼层
是否应为:目前还没有该地区公众骚乱的报道。 ...
agx 发表于 2010-1-7 01:58

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发表于 2010-1-7 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
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