【中文标题】达沃斯2010:中国称扩大内需是关键 【原文标题】Davos2010: China says domestic demand 'key' 【登载媒体】BBC 【来源地址】http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-220509-1-1.html 【译者】阿芬 【翻译方式】人工 【原文库链接】http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8485779.stm 【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。 【译文】
Davos2010: China says domestic demand 'key'
China's vice-premier, Li Keqiang, has told a forum at the World Economic Forum in Davos that domestic demand is key for China's economic growth. 中国副总理李克强参加在达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛中指出,扩大内需是中国经济增长的关键。
Reflecting international concerns, he said China had been "excessively reliant on investment and export". 他说中国一直"过分的依赖投资及出口",也反映了国际社会上的担忧。
Mr Li pointed out that domestic spending improved in 2009, with sales of consumer goods up 15.5% last year. 李克强指出,在2009年国内消费有所改善,去年日用消费品的零售额提高了15.5%。
He said the government had already taken successful steps to boost consumer demand. 他说政府已经成功的采取了一些措施来增加消费需求。
For example, they had introduced a plan to subsidise home appliances, such as TVs and fridges, for farmers which had encouraged spending. 比如,他们已经为农民提出了一种家电补贴的办法,诸如彩电、冰箱等。该计划的目的就是为了刺激农民消费。
Mr Li, who is tipped to replace China's premier Wen Jiabao, also said it was vital to raise the living standards of poorer rural communities. 李克强是继温家宝之后的总理候选人,他说提高贫困地区农民的生活水平至关重要。
China's economy has grown rapidly but the development has been uneven across the country - with jobs concentrated in the coastal regions. 中国经济已经崛起,但是全国各地经济发展不均衡—成效主要集中在沿海地区。
Nearly 10 million people move from countryside to cities every year, according to Mr Li. He said income in the central and western areas was still very low. 据李克强讲,每年约有1千万人从农村涌向城市。他说中西部地区人们的收入仍然很低。
Other countries are keen for China to start importing foreign-made goods in order to help the broader global economic recovery. 其它国家都在渴望中国进口国外的商品,目的是帮助全球经济复苏。
No mention was made of its own currency, the renminbi, however. China has come under international pressure to revalue because it is felt to be artificially low, disadvantaging competitors. 然而,没有人考虑到人民币的现状。中国已经在国际社会的压力下迫使人民币升值,让人感觉是人为造成的,处境不利。
"Everyone wants China to play by global rules, rather than go its own way - and revalue its currency as a first step", said the BBC's Economics editor Stephanie Flanders. "But in their public remarks today, Chinese officials gave little indication of wanting to play ball." “人人都希望中国按全球的游戏规则来,而不是走它自己的路—升值人民币仅仅是第一步”,BBC经济编辑Stepanie Flanders 说. “但是在公开场合,中国官员没有任何迹象表明他们想要玩下去。” |