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[08.4.17 美国 旧金山纪事报] 请克制挟持奥运的意图

发表于 2008-4-17 22:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【2008.04.17 美国 旧金山纪事报】请克制挟持奥运的意图

Resist the attempt to hold the Olympics hostage

Nina Hachigian
Thursday, April 17, 2008

The first big domino fell last week in the grassroots movement in Europe and America calling for a boycott the Beijing Olympics over China's human-rights record. Britain's prime minister, Gordon Brown, has announced he would not attend the Opening Ceremonies. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton quickly issued a statement praising his decision and calling on President Bush to stay away, too. Meanwhile, the Olympic torch was in San Francisco, ducking into dark warehouses and fleeing down back alleys to evade protesters.

The increasingly political environment surrounding the Games makes it easy to lose track of the point of the protests. The important question is: What is the best way to improve the situation in Tibet?

Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has spoken out against a boycott. He knows that the more political and public a fight this becomes, the harder it will be for China to move forward constructively. Do you have a friend, or boss, who cannot admit he or she is wrong in public? China is like that. Chinese leaders do not want to be seen backing down in response to what many ordinary Chinese think are hypocritical Western demands, intentionally aimed at embarrassing and undermining their country.

America has so little leverage to influence human rights in China that it is supremely tempting to hold the Games hostage. Yet the only proven methodology to make progress on human rights in China is boring, incremental and politically thankless, at best. America can help on the margins to empower civil society on the ground there, embed China deeply into a world system that reflects liberal values and encourages open trade, and, most of all, lead by example - not a U.S. strength, as of late. The bold move would be for the United States to join the Human Rights Council at the United Nations where China's record could be publicly scrutinized each year. But you know that when a U.N. bureaucracy is the SUGGESTED solution to any problem, American politicians will run for cover, fearing accusations of waste and bias.

Calling for a boycott of the Olympics, on the other hand - that will get A POLITICIAN on TV, and it sounds principled. Unfortunately, it will not help the people of Tibet one iota. Public shame will not work with China - it never has. It just reinforces the common Chinese perception, or misperception, that the West does not want it to succeed. Appealing to China's pride, its fervent desire for normalcy, its wish for respect, might.

America and the West should make it easier for China to do the right thing, not harder. So if there is any leverage to be had in the occasion of the Summer Olympics, it is behind the scenes, with likeminded allies, each sending a consistent message that China has a fleeting chance to turn lemons into lemonade. With the whole world watching, Beijing could pull a "Nixon in China" moment and engage with the Dalai Lama, who is not calling for independence, but rather autonomy for Tibet. Of course, every day, Beijing's leaders are making it harder for themselves to do the right thing because they are demonizing the Dalai Lama - their best hope for negotiating a status quo that both Tibetans and the Chinese government can accept. Many younger Tibetans are not so moderate.
President Bush should not decide at this point whether or not to go to the Opening Ceremonies. The Olympics are still nearly four months away, and there is still a glimmer of hope that Beijing will seize this opportunity in Tibet. Meanwhile, politicians should try to resist the temptation of holding the Games hostage. The people of Tibet do not need more symbolism. They need change.

Nina Hachigian is co-author of "The Next American Century: How the U.S. Can Thrive As Other Powers Rise," Simon & Schuster, 2008). She is a senior vice president and director for California for the Center for American Progress ( www.americanprogress.org). From 1998 to 1999, she was on the staff of the National Security Council.

This article appeared on page B - 7 of the San Francisco Chronicle
[ 本帖最后由 三宅一生 于 2008-4-18 05:50 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 00:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 seanhu 于 2008-4-17 22:56 发表 占坑,翻译稍后奉上!网络好繁忙,发了几次才放上来。。。





在另一方面,呼吁抵制奥运- 让政客上电视并言辞坚定。不幸的是,这丝毫无助于西藏人民。公开羞辱中国不会奏效也从未奏效。这只会强化中国人的观点或者错误的观点,而西方并不希望如此。赞赏中国的骄傲,欢迎他们渴望常态和尊重的愿望,或许可以奏效。



Nina Hachigian是“下一个美国的世纪:美国如何在其它力量崛起下保持昌盛”(Simon&Schuster出版社2008年出版)一书的合著者。她是美国进步会中央在加州的副主席和主管。1998年至1999年,她在美国安全委员会任职。



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