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[08.04.17 美国 纽约时报] 参加西藏示威,杜克学生遭人身威胁

发表于 2008-4-18 00:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【本文标题】Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation

Zachary TrACer/The Duke Chronicle
Grace Wang tried to talk to Chinese demonstrators at a pro-Tibetan rally at Duke last week.
上星期Grace Wang(王千源的英文名字)试图在一个反西藏(独立)集会上跟中国示威者讲话


DURHAM, N.C. — On the day the Olympic torch was carried through San Francisco last week, Grace Wang, a Chinese freshman at Duke University, came out of her dining hall to find a handful of students gathered for a pro-Tibet vigil facing off with a much larger pro-China counterdemonstration.
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Ms. Wang, who had friends on both sides, tried to get the two groups to talk, participants said. She began traversing what she called “the middle ground,” asking the groups’ leaders to meet and making bargains. She said she agreed to write “Free Tibet, Save Tibet” on one student’s back only if he would speak with pro-Chinese demonstrators. She pleaded and lectured. In one photo, she is walking toward a phalanx of Chinese flags and banners, her arms overhead in a “timeout” T.

But the would-be referee went unheeded. With Chinese anger stoked by disruption of the Olympic torch relays and criticism of government policy toward Tibet, what was once a favorite campus cause — the Dalai Lama’s people — had become a dangerous flash point, as Ms. Wang was soon to find out.

The next day, a photo appeared on an Internet forum for Chinese students with a photo of Ms. Wang and the words “traitor to your country” emblazoned in Chinese across her forehead. Ms. Wang’s Chinese name, identification number and contact information were posted, along with directions to her parents’ apartment in Qingdao, a Chinese port city.

Salted with ugly rumors and manipulated photographs, the story of the young woman who was said to have taken sides with Tibet spread through China’s most popular Web sites, at each stop generating hundreds or thousands of raging, derogatory posts, some even suggesting that Ms. Wang — a slight, rosy 20-year-old — be burned in oil. Someone posted a photo of what was purported to be a bucket of feces emptied on the doorstep of her parents, who had gone into hiding.

“If you return to China, your dead corpse will be chopped into 10,000 pieces,” one person wrote in an e-mail message to Ms. Wang. “Call the human flesh search engines!” another threatened, using an Internet phrase that implies physical, as opposed to virtual, action.

In an interview Wednesday, Ms. Wang said she had been needlessly vilified.

“If traitors are people who want to harm China, then I’m not part of it,” she said. “Those people who attack me so severely were the ones who hurt China’s image even more.”

She added: “They don’t know what do they mean by ‘loving China.’ It’s not depriving others of their right to speak; it’s not asking me or other people to shut up.”

In a flattering profile in 2006, Ms. Wang was described in a Qingdao newspaper as believing she was “born for politics.” She writes poetry in classical Chinese, plays a traditional string instrument called the guzheng, and participated in democracy discussion boards back home, she said.

Ms. Wang said she was not in favor of Tibetan independence, but she said problems could be reduced if the two sides understood each other better.

Since riots in Tibet broke out last month, campuses including Cornell, the University of Washington and the University of California, Irvine, have seen a wave of counterdemonstrations.

When Ms. Wang encountered the two demonstrations last week, the Chinese students seemed to expect her to join them, she said. But she hesitated.

“They were really shocked to see that I was deciding, because the Chinese side thought I shouldn’t even decide at all,” she said. “In the end I decided not to be on either side, because they were too extreme.”

Daniel R. Cordero, a member of the Duke Human Rights Coalition and an organizer of the pro-Tibet vigil, said he was handing out literature when Ms. Wang came up and pointed to the counterprotesters.

“She was like, ‘Why are you focusing on the Duke students? Let’s have a dialogue with these people,’ ” he said. “And I’m thinking, oh come on, seriously, that’s not going to help anything.”

Some of Ms. Wang’s efforts to mediate were met by insults and obscenities from the Chinese students.

“She stood her ground; she’s a really brave girl,” said Adam Weiss, the student on whose back Ms. Wang wrote “Free Tibet.” “You have 200 of your own fellow nationalists yelling at you and calling you a traitor and even threatening to kill you.”

At Ms. Wang’s behest, he ultimately spoke to some of the Chinese contingent, finding, he said, that “we could compromise and say we all wanted increased human rights for all Chinese, and especially for Tibetans.”

Sherry, a Chinese graduate student who declined to give her last name for fear of being harassed, had a less heroic view.

“She claimed she wanted to make communications between both sides, but actually she did nothing before that night. She didn’t communicate with any organizers and actually was just performing,” Sherry said. But she called the backlash against Ms. Wang “horrible.”

“There are a few students that are very angry at her,” she said, “but there are many others who try to protect her, try to speak for her. Actually, the majority didn’t think she did so wrong to be treated like that.”

She said Ms. Wang had squandered some sympathy when, in an article in The Duke Chronicle, she blamed the Duke Chinese Students and Scholars Association for helping to release her information through its e-mail list.

This week, three officers of the association explained in an open letter that the mailing list was public and called the verbal attacks on Ms. Wang “troubling and heinous.” Her personal information and other offensive posts were removed “once they were brought to our attention,” the letter said. Student groups criticized the association for allowing them to be posted at all.

Zhizong Li, the president of the association, referred most questions to the university but said that only about a third of the pro-China demonstrators were association members. Duke has just over 500 Chinese students.

Ms. Wang, who has retained a lawyer, said pulling her personal information off the Web was not enough. “I will be seen as a traitor forever, and they can still harm my parents,” she said.

But for a woman under threat of dismemberment, she seemed remarkably sanguine — even upbeat.

“My parents are very tolerant to me,” she explained. “They were really disappointed in me for a long time, and I persuaded them to think differently.

“If I can change my parents, I can probably change others.”

在上周奥林匹克火炬经过旧金山的时候,GRACE WANG(王千源的英文名字),一名来自DUKE大学的新中国学生。在一些为西藏示威者和更多的中国的反示威者中间站了出来。

王小姐,这位在两个对立面都有朋友的人,试图让两个团体相互对话。她开始在她认为的"中间地带" 要求示威者的领导人会面谈话。她说,她同意写“解放西藏,拯救西藏”在一个学生的背上,只是因为此学生会与支持中国的示威者谈话。她辩护并发表演说。在一张照片里显示,她向众多中国国旗和标语的地方走去。她伸出手臂在头顶作出“暂停”的手势。


第二天,一张在王小姐的额头上写着中文"国家的叛徒"(注;traitor to your county这点我可能翻译不是最准确的,只能表达意思,也许原图不是这么写的。但意思即是叛徒是绝对没有错的。)"的照片出现在一个以中国学生为主的网络论坛上。王小姐的的中文姓名,身份证号码及联络资料被张贴,随附着她父母在青岛,一个中国港口城市的地址。


"如果你回到中国,你的尸体将被切成10000片, "一封写给王小姐的邮件里写道。 另一个威胁是"请人肉搜索" !,利用网络进行人身攻击的行动。









DANIEL R.CORDERO(人名)。来自DUKE大学人权组织并做为西藏示威者的其中一名组织者说; 当王小姐走出来面对反示威者的时候,他正在散发宣传单。



"她站在自己的立场,她真的是一个很勇敢的女孩"Adam Weiss,这位王小姐在他背上写"解放西藏"的学生说道。“有200个你自己的带民族主义的同胞像你吼叫,并叫你为叛徒,更威胁要杀了你。”















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[ 本帖最后由 semirock 于 2008-4-18 00:36 编辑 ]




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