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发表于 2010-3-5 20:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

ISIS Report 01/02/10

GM Crops Facing Meltdown in the USA


翻译:Silence 校对:義成




两种显著特性涵盖了目前世界上商业化种植的所有的转基因(GM)农作物:耐受除草剂(HT)特性,因含有从一类土壤细菌--根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)获得的5 -烯醇丙酮莽草酸3-磷酸合成酶(EPSPS)编码基因而对草甘膦除草剂不敏感;抗虫特性,由于含有一个或更多的从另一类土壤细菌--苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis)获得的毒素基因。在美国--转基因生物的中心地带,商业化种植转基因作物开始于1997年左右,並在此后的许多年间迅速增加。截至目前,在美国三大主要农作物——大豆、玉米和棉花的耕种区域[1](见表1),转基因作物已达85%-91%,其种植面积近171百万英亩。

Table 1. GM crops grown in 2009 in the USA
(表1. 2009年美国转基因农作物种植面积)

Percent of Total Area占总面积的百分比(%


























北卡罗莱纳州立大学的退休农学教授、国家级杂草专家艾伦·约克说,“不太可能生产一种新型除草剂。” 抗草甘膦杂草的产生是由于广泛种植抗除草剂农作物
草甘膦是美国和世界上最广泛使用的除草剂。20世纪70年代以来,它被孟山都公司以农达为商标名称和专利配方申请专利权并销售。随着抗除草剂农作物的种植而流行使用。美国农业部的数据表明,在主要农作物上的草甘膦的使用量在1994年至2005年间增长了15倍多[4]。据EPA(美国环保署)估计,在2000-2001年,每年1亿磅草甘膦用于草地和农场 [5],在过去的13年里,它已应用于超过10亿英亩的农田里[6]

抗草甘膦的杂草不久就出现了,就像很多杂草对以前使用的每一种除草剂产生了抗药性的情形一样。美国杂草科学学会公布在美国有9种杂草被确认抗草甘膦[6];其中有普通豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia),普通waterhemp(苋菜藤子)(Amaranthus rudis),巨豚草(三裂叶豚草)(Ambrosia trifida),毛灯盏细辛(Conyza bonariensis),加拿大乍蓬(Conyza canadensis),意大利黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum),假高粱 (Sorghum halepense),刚性黑麦草(Lolium rigidum)和帕默藜(Amaranthus palmeri)

2004年年底,抗草甘膦的帕默藜首次出现在佐治亚州梅肯县,并已蔓延到佐治亚州其他地区以及南卡罗来纳州、北卡罗来纳州、阿肯色州、田纳西州、肯塔基州和密苏里州[7]。根据佐治亚大学杂草专家斯坦利·卡尔佩珀估计,佐治亚州有10万英亩农田严重布满了藜,有29个县现已证实藜是抗草甘膦的。 2007年,在梅肯县,1万英亩农田因抗草甘膦藜大量滋生而被抛荒。




早在耐受除草剂的转基因作物被引入之前,批评人士已经预测,抗草甘膦杂草只需通过抗除草剂作物和其同属的野生杂草之间交叉授粉就繁殖出来了。但他们忽视了“流动基因组”机制,这些机制在应对环境刺激时可改变基因组和基因,並使大多数杂草产生针对除草剂的抗性而不依赖于交叉授粉。在我的书--《遗传工程:美梦还是噩梦》(1997/1998年第一版)的“伪科学和大企业的冒险新世界”这章节中,我就注意到这些机制 [9]
美国科林斯堡的科罗拉多州立大学的一个由托德·盖恩斯领导的研究小组调查了来自佐治亚州的抗草甘膦藜种群。他们发现,与对草甘膦敏感的植物相比,抗性植物体内负责代谢草甘膦的EPSPS这种酶的编码基因扩增(增殖)了5160 [10]该基因的表达水平与基因的拷贝数呈正相关。针对该基因的荧光染色表明,被扩增的基因副本存在于每一条染色体。
至少自20世纪80年代以来就已经知道,基因扩增是细胞和生物体对环境中的“选择的”因子最常见的生理反应之一 [9]

2009年,有16种杂草被确认有草甘膦抗性[10]。目前已确定的抗性机制包括:草甘膦吸收率降低,和/EPSPS基因发生突变而使得杂草更难以被除草剂抑制。抗草甘膦藜是首个基于基因扩增而产生抗性的案例。这个例子证明对不受欢迎的因子产生抗性可轻易地进化出来,也证明对大自然发起 “化学战”是徒劳的。


从加州圣华金河谷流域到弗吉尼亚州东南部的美国的棉花种植带,现在65%的区域都种植了Bt转基因棉花(Table 1 [1]),棉籽象鼻虫和烟草蚜虫自从Bt棉花引种以来已经很罕见了。但是在印度及其他地方[12, 13],次生害虫特别是牧草盲蝽造成了严重危害
牧草盲蝽(TPB),学名Lygus lineolaris,从有记录可查的历史以来一直是棉花害虫。在1995年以前,它被针对其他害虫(如烟草蚜虫和棉籽象鼻虫)的杀虫剂控制住。根据密西西比州立大学三角洲研究与推广中心的研究人员的研究[14],自广泛种植Bt转基因棉花与扑灭棉籽象鼻虫以来,杀虫剂用量减少;结果牧草盲蝽成为棉田的主要虫害。
更严重的问题是,牧草盲蝽已经对几类杀虫剂产生抗性,尤其是在中南部州的三角洲地区 [14]

像牧草盲蝽一样,叶螨对用来控制它们的杀虫剂正在产生抗性。 “过去15年以来,我们已经基本上翻倍了百治磷(Bidrin)的使用率,乙酰甲胺磷的使用率则增至三倍。因此,我们不仅正在喷洒更多的杀虫剂,我们也正以更高的使用率而使成本也提高了很多。”戈尔说。
预测令人失望,给农民的唯一的官方学术建议是会首先产生问题的更多的相同的常规做法,即喷洒更多或喷洒不同种类杀虫农药的混合剂,包括已被禁止使用的太毒的杀虫剂。同时,工业已经做好准备以出售含多种转基因性状的品种,可多达八个性状但加倍了种子价格 [16]


在美国,尽管经济衰退,有机产品市场增长势头强劲。据来自美国农业部的最新报告,有机食品的零售销售从1997年的36亿美元上升到2008年度的 211亿美元 [23](见图1)。该市场是如此活跃,以至于有机农场有时要勉力去生产出足够的供应以满足迅速增长的消费需求,从而导致有机产品的周期性短缺。

1 1997年到2008年美国有机市场的增长态势

经认证的有机耕地面积从1997年时的130万英亩至2005年的400多万英亩(占美国所有农业土地的百分之0.5),已增加了一倍多。在同一时期,有机农场数目从5 021增至8 493,经认证的有机农场的平均规模从268英亩增至477亩。
那么,为什么美国农民没能利用迅速扩大的市场优势?有人认为[23],潜在的有机农民可能选择继续常规的生产方法,因为“来自附近的对有机农业持有负面看法的其他农民的社会压力”,或因为在过渡期内无法应对天气导致的产量和利润减少的影响。这并不奇怪,由于GM支持者包括政府监管机构对有机农业进行的持续的负面宣传的缘故。(例见由英国食品标准局最近试图证明有机食品的营养不超过常规食品,但它与以下报道相背逆[24]英国食品标准局的研究证明有机食品更好SiS44)。通常的声称是,有机农业比常规农业产量较少和需要更多能量,且有机农产品没有更多营养或健康,但与常规生产方式相比却不卫生。在带有已公布科学文献的证据的ISIS报告--现在看粮食的未来:*有机* 可持续*不使用化石燃料[25]以及其他研究中,这些虚假声称已被彻底驳斥

与美国农民最相关的一个研究是由爱荷华州立大学的凯瑟琳·戴拉特和美国农业部的Cynthia A.Cambardella所作的关于从常规农业转变为经认证的有机生产的三年过渡期中的农场绩效评估[26] 。持续四年(三年过渡期的和第一年有机)的实验显示,对大豆和玉米来说,虽然初期产量下降,但在第三年扳平,在第四年有机产量都超出常规农业。
我们的报告[25]也证明(有机耕种)减少温室气体排放量的巨大潜力 - 甚至可使我们完全摆脱对化石燃料依赖的程度——通过有机农业和当地化食品(和可再生能源)系统。这是最新的科学分析与由农民领衔研究的案例的独特结合,尤其是农民自己的经验和创新,往往挫败了拘泥于陈旧和过时理论的学术科学家,其中,转基因技术是一个突出的例子。

 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-5 20:44 | 显示全部楼层

ISIS Report 01/02/10

GM Crops Facing Meltdown in the USA

Majorcrops genetically modified for just two traits - herbicide toleranceand insect resistance are ravaged by super weeds and secondary pests inthe heartland of GMOs as farmers fight a losing battle with more of thesame; a fundamental shift to organic farming practices may be the onlysalvation Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Pleasecirculate widely, keeping all links unchanged, and submit to yourgovernment representatives demanding an end to GM crops and support fornon-GM organic agriculture

Twotraits account for practically all the genetically modified (GM) cropsgrown in the world today: herbicide-tolerance (HT) due toglyphosate-insensitive form of the gene coding for the enzyme targetedby the herbicide, 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS),derived from soil bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and insect-resistance due to one or more toxin genes derived from the soil bacterium Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis). Commercial planting began around 1997 in the United States,the heartland of GM crops, and increased rapidly over the years. Bynow, GM crops have taken over 85-91 percent of the area planted withthe three major crops, soybean, corn and cotton in the US [1]] (see Table 1), which occupy nearly 171 million acres.

The ecological time-bomb that came with the GM crops has been ticking away, and is about to explode.

HT crops encouragedthe use of herbicides, resulting in herbicide-resistant weeds thatdemand yet more herbicides. But the increasing use of deadly herbicideand herbicide mixtures has failed to stall the advance of the palmersuper weed in HT crops. At the same time, secondary pests such as thetarnished plant bug, against which Bt toxin is powerless, became thesingle most damaging insect for US cotton. Monster plants that can’t be killed
It is the Day of the Triffids - not thegenetically modified plants themselves as alluded to in John Wyndham’snovel - but “super weeds that can’t be killed” [2], created by theplanting of genetically modified HT crops, as seen on ABC TV news.

The scene is set at harvest time in ArkansasOctober 2009. Grim-faced farmers and scientists speak from fieldsinfested with giant pigweed plants that can withstand as muchglyphosate herbicide as you can afford to douse on them. One farmerspent US$0.5 million in three months trying to clear the monster weedsin vain; they stop combine harvesters and break hand tools. Already, anestimated one million acres of soybean and cotton crops in Arkansas have become infested.
The palmer amaranthor palmer pigweed is the most dreaded weed. It can grow 7-8 feet tall,withstand withering heat and prolonged droughts, produce thousands ofseeds and has a root system that drains nutrients away from crops. Ifleft unchecked, it would take over a field in a year.
Meanwhile in North Carolina Perquimans County,farmer and extension worker Paul Smith has just found the offendingweed in his field [3], and he too, will have to hire a migrant crew toremove the weed by hand.
The resistant weedis expected to move into neighbouring counties. It has alreadydeveloped resistance to at least three other types of herbicides.
Herbicide-resistance in weeds is nothing new. Ten weed species in North Carolina and 189 weed species nationally have developed resistance to some herbicide.
A new herbicide is unlikely to come out, said Alan York, retired professor of agriculture from North Carolina State University and national weed expertGlyphosate-resistant weeds from widespread planting of HT crops
Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the USand the world at large. It was patented and sold by Monsanto since the1970s under the trade name and proprietary formulation, Roundup. Itspopularity shot up with the introduction of HT crops. Data from the USDepartment of Agriculture indicate that the use of glyphosate on majorcrops went up by more than 15 fold between 1994 and 2005 [4]. The EPAestimated in 2000-2001 that 100 million pounds of glyphosate are usedon lawns and farms every year [5], and over the last 13 years, it hasbeen applied to more than a billion acres [6].
It did not takelong for glyphosate-resistant weeds to appear, just as weeds resistantto every herbicide used in the past had appeared. The Weed ScienceSociety of America reported nine weed species in the United States withconfirmed resistance to glyphosate [6]; among them are strains ofcommon ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), common waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis), giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida), hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis), horseweed (Conyza canadensis), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), and palmer pigweed (Amaranthus palmeri).Glyphosate-resistant palmer super weed
Glyphosate-resistant palmer pigweed first turned up in late 2004 in Macon County, Georgia, and has since spread to other parts of Georgia as well as to South Carolina, North Carolina, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri [7]. An estimated 100 000 acres in Georgiaare severely infested with pigweed and 29 counties have now confirmedpigweed resistance to glyhosate, according to weed specialist StanleyCulpepper at the University of Georgia. In 2007, 10 000 acres of glyphosate-resistant pigweed infested land were abandoned in Macon County.
Monsanto’stechnical development manager Rick Cole was reported saying that theproblems were “manageable”. He advised farmers to alternate crops anduse different makes of herbicides. Monsanto sales representatives areencouraging farmers to mix glyphosate and older herbicides such as2,4-D, banned in Sweden, Denmark and Norway on account of links to cancer and reproductive and neurological damages. It is a component of Agent Orange used in Vietnam in the 1960s.
Farmers in Georgia are reported to be going back to conventional non-GM crops.
Weed scientists at the University of Georgia estimate that an average of just two palmer amaranth plants in every 6 mlength of cotton row can reduce yield by at least 23 percent [8]. Asingle weed plant can produce 450 000 seeds. Many fields in Arkansas, Tennessee, New Mexico, Mississippi and most recently, Alabama are also infested.
Paraquat isrecommended for use in conservation tillage programmes, mixed with upto three other herbicides, each with a different mode of action.Scientists at the University of Tennessee have seen palmer weeds resistant not only to glyphosate but also to the sulfonylurea herbicide trifloxysulfuron-sodiumGlyphosate resistance with the greatest of ease
Critics have beenpredicting glyphosate-resistant weeds before HT crops were introduced,simply through cross-pollination between HT crops and wild weedyrelatives. But they had neglected the ‘fluid genome’ mechanisms thatcan alter genomes and genes in response to environmental stimuli,enabling most weed plants to become herbicide resistant independentlyof cross-pollination. I drew attention to these mechanisms in my book Genetic Engineering Dream or Nightmare, the Brave New World of Bad Science and Big Business [9] first published in 1997/1998.
Researchers led by Todd Gaines at Colorado State University, Fort Collins in the United States investigated glyphosate-resistant palmer pigweed populations from Georgia.They found that the gene coding for the enzyme EPSPS responsible formetabolising glyphosate herbicide was amplified (multiplied) 5 to160-fold in glyphosate-resistant plants compared withglyphosate-susceptible plants [10]. The level of gene expression waspositively correlated with gene copy number. Fluorescent staining forthe gene showed that the amplified gene copies were present on everychromosome.
Geneamplification is one of the most common physiological responses ofcells and organisms to ‘selective’ agents in their environment, knownat least since 1980s [9].
Glyphosateresistance has been confirmed in 16 weed species as of 2009 [10]. Themechanisms identified so far include reduced glyphosate uptake, and/ormutations in the EPSPS gene that make it less susceptible to inhibitionby the herbicide. Glyphosate-resistant palmer pigweed is the first caseof resistance based on gene amplification. It confirms the ease withwhich resistance to obnoxious agents can evolve [9], and the futilityof this ‘chemical warfare’ against nature.Tarnished plant bug the single most damaging pest for cotton
The tarnished plant bug infested 4.8 million acres of UScotton in 2008 [11] making it the single most damaging pest for cotton.Another insect, the fleahopper ranked 5th, and infested 2.3 millionacres.
The Cotton Belt of the United States, extending from the San Joaquin Valley of California to Southeastern Virginia,has largely seen off the boll weevil and tobacco budworm since theintroduction of Bt cotton, which now accounts for 65 percent of thearea planted with cotton (Table 1 [1]). But, as in India and elsewhere [12, 13], secondary pests are posing serious problems, especially the tarnished plant bug.

The tarnished plant bug (TPB), Lygus lineolaris,has been a cotton pest for as long as records were kept. Before 1995,it was controlled with insecticides targeting other insect pests suchas tobacco budworm and boll weevil. According to researchers at theMississippi State University Delta Research and Extension Center [14],since the widespread adoption of Bt-cotton and eradication of the bollweevil, less insecticide have been used; and as a result, the tarnishedplant bug has become the primary insect pest of cotton.

Additional insectcontrol costs are coming from increasing foliar sprays, highertechnology fees and pest resistance, said Jeff Gore, researchentomologist at the Delta Research and Extension Center, speaking at the 2010 Beltwide Cotton Conferences in New Orleans [15]
In 1995 planting anacre of cotton cost $12.75 to $24; in 2005, planting Bollgard, RoundupReady cotton with a ‘Cadillac’ seed treatment would have cost about $52an acre. Now in 2010, with Bollgard II and Roundup Ready Flex, farmerswill be spending $85 or more an acre.
“In Mississippi,we have growers who are spending well over $100 for foliar insectcontrol. You add that onto technology fees and seed treatments, youunderstand why our cotton acreage is decreasing.” Gore said.
To compound theproblem, TPB has become resistant to several classes of insecticides,particularly in the Delta regions of the Mid-South states [14].
While TPB is a pestof cotton throughout the growing season, it is particularly damagingduring the flowering period, when the pest reproduces copiously, soboth adult and immature stages of TPB feed on cotton during theflowering period. Most feeding occurs on reproductive structures. Thepests insert their mouthparts into squares and small bolls. It is notuncommon for TPB to cause near-total crop loss in the absence ofeffective control in some areas of the Delta.
Mid-South growersconsulted Gore about planting a non-Bt variety, especially with thehigher costs of Bt technology [15]. “We have a few growers plantingsmall acreages of non-Bt cotton, and they’re probably going to seebenefits from that.
“But if we startshifting back to non-Bt cotton, I promise you, the tobacco budworm willcome back, and we don’t want to be making foliar applications forresistant tobacco budworms, in addition to treating tarnished plantbugs. The amount of money we would have to spend in that situationwould be astronomical.”
TPB has been theNo. 1 pest in the Mid-South for the past four to five years, and isdriving a lot of cotton growers out of the Mississippi Delta, no longerable to afford the cost of sprays.
Gore revealed thatspider mites are also gaining a reputation as ‘budget busters’ in theSouth, along with aphids and stink bugs.
Like TPB, spidermites are becoming resistant to the insecticides used to control them.“Over the past 15 years, we’ve essentially doubled our applicationrates with Bidrin and tripled our application rates with acephate. Sowe’re not only spraying more often, we’re applying higher rates thatcost more.” Gore said.
He pointed out thata side-effect of relying on neoniccotinoids for plant bug control issome resistance has developed in cotton aphids. “We're starting to hearlots of complaints from consultants across the Mid-South.” More of the same is futile
It isdisappointing though predictable that the only official academic advicegiven to farmers is more of the same conventional practices thatcreated the problems in the first place, spraying more and sprayingmixtures of different kinds of pesticides, including those banned forbeing too toxic. Industry, meanwhile, is ready to sell varieties withmore stacked GM traits; up to eight at double the seed price [16].
Disappointingtoo is the persistent effort by some governments and governmentscientists to promote the failed GM technology, which as I made clear,was already obsolete since the early 1980s [9]. A Sciencexpresspaper (indicating quick publication, probably without peer review)entitled “Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people”[17] co-authored by UK chief scientist Prof. John Beddington amongothers, while somewhat dismissive of current GM crops, neverthelessholds out promises we’ve heard for more than 30 years. “The next decadewill see the development of combinations of desirable traits and theintroduction of new traits such as drought tolerance. By mid-centurymuch more radical options involving highly polygenic traits may befeasible.” It went on to promise “cloned animals with engineered innateimmunity to diseases” and more.
Glyphosate andRoundup, still advertised as ‘less toxic to us than table salt’ in apamphlet from the Biotechnology Institute promoting HT crops as ‘WeedWarrior’ [18], is in fact highly toxic as new findings indicate [19,20] (Death By Multiple Poisoning, Glyphosate and Roundup, SiS 42; Ban Glyphosate Herbicides Now, SiS 43). Thirteen years of GM crops in the USA has increased overall pesticide use by 318 million pounds [21] (GM Crops Increase Herbicide Use in the United States, SiS 45). The extra disease burden on the nation from that alone is considerable.
India has learned bitter Lessons from Bt Cotton [22] in a saga of worsening farm suicides and, in common with the USA,an ecological disaster in secondary and new cotton pests, resistantpests, new diseases, and above all, soils so depleted in nutrients andbeneficial microorganisms that they would cease to support the growthof any crop in a decade. Their only salvation is a return to organicagriculture, which has already proven far more sustainable andprofitable than Bt cotton [12]. This may apply also to the USA.A fundamental shift in farming practices needed now
The organic market has been booming in the United Statesdespite the economic downturn. According to a new report from the USDepartment of Agriculture, retail sales of organic food went up to$21.1 billion in 2008 from $3.6 billion in 1997 [23] (see Fig. 1). Themarket is so active that organic farms have struggled at times toproduce sufficient supply to keep up with the rapid growth in consumerdemand, leading to periodic shortages of organic products.

(Figure 1 Growth in US organic market 1997 to 2008)

Certified organicacres more than doubled from 1.3 million acres in 1997 to a little over4 million acres in 2005 (0.5 percent of all agricultural land in the US).In the same period, the number of organic farms increased from 5 021 to8 493, and the average size of certified organic farms went from 268acres to 477 acres.
So why are USfarmers failing to taking advantage of the rapidly expanding market? Itis thought [23] that potential organic farmers may opt to continue withconventional production methods because of “social pressures from otherfarmers nearby who have negative views of organic farming”, or becauseof an inability to weather the effects of reduced yields and profitsduring the transition period. This is not surprising on account of thepersistent negative propaganda carried out by GM proponents, includinggovernment regulatory agencies, against organic agriculture. (See forexample the recent attempt by UK Food Standards Agency to prove organicfood is no more nutritious than conventional food, which backfired [24](UK Food Standards Agency Study Proves Organic Food Is Better, SiS44). The usual claims are that organic agriculture yields less andrequire more energy than conventional agriculture, and organic produceno more nutritious or healthy, but less hygienic than conventionalproduce. These false claims are all thoroughly refuted in ISIS report Food Futures Now: *Organic *Sustainable *Fossil Fuel Free [25], with evidence from the published scientific literature, as well as other studies.
Most relevant forUS farmers is a study by Kathleen Delate of Iowa State University andCynthia A. Cambardella of the US Department of Agriculture assessingthe performance of farms during the three-year transition it takes toswitch from conventional to certified organic production [26]. Theexperiment lasting four years (three years transition and first yearorganic) showed that although yields dropped initially, they equalizedin the third year, and by the fourth year, the organic yields wereahead of the conventional for both soybean and corn.
Our report [25]also documents the enormous potential for reducing greenhouse emissions– even to the extent of freeing us entirely from fossil fuels – throughorganic agriculture and localised food (and renewable energy) systems.It is a unique combination of the latest scientific analyses, casestudies of farmer-led research, and especially farmers’ own experiencesand innovations that often confound academic scientists wedded tooutmoded and obsolete theories, of which GM technology is one glaringexample.
At about the sametime our report was released, the International Assessment ofAgricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD)was also published. IAASTD was the result of three-year deliberation by
400participating scientists and non-government representatives from 110countries around the world [27]. It came to the conclusion that smallscale organic agriculture is the way ahead for coping with hunger,social inequities and environmental disasters [28] (
“GM-Free Organic Agriculture to Feed the World[”, SiS 38).
A fundamental shift in farming practice is needed right now, before the agricultural meltdown is complete.References
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-5 21:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-5 22:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-5 22:42 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-5 22:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-5 23:07 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-6 00:13 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# lhn700223
转了基因子孙才可能没饭吃。 转基因摧毁自然, 增产是暂时的幻想。
不过, 转基因转多了, 等子孙都没了, 吃饭的问题就自然解决了。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-6 14:08 | 显示全部楼层



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-6 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-7 18:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-7 22:55 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-8 02:36 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-8 12:19 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-8 15:35 | 显示全部楼层
回复 14# griffin_zhou
请指出他们的报告中指出的信息通欧洲众多的大学学者和环境保护组织的结论一致。 至于有没有国际影响力不是可以妄言定论的, 哪怕是高级版主。 有些组织倒是在中国有影响力? 比如农业部全盘引用的, 搞定了华中农业大学和农业研究所的 ISAAA 这个转基因公司和克洛菲克基金专门成立的推广转基因的组织。这样的组织通过金钱到世界各地左右官员,他们的影响力对普通公民来说反而灾难。

‘中国人吃了几千年的转基因植物??? 这不是瞪着眼睛说瞎话吗? 请给出哪怕一个吃了几千年的转基因?
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-8 15:47 | 显示全部楼层
回复 14# griffin_zhou


您这个信息哪里来的? 我告诉你, 就算在美国, 转基因油都是非常少的。
在您所说的欧洲发达国家, 根本没有转基因油! 你在商店的货架上根本找不到!某些可疑的产品, 比如大豆、玉米产品,上面都醒目的告诉大家是 非转基因的 !   
现在在法国找不到中国大米, 因为中国出口的大米中被发现混有转基因大米, 结果被禁止了。现在卖的是泰国甚至是日本的大米哪怕米价很高。
恰恰相反, 在发达国家, 越来越多的纯天然重新得到青睐, 为什么? 因为西方实践了几十年的化学农业后, 医学发现很多现代病: 如过敏、不育、癌症都与农药有关。 而转基因危险比农药更大。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-9 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
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