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发表于 2008-4-18 02:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Chinese nationalism
Land of the Yellow Emperor

The dangers of confusing patriotism with ethnic pride

MAO ZEDONG sent troops to “liberate” unenthusiastic Tibetans, but he also admitted that his country had a problem with “chauvinism” in its handling of ethnic minorities. As China tries yet again to quell an unruly Tibet, it still does.

More than two weeks after an eruption of rioting directed at ethnic Chinese in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, China has yet to show much interest in what made Tibetans so angry. In an effort to display a little openness, it has allowed a small group of foreign journalists and an even smaller one of diplomats to pay brief visits to the city. To the alarm of officials, some Tibetan monks complained to the journalists about their lack of religious freedom. When the diplomats were later taken to the same temple the authorities made sure that only a tame monk was on hand to talk.

The state media's focus on the alleged pro-Tibetan bias of the Western press in covering the violence in Lhasa has triggered an outpouring of anti-Western sentiment on the internet. Jane Macartney, the China correspondent of the Times of London, has received death threats from callers to her Beijing office because of a commentary in her newspaper comparing the Beijing Olympics in August to the Nazi-organised Olympics in Berlin in 1936.

Fearing protests by Tibetans and others, officials imposed tight security on March 31st around an Olympic torch-lighting ceremony in Tiananmen Square. At the event President Hu Jintao lit a cauldron on which were carved 56 “lucky clouds”. The official news agency, Xinhua, said these symbolised good wishes from China's 56 officially recognised ethnic groups.

But the next day a police spokesman, Wu Heping, said that Tibetan separatists were preparing to send out “dare-to-die” squads to stage violent attacks (he offered no details). Mr Wu said police had recently seized 178 guns, some 13,000 bullets, more than 3.5 tonnes of explosives, more than 19,000 detonators and two hand-grenades from Tibetan monasteries. He also said they had arrested a man suspected of acting as an agent for the “Dalai Lama clique” to incite the Lhasa unrest. The Dalai Lama denies any involvement.

China has produced little convincing evidence of any terrorist campaign within its borders. Diplomats say China tends to exaggerate such threats as an excuse to crack down on separatist movements. Its crude methods of doing so often heighten ethnic tensions. After the rioting an armoured personnel carrier with helmeted troops on top cruised through Lhasa, displaying a red banner that read “religious activities must keep to the law”.

Official insensitivity to ethnic minorities is evident in attempts in recent years to foster a cult of the Yellow Emperor, a mythical ancestor of the Han race, who supposedly lived 5,000 years ago. Senior leaders have taken part in ceremonies paying homage to him. Last October officials arranged for groups of ethnic minorities, including Tibetans, to join one such rite at a shrine in Shaanxi province where the Yellow Emperor is said to be buried. After passing through Tibet, where officials fear it could spark more protests, the Olympic torch will be carried to the shrine in July.

Yellow Emperor-worship will enjoy a boost from the introduction this week of a new public holiday known as Qingming, Tomb Sweeping Day. This is a festival at which Chinese traditionally pay their respects to ancestors. Governments in Shaanxi and in Henan province, which claims to be the emperor's birthplace, are competing (and reportedly spending millions of dollars) to make their respective Yellow Emperor shrines pre-eminent. Officials in Henan say they are expecting 20,000 emperor-worshippers this month.

That ethnic minorities have no interest in the Yellow Emperor is occasionally noted by Chinese commentators. But many Chinese officials see the cult as a useful way of promoting patriotism. Just before the Lhasa riots four advisers to China's parliament proposed that presiding over Yellow Emperor ceremonies should become an annual duty for state leaders. This, they said, would help “unite and consolidate forces from all sides”. Tibetans would differ.







官方媒体把注意力集中在对西方媒体在报道拉萨骚乱时对支持西藏偏见的指控上,由此引发了在互连网上反西方言论的狂潮。Jane Macartney,伦敦泰吾士报驻中国记者,因为一则他报纸上把北京奥运会比做1936柏林奥运会的评论已经收到打到他北京办公室的死亡威胁电话。







[ 本帖最后由 OrpheusXi 于 2008-4-18 08:35 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-18 03:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-18 07:30 | 显示全部楼层

该民间做的事民间去做, 政府做好政府该做的事就好了!

别乱了规矩, 让外国人说三道四!!
发表于 2008-4-18 10:52 | 显示全部楼层
祭拜黄帝应该遵从个人意愿,官方代表祭拜尽管能进行爱国思想教育但也落人口舌,而且花费不小,浪费资源,不如花在其他更有意义的 事上!
发表于 2008-4-18 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-18 11:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-18 12:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-18 14:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-18 15:12 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-4-19 01:27 | 显示全部楼层
johnsonsteven wrote: April 15, 2008 06:15 less than sixty years ago, after the People's Republic of China(P.R.C) was founded, if you have studied Chinese history carefully, Chinese was one of the most poorest countries over the world, when millions of Chinese people die each year unnecessarily and wastefully from diseases, hungry and flood, we had not heard such words as Chinese human right, nationalism, we had heard boycott, embargo, and words of threat. And today believe it or not, under the leadership of C.C.P. Chinese people have achieved a great accomplishment, especially in the field of economic growth, although, as is so often pointed out by many people, just as Mr. Jfroitz.too many people yet live in poverty, however, still many people obtain a better-of living.
Admitedly, the Chinese government does have some drawbacks, or something that is not accepted by the west, but Chinese people will give her the very chance to improve herself. From all the aspects, if Chinese people are given the opportunity to choose between the Chinese government and the west. I guess their will choose the former, and without hesitate, kick the latter to the dump of rubish.
From the history, Chinese was, is and will be a peace-love nation, although the west deserve the blame, most Chinese people hold a friendly attitude towards western people. is Chinese always a nationality of forgettery?
Hypocrisy. The west cover their interest-oriented face with a mask of human right or noble imagine. of course,they do succeed in the Affric continent, when the west exchanged their Bible for the gold of African. http://www.economist.com/world/a ... 961867&mode=comment ===========================================================================================================================
johnsonsteven 写道:
4月15日 2008 6:15
      不到60年前,在中华人民共和国(P.R.C)成立前,如果你认真的学习中国的历史,中国是世界上最穷的国家之一,当几百万中国人死于每年没有必要的和浪费的疾病,饥饿和洪水,我们没有听到有关中国人权,民族主义之类的词,我们听到抵制,封锁和威胁(译者注:应该是指威胁中国)。然而今天,不管你信不信,在共产党的领导下,中国人完成了一个伟大的成就,特别在经济增长的领域,虽然,正如被很多人指出来的,比如Mr. Jfroitz。太多的人生活在贫困,尽管如此,仍有许多人得到了更好的生活。
[ 本帖最后由 a54cc 于 2008-4-19 02:24 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-19 02:01 | 显示全部楼层
a last note for Jfroitz: 1. I found some self-styled independence seekers opportunists at best. that is why they always need some boost from without. 2. Be it noted that what Mann or Bell has said in an objective and impartial research would more likely than not be labeled as nationalist or too patriotic if uttered by a Chinese.
[ 本帖最后由 a54cc 于 2008-4-19 02:03 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-19 02:17 | 显示全部楼层
Jfroitz (4) People under long-term and persistent hypnosis will psychologically start to construct a mechanism of self-hypnosis. As time goes by, the ideas hypnotized would come to be part of his very personality. So, if you find someone ‘fall prey to the trap of nationalism,’ look at some others who think they are not, and see if they fall prey to the trap of nationalism on the part of other states! =============================================================================
发表于 2008-4-19 02:28 | 显示全部楼层
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