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发表于 2010-3-7 19:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Food Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Crops
Following the production of the first transgenic plants, health issues concerning the safety of using genetically modified (GM) crops in foods and feeds have been discussed, debated, and evaluated. The main concerns regarding GM foods include toxin or allergen production, changes in nutrient levels, and development of antibiotic resistance. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration established extensive guidelines to address the concerns and ensure the safe commercial introduction of GM crops for use in food or feed. The guidelines were developed through evaluation of scientific data from several disciplines related to genetic engineering and food safety, and consultation with experts from around the world. Foods containing GM crops meeting the FDA guidelines are deemed to be as safe and nutritious as their non-GM counterparts already on the market.
Abbreviations:GM, genetically modified • FDA, Food and Drug Administration • USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency • USDA, U.S. Department of Agriculture • APHIS, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service • GRAS, generally recognized as safe • ECSCF, European Commission Scientific Committee for Food


IN the 5 yr since the first large-scale commercial harvest, the area planted to transgenic crops in the U.S. has grown to more than 28.4 million ha (more than 71 million acres) in 1999, where approximately 35% of all corn (Zea mays L.) and 55% of all soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] planted were transgenic (James, 1999). Because soybean and corn are used as ingredients in a wide range of food products, many foods on grocery store shelves currently contain ingredients derived from genetically engineered crops. Barring a consumer backlash, the area planted to transgenic crops will continue to rise, resulting in ever more foods derived from transgenic crops (GM foods) in the marketplace.
Throughout the development and commercialization of transgenic crops, health and food safety concerns have been raised and regulatory procedures established to ensure the safety of GM foods. The main concerns voiced have been questions about the potential of GM crops to:
Inadvertently introduce toxins
Introduce allergens
Change the levels of essential nutrients, and/or
Compromise antibiotic therapies
Issues of food safety from GM crops came to the fore with a report that a greater number of laboratory rats (Rattus rattus) suffered from abnormalities in their small intestines after 10 d of feeding on GM potato diets (Solanum tuberosum L.), relative to those feeding on non-GM potato diets (Ewen and Pusztai, 1999). In an extraordinarily unusual step within the scientific field, the same journal that published the paper simultaneously published the rebuttal (Kuiper et al., 1999). The rebuttal made it clear that the potato diet was inappropriate for rats, that similar intestinal abnormalities are well known in rats fed similar diets, and that the sample size (six rats) was too small to draw any conclusions.
The report by Ewen and Pusztai (1999) was seized upon by anti-GM advocates to support their contention that proper regulatory oversight is either lacking or inadequate. This paper was written to address those concerns and to provide information on the assessment criteria and regulatory mechanisms that are in place in the U.S. to ensure the safety of GM foods.
从首次大规模商业收获起的五年里,在美国种植的转基因作物面积已经增长到1999年的2800万公顷(710万多英亩),其中种植的约35%玉米(Zea mays即拉丁语玉米)和55%大豆【Glycine max即拉丁语大豆】为转基因品种(詹姆斯,1999年)。由于大豆和玉米被广泛用作食物产品成份,杂货店货架上许多食品现在含有来源于转基因工程处理后的作物成份。忽略消费者的强烈反应的话,种植转基因作物的面积将会继续上升,使得市场上始终有来源于转基因作物的食品(转基因食品)。
来自转基因作物的食品安全问题开始凸现出来,一份报告表明有较大数量的实验鼠(Rattus rattus)在喂食了10天转基因马铃薯食物(Solanum turrosum即拉丁语马铃薯)后相对于那些喂食非转基因马铃薯食物(埃文和普斯陶伊,1999年)的对照组出现了小肠异常。以科学领域里异乎寻常罕见的速度,刊登了这份资料的同一本杂志上同期登出了对这个资料的反驳文章(柯伊伯等人,1999年)。反驳使这一点变得很明确,那就是,马铃薯食物不适合喂食老鼠,喂食相似食物的老鼠中出现相似的小肠异常是毫无疑问的,而且试验样本的数量太小(六只老鼠)不足以用来得出任何结论。
Safety Assurance for Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Crops
Before marketing, GM crops must undergo extensive food, feed, and environmental safety assessments. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) all have jurisdiction for monitoring and regulating the development, testing, and release of GM plants and plant products.
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act grants the FDA authority to regulate commercialization and marketing of most domestic and imported foods in the U.S. market. Under the 1992 Policy interpretation (USFDA, 1992), GM foods and food ingredients must comply with the same standards that apply to other food products. This means that GM foods must be as safe and nutritious as their non-GM counterparts in grocery stores today. The Act places legal duty on developers to ensure that the foods they market to consumers are safe to eat. Transgenic crops containing novel proteins classified as food additives are subjected to additional testing and must receive premarket approval by the FDA before commercialization, while whole foods made from transgenic crops passing GRAS (generally recognized as safe) standards are subject to FDA regulation after commercialization. The FDA has the broad authority to take legal action against developers of any food or food additive that poses a hazard to the public.
The FDA published its 1992 policy to assist developers in addressing food safety and regulatory issues before products reach the market. The policy statement contains a comprehensive "guidance to industry" section that discusses scientific issues for assuring food safety and identifies scientific and regulatory questions that developers must consider to determine if they should consult with the FDA before commercial release of a genetically engineered food crop. Developers are encouraged to consult with the FDA through the Office of Premarket Approval of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and the Office of Surveillance and Compliance of the Center for Veterinary Medicine before the commercialization of a new GM variety to ensure that the variety will meet all safety requirements. The FDA requires a full evaluation of a genetically engineered food crop when uncharacterized DNA sequences are used, or when food products may contain significantly altered nutrient levels, different compositions from substances currently found in foods, allergenic proteins, new antibiotic resistance markers, or levels of toxins significantly above those found naturally in edible varieties of the same species.

Inadvertent Synthesis or Increase in Toxins

Many plants produce a number of toxins and antinutritional factors that are thought to provide resistance to natural herbivores (Kessler et al., 1992). In most domesticated crop species, the concentrations of such toxins are so low that they present no health concerns. In other species (e.g., potato), breeders routinely screen new varieties to make sure that toxins are within a safe limit. In some crop species (e.g., cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz), the food product must be cooked or processed to inactivate toxic substances. In GM crop plants, toxins are of concern in any species in which unsafe levels have been found in its lines, varieties or relatives, or if transgenes are derived from such species. In those cases, developers of GM crops must determine that toxins are absent, or present within a safe range, before commercialization of the crop. In addition, a number of groups of proteins present in common foods are toxic or antinutritional. Development of GM crop plants with gene sequences encoding such proteins is not recommended, and if developed, such varieties would be subject to a full food safety review.
Another concern is the potential for silent toxin pathways to be reactivated in GM crops due to the genetic engineering process. Plants, like other organisms, have metabolic pathways that no longer function due to mutations that occurred during evolution. Products or intermediates from some of these pathways may be toxins. Questions have been raised as to the potential for genetic engineering to reactivate those pathways. However, a determination was made that the likelihood of such events occurring in food plants with a long history of safe use is remote, and that the potential would likely have been detected during breeding evaluations of the crop and its use for food (reviewed in Kessler et al., 1992). Currently, all transgenic food crops approved for commercialization in the USA (e.g., corn, soybean, potato, etc.) have long histories of breeding and use as foods, and this history can be used to evaluate potential for toxin production. Transgenic crops that have breeding and/or food use histories that indicate a potential for toxin production are subject to a full food safety evaluation prior to commercialization. Similar safety evaluations would be necessary for new crops lacking a long history of breeding and use in food, since the potential for toxin production would be difficult to predict in these crops.
Toxins present in the food supply do not necessarily come from the plant itself, but rather can come from pathogens growing on the plant. A recent report (Munkvold et al., 1999) indicates that corn engineered to resist the European corn borer (Ostrina nubilalis) has lower concentrations of the fungal mycotoxin, fumonisin. The corn borer wounds the plant and facilitates infection by Fusarium ear rot (Fusarium verticilliodes), hence reductions in insect damage lead to reductions in fungal infection, which ultimately lead to lower levels of fungal toxin accumulation.
许多植物产生一些被认为用来对抗天然食草动物的毒素和抗营养因子(凯斯勒等人,1992年)。在许多已适应人类种植的作物品种里,这类毒素的聚集非常少以至于并不呈现出对健康的危害问题。在其他一些品种里(比如马铃薯),养殖者经常筛选新变种以确保毒素控制在安全限制内。在有些作物品种里(比如木薯Manihot esculenta Crantz),食物产品必须经过烹煮或加工处理从而使有毒物质失去活跃性。转基因植物里,其同谱系、变种或亲属中发现的不合安全标准的毒素在任何品种中都值得引起注意。那样的话,转基因作物开发者必须在将作物商业化之前决定是否允许毒素在安全范围内出现。另外,许多普通食品中出现的蛋白质群体是有毒或有抗营养性的。不推荐用基因序列编码这类蛋白质开发转基因农作植物,如果开发了,这类品种须受到全面的食品安全审查。
出现在食物供应中的毒素不一定来自植物本身,而相当可能来自植物上成长起来的致病菌。最近的一份报告(孟轲沃尔德等人,1999)显示转基因处理过用来抵抗欧洲玉米螟(Ostrina nubilalis)的玉米对真菌毒素、烟曲霉毒素的积聚作用很小。玉米螟伤害植株并容易造成镰刀菌素穗腐病感染。因此,减少昆虫损害致使真菌感染减少,从根本上致使降低真菌毒素累积水平。

Changes in Essential Nutrients

Certain crop plants are major suppliers of essential nutrients to the human diet. For example citrus crops are major sources of vitamin C, carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a source of vitamin A, and grain legumes are a source of protein and essential amino acids. Under FDA policy, developers of new food crop varieties, including GM crops, must determine that levels of essential nutrients in the new variety are not significantly different from levels traditionally associated with those crops. If, after reveiw of results from tests, levels of essential nutrients are found to be significantly different in the new crop, the FDA has the authority to disallow commercialization of the crop, or require that foods derived from the crop be labeled to inform the consumer of the altered nutrient content.
Genetically modified crops are being developed with enhanced nutritional qualities, such as increased iron or vitamin A content in edible plant parts (Goto et al., 1999; Ye et al., 2000). In such cases, the transgenic crop could be subject to a full food safety evaluation before approval for commercialization and to labeling requirements following commercialization (USFDA, 1992).
A recent paper by Lappé et al. (1998) reported that GM soybean had lower levels of isoflavones, considered important for human health, than non-GM soybean, which allegedly demonstrates the inadequacy of the current regulatory system. The American Soybean Association promptly reacted by providing documentation that the changes observed by Lappé et al. (1998) were well within the normal range of isoflavone concentrations for soybean (ASA, 1999).
某些农作植物是人类食物主要营养成分的重要提供者。比如柑桔类作物是维他命C的主要来源,胡萝卜(Daucus carota拉丁语胡萝卜属胡萝卜)是维他命A的来源,而豆类是蛋白质和必须氨基酸的来源。根据食品药物管理局政策,包括转基因作物在内的新食用作物品种开发者必须确定新品种的主要营养成分水平并无显著区别于传统同类作物水准之处。如果,审查检测结果后发现该新作物主要营养成分水平显著不同,食品药物管理局有权力不允许这种作物的商业化生产,或者要求源自该作物的食品打上标记告知消费者其营养成分发生了变化。

Introduction of Allergens
Food allergies occur in <1 to 2% of the population, and most sufferers have been shown to be allergic to only a few specific proteins in one or two specific foods (reviewed in Hefle et al., 1996; Metcalfe et al., 1996). Eight foods (peanut [Arachis hypogaea L.], soybean, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, crustaceans, and wheat [Triticum aestivum L.]) account for >90% of food allergies worldwide (reviewed in Metcalfe et al., 1996; Taylor and Lehrer, 1996). Food allergies are of major concern, as people with allergies to those foods can exhibit reactions that are sudden, severe, and life-threatening (reviewed in Taylor and Lehrer, 1996).
Guidelines for assessing the allergenic potential of GM crops were established by the FDA following extensive review of research on food allergies and consultation with leading researchers in the areas of food safety, food allergies, immunology, biotechnology, and diagnostics (USFDA, 1994). Under FDA guidelines, developers of crops engineered with transgenes from any of the foods listed above are instructed to demonstrate scientifically that the allergenic substance is not present in the new food.
All known food allergens are proteins, many of which share several features: amino acid sequence similarity to each other, molecular weight between 10 and 70 kDa, glycosylation, acidic isoelectric points, and resistance to heat, acid treatment, proteolysis, and digestion (reviewed in Lehrer et al., 1996; Taylor and Lehrer, 1996). Nevertheless, exceptions exist. Therefore, to ensure that new GM crops do not contain a new allergen, its allergenic potential must be assessed based on:
The gene source (did it come from a species known to cause food allergy?)
The crop to be engineered (do foods derived from that crop cause food allergies?)
The gene and protein sequence (does it share traits with known allergens?)
To aid in evaluation of those criteria, a decision tree strategy was formulated (Metcalfe et al., 1996). If the answer is yes to any of the questions posed in the diagram, specific tests and assays are recommended. If allergenic potential is indicated, the FDA will require labeling to inform consumers of the allergenic potential, or to take legal action against commercialization.
To illustrate how the regulatory system works, Pioneer Hi-Bred International scientists introduced a gene from the Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl.) into soybean to improve the methionine content of the protein. Because allergic reactions to Brazil nut had been previously documented, skin prick tests, inhibition immunoassays, and immunoblotting were recommended for testing the allergenic potential of the Brazil nut protein engineered into soybean. During the required evaluation process, the protein made by the introduced gene was found to be allergenic (Nordlee et al., 1996), and Pioneer announced it was discontinuing the work with the Brazil nut gene.
食品过敏发生在人群小于1%到2%的范围内,且多数过敏者表现为只对一两种特定食品的很少几种特定蛋白质过敏(参看:海福乐等人,1996年;梅特卡夫等人,1996年)。八种食品(花生【Arachis hypogaea即拉丁语落花生】、大豆、树坚果、奶类、蛋类、鱼类、甲壳类和小麦【Triticum aestivum即拉丁语小麦】)占全世界食品过敏原90%以上(参看:麦特卡夫等人,1996年;泰勒和莱勒,1996年)。食品过敏原是主要关注的问题,因为对那些食品过敏的人会出现突然、剧烈和威胁生命的反应(参看:泰勒和莱勒,1996年)。
为了说明调控机制是如何发挥作用的,“国际先锋种子公司”的科学家们向大豆中引入了巴西胡桃(Bertholletia excelsa巴西坚果)的基因以改变大豆蛋白质的蛋氨酸成分。因为对巴西胡桃的过敏反应事先已经有证明文件备案,所以推荐使用皮刺测试、免疫抑制和免疫印迹法以测试处理到大豆中的巴西胡桃蛋白质的致敏潜在因素。在要求评测的过程中,发现引入基因产生的蛋白质具有导致过敏作用(诺德里等人,1996年),并且“先锋”宣布已处于停止使用巴西胡桃基因的工作中。

Reduced Efficacy of Antibiotics

Genetic engineering of plant cells is an inefficient process, and only a very small percentage of the cells targeted for DNA delivery actually integrate and express the new transgenes. To isolate the transgenic cells from the millions of nontransgenic cells in a tissue, scientists usually link what is known as a selectable marker gene, usually a gene encoding for antibiotic resistance to the transgene(s) of interest. Cells are then grown in a laboratory culture medium containing the antibiotic. Only those cells that have integrated the antibiotic resistance transgene live and grow into plants.
Early in the development of transgenic crops, a concern was raised that the transfer of the antibiotic resistance transgene from plants to pathogens in the environment or in the gut of humans or animals would compromise antibiotic therapy by rendering pathogens immune to the effects of the antibiotic. Accordingly, the 1992 FDA policy statement (USFDA, 1992) and the recently published Guidance for Industry: Use of Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes in Transgenic Plants (USFDA, 1998) specifically discuss the safety evaluation of GM crops and food products containing antibiotic resistance transgenes, by addressing:
The potential toxicity of the protein encoded by the antibiotic resistance gene
The potential for the protein to elicit allergenic reactions
The importance of the antibiotic as a medication
The frequency of use of the antibiotic
Whether the antibiotic is orally administered
The uniqueness of the antibiotic
The potential for transfer of the antibiotic resistance transgene from plants to microorganisms, and whether such a transfer would enhance the survival of the microorganisms that incorporated the antibiotic resistance gene
The frequency of antibiotic resistance naturally found in bacterial populations
These guidelines were established following consultation with experts in the fields of microbiology, medicine, bacterial and mycotic diseases, and food safety. Additional confirmation of the guidelines' ability to ensure that GM crops containing antibiotic resistance transgenes are safe was provided by national and international food safety regulatory agencies including the USEPA, the European Commission Scientific Committees for Food and Animal Nutrition, the Nordic Working Group on Food Toxicology and Risk Assessment, and the World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization (ECSCF, 1996; Karenlampi, 1996; USEPA, 1994; WHO, 1993, 1996).
The antibiotic resistance transgene used to develop the GM crop plants currently in the market is the NPTII or APH(3')II gene, which provides resistance to the antibiotics kanamycin and neomycin by detoxifying them (reviewed in Flavell et al., 1992). A detailed description of the safety assessment of the NPTII gene and its protein product is provided by Calgene (1990), by USFDA (1994) and in the USFDA Guidance to Industry: Use of Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes in Transgenic Plants (1998). In accordance with the criteria listed earlier, the NPTII gene was deemed safe for use (Calgene, 1990; reviewed in Flavell et al., 1992) based on the following:
No evidence of allergenicity or toxicity could be identified.
Kanamycin-resistant bacteria are so common in nature that the average human eats 1.2 million bacteria containing the NPTII gene each day, primarily on fresh vegetables.
Eating food containing NPTII would not compromise the oral use of kanamycin in humans because the protein is rapidly inactivated and degraded in the gut. Also, NPTII requires ATP to function, and ATP is present in only extremely low concentrations in the digestive system.
The transfer of the NPTII gene from plants to pathogenic bacteria was highly unlikely to occur, and even if it did, would not increase the amount of kanamycin-resistant bacteria. Each human gut naturally contains 1012 kanamycin-resistant bacteria. The worst-case scenario is that eating a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) with the NPTII gene would increase the frequency of kanamycin-resistant bacteria in the gut by 0.000001%.
Similar data were presented to demonstrate the safety of the NPTII gene in animal feed and in exposure of soil microorganisms to GM crops in large-scale production scenarios (USFDA, 1998).
Because the DNA used for genetic engineering is produced inside bacteria, a second antibiotic resistance gene, one expressed only in bacteria, is used to permit the preferential growth of bacterial cells containing the engineered DNA. One gene used frequently for the purpose is the bla or ampR gene, which gives resistance to ampicillin. Whenever a gene gun is used to engineer a plant, the bla gene can also get incorporated into the plant. Such is the case with Bt maize (Zea mays L.) developed by Novartis. However, the ampicillin gene is designed to express only in bacteria, and never in a plant tissue. Because no protein product is produced in plants by the ampicillin gene, its use has been deemed safe (USFDA, 1998).
The conclusion that the NPTII and the ampicillin resistance genes are safe to use in GM crops has also been reached by other scientific panels and regulatory agencies (USEPA, 1994; Karenlampi, 1996; ECSCF, 1996; WHO, 1993). Agreement among independent international organizations regarding the approval and safety of antibiotic resistance markers should reassure consumers of the safety of GM foods containing antibiotic resistance genes.
Nevertheless, the opposite has happened. The presence of the bla gene, and fears that it will be transferred from GM crops into pathogens in the environment, was cited as the specific reason why the European Union denied approval of the Novartis Bt maize (Salyers, 1996). Ironically, the ampicillin resistance gene was found and isolated in London, in 1963 (Sutcliffe, 1978), indicating the ampicillin resistance gene is already present in the European environment, and has been since long before GM crops were ever envisioned.
Finally, although evaluation of the safety of antibiotic resistance markers will continue as needed, it may become unnecessary in the future as new, nonresistance based selectable markers are being developed and used in place of antibiotic resistance markers (Ebinuma et al., 1997; Haldrup et al., 1998; Kaeppler et al., 2000).




 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-7 19:48 | 显示全部楼层

Since the creation of the first transgenic plants, health issues concerning the safety of GM foods and feeds have been discussed, debated, and evaluated. Through evaluation of scientific data from several disciplines related to genetic engineering and food safety, and consultation with experts from around the world, the FDA has established guidelines for the safe commercial introduction of food from GM crops. Any such foods that meet FDA guidelines are deemed to be as safe as other foods on the market. Food safety guidelines established using current scientific knowledge are not static, and will continue to be refined as new knowledge is gained in areas related to food safety. For those interested in learning more about safety assessment of GM foods, the following Web sites are suggested as excellent starting points for obtaining further information and references:

http//www.aphis.usda.gov/biotechnology = USDA Biotechnology page
http//www.betterfoods.org/ = Better Foods Organization
http//www.ificinfo.health.org = International Food Information Council
http//vm.cfsan.fda.gov/lrd/biotechm.html = FDA/CFSAN Biotechnology page
http//vm.cfsan.fda.gov/lrd/fr92529b.html = 1992 FDA Policy Statement

Received for publication January 31, 2000


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Ye X., Al-Babili S., Kloti A., Zhang J., Lucca P., Beyer P., Potrykus I. Engineering the provitamin A pathway into (carotenoid-free) rice endosperm. Science (Washington, DC) 2000;287:303-305.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-7 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-13 19:06 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# zhongdong_wang

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发表于 2010-3-13 19:10 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# 驽马不舍

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-13 20:05 | 显示全部楼层
1. 抗性蛋白是否有毒性,以及抗性蛋白会使那些人群产生过敏反应?
2. 抗性蛋白会影响那些信号通路,是否会因此导致一些食物中本来不构成危害的微量有毒物质上升到有害范围?
3. 抗性蛋白影响信号通路,会不会导致植物营养价值下降?
4. 用于筛选具有转基因种子的抗生素基因,是否会因此导致自然界的病菌对我们临床上适用的抗生素产生抗性?




Inadvertent Synthesis or Increase in Toxins

Introduction of Allergens




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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-14 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zhongdong_wang 于 2010-3-14 11:59 编辑
总结一下这篇文章,就目前号称要推广的抗除草剂和抗虫转基因作物,我觉得农业部需要向大家解释一下的四个问 ...
aliaselin 发表于 2010-3-13 20:05

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-3-15 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-10-23 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 袁立 于 2010-10-23 23:05 编辑
zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-3-7 19:47

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-10-23 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
1) 轉基因農產品在於種植過的農藥-農達, 農達對土壤污染
2) 在孟都山使用自殺種子
3) 在植物使用動物的基因, 對於某些人對動物敏感的人造成生命危險
4) 孟都山是臭名昭著的公司
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-10-23 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
1) 轉基因農產品在於種植過的農藥-農達, 農達對土壤污染
2) 在孟都山使用自殺種子
3) 在植物使用動物的基因, 對於某些人對動物敏感的人造成生命危險
4) 孟都山是臭名昭著的公司
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-10-23 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
1) 轉基因農產品在於種植過的農藥-農達, 農達對土壤污染
2) 在孟都山使用自殺種子
3) 在植物使用動物的基因, 對於某些人對動物敏感的人造成生命危險
4) 孟都山是臭名昭著的公司
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-10-23 23:12 | 显示全部楼层
.分類:農業問題2010/06/25 02:41
.        金寶瑜:孟山都轉基因種子對農業生產的禍害

                  金寶瑜   2010-6-22


孟山都原是一家化學公司,多年來孟山都出售一種強力的殺雜草的除鏽劑(叫 Roundup)[1]。Roundup 原是一種很不錯的除鏽劑,許多農民都喜歡使用它。但是Roundup雖然殺雜草但也會傷害到穀物,因此孟山都就想出了牟取更高利潤的新策略。從80年代末,孟山都和其他美國大型農業公司就開始積極研發轉基因種子。孟山都致力於研發能夠抗拒Roundup的轉基因的穀物種子。























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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-1-13 02:37 | 显示全部楼层
FDA 在对待转基因问题上有包庇倾向,明显受美国利益所制,没有体现其在食品安全上的独立性,以后会成为大丑闻的。

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