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【口语】Tom, Dick, and Harry等

发表于 2010-3-8 10:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Tom, Dick, and Harry

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,(any/every) Tom, Dick, and Harry意为“any person”。

Haven't you bought a new car yet? 还没买到车吗?
I am looking on the Internet for some good deals. 我在网上找有没有合适的呢。
I'd be very careful if I were you. Any Tom, Dick, and Harry can set up a website, you can't trust everything you see on the Internet. 要是我,我会很小心的。现在张三李四都能建个网站,网上看到的不一定都是真的。
Don't worry. I'll be very cautious! 别担心。我会很谨慎的。

2. cut from the same cloth

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,cut from the same cloth意为“
If people or things are cut from the same cloth, they are very similar to each other”。

What do you think about the boss stepping down and his son taking over? 老板隐退,他儿子接任,你怎么想?
I don't think it will make much of a difference. They are both very similar. 我想不会有太大的变化。他们(的风格)很相似。
You are right. They both have the same positive and negative characteristics. 没错。他们有着相同的优缺点(性格特点)。
They are cut from the same cloth. 他们是一个模子印出来的。

3. third wheel

根据Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions,third wheel意为“an extra person; a person who gets in the way”。

Hey, do you want to hang out tonight? 嗨,今晚出去HIGH一下怎样?
I'd love to, but I'm going to the movies with my girlfriend. Do you want to come? 我约好女友去看电影呢,要不要一起去?
Thanks for the invitation. But if it's you and your girlfriend, I'll pass. I don't want to be the third wheel. 谢了,既然你和女友一起去,我就不去了。我可不想当电灯泡。

4. (not) breathe a word

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,breathe可指“to say (something) very quietly”。

How come you were absent yesterday? 你昨天怎么没来啊?
Can you keep a secret? 你能保密吗?
Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I won't breathe a word. 别担心,我绝对保密。我连半句都不会透露。
Ok, I had an interview at another company. Please don't tell anyone.  好吧,我去另一家公司面试了。千万别告诉其他人。

5. look the other way

根据merriam-webster's learner's dictionay,look the other way意为“to ignore something that should be noticed or dealt with : to turn your attention away from something”。

Did you hear that our secretary got caught stealing from the company? 听说(张)秘书因为偷东西被抓了?
Yeah, it looks like she had been stealing from the company for a long time. 是的,好像她偷东西不是一次两次了。
How? Her supervisor didn't know? 怎么可能啊,她的上司从没发觉吗?
Sure he knew! He was letting her do it by looking the other way. 肯定知道的。他就是装没看见助纣为虐。





发表于 2010-3-8 13:28 | 显示全部楼层
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