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发表于 2008-4-18 06:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Heavy security for torch in Delhiffice


The Olympic torch relay has completed the latest leg of its world tour in India's capital, Delhi, amid heavy security to protect it from protests.


Some 16,000 police sealed off the city centre along the truncated relay route.


At least 100 pro-Tibet activists were held in Delhi, police sources said, but the event passed off without the anti-China protests seen elsewhere.


Earlier, Tibetan exile groups organised a peaceful alternative torch relay involving politicians and celebrities.


India is home to the world's largest community of Tibetan exiles, as well as their government-in-exile and spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.


Last week, India's foreign minister told his Chinese counterpart that the government would take steps to ensure the torch's safe passage.


[ 本帖最后由 unfair-bias 于 2008-4-18 06:23 编辑 ]




 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 06:16 | 显示全部楼层
Sterile atmosphere

The Indian press had described the capital as "Fortress Delhi" prior to the arrival of the Olympic torch from Pakistan on Thursday.

Apart from about 500 dignitaries and a group of school children invited to watch, the public was kept well away from the flame as it was carried 3km (1.9 miles) along the Rajpath, from the presidential palace to India Gate.

Three lines of police checkpoints guarded every entrance and exit to the ceremonial avenue and a cordon of Indian and Chinese security personnel in red and blue tracksuits surrounded the torchbearers at every moment.

The route, which was cut to a third of its original 9km distance on security grounds, left the 70 runners only able to carry the torch for a few metres before having to pass it on.

The BBC's Chris Morris in Delhi says that the atmosphere was sterile at best, with no members of the public to be seen at the start and only a small crowd sitting around an Olympic cauldron at the end.
BBC驻新德里记者Chris Morris说这里的气氛密不透风之极,没有公众能看到开始,仅有一少部分人在终点奥运圣火盆周围坐着。

Our correspondent says it was a day that probably left no-one entirely satisfied and the Olympic spirit rather tarnished. BBC记者说这是可能无人能满意的一天,因为奥林匹克精神受到了玷污。

In the run-up to the ceremony, the authorities closed many main roads in central Delhi, creating huge traffic jams, and sealed off the area for five hours.

Workers in the many government offices overlooking the route were told to look out of their windows to look because of the perceived security threat.

Security patrols in the surrounding area were issued with blankets and fire extinguishers in case protesters set themselves on fire.

No exact times were given for the relay in advance amid fears of protests by India's 100,000-strong Tibetan exile community, some of whom had threatened to disrupt the event.
[ 本帖最后由 yakunta 于 2008-4-18 06:21 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 06:17 | 显示全部楼层
Mumbai arrests 孟买逮捕抗议者

Earlier in the day, hundreds of Tibetan exiles had taken part in their own, alternative torch relay in Delhi, chanting slogans against China as they set off from the mausoleum of India's independence leader, Mahatma Gandhi. 早些天,数百西藏流亡人士在新德里从印度独立领袖圣雄甘地的陵园出发,高呼反对中国的口号,参加了他们自己的火炬传递活动。

The alternative torch arrived at the Jantar Mantar surrounded by Tibetan flags and young men wearing headbands saying "Free Tibet". 这个火炬最终抵达Jantar Mantar,被雪山狮子旗保卫,藏族青年头系头巾,高呼“Free Tibet”。

There were also pro-Tibet protests on Thursday outside the Chinese consulate in the Indian financial centre of Mumbai, where at least 55 people were detained by police. 还有一些支持藏独的抗议者周四在印度金融中心孟买的中国领事馆外抗议,至少55人被警方拘留。

In the Indian Himalayan region of Ladakh, which borders Tibet, at least 5,000 Tibetan exiles and local Buddhists participated in a march in the town of Leh. 在印度喜马拉雅山区域的拉达卡哈,频临西藏,至少5000流亡藏人和当地佛教徒在3月参加了当地的抗议行动。

In Nepal, more than 500 members of the Tibetan exile community were arrested in the capital, Kathmandu, during demonstrations near Chinese diplomatic buildings. 在尼泊尔首都卡萨满都,至少500名流亡藏人因在中国大使馆外抗议被逮捕。

Other cities preparing to receive the torch are making preparations following the chaotic scenes in London, Paris and San Francisco. 在伦敦,巴黎,旧金山火炬传递的混乱场面后,其余火炬抵达城市都在做相应准备。

In the Australian capital, Canberra, police have been given extra powers to search those watching the relay for items such as guns and knives. 澳大利亚首都堪培拉,警方被授权搜查观看活动者,禁止携带枪支刀具。

The Chinese government has meanwhile appealed for understanding over the actions of the torch's controversial security guards, who have been criticised for being heavy-handed with protesters. 中国政府同时呼吁理解火炬传递的护卫者,他们因重拳对待抗议者而被批评。

"Relevant countries should have a clear understanding of the rules of the escorts and understand their work," foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said. “相关国家应该理解传递规则和他们(火炬保卫者)的工作”,外交部发言人姜俞说。

They have used their bodies to protect the torch, so their acts should be praised and the violent acts of those Tibet independence elements be condemned." “他们用他们的身体去保卫火炬,他们的行为应该被赞赏,藏独的暴力行为应该被抨击。”

Ms Jiang said that providing security escorts for the torch had been common practice during previous Olympic Games and that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) had "given its 100% support 姜女士说,提供安全护送火炬是奥运会前的惯例,国际奥委会已经“给予100%的支持”。
[ 本帖最后由 unfair-bias 于 2008-4-18 06:21 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-18 06:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-18 06:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-18 07:08 | 显示全部楼层

普罗大众无法分享奥运火炬传递的欢愉, 它变成了一小部分人的"内部会议"......这不是奥林匹克火炬传递的原意!!!

发表于 2008-4-18 10:21 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 泥头 于 2008-4-18 07:08 发表 听说香港也要封锁火炬途径路线......那还有什么意思! 普罗大众无法分享奥运火炬传递的欢愉, 它变成了一小部分人的"内部会议"......这不是奥林匹克火炬传递的原意!!! 我恨藏独分子! ...
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