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[4.17 英国 BBC] 网络上的中国:对西藏问题和火炬传递的回应

发表于 2008-4-18 08:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


【本文标题】China online: Tibet and torch reaction   网络上的中国:对西藏问题和火炬传递的回应


Over the past few weeks Chinese bloggers and people on internet forums have been reacting to events in Tibet and the protests disrupting the torch relay.

This is a summary of some of the trends so far.

This page contains links to external websites which are not subject to the usual BBC editorial controls.


  The treatment of Paralympian Jin Jing in Paris sparked outrage in China

Blogs, internet forums and text messages circulating in China have urged consumers to boycott French goods in response to the protests that accompanied the torch relay in Paris.

Popular anger at chaotic scenes which saw pro-Tibet protesters grab the flame from Paralympic fencer Jin Jing has been inflamed by detailed accounts posted on the internet by eyewitnesses.

The blog EastSouthWestNorth translated the most notable of these posts from popular Chinese internet forums and newspapers.

One bystander waiting by the Seine for the torch to pass found himself involved in the scuffle for the torch. He recounted his experience on popular Chinese-language forum Tianya.

"The brave girl lowered her head and used her back to shield the torch. The thug pulled her shoulder back and hit her... Tears rained out of my eyes. I was sad and angry. Here was an unarmed girl who was handicapped, and the thug had to hit her?"

The anger and the bewilderment at the actions of the protesters is palpable in one of the response posts: "Who is abusing human rights? Who is bringing violence to this world?"

Lists of products and brands to boycott, including Louis Vuitton and French retailer Carrefour, have been widely circulated.

Blogger Wang Jian Shuo says several of his friends have started to boycott French products and describes the impact of recent events on his own thinking: "If you need an example, I am the person in China who were turned from pro-France to anti-France within few days. .. I don't think France is a friendly country at all."


  A clip from Don't Be Too CNN

The latest ditty to catch the imagination of the Chinese blogs and chatrooms is "Don't be too CNN" - a musical retort to the perceived bias of western media outlets such as CNN and the BBC.
最近一个吸引了中文博客和聊天室的歌曲是"做人不能太CNN" -- 一个对CNN和BBC这种西方媒体明显偏见的音乐式反击.

"Don't be too CNN", broadly intended to mean "don't ignore the truth", has a music video which has been posted on many blogs and forums in China. The lyric has assumed the status of a cult catchphrase.

There are at least two versions of the song circulating. One version features a young woman singing about CNN's coverage of events in Tibet with screen grabs from the CNN website.

Another is set to the tune of Britney Spears' 1998 hit, Baby One More Time, and denounces both CNN and the BBC. In one scene from the video for that version the emblems of both organisations are emblazoned on a woman's buttocks.
另一个版本基于1998年小甜甜布兰妮的歌曲"Baby One More Time"的旋律,公然指责了CNN和BBC.该视频的一个场景中两个新闻组织的徽章都被贴在了一个女人的臀部上.

One of the biggest Chinese language online portal sites, Sina.com, has a popular page: "Don't be too CNN, fire to the Western media."


John Kennedy, who translates and collates highlights from the Chinese blogosphere for Global Voices, has highlighted instances where the online community has targeted certain individuals - and even taken its opposition offline.
从中文博客圈内为全球之声翻译并收集精彩部分的John Kennedy,关注到在线团体将目标对准一些个人 -- 甚至对准已经断线敌对者.

He cites the example of Grace Wang, a Chinese student at Duke University in the US, who was spotted by other overseas Chinese taking part in a Free Tibet protest, which led to what he describes as "torrents of horrid abuse and at least one lengthy human flesh search engine witch hunt" which began on the Chinese language online portal Tianya.
他引用了美国杜克大学一个学生Grace Wang的例子,她因参与自由西藏抗议而被其它海外的中国人作为目标,进而引发了他所描述的"怒气的迸发和至少一次长时间的捕捉目标的人肉搜索引擎",这次事件开始于中文在线门户天涯网.

  If we use nationalism as the weapon to resist the westerners, then how can we persuade the ethnic minorities to abandon their nationalism
  Chang Ping, Journalist and blogger
  -- 常平(译者:音译),记者兼博客作者

The EastSouthWestNorth blog talks about "human flesh search engines" as a phenomenon where an online community is mobilised to track down specific individuals or facts.

In this case a friend of the student concerned has written to Global Voices to say that the harassment was so serious that the student's home in China was attacked with rocks.

An internet manhunt - complete with "Wanted" posters - for the man who allegedly wrestled the torch from Paralympic athlete Jin Jing has also been launched on the Chinese language Anti-CNN site.
一次网络查捕 -- 以一个"通缉"的贴子开始 -- 要查找那个所谓跟残疾运动员金晶扭打在一起的人的行动已经在中文网站Anti-CNN上开始.

The media monitoring blog Danwei highlights the case of Chang Ping, a journalist and blogger who was labelled as a traitor on China.com forums - criticism which also made its way to the newspapers.

Chang Ping was attacked for his essay "How to find the truth about Lhasa" in which he says: "If we use nationalism as the weapon to resist the Westerners, then how can we persuade the ethnic minorities to abandon their nationalism and join the mainstream nation-building?"
2008.4.17_China online_ Tibet and torch reaction.png
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 09:02 | 显示全部楼层



  Pro-Tibet campaigners came face-to-face with Chinese supporters in the US

The disillusionment and outrage in China at the torch protests and the perceived bias of the western media is evident across countless blogs and bulletin boards.

Many commentators have said that the protests over Tibet have only served to strengthen Chinese nationalism rather than evoke sympathy for the Tibetan cause.

Sina.com has a petition against the Western media which has reportedly accumulated millions of signatures. Chinese language bulletin board Tiexue (Iron blood) has also hosted outpourings of anger.

In her blog RConversation, Rebecca McKinnon co-founder of Global Voices Online and assistant professor at Hong Kong University's journalism centre, says: "Lots of Chinese people now view the Western media, human rights groups, and Western leaders' criticisms of their country as part of the Racist Western Conspiracy to Stop China From Being Successful."
在全球之声在线的合作发起人兼香港大学记者中心教授Rebecca McKinnon的博客RConversation上,她说:"许多中国人现在将西方媒体,人权组织和西方领导对他们国家的批评视作种族主义的西方为了不让中国北京奥运会成功举办的阴谋."

She also points to the blog by an expatriate in China, Mutant Palm, who has been watching and commenting on the fallout from Tibet and torch protests online.
她同时指出,被逐出中国的Mutant Palm的博客一直在网上观察和评论西藏和火炬抗议的附带结果.

He tracked initial reaction to events in Tibet on Chinese versions of mobile phone social networks such as Fanfou. He argued in one early post that people should try and engage directly with Chinese "netizens" on networks such as Fanfou and Twitter in the spirit of constructive dialogue.

"Its time to start trying some things instead of just throwing our hands in the air and dismissing the other side as brainwashed, indoctrinated or oppressed. There's life out there folks, try making contact," he says.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 12:23 | 显示全部楼层



Its time to start trying some things instead of just throwing our hands in the air and dismissing the other side as brainwashed, indoctrinated or oppressed. There's life out there folks, try making contact," he says.

She also points to the blog by an expatriate in China, Mutant Palm, who has been watching and commenting on the fallout from Tibet and torch protests online.
她同时指出,居住在中国的外国人Mutant Palm的博客一直在网上观察和评论西藏和火炬抗议的附带结果.
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