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【转载/阅读】Cat's "Sixth sense" Predicting death? 猫凭「第六感」预测死亡?

发表于 2010-3-14 14:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Cat's "Sixth Sense" Predicting Death?

July 25, 2007  By none

Nursing Home Cat Named Oscar Seems to Know When Death Is Near

Oscar The 'Amazing Cat'
Only On The Web: Dr. David Dosa talks with Richard Schlesinger about Oscar the Cat, who seems to have the ability to know when patients at a Rhode Island nursing home are about to pass away.

Cat Is Harbinger Of Death
Oscar the Cat seems to know when patients in the nursing home where he lives are about to die. He visits their bedside in their final hours, providing comfort. Richard Schlesinger reports.

Oscar, a hospice cat at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, R.I., walks past an activity room at the facility on July 23, 2007.  AP

Predicting the death of a patient, even an elderly, demented one, is an inexact science, even for a doctor with decades of medical experience. But a cat in a Providence, Rhode Island, nursing home, an animal shelter refugee named Oscar, seems to have a sixth sense about when residents in the home's advanced dementia unit are about to pass away. And his actions can sometimes help alert the staff to notify family members in time for them to get to the nursing home to tell their loved ones goodbye.


Dr. David Dosa, a geriatrician and assistant professor at Brown University, said that five years of records showed Oscar rarely erring, sometimes proving medical staff at the New England nursing home wrong in their predictions over which patients were close to death.


The cat, now five and generally unsociable, was adopted as a kitten at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre in Providence, which specializes in caring for people with severe dementia. When Oscar was about six months old the staff noticed that he would curl up to sleep with patients who were about to die. If kept outside the room of a dying patient, Oscar will scratch on the door trying to get in. So far he has accurately predicted about 50 deaths.

这只猫现年5岁,通常独来独往,不善交际。是院方到普洛维登斯护理康复中心「斯蒂尔之家」领养的,这家养老院专责照顾重症痴呆病患。奥斯卡约6个月大时,工作人员注意到,牠会蜷伏在濒死病患身旁睡觉。如果把牠关在垂死病人门外,奥斯卡会不断抓门想要进去。牠迄今已准确预测约 50人死亡。

Dosa recounts one instance when staffs were convinced of the imminent death of one patient but Oscar refused to sit with that person, choosing instead to be on the bed of another patient in another room. Oscar proved to be right. The person he sat with died first, taking staff on the ward by surprise. Dosa noted that the nursing home keeps five other cats, but none of the others have ever displayed a similar ability.


Dosa said there is no scientific evidence to explain Oscar's abilities, but he thinks the cat might be responding to a pheromone or smell that humans simply don't recognize. He said his main interest was not to delve further into Oscar's abilities but to use Oscar as a vehicle to tell about terminal illness, which is his main area of work.


When doctors and staff realized that Oscar could sense when someone was going to die, the feline was portrayed as a furry grim reaper or four-legged angel of death. But Dr. Dosa, who broke the news of Oscar's abilities in a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007, said he never intended to make Oscar sound creepy or his arrival at a bedside to be viewed negatively.


Dosa said he hopes his newly released book, “Making Rounds With Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat” will put the cat in a more favorable light as well as providing a book to help people whose loved ones are terminally ill.


“I wanted to write a book that would go beyond Oscar's peculiarities, to tell why he is important to family members and caregivers who have been with him at the end of a life.” Dosa said Oscar's story is fascinating on many levels. “There is a lot to tell about what Oscar does, but there is a lot to tell on the human level of what family members go through at the end of life when they are dealing with a loved one in a nursing home or with advanced dementia,” he said.


“Perhaps the book is a little more approachable because there is a cat in it. We really know so little about nursing homes, and this tries to get rid of this myth that they are horrid factories where people go to die.”


In his book, Dosa offers no solid scientific explanation for Oscar's behaviour. He suggests Oscar is able - like dogs, which can reportedly smell cancer - to detect ketones, the distinctly-odoured biochemicals given off by dying cells.


Another possibility: “I think he is following the patterning behavior of the staff,” says Joan Teno, MD, professor of Brown University, Providence, who also cares for Steere House residents. “This is an excellent nursing home. If a dying person is alone, the staff will actually go in so the patient is not alone. They will hold a vigil.” Oscar has seen that pattern repeated many times, and may be mimicking it. “Animals are intuitive,” she says. “We don't give them enough credit.”


Far from recoiling from Oscar's presence, now they know its significance, relatives and friends of patients have been comforted and sometimes praised the cat in newspaper death notices and eulogies. As Oscar's reputation grew, so did appreciation for his mission. “The largest hospice organization in the state presented him with a certificate acknowledging his work,”Dosa says.






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