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发表于 2010-3-21 13:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China Uses Rules on Global Trade to Its Advantage8
【来源地址】http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/15/business/global/15yuan.html?ref=global-home1 c+
【声明】本翻译供 Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载

China defends its economic policies, like holding down the value of its currency, the renminbi. ' b' ^3 j: I* k' R
中国维持着它的经济政策,像持续压制人民币升值。" d+ l4 n8 A. |7 _: q) Y
1 z8 Z( ~# w) h( e6 a$ @, A
HONG KONG — With China’s exports soaring, even as other major economies struggle to recover from the recession, evidence is mounting that Beijing is skillfully using inconsistencies in international trade rules to spur its own economy at the expense of others, including the United States. 9 U& `- S0 R; \: M3 U% @
香港——随着中国的出口顺差,即使在其它经济体还在衰退中挣扎之时,不断有证据显示北京方面很有技巧地利用了国际贸易规则中的冲突,以此来刺激本国的经济而以他国的复苏为代价,其中也包括美国。& e, b- k& ]1 g! @
6 O; z0 R2 M( e* l; }
Seeking to maintain its export dominance, China is engaged in a two-pronged effort: fighting protectionism among its trade partners and holding down the value of its currency. + o$ Z) u: b" u5 L1 H8 u
China vigorously defends its economic policies. On Sunday, Premier Wen Jiabao criticized international pressure on China to let the currency appreciate, calling it “finger pointing.” He said that the renminbi, China’s currency, would be kept “basically stable.”
中国想要维持在出口方面的强势,正在实行着两个齐头并进的举措:一是,在贸易伙伴中打击贸易保护;二是,持续压制人民币升值。中国不遗余力地维持着自己的经济政策。在周日,温家宝总理抨击了国际上呼吁人民币升值的言论,称之为“互相指责”(原话为温总理反对大国间的互相指责:我们反对各国之间相互指责,甚至用强制的办法来迫使一国的汇率升值,因为这样做反而不利于人民币汇率的改革)。他说道,人民币,也就是中国的货币,会继续维持“基本稳定”。' Y$ w( @4 N7 q" m' z+ ?- x
- s+ m$ `; ?( V  h/ Z( j
To maximize its advantage, Beijing is exploiting a fundamental difference between two major international bodies: the World Trade Organization, which wields strict, enforceable penalties for countries that impede trade, and the International Monetary Fund, which acts as a kind of watchdog for global economic policy but has no power over countries like China that do not borrow money from it.
China had a $198 billion trade surplus with the rest of the world last year, with its exports to the United States outpacing imports by more than four to one. Despite that, in the last 12 months, Beijing has filed more cases with the W.T.O.’s powerful trade tribunals in Geneva than any other country complaining about another’s trade practices.
中国于上一年有一千九百八十亿贸易顺差相较于世界其他国家,它对于美国的出口要超出它从美国进口数量的四倍还多。撇开这不谈,在最新的一年中,北京方面已经向WTO位于日内瓦的贸易法庭提交了超过任意一个国家对他国贸易行为的诉讼。1 w, j0 h7 y. h
+ Q0 @) p" O% ~# D
In addition, Beijing has worked to suppress a series of I.M.F. reports since 2007 documenting how the country has substantially undervalued its currency, the renminbi, said three people with detailed knowledge of China’s actions. ( ~3 x; I" p: C% v5 s) \9 W

此外,北京方面已经试图阻挠国际货币基金会从2007年起来自于三个对中国所采取的行动非常了解的人的一系列报告,报告阐述证明了北京方面如何让人民币估值被严重低估。# g8 h* F0 q  q( L! t
% e$ P% D" i1 ~4 h) B6 o
China buys dollars and other foreign currencies — worth several hundred billion dollars a year — by selling more of its own currency, which then depresses its value. That intervention helped Chinese exports to surge 46 percent in February compared with a year earlier.
W  h8 ]4 ?6 ?7 o0 u
Many prominent academic economists see a basic contradiction in the global system of oversight on trade and currency. ! N9 p/ i& m  ^! b" k1 `* c: T
“Many of us would like to see the W.T.O.-style commitments — with people’s feet being held to the fire — at   other    international agencies, like the I.M.F.,” said Jagdish Bhagwati, a Columbia University economist. ' o- b1 `& ^) L9 k8 ~, x) V8 |
/ K" b: a% {9 r  M0 P
许多著名经济学者都关注到了一个国际体系中贸易和货币的根本矛盾。0 w7 g* {5 \# }6 b8 j; F
(意思就是希望在当今大家还在金融危机之时,各大经济机构能够对中国作出实质性的制裁,而不是说说而已.)% K/ J)( S, C9 V+ X# {! h6 U3 b
" f. |7 f" u& {$ @* o
Western countries hoped last year to bring international pressure to bear on China, after years of complaining that Beijing keeps the renminbi artificially low. : Z$ L7 m1 G  _6 |, f
  f! f/ N  t6 `# r, d# @: @
An undervalued currency keeps a country’s exports inexpensive in foreign markets while making imports expensive. That makes a trade surplus more likely, reducing unemployment for that country while increasing unemployment in its trading partners. 0 H3 u5 y) Q) J9 d% x
一个被低估了的货币能让一个国家的出口商品在国外市场十分廉价,同时又让那些进口商品变得代价高昂。那样更可能产生贸易顺差,让本国失业率降低,同时增加贸易伙伴国的失业率。(挑起矛盾,用心险恶至极,想打啊?!) V2 t
$ Y4 T$ F( N$ Y& Z5 c3 k
Last September, President Obama, President Hu Jintao of China and other leaders of the Group of 20 industrialized and developing countries agreed in Pittsburgh that all the G-20 countries would begin sharing their economic plans by November. The goal was to coordinate their exits from stimulus programs and prevent the world from lurching from recession straight into inflation.
在上个九月份,奥巴马总统、中国国家主席胡锦涛和其它G20的首脑在匹兹堡达成协议,所有G20的国家将在11月开始共同磋商他们的经济计划。这样的目的是协同推出经济刺激计划,并防止世界从衰退的极端扭向通涨的极端。: Z: @( J' h4 s# I
) p# a* U- J( p. _0 y3 G
The G-20 leaders agreed that the I.M.F. would act as intermediary.
v( ?
G20首脑还同意IMF会起到一个协调的作用。& Y; b: a; v3 H1 M: A$ h1 H

But two people familiar with China’s response said that the Chinese government missed the November deadline and then submitted a vague document containing mostly historical data. These people said that China feared giving ammunition to critics of its currency policies at the monetary fund and beyond. Both people asked for anonymity because of China’s attitudes about its economic policies.
T" r
- s7 @/ \9 |0 m0 Q5 c' G
If China is found to be manipulating its currency, it could be a political and economic challenge for the Obama administration. President Obama called on Thursday for China to introduce “a more market-oriented exchange rate.” China’s defiant response keeps the administration in a difficult position.
如果中国被发现有操纵货币的行为,这对于奥巴马执政府无疑是个政治、经济上的双重挑战。奥巴马总统于周四向中国呼吁,采用一个“更趋向于市场”的汇率。中国对抗式的回应让奥巴马政府陷入窘境。+ Y( u! ~9 g* `# G9 V& ^+ m
; ~: b. a, I$ l7 D
China is the biggest buyer of Treasury bonds at a time when the United States has record budget deficits and needs China to keep buying those bonds to finance American debt. But the Treasury also faces an April 15 deadline for whether or not to list China as a country that manipulates the value of its currency.
每当华盛顿的预算赤字又破了记录,并需要中国持续购买那些债券来抵补亏空,中国就会成为国债的最大购买者。但财政部也面临难题:截至四月十五日,他们要确定中国应不应该被列为操纵美国货币的国家。# m# ?% z! H5 K1 b7 s- T$ U& ]
2 s! k! @* j3 l. s
If China is listed, that could embolden members of Congress who are already discussing whether to seek restrictions on Chinese exports to the United States. China would certainly criticize such retaliation as protectionism, leading to a broader deterioration in already strained bilateral relations. 7 Z' \! V, j+ g8 R5 r" {8 q
; O8 B! F& U4 n
X* m6 I$ S: I+ C
China is starting to describe its currency interventions as stimulus. But unlike extra government spending in the United States and other countries, currency intervention does not expand global demand, but shifts it from other countries to China.   c$ T3 V8 u& j- b2 H
$ m# u, q" I; ~7 G8 O$ O2 j

Two closely related scourges played a central role in the collapse of world trade in the 1930s: protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbor currency devaluations. World leaders set up two institutions after World War II, now known as the W.T.O. and the I.M.F., to reduce the risk of another Great Depression.
i; ?
1930年代,两大灾难紧随而来是导致世界贸易崩溃的主要原因:一个是贸易保护主义,另一个是损人利己的货币贬值。二战后,世界首脑设定了两个组织,也就是如今所知的WTO和IMF,用来降低新一轮大萧条可能产生的风险。4 c4 k) A0 F: z8 k

Unlike its predecessor, which had weak arbitration panels whose rulings could be easily blocked by the losing country, the trade organization has had powerful tribunals since 1995. These tribunals can clear the way for the imposition of sanctions running into the billions of dollars. . p" m4 [3 w) Q9 D0 P4 k' r

贸易组织,不同于他的前身那样,拥有一个能力有限的仲裁小组,它的裁决能被败诉国轻易地抵御,它直到1995年才拥有具备相当实权的仲裁法庭,可以动辄通过数十亿美元的强制征收处罚。8 `8 R5 V" r# n4 X7 [, t  n

Filing a case against another country is the heaviest artillery available to countries in trade disputes. But it also is expensive. Preparing a case and pushing it through a tribunal can easily require millions of dollars in legal expenses, and low-income countries seldom file them.: Y2 _7 \0 o1 f( J: v
: L+ {# s/ E' l
提案控诉另一个国家是国家间贸易控诉所能采用的最厉害的一招。但代价也十分高昂。准备一件案子和提交到仲裁法庭可能轻易地就会花掉几百万美元在法律支出上。许多低收入国家鲜用此举。  y0 f1 A) q5 q1 I2 E6 m$ y5 n( O
9 Z4 P. K) h9 y) `8 i" |
China joined the W.T.O. in 2001 and in its first seven years filed only three cases. But it has stepped up its pace recently, and has filed four of the 15 cases in the last year: two against the United States, on poultry and tires, and two against the European Union, on steel fasteners and poultry.
中国于2001年加入WTO,在头三年里,它只提交了三起诉讼。但近来它的步伐明显加快,去年十五起案件中就有四件来自中国:两起控告美国的家禽和轮胎,另两起控告的是欧盟的不锈钢扣件和家禽。7 S' Q+ \0 I/ n1 N0 J& ?
% x: W4 K) J9 R/ J$ ~
The monetary fund has not acquired similar powers to the trade organization. 3 |1 |! `, q8 |: S/ |& |
I.M.F. policies call for it to disclose documents and information on a timely basis, with the deletion only of market-moving information. But under the rules a member country may decide to withhold a report, an organization official said. ) x8 Q8 M5 j4 A. g0 ~" X5 f$ V
8 e3 U+ k* ?' n% M
% f% q1 c4 D: A/ E9 @. Q# U

China allowed the release of its reports until the monetary fund’s executive board decided in June 2007 that reports should pay more attention to currency policies. China has quietly blocked release of reports on its policies ever since, without providing its specific reasons to the I.M.F. , `: A1 h) Y/ H8 [+ l6 ~( l
A person who has seen copies of the most recent report last summer said that the monetary fund staff concluded the renminbi was “substantially undervalued.”
) T0 i6 f% ^. p8 x/ T+ T" |

The monetary fund regards a currency as substantially undervalued if it is more than 20 percent below its fair market value. More than four-fifths of the I.M.F.’s members allow publication of the agency’s annual staff reports on their economies. Countries blocking release are mostly tightly controlled places like Myanmar, Sudan, Turkmenistan and Saudi Arabia, although Brazil has also not released its reports.  `
s- |0 A/ I0 I* e
货币基金会把一个低于正常市值百分之二十的货币才看作为严重被低估的货币。! Y7 d3 [5 L: I, c. L1 D* d
: p9 P( k' |, y! o* i, C1 q

China’s central bank did not respond to calls and messages seeking comment. 1 v3 {+ D1 l9 d1 {% C
The main indicator of a country’s intervention in currency markets is its level of foreign reserves. China halted the gradual appreciation of the renminbi against the dollar in July 2008; from June 30, 2008, through Dec. 31 of last year, China’s foreign exchange reserves rose by $590 billion. A small part of the increase reflected interest on bonds, the appreciation of stocks and currency fluctuations.        - n, [9 f- x! N% h
) G  E/ [3 H& b  p  b
+ C* O, u3 \  l' ]8 [& G! }7 L




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比较同情小翻 要翻这种狗屁不通的东西
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