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【2010.3.15 时代周刊】中国在货币冲突中瞄准美国

发表于 2010-3-28 00:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China Takes Aim at the U.S. on Currency Conflict

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, during a news conference following the closing session of the National People's Congress in Beijing on March 14, 2010
Jason Lee / Reuters

Jason Lee/路透

At one moment during Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's press conference on Sunday, it was easy to confuse whom he was criticizing when he denounced efforts by some countries to lower the value of their currency to boost trade.


"What I do not understand is the practice of depreciating one's own currency and attempting to pressure other countries to appreciate theirs for the purpose of increasing exports," he told reporters during a nationally televised event that wrapped up the annual session of China's parliament. "In my view, that is a kind of trade protectionism." (See pictures of the making of modern China.)


Wen was presumably referring to the U.S.: President Obama declared in a speech last week that he wanted to double U.S. exports over the next five years and challenged China to adopt a "market-oriented exchange rate" for its currency, the renminbi. But the policies that Wen was criticizing are in many respects what China has pursued for years. The renminbi has been pegged against the dollar since mid-2008, and overseas economists say the currency may be undervalued by as much as 40%. Trade is a key component of economic growth for China, the world's largest exporter, and the government is wary of any sort of collapse that could contribute to unemployment. Efforts to boost exports, including the currency peg, helped Chinese manufacturers weather the worst of the global downturn last year and grab more market share from some competitors. Last month, Chinese exports grew 45.7% over February 2009, up from a 21% increase for January.

温总理大概是在指上周美国总统奥巴马发表的一个演说,在演说里奥巴马总统表明要在接下来五年内将美国出口翻番,并要求中国对人民币采取一个"市场化的汇率"。可是,温总理批评的政策在很多方面正是中国追求了很多年的政策。从2008年中期开始,人民币对美元的汇率固定下来(#译者注:pegged against可能是经济学专业名词有专用译法,求专业人士验证),而海外的经济学家们认为人民币的价值可能被低估了40%之多。作为世界上最大的出口国,贸易是中国经济发展的一个重要因素,因此中国政府谨慎提防任何可能导致失业的贸易崩溃。政府包括固定汇率在内的一系列促进出口的努力,使中国的生产厂商们经受住了去年最严重的全球经济衰退,并且从一些竞争对手那抢到了更多的市场份额。上个月,中国出口比去年同期增长45.7%,高于一月份21%的同比增长率。

Wen's comments follow a period of deteriorating Sino-U.S. relations that began late last year, when he was accused of snubbing Obama during the Copenhagen climate talks. On Sunday, Wen said he had been slighted first when he wasn't invited to a meeting of national leaders during the conference in Denmark. He responded by sending a deputy official, which prompted criticism from some delegations.


Relations between the two powers came under strain again in January after Obama approved a $6.4 billion arms package to Taiwan, the self-ruled island that China considers part of its territory. A month later, Obama met the Dalai Lama at the White House, further angering the Chinese, who consider the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader to be a "splittist" who advocates independence for Tibet. Wen blamed the U.S. for the recent difficulties, specifically citing the Taiwan arms sale and the Dalai Lama meeting. "The responsibility for the serious disruption in U.S.-China ties does not lie with the Chinese side but with the U.S.," he said. (See pictures of China's infrastructure boom.)


Taiwan and Tibet have long been points of dispute between the U.S. and China. During 2009 they were largely avoided, as Obama delayed final approval of the arms sale, which was initially greenlighted by his predecessor, George W. Bush, and postponed the Dalai Lama meeting to avoid offending Beijing ahead of his first state visit to China. Following this year's arms-sale announcement, however, China cut off high-level military exchanges with the U.S., which had been recently restored following China's protest over a previous weapons package that was approved by Bush in 2008.

台湾和西藏长期以来都是中美之间争论的焦点。在2009年期间,它们很大程度上被回避了,如奥巴马延迟了军售案的最终认可,而这个军售案最初是由他的前任乔治 W 布什总统批准的。奥巴马还推迟了和达赖喇嘛的会面,以免在他第一次对中国国家访问之前激怒北京政府。可是,在今年军售案公布后,中国中止了与美国的高层军事交流,而此交流在2008年中国抗议布什总统批准的另一个军售案之后才刚刚恢复。

Broaching two sensitive issues in such a short time period would inevitably weaken ties, but other issues have contributed. After U.S. Internet giant Google threatened to pull out of China in January, citing Chinese censorship and sophisticated hacking attacks on its infrastructure, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cited China in a speech in support of online freedom. China and Google have held talks recently, and the Financial Times reported on Saturday that the company was "99.9 %" certain to close its google.cn site, which is aimed at Chinese users and censors search returns according to Chinese regulations.

在这么短的时间内触及两个敏感问题当然会影响两国关系,然而此外还存在别的因素。在今年1月,美国网络巨头谷歌以中国的网络审查以及对其系统实施了精明的黑客攻击为由,威胁退出中国,在此之后美国国务卿希拉里 克林顿在一个支持网络自由的演说里提到了中国。中国和谷歌最近进行了谈判,据周六的金融时报报道,谷歌"99.9%"确定将要关闭google.cn网站,这个网站是面向中国用户的,并遵守中国规定过滤搜索结果。

But trade looms even larger as a source of tension between the two sides. Last year, China's economy expanded at a robust 8.7% despite the global downturn. As the U.S. and other nations struggle to resume growth and reduce high unemployment, they are eyeing China's performance with both envy and agitation. In April, the U.S. Treasury Department will be required by law to declare whether China manipulates its currency — an announcement that could fuel calls in Congress for retaliatory measures against the nation.


In his speech on Sunday, Wen shot down expectations that China would allow the value of the renminbi to appreciate significantly, saying it was correctly valued and would remain "basically stable at a reasonable level" this year. "We oppose nations finger-pointing or even using forceful methods to compel a country to raise the value of its currency," he said. He also worried openly about the value of China's dollar-denominated assets, including $895 billion in U.S. Treasury debt. He warned the U.S. not to depreciate its currency to boost trade, as it would hurt the value of Chinese-held assets. The U.S. depends on China's Treasury purchases to fund its budget deficit, which is forecast to exceed $1.5 trillion this year. Still, U.S. lawmakers are unlikely to give much credence to Wen's statement that he doesn't understand how a country could devalue its currency to boost trade. It is, after all, China's own policy.





发表于 2010-3-28 02:28 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-28 03:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-3-28 05:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 青蛙小王子 于 2010-3-28 07:22 编辑

pegged against在此应该翻译成“钉住”
with hopes high for a China-led recovery, they now imply that the peg against the dollar will stay in force for another year.

The authorities' decision to institute a de facto peg against the dollar was explicitly billed as a commitment not to devalue the yuan.




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