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【2010.03.29 BBC.外国网民论战】要不要用美白霜?BBC网上大论战

发表于 2010-3-29 17:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英媒BBC-HAVE YOUR SAY栏目发表话题"为什么有人愿意有皮肤美白霜?",引起网民热议.


Why would anyone use skin-lightening cream?
The French police have seized 15 tons of skin-lightening cream - the largest catch the French authorities have ever made of such products.
Skin-bleaching products are illegal in France because of the potential dangers they pose to users' health.
However all across Africa people, especially women, use them because they believe it will make them look more beautiful.
Most of these products are dangerous to the skin and African countries, such as Tanzania and The Gambia, have also banned them.

In many hot countries dark skin is seen as sign you are poor. The darker your skin, the more likely you work outdoor.

It isn’t complicated and it isn’t about racial politics.
Will, London

As a British guy working in Freetown I find the issue of "Skin Bleaching" paradoxical. African women generally have beautiful skin, but some think that to become "White" will enhance their looks. At the same time if you walk along the beaches of Freetown you will see White ex pats. lying under the sun, trying to darken their skin. It seems that we are never satisfied with what God gave us.

Roger, Freetown

I only pity those who bleach their skin. some know the effect it will bring to them but since they think that will make them look beautiful they don't care. they have it in their minds that they can only look beautiful if they have a fair skin which is wrong. one can be dark but still look very beautiful. As the ghanaian adage goes "Black is Beautiful". i will therefore advice everyone not to bleach his or her skin cause it is very dangerous and can cause alot of damages.

Why is everyone criticising the users of skin lightening cream but saying nothing about the real culprits who happen to be those companies producing and aggressively promoting the creams? How much money are such companies making out of these creams at the expense of the health and wellbeing of the users? I say those companies producing skin lightening creams (many of whom are in western/developed countries) should be closed down or heftily fined!
Lucky, Nairobi

Skin lightening is rife, especially in Africa. As I have told my wife 'I married a black african, not a white one! I love you as you you are! The moral of that statement...'dont fix it if it aint broken! it'll cost you more than you think'
Kel, London

Personally I use these products moderately to even out blemished/scarred skin and dark patches. The result is a smoother complexion. With all things it is people who abuse the products that damage their skin and acheive the wrong result. The people who aim to be 'whiter' or 'lighter' for psychological misguided reasons often overdo it. They can be used and are used to a certain extent by many black women to ensure smoother skin and deal with problem areas even though they love their dark skin.
Tomi, London

Black South Africans were educated about the damage "Hydroquino" can cause to your skin. What is disturbing is even well learned blacks still uses it, people need education about these products as the damage is irrepairable.
Tinka, London

Skin Bleaching is no different from going on the sun bed its about achieving what you havent got naturally or to enhance what you have.


I certainly think it's dangerous, I've seen how it's messed up peoples skin, and wouldn't dream of doing it, but I have good self-esteem. I'd like to comment on the point that it's common in African countries; it's also common in asian countries - so please don't lable this as an African thing! There are people who think light-skin is beauty, and other's who think dark skin is beauty - hence the tanning spray/bed industry. It shows that beauty is relative.
mabel, London


I believe that whoever is using a Skin Lightening is denying his or her appartenance. Men like girls who are white or fair, and you are black and they don't like you so what? someday you will definetly find the one who likes your black color. I think it's a desgrace for black women to change their skin because no matter how hard they try they will never be white or fair for ever.

When I have visited Kenya, I have been astonished at how much the women seem to aspire to lighter coloured skin. Adverts show coffee-coloured people and women buy lots of skin-lightening products. It should be discouraged if there's an inherent health-risk, but other than that it just seems odd...
[StopAndThink], London, United Kingdom

dreadlocked hairstyles). My choice of hair style is not influenced by a need to be white; I see it merely as an accessory, less demanding and much easier to wear than my natural hair.

Therein lies my dilemma. There are some who see these two habits as two sides of the same coin – a denial of our heritage and a need to conform to a pop culture type of stereotype of beauty or put strongly – a desire to be white. Although I am quicker to ascribe this to the skin bleachers – I strongly deny it

When I first came across the more drastic term and practice of “bleaching”, a few months ago, it really knocked the wind out of me. I don’t bleach my skin or use skin lighteners –obviously for health reasons but also for philosophical reasons. Therefore, if a safe way of lightening were found; I would still not use it. But, at the same time like millions of other black women; I use hair extensions for braids on my hair or hair weaves and wigs (of both long straight and short kinky or even dread!

Thank you for bringing up this question; I have often discussed it with my friends. I am still trying to work out the reasoning behind this. I believe that it goes further than just skin lightening and involves other practices such as adding hair extensions and straightening hair.
I am an African woman from a country which does no have the widespread use of skin-lightening creams although they are not unheard of.
Bianca Mathe, Bern

It is the case that in many african countries, society inhirited the old racist reflexes that lead to such things like slavery.
I personnally used to beleive that I was less attractive due to my darker skin tan compared to the other members of my family. Since moving to Germany, surprisingly, I see how poeple find my skin colour a lot more attractive here, while they try hard to darken their skin.
It's just ironic i guess

Amin, Germany




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