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[政治] 【cbs】Houston Police Send Chinese Diplomat to Hospital

发表于 2010-5-1 16:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Houston Police Send Chinese Diplomat to Hospital
Posted by Emily Rand


CBS News has learned Boren Yu, a diplomat stationed at China's consulate in Houston, Texas was arrested and injured Saturday night by Houston police who were unaware he was a diplomat when they cuffed him on consulate property.

According to information obtained by CBS News, Deputy Consular General Yu, 53,  was driving in Houston with another passenger, when a marked Houston Police car attempted to pull him over for a missing license plate.

Yu did not slow down and kept driving to the Chinese Consulate, entering a garage via an automatic door with officers in pursuit.

Multiple Houston PD officers chased Yu into the building and placed him in handcuffs. The officers were unaware the building Yu entered was the Chinese Consulate, according a source.

The Chinese diplomat sustained injuries to his head and neck during the arrest and was taken to Memorial Hermann Hospital by ambulance. The other passenger, Ms. Ging Hua Deng, was not injured.

"We have demanded the U.S. side to abide by the Vienna Convention on consular relations and the China-U.S. treaty on consular relations," Wang Zhihong, Consul at the Chinese Consulate in Houston, told CBS News.

The Houston Police Department has not yet responded to requests for comment.




 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:40 | 显示全部楼层


by captainhurt April 30, 2010 2:15 PM EDT
cops have to stop looking for reasons to harass motorists who are already begging maiming/death by simply operating the vehicle. the act of distracting drivers with sirens/lights/blocking traffic is a crime. go out into the neighborhoods and patrol, rather than being an overpaid hall-monitor.
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by holunhing April 30, 2010 4:41 AM EDT
- American police are well known trigger-happy ********* with an average I.Q. of below 40 who know nothing but brutality

- ***** Commie officials are well known ************ who think they are above the ******* law

- Now retarded ********* meet unscrupulous ************ ...wow, show of the century, carry on !
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by Jengiskhan April 30, 2010 1:21 AM EDT
US America police is well known for brutality worldwide. They special like to beat up ethnic minority such as black and asian.
Reply to this comment ...by AirChina23 April 30, 2010 12:33 AM EDT
All right. I'm Chinese.

My take is this: The cops were either stupid or ignorant enough to not realize that they were entering Chinese territory without permission. Had the Consul entered through the front gate with the PLA soldiers standing on guard, we might be reading another international incident on a larger scale.

But also, why the hell couldn't the Consul just pull over? Had he identified himself as a diplomat, the cops wouldn't dare to do a thing. I guess he still thinks he's in China, where officials are exempt from the local law enforcements (especially the uniforms).

I'd say he got what he deserved, and the cops did too.
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by lukeofcornwall April 30, 2010 12:21 AM EDT
Regardless of American policy, the place where the diplomat was warned by the police was not in the consulate area. The fact is that the diplomat drove straight into the consulate area and ignored the warning. He probably thought that the police could do nothing if he entered the "oversea Chinese territory". Shame on him. If he is a man, face it and accept the discipline.
I am a US citizen, and I am not a native english speaker. I believe that nobody are beyond the law when you stay in any country, even if you are only 1 min away from the consulate area.
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by jay_casey April 29, 2010 11:45 PM EDT
Why try to make a big deal about what was obviously a big misunderstanding on both sides? The diplomat probably didn't know his plate was missing and the police didn't know he was a diplomat. The diplomat should have stopped the car and told the police he was a diplomat and the police should be familiar with the location of consulates in Houston. US diplomats abroad are told to cooperate with local police by the way.

Most of the posts on this forum are obviously from Chinese with imperfect English. And imperfect logic. In fact, most of the comments on this forum are just a waste of time to read.
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by thorck April 29, 2010 10:47 PM EDT
Is not the U.S. diplomats trying to steal China's secret?
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by jay_casey April 29, 2010 11:48 PM EDT
This just doesn't make sense.

by thorck April 29, 2010 10:42 PM EDT
Do not steal American diplomats in China's secret?
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by vickyfu April 29, 2010 9:28 PM EDT
Amerian government always said human rights, human rights. The rights just for amerian pepole. OK, You can to do it in your country. But please don't like pirate. you cops invade to chinese consulate. You must go give the apologize to china and chinese pepole. Don't forgot you have some consulate in other country. inculde Beijing.
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by chan23kim April 29, 2010 10:25 PM EDT
who cares your right. we have beyond all the rights. you have less than nothing. We can do beyond whatever. Too bad you can do below nothing.

by jay_casey April 29, 2010 11:50 PM EDT
The English and the logic in this comment just don't make any sense.

Houston Police Send Chinese Diplomat to Hospital - CBS News Investigates - CBS News.gif
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