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[世博动态] 网帖曝光捷克馆长投诉信 世博局首度回应

发表于 2010-5-20 20:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
网帖曝光捷克馆长投诉信 世博局首度回应 2010年05月20日18:08北京青年我要评论(0)


北京青年报讯 近日,互联网上出现一则名为《捷克馆长写给上海世博局的牢骚信》的帖子。上海市政府副秘书长、上海世博局局长洪浩19日就此帖内容予以回应,称信中所提问题已经得到解决。







To: Steering Committee of the EXPO 2010
Dear Sir/Madame

Let me to express my serious concern regarding following issues common to all participants as follows.

1. Every day EXPO pavilion staff has serious difficulties to get accessto their pavilions, due to queues at gates. All pavilion staff is everyday wasting thousands of hours unnecessarily. This is not acceptable.We need much faster staff entry to EXPO site!

Suggested solution: between 7:00 and 9:00 the visitor lines should beopen for EXPO staff only. Security screening will be or simplified, orthere will be more security people available between 7:30 and 9:30.

2. Only two out of more than 30 of our expat permanent staff have gotResidence permit for foreigner in China, because the Protocol Dpt. ofEXPO refused to provide required Confirmation Letter to both Labor andImmigration offices, regardless we have provided all requiredinformation. As a result my expat pavilion staff has to leave China atthe time their F-visa expires (very soon). Therefore the Czech pavilionis going to be closed in May 2010. This is unacceptable.
Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will issue the Confirmation Letters andwould set together with both Immigration office and Labor office afast, reliable and customer friendly procedure to fix this issue beforeMay 10. 2010.

3. Only one day before EXPO start the organizer has issued writtenrules on PVIPs. Unfortunately, we cannot follow these unnecessaryrules. Only May 1st we have got PVIP cards, but according to the rules,the first day we could invite PVIPs was May 14! This is unacceptable.When pavilion staff is going to hand over PVIP cards to our visitors,he/she is not allowed to walk back through PVIP entry and is forced toqueue at staff line, sometimes 40minutes! This is also unacceptable.

Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will cancel PVIP rules (not needed) andwill enable pavilion staff to accompany their PVIPs through PVIP entrylines.

4. Congratulations to the logistic solution used May 4 that eventuallyenabled us to re-fill our pavilions with required material and goodsover night. Unfortunately, May 5. EXPO Bureau has changed the workingsolution to not working one, again! For example we are not allowed tosend our pavilion staff clothes to laundry and bring it back by car bysecurity people, our cars/suppliers car cannot bring our goods to ourpavilion and Sinotrans has no capacity to do so quickly, etc. This isunacceptable. We need effective system of May 4th be valid from now on.We need organizer to cancel all ridiculous rules without any delay.

Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will put back into function logisticsrules of May 4th and will cancel all ridiculous rules blockingparticipants getting their material to/from EXPO site smoothly beforeMay 6th 2010.

5. No rules on emergency repairs for opening hours have been issuedyet. As a result, we have no idea hove to make any urgent repair duringopening hours in our pavilions (water leakage etc.). This isunacceptable.

Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will inform all pavilions before May10th 2010 on emergency repairs and their entry to EXPO site duringopening hours.

Given the importance and urgency of the issues listed above I am askingthe Steering Committee to take an immediate action on all of them withthe organizer.

Yours sincerely,
Pavel Antonín Stehlík
Commissioner General Czech Section

发表于 2010-5-20 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-20 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-5-21 09:07 | 显示全部楼层
To: Steering Committee of the EXPO 2010
Dear Sir/Madame

Let me to express my serious concern regarding following issues common to all participants as follows.


1. Every day EXPO pavilion staff has serious difficulties to get access to their pavilions, due to queues at gates. All pavilion staff is every day wasting thousands of hours unnecessarily. This is not acceptable. We need much faster staff entry to EXPO site!

Suggested solution: between 7:00 and 9:00 the visitor lines should be open for EXPO staff only. Security screening will be or simplified, or there will be more security people available between 7:30 and 9:30.



2. Only two out of more than 30 of our expat permanent staff have got Residence permit for foreigner in China, because the Protocol Dpt. of EXPO refused to provide required Confirmation Letter to both Labor and Immigration offices, regardless we have provided all required information. As a result my expat pavilion staff has to leave China at the time their F-visa expires (very soon). Therefore the Czech pavilion is going to be closed in May 2010. This is unacceptable.

Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will issue the Confirmation Letters and would set together with both Immigration office and Labor office a fast, reliable and customer friendly procedure to fix this issue before May 10. 2010.



3. Only one day before EXPO start the organizer has issued written rules on PVIPs. Unfortunately, we cannot follow these unnecessary rules. Only May 1st we have got PVIP cards, but according to the rules, the first day we could invite PVIPs was May 14! This is unacceptable. When pavilion staff is going to hand over PVIP cards to our visitors, he/she is not allowed to walk back through PVIP entry and is forced to queue at staff line, sometimes 40minutes! This is also unacceptable.

Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will cancel PVIP rules (not needed) and will enable pavilion staff to accompany their PVIPs through PVIP entry lines.

3、仅仅在世博会开幕的前一天,组织者才颁布了书面的pvips规则。非常不幸,我们可以不遵循这些不必要的规则。仅我们才拿到PVIP 卡,但是,根据规定,我们直到5月14日才能邀请pvip客人,这是不可接受的。当展馆工作人员打算发放pvip 卡给参观者时,他或她却不被允许通过Pvip入口,必须在员工线处排队,有时要排四十分钟,这也是不可接受的。


4. Congratulations to the logistic solution used May 4 that eventually enabled us to re-fill our pavilions with required material and goods over night. Unfortunately, May 5. EXPO Bureau has changed the working solution to not working one, again! For example we are not allowed to send our pavilion staff clothes to laundry and bring it back by car by security people, our cars/suppliers car cannot bring our goods to our pavilion and Sinotrans has no capacity to do so quickly, etc. This is unacceptable. We need effective system of May 4th be valid from now on. We need organizer to cancel all ridiculous rules without any delay.

Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will put back into function logistics rules of May 4th and will cancel all ridiculous rules blocking participants getting their material to/from EXPO site smoothly before May 6th 2010.



5. No rules on emergency repairs for opening hours have been issued yet. As a result, we have no idea hove to make any urgent repair during opening hours in our pavilions (water leakage etc.). This is unacceptable.
Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will inform all pavilions before May 10th 2010 on emergency repairs and their entry to EXPO site during opening hours.


Given the importance and urgency of the issues listed above I am asking the Steering Committee to take an immediate action on all of them with the organizer.

Yours sincerely,
Pavel Antonín Stehlík
Commissioner General Czech Section

Pavel Antonín Stehlík
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发表于 2010-5-21 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
看来中国人真是太多了, 还准备去看世博呢, 这么拥挤的场面, 去了还不知道能不能看到最精彩的呢, 郁闷!
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