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【10.06.10 纽约时报】中国的烟草业手握重权

发表于 2010-6-11 13:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China's Tobacco Industry Wields Huge Power



中国有世界最多的人口,所以它可以轻易给自己很多方面都冠以最高级,其3.5亿的烟民数量和烟草工业的巨大规模让其它国家相形见绌。华盛顿无烟儿童项目驻中国的负责人Susan Lawrence说:“中国疾病防治中心发布的数据显示,中国的烟草工业规模比紧排其后的6个或7个国家的规模总和还要大。”

















长安街上的贵族长安俱乐部是商界大亨们聚集的场所,总经理Aidan Duffy禁止在里面的公共房间吸烟。但这里设有吸烟室,在私人餐厅里也允许吸烟。



BEIJING — As the newlyweds kissed onstage to excited applause from the crowd, a minute-long smooch that transfixed me as well as the bride’s relatives gathered in the capacious red dining hall, my young son must have picked up a cigarette from a plate piled high with loose white sticks rotating on the lazy susan in front of us next to the sunflower seeds and wedding sweets.

Because suddenly people at our table weren’t staring at the red-and-white festooned stage any longer, where iridescent bubbles poured over the still-smooching couple from two efficient little machines. They were staring at the seat to my right, looking amused, if slightly concerned. I turned to see my 7-year-old sprawling in his chair, an unlit Double Happiness cigarette in his mouth, a giant grin on his face. World No Tobacco Day, May 31, was just two days away. All around, the fug of cigarette smoke mingled with the oily fumes of baijiu, China’s 50-proof national liquor, at 11 o’clock in the morning.

China has the world’s largest population, so it easily lends itself to superlatives. Even so, its 350 million smokers and the sheer scale of its tobacco industry overshadow others. “The China C.D.C. likes to point out that the Chinese tobacco industry is bigger than the next seven countries combined, or maybe six,” said Susan Lawrence, head of China programs at the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, in Washington. “It’s massive.”

The other striking thing is that it is wholly state-owned, delivering enormous profit to the government.

The figures are overwhelming. China manufactures 2.3 trillion cigarettes per year, inhaling most of them itself. About 57 percent of men smoke, though just 3 percent to 4 percent of women.

Six out of 10 doctors and professors smoke — at work, too, according to Li Xinhua, a tobacco control official at the Ministry of Health. The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco kills a million Chinese yearly and that the figure will double by 2020. Lung cancer is up 465 percent since 1980 and accounts for nearly a quarter of cancer deaths. Smoking is on the rise, as elsewhere in the developing world.

Last year, China National Tobacco, the state-owned tobacco company, generated $76 billion in taxes and profit, a year-on-year rise of $8.2 billion, according to a spokesman, Zhang Xiulian. Of that, $61 billion was taxes. The profit figure — $14.3 billion — far outstrips even Philip Morris International, the world’s largest transnational tobacco company, which posted net earnings of $6.3 billion last year.

Of course, all governments tax tobacco. What makes China different is that tobacco and government are “one and the same,” Ms. Lawrence said. The state tobacco company is part of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, in turn part of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

“The industry’s political status allows it to influence public health policy in a way that wouldn’t be allowed in most countries,” she said.

Tobacco extends deep into other parts of the economy. It sponsors schools in poor areas and has large investments in real estate, cars, hotels and securities. In January, the monopoly announced it had set up Zhongwei Real Estate, with registered capital of $440 million, the state-run Global Times newspaper reported. Chinese academics and market analysts warn that the scope for corruption is enormous and that state-owned capital is at risk from such setups. Tobacco is “probably the best-paid industry in China,” Ms. Lawrence said, and employees even in small towns often lead lavish lifestyles.

So powerful is the lobby that when the deputy head of the monopoly, Zhang Baozhen, warned that banning smoking would affect public stability, his comments were, apparently, taken seriously by a worried government that spends nearly as much on domestic security as on national defense — $76 billion and $78 billion budgeted for this year, respectively.

Ms. Lawrence dismisses what she calls a “very self-serving argument by the tobacco lobby.”

Nor is there a single attitude toward tobacco control in China. “The Ministry of Health recognizes it as a huge public health problem,” she said, with medical costs from tobacco-related diseases amounting to $22.7 billion per year.

Crucially, exerting pressure to change, China is part of the W.H.O.’s landmark tobacco-control treaty, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. It came into effect here in January 2006. Here too, though, tobacco’s influence is clear: the government assigned the same ministry that oversees tobacco to oversee the implementation of the anti-tobacco treaty. Doing that was a treaty violation, Ms. Lawrence pointed out. Domestic critics liken it to a fox guarding the chickens and are calling for the Health Ministry to take over.

Pressure is growing. The treaty commits China to banning smoking in workplaces, hospitals and public transport nationwide by next January, among other measures. “China is not on track to meet that deadline. I’m afraid it’s going to slip,” Ms. Lawrence said. That would be a second violation.

There are plenty of people who wish China were fully on board.

Two 40-somethings who run my local car park, Mr. Li and Mr. Yin, said they knew May 31 was World No Tobacco Day. Drawing on a cigarette, Mr. Li said: “I smoked less that day.”

How many did he have? “About one,” he said, smiling guiltily.

Mr. Yin laughed at that. “I’ve never smoked,” he said. “I couldn’t stand the smell in a room. You know the best way to stop smoking? Stop making cigarettes.”

Over at the blue-blood Changan Club on Changan Avenue, where China’s deal makers gather, the general manager, Aidan Duffy, doesn’t allow smoking in any public areas, though there is a smoking room, and smoking is permitted in private dining rooms.

“If I see someone smoking around here, I tell them to stop,” he said. “It’s the way things are going to go in the future.”




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