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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-24 19:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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【原文标题】Remembering the Korean War, 60 years ago


【来源地址】http://www.boston.com/bigpicture ... _war_60.html#photo2



This Friday, June 25th, it will have been sixty yearssince the beginning of the Korean War in 1950. After decades of Japaneseoccupation, Korea was divided in two by Allied Forces at the end of World WarII, with the south administered by the U.S. and the north by Soviet Russia.Deep divisions built over several years, leading to skirmishes and finally aninvasion by North Korean troops on June 25th, 1950. The United Nations senttroops and support from 21 countries to support South Korea, primarily from theUnited States and Britain. The war lasted for three years, with large advancesand retreats on both sides, and many casualties. Hundreds of thousands ofcivilians and soldiers were killed. The two Koreas are technically still at warsince hostilities ended in a ceasefire, not a peace treaty in 1953. Though itis often referred to as "The Forgotten War", I hope this collectionof photographs helps us to remember the events of 1950-53, those involved, andthe legacy that still remains, sixty years later. (48 photos total)




With her brother on her back a war weary Koreangirl tiredly trudges by a stalled M-26 tank, at Haengju, Korea. June 9, 1951.(U.S. Navy/Maj. R.V. Spencer, UAF)

2. 2.jpg
One of four American soldiers of the 21stInfantry Regiment, 24th Division, Company, unknown, found midway between theforward observation post and the actual front line on July 10, 1950. Thecameraman's caption states that the men were probably captured the night of 9thJuly, and then shot. Most of them were shot through the head with their handstied behind their backs. Along with them was a variety of Equipment burned anddestroyed. (AP Photo) #

3. 3.jpg
A U.S. Marine tankfollows a line of prisoners of war down a village street. September 26, 1950.(U.S. Department of Defense/U.S. Marine Corps/S. Sgt. John Babyak, Jr.) #

在一个村子的街道上,一辆美国海军陆战队的坦克跟随着一批战俘。1950926日。(美国国防部/美国海军陆战队/ 上士John Babyak, Jr.
4. 4.jpg
These South Koreanrecruits, sitting flat car for transfer to a training center, are heading forthe army and the war against the North Korean invaders. They were given aflag-waving, band-playing send-off on July 17, 1950. (AP Photo)

5. 5.jpg
A Bell evacuationhelicopter of Marine Observation Squadron 6, carrying wounded Marines from thefront lines, lands at "A" Medical Company of the First MarineDivision in 1950. Naval corpsmen stand by with stretcher to unload the woundedmen from helicopter "pods" and rush them to the operating andhospital tents in the background. (U.S. Department of Defense/TSGT. Charles B.Tyler) #

年,一架陆战队侦查骑兵6连的贝尔疏散直升机,载着前线受伤的陆战队员,降落在了陆战一师A医疗连。海军的医务兵抬着担架将伤员从直升机上卸下来,然后赶往后面的医疗帐篷。(美国国防部/ TSGT. Charles B. Tyler
6. 6.jpg
A North Korean tankmanlies dead on ground (lower left) amid knocked-out tanks on August 13, 1950 inIndong, Korea, North of Waegwan, after South Korean attack. (AP Photo) #





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