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[政治] 【英國政府】 Your ideas for your freedom

发表于 2010-7-2 17:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 after10 于 2010-7-2 17:45 编辑


Your ideas for your freedom

        We're working to create a more open and less intrusive society. We want to restore Britain’s traditions of freedom and fairness, and free our society of unnecessary laws and regulations – both for individuals and businesses.

This site gives you the chance to suggest how we can do this. Your ideas will inform government policy and some of your proposals could end up making it into bills we bring before Parliament to change the law.

So if there are any laws or regulations you'd like us to do away with, then first, check if there are any similar ideas here already and then add your comments to it and rate it to move it up the list. If it's not here, then add it!  And remember - we want you to suggest ideas for removing laws and regulations, rather than ideas for creating them.

We've had an excellent response so far, with over 2,205 ideas, 7,419 comments and 18,000 votes in our first day. It's fantastic that so many of you want to participate - and we apologise if you've had problems viewing pages.  We've taken measures to improve the running of the site, and hope that it will run more smoothly now.

Restoring civil liberties                                                                                                                           
Civil liberties are the basic rights and freedoms that protect an individual. They prevent the state from abusing power or intruding in citizens’ lives unnecessarily. Legislation can help keep people safe, but excessive legislation can erode civil liberties.
        We are determined to restore fundamental civil liberties, while still protecting our society. You can read our ideas on how we do this in in Our Programme for Government, but we also really want your views. We hope to include the most constructive of your ideas in our Freedom Bill later in 2010.
        Which current laws would you like to remove or change because they restrict your civil liberties?

Repealing unnecessary laws                                                                                                                        
        Rules in society create good law and order. But too many nannying, unnecessary rules restrict freedom and make criminals out of ordinary people.
        We need to root through the laws of our land, identify anything which looks unnecessary, pointless, or just downright daft, and ask – are these necessary? And we need your help.
        Which offences do you think we should remove or change, and why?

Cutting business and third sector regulations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Red tape, rules, business burdens - whatever you call it, regulations provide vital protection for business, organisations and customers. But it doesn’t provide all the answers and can hold back business innovation and growth.
        Government has become too involved in how people make everyday choices and things could be a lot simpler. We’d like to find out what gets in your way or holds you back the most, and why.
        Regulations can stifle small businesses in particular, so we’re especially keen to hear from those of you in companies employing fewer than 250 people.
        Which regulations do you think should be removed or changed to make running your business or organisation as simple as possible?
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-2 18:00 | 显示全部楼层
Restoring civil liberties   

http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/restoring-civil-liberties/decriminalise-cannabis-along-the-same-lines-as-the-netherlandsDecriminalise Cannabis along the same lines as the Netherlands                                        Info                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by mikeoldroyd                on July 01, 2010 at 07:26AM               
        The arguments are well worn, but to me it boils down to:
        Cannabis is not so harmful, that it is reasonable to impose the kind of legal penalties on it that currently exist in the UK
        The BBC summarise the key points here ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/693257.stm )
                                        Why the contribution is important               
        I think that most people would agree that this would be a significant measure.

http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/restoring-civil-liberties/ban-smoking-ban-in-pubs.-give-the-landlord-landlady-the-choice'Ban' smoking ban in pubs. Give the Landlord/Landlady the choice.                                         Info                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by dali                on July 01, 2010 at 07:57AM               
        Pubs have been hammered by the smoking ban financialy. Many traditional British pubs have been closed because of a lack of punters, who would rather stay in to enjoy a cigarette in the warmth with their drink. Also, with rising prices of alcohol on top of this, it has caused many pubs to struggle making money and many across the U.K have had to close their doors forever. Even after hundreds of years of being a functional pub in some cases.
        I see sense only in giving the landlord/landlady a choice in whether 'his' pub should be a Non-Smoking pub or not. If the pub is serving food he should be able to have the choice in whether he wants a completely smoke free pub or a split pub with one smoking zone and one non smoking zone.
                                        Why the contribution is important               
        Because the smoking ban ,one top of alcohol prices, has created a huge threat to one of the most iconic aspects of British heratige, our pubs, and since the ban has become real our pubs have suffered financially and have found it hard to make ends meet.

        in my eyes the landlord, or landlady, should have the choice in what she allows in her pub and a silly law like this, which dose not work between everyone, should be lifted in pubs if the owner decides to.
http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/restoring-civil-liberties/stop-compulsory-worship-in-schoolsStop compulsory worship in schools                                        Info                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        by bevsan                on July 01, 2010 at 10:23AM               
        Schools should be free to hold secular assemblies if they wish to.
                                        Why the contribution is important               
        There are many atheist and agnostic families in this country whose rights are currently ignored.  Children should not be forced to pray to gods that they don't believe in.  Even many people who do believe in god don't believe in a 'personal' god that requires worship.  Schools should be free to decide on this issue for themselves.
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