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【2010.7.2 越南青年报】西藏人用了不到3000年来适应高海拔

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-1 15:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】Tibetans adapted to altitude in under 3,000 years:study


File photo of Tibetan nomads watching theirhorses outside their tent on the shores of Nam-tsoLake at over 4,700 metres abovesea-level on the high plateau of Northern U province,Tibet.

Tibetans took less than 3,000years to adapt to living at high altitude, said a new study that could lead toinsights on diseases linked to pre-birth oxygen deprivation such as epilepsy."This is the fastestgenetic change ever observed in humans," said Rasmus Nielsen, a University of California Berkeley biology professor who led
the statistical analysis and genome-widecomparison between the Tibetans and the Han Chinese.

西藏人用了不到3000年来适应高海拔地区的生活,一项新研究认为这个发现有助于研究某些由于产前缺氧而造成的疾病,如癫痫。“这是迄今为止在人类身上发现的最快的基因进化,”Rasmus Nielsen 说。他是美国加州大学伯克利分校的生物学教授,主持西藏人与汉人的全基因比较和统计分析的项目。

According to the study,published in the July 2 issue of Science magazine, the Tibetans and the HanChinese split into two separate populations some 2,750 years ago, with thelarger group moving to the Tibetan plateau where it dwindled while thelow-elevation Han expanded dramatically.


The Tibetans, however,quickly evolved a unique ability to live above 4,000 meters (13,000 feet),where oxygen levels are 40 percent lower than those at sea level.


"For such a very strongchange, a lot of people would have had to die simply due to the fact that theyhad the wrong version of a gene," said Nielsen.


Comparing the genes of bothethnic groups, researchers found more than 30 genes with DNA mutations thathave become more prevalent in Tibetans than Han Chinese, nearly half of whichare related to how the body uses oxygen.


One mutation in particularspread from fewer than 10 percent of the Han Chinese to nearly 90 percent of allTibetans. It is near a gene called EPAS1, a so-called "super athletegene" identified several years ago that is associated with improvedathletic performance, Nielsen said.


The gene codes for a proteininvolved in sensing oxygen levels and perhaps balancing aerobic and anaerobicmetabolism.


The new findings could steerscientists to still unknown genes that play a role in how the body deals withdecreased oxygen, and perhaps explain some diseases, including schizophreniaand epilepsy, associated with oxygen deprivation in the womb, Nielsen said.

这项新发现能够引导科学家研究一些目前未知的基因,这些基因对人体如何适应低氧环境起了重要作用,或者可能用来解释一些由于在子宫中缺氧而造成的疾病,包括精神分裂症和癫痫,Nielsen 说。

"The new finding is really the first time evolutionary information alonehas helped us pinpoint an important function of a gene in humans,"he added.


Adaptation to low oxygenlevels has allowed many peoples, from Andeans to Tibetans, to live at highaltitude.


When people from lowerelevations move above 4,000 meters they typically tire easily, developheadaches, produce babies with lower birth weights and have a higher infantmortality rate.


Tibetans have none of theseproblems, despite lower oxygen saturation in the blood and lower levels ofhemoglobin levels, which gives blood its red color, and binds and transportsoxygen to the body's tissues.


The study used genome dataand a large team of researchers from the Beijing Genomics Institute in Shenzhen, China'sflagship genome center.


The research was funded byvarious Chinese, American and Danish organizations.



文章大部分内容来源于以下报导:Science NewsTibetan Adaptation to High Altitude Occurred in Less Than3,000 Years

Links:http:  http://esciencenews.com/articles ... red.less.3000.years

Journal Reference:

Sequencing of 50 Human Exomes Reveals Adaptation to HighAltitude. Science, 2 July 2010:Vol. 329. no. 5987, pp. 75 - 78 DOI: 10.1126/science.1190371

Xin Yi, Yu Liang, Emilia Huerta-Sanchez, Xin Jin, Zha XiPing Cuo, John E. Pool, Xun Xu, Hui Jiang, Nicolas Vinckenbosch, Thorfinn SandKorneliussen, Hancheng Zheng, Tao Liu, Weiming He, Kui Li, Ruibang Luo, XifangNie, Honglong Wu, Meiru Zhao, Hongzhi Cao, Jing Zou, Ying Shan, Shuzheng Li, QiYang, Asan, Peixiang Ni, Geng Tian, Junming Xu, Xiao Liu, Tao Jiang, Renhua Wu,Guangyu Zhou, Meifang Tang, Junjie Qin, Tong Wang, Shuijian Feng, Guohong Li,Huasang, Jiangbai Luosang, Wei Wang, Fang Chen, Yading Wang, Xiaoguang Zheng,Zhuo Li, Zhuoma Bianba, Ge Yang, Xinping Wang, Shuhui Tang, Guoyi Gao, YongChen, Zhen Luo, Lamu Gusang, Zheng Cao, Qinghui Zhang, Weihan Ouyang, XiaoliRen, Huiqing Liang, Huisong Zheng, Yebo Huang, Jingxiang Li, Lars Bolund,Karsten Kristiansen, Yingrui Li, Yong Zhang, Xiuqing Zhang, Ruiqiang Li,Songgang Li, Huanming Yang, Rasmus Nielsen, Jun Wang, and Jian Wang.





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