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[社会] 【10.08.06 英国每日电讯】Chinese media 'vulgar' and 'kitsch'

发表于 2010-8-8 07:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Chinese media is 'vulgar' and 'kitsch', according to the country's own culture minister. Photo: ALAMY

Cai Wu told state news agency Zinhua that too many Chinese publications were filling their pages with "gossip and sensational stories that advocate money worship and consumerism."

"We publish more than 300,000 books every year, but how many of them could be compared with the scriptures inherited from our ancestors?" Mr Cai said

"We produce some 400 movies and hundreds of TV drama programmes each year, but how many of them will be recognised as classics?"
"Vulgar publications" were an unfortunate result of China's market-oriented economic reforms, "where a profit-oriented system passed off cheap entertainment as culture", he added.
Local governments, he said, were partly to blame by spending money on vanity projects such as flashy new buildings, instead of basic cultural facilities.
"Some local governments and officials have neglected or ignored socialist cultural construction," Cai told Xinhua.
"In today's world, a country's culture and economy are inseparable. A government must pay more attention to culture and originality if it wants to improve the quality of economic development."
State media are still strictly controlled in terms of coverage of sensitive political subjects or disasters, but have far greater freedoms when it comes to lifestyle stories.
The government periodically cracks down on reality television shows or soap operas which feature sensationalist subjects like extramarital affairs.
But many young Chinese also take to the internet to watch far racier programmes from political rival Taiwan. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/7931444/Chinese-media-vulgar-and-kitsch.html




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