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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-11 16:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 380374996 于 2010-8-11 16:07 编辑

Chinese food slurred again


Recent 'research' purporting to show that Chinese food is unhealthy is at best misleading. Isn't it time we ditched these stale old prejudices?


Sweet and sour pork at The Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, London. Photograph: Sophia Evans for the Observer


图片:索菲亚 伊文思

Late last week, some "news" about Chinese takeaways spread like a rash over the internet. A new study, it was claimed, had found that a typical Chinese takeaway meal could contain the equivalent of a wine glass full of lard – a pretty disgusting thought, most people would agree. A Press Association report on this supposedly unsettling research was picked up by newspapers all over the UK, including the Daily Mirrorand Metro: the [url=htthttp://www.metro.co.uk/news/8372 ... ains-a-glass-of-fat]Metro report[/url] was headlined "A Chinese takeaway contains a glass of fat".


Anyone reading such headlines might be forgiven for concluding that Chinese food was shockingly unhealthy. But read a little further and you'll find that the headlines were cooked up on spurious grounds. What did the study, based on a poll of 10,000 British adults, actually find? Only that 35% of the people polled ate two takeaways in a typical week (with lesser percentages eating them even more frequently), that 32% said Chinese was their favourite kind of takeaway, and that 20% ordered chips on the side with a Chinese meal. So where did that line about lard come from? The researchers, it seems, worked out that a meal of prawn crackers, crispy duck, chicken balls and spring rolls contained 2.823 calories and 132.5g fat – "the equivalent of a small wine glass".


It's easy to refute such nonsense. Firstly, if you are silly enough to order all the deep-fried, fatty foods on any menu, you'll end up with a lot of calories and a lot of fat – deep-fried Mars bars, chicken nuggets and chips, anyone? Few if any Chinese people would consider the researchers' menu to constitute a proper meal. Secondly, Chinese takeaways may offer prawn crackers and crispy duck, but they also sell many dishes made with fresh vegetables, noodles and rice. It's not all fatty and deep-fried. What these researchers, or their PR people, seem to have done is to take a survey that merely confirms the great popularity of Chinese food in Britain, tangle it up with a grossly inappropriate menu, and come up with an alarming top line that will be seen by millions and is bound to damage the livelihoods of large numbers of hardworking people.


It's also worth noticing that the "research study" cited was commissioned by the makers of a weight-loss product called LIPObind, a "fat binder" that they say ties up undigested fat in the stomach. Could it possibly be that the purpose of the survey is to shock people who enjoy Chinese takeaways into buying LIPObind, rather than to discourage unhealthy eating?


The really funny thing about all this is that the Chinese have traditionally cared more about a balanced diet than perhaps any other ethnic group, and have much to teach the rest of the world about healthy eating. And yet just because many Brits prefer deep-fried pork balls and spring rolls to their sparkling stir-fried vegetables and wonderful soups, the Chinese have been saddled with the undeserved reputation of being peddlers of junk food.


The shocking thing is that the British media seem only too happy to publish such casual slurs on the Chinese catering industry. In 2001, one well-known daily newspaper (encouraged, it seemed, by MAFF officials), wrongly fingered Chinese restaurants as having been the source of the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in that year. In 2002, the same newspaper published a notorious piece about Chinese food that was so offensive that members of the normally quiescent Chinese community threatened to march on Downing Street in protest. As their representatives pointed out at the time, few newspaper editors would feel they could get away with publishing such racist rubbish about more vocal ethnic groups, but they seem to think that it's fine to do so when it comes to the Chinese.


As a cook and writer who has been researching Chinese cuisine for about 15 years, I find the still widespread western perception that Chinese food is junky quite incredible. How can China's extraordinary culinary culture, in all its brilliance and diversity, be eclipsed by a few prawn crackers and some deep-fried spring rolls? In an era of globalisation and international travel, isn't it time we ditched these stale old prejudices about Chinese food?






发表于 2010-8-11 17:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-8-11 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-8-12 00:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-8-13 02:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-8-13 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 这个不用争论 应该看看各国胖子的比例
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-8-17 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 这个不用争论 应该看看各国胖子的比例

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发表于 2010-8-18 19:39 | 显示全部楼层
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