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【2010.8.10 经济学家】为了环保,付出如此代价

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-11 21:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 gabirella 于 2010-8-11 21:59 编辑

【中文标题】为了环保,付出如此代价【原文标题】High cost for being green





    吴立红和许洁华家中的墙上贴满了吴立红风光时候的见证:2005年吴立红和在北京和高级官员交谈的照片,当时他被评为中国十大环保家;2006年“福特汽车环保奖”的自然环境保护提名奖。下面有证据表明为何现在中国政府对吴立红如此之差。吴立红从墙上去下了三卷字画,并给我们看了它们的反面。那里放着300多个邮局的收据,每个收据都代表着一封挂号信。那些是吴立红寄到北京,有关太湖水污染的信件。他未曾受到任何回复,但将每封信的收据都藏在了字画的背面。他不想让警察拿走这些他曾尽力改变太湖污染的有力证据。《经济学家》 2008年曾报道过,吴立红在狱中服刑期间,数名便衣被派去全天候监视他和许洁华的房子。他们并没有阻止外国记者进入,但很明显的是,便衣的作用是为了打消那些很想要进去探视的人们的念头。





HONGKONG's South China Morning Post hasan interesting account of how environmentaldamage, including a frenzy of dam-building, may have exACerbated the landslidesin Gansuprovince that have killed hundreds of people. The same has even been suggested in the China EconomicTimes [in Chinese], a proper part of China’sstate-owned press.

The partof Gansu struck by the landslides, Zhouqucounty, is in China’spoor and remote west. Criticism of environmental malpractice there is lesslikely to hurt the reputations of the country's most powerful politicians—lesslikely than would, say, a similar report about one of the far wealthier regionsin the east. It is perhaps out of an abundance of caution about suchsensitivities that China’smedia have been so reticent in their reporting about the latest algal bloom in Tai Lake. This immense body of water straddles two of China’s richest provinces, Zhejiangand Jiangsu.Since a huge outbreak of algae in 2007, the leadership in Beijing has made a considerable fuss aboutcleaning it up. To admit failure would be embarrassing, especially so whilenearby Shanghaiplays host to the World Expo, with its theme of eco-friendly cities.

This leaves the task of whistleblowing to a handful of determined activists. Tai Lake's best-known independent monitor is Wu Lihong, a 42-year-old former salesman wholives in a village surrounded by paddy fields, close to the lake’s northernshore. Mr Wu was released from prison in April after having served a three-yearterm for blackmail. He believes that local officials fabricated the caseagainst him in order to force his silence. Mr Wu says he was kept in a cellwith two mentally ill prisoners, treated roughly throughout and that, when his wife was allowed to visit him, they were restricted to discussing familymatters (and only in Mandarin, not the local dialect—presumably to aid theirMandarin-speaking eavesdroppers).

But Mr Wu’s wife, Xu Jiehua, says he is regarded as a hero in their local community.Firecrackers were set off in the village to celebrate his return. A photographof Mr Wu standing outside the prison on the day of his release shows himclutching a big bouquet of flowers. Ms Xu notes with a smile that it was notshe, but a local well-wisher, who gave them.

The walls of their sitting room are adorned with reminders of better times: photographsof Mr Wu rubbing shoulders with senior officials in Beijing in 2005, when he was declared one ofthe country’s top 10 environmentalists; an environmental-award certificategiven by the Ford Motor company in 2006. There is also evidence of why the authorities turned sour on him. Mr Wu takes down three scrolls of calligraphyto show their reverse sides. They reveal a collection of 300-odd receipts fromthe post office, each one representing a registered letter. These were theletters Mr Wu sent to leaders in Beijingconcerning pollution in Tai Lake. He received noreplies, but kept each one of the receipts, hidden on the backs of the scrolls.He wanted to keep the police from seizing this tangible proof that at least hehad tried.

As wereported in 2008, a detachment of plain-clothessecurity officers were assigned to watch Mr Wu and Ms Xu’s houseround-the-clock while he was in prison. They did not try to ward off foreignreporters, but it was clear that their presence was aimed at discouraging allbut the most determined outsiders who might visit.

The goonshave gone, at last. The surveillance however has not stopped, or so Mr Wu believes. He points to the single-lane road that cuts through the paddy fields.Something that looks like a traffic-control camera has been erected at each ofthree crossing-points along the road. There is barely any traffic to control;such cameras are not to be seen elsewhere on these narrowest of country lanes.

Mr Wu is still a bit nervous. He took me to the lake to see a patch of noxious-smelling algae, but then fretted about attracting the attention of a nearby contingentof men who had been detailed to scoop the algae out. “It’s dangerous here,” he cautioned, referring to the men—not the poisonous blue-green scum. A little inland he introduced the owner of a fruit-tree orchard whom, Mr Wu said, hadbeen warned by officials not to complain about pollution to journalists. Sureenough, he didn't.

But Mr Wu shows little reticence when itcomes to blaming officialdom high and low, and even the Communist Party itself,for having robbed the lake of the beauty for which it was once renowned. Hetook me to see a village near his home, which he says local officials smartenedup with new houses in order to impress the high-level dignitaries who come toinspect pollution-control measures. “The local government is cheatingcentral-government officials and attacking the local masses”, he said. “Tai Lake is even more polluted than before and no one pays attention.”




发表于 2010-8-11 22:40 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-12 09:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-8-12 12:11 | 显示全部楼层
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gabirella 发表于 2010-8-12 09:45

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发表于 2010-8-12 22:46 | 显示全部楼层
奇怪的! 论调
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发表于 2010-8-12 22:57 | 显示全部楼层
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gabirella 发表于 2010-8-12 09:45

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