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发表于 2010-8-23 15:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

(Reuters) – The ever-present hum of the vuvuzela during this year’s soccer World Cup catapulted the plastic trumpet to prominence and now it has earned a place in the Oxford Dictionary of English.
路透社报 世界杯期间此起彼伏的呜呜祖拉声,让这个塑料喇叭声名鹊起,现在它还在牛津英语词典赢得一席之地。

Vuvuzela is among 2,000 new words and phrases added to the third edition of the dictionary, published on Thursday, which is compiled from analysis of two billion words used in everything from novels to internet message boards.

The credit crunch features heavily in this year’s additions, with terms such as “overleveraged,” having taken on too much debt and “quantitative easing,” the introduction of new money in to the money supply by the central bank, among those included.
今年新添加的词汇信贷危机举足轻重,有包括像“overleveraged 过高财务杠杆的”这样的词汇,意为已经负债过多;“quantitative easing  量化宽松”意为通过中央银行给货币供应引入新资金。

“Staycation,” a holiday spent in one’s home country, and “bargainous,” costing less than usual, also reflect the hot topic of belt-tightening among consumers during the economic downturn.
“staycation就近度假” 意为在国内度假;“bargaious 讨价还价的” 意为开支减少,这些也反映了在经济不景气时期消费者都勒紧裤腰带这个热点话题。

The rise of “social media,” itself a new term, has spawned several additions, including “defriend,” removing someone from a list of friends or contacts on a social networking site, and “tweetup,” a meeting organized via posts on Twitter. Other words include:
“social media 社会媒体”,本身就是一个新词汇,它的崛起也产生了许多新词汇。“defriend 拖黑”意为把某人从好友列表或社交网站联系人列表中拖黑,“tweetup” 通过Twitter组织的会面。还有一些别的单词如下:

Bromance: a close but non-sexual relationship between two men

Buzzkill: a person or thing that has a depressing or dispiriting effect

Cheeseball: lacking taste, style or originality

Chillax: calm down and relax

Frenemy: a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry

Interweb: the internet

Wardrobe malfunction: an instance of a person accidentally exposing an intimate part of their body as result of an article of clothing slipping out of position
wardrobe malfunction:走光(wardrobe 衣服+malfunction故障)

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