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[社会] 【外媒香港游客遇难专题】

 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-23 23:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【2010.08.23】Philippine police end Manila bus hijack



People were rescued from the bus after it was stormed by police

Philippine police have stormed a hijacked bus and shot dead a former officer who had killed seven Chinese tourists after taking them hostage.

As the day-long siege in Manila came to a bloody end, TV images showed some hostages crawling from the bus while emergency crews removed bodies.
A former policeman armed with an assault rifle had seized the bus in an apparent attempt to get his job back.
Some 18 people survived the ordeal - mostly tourists from Hong Kong.
Donald Tsang, Hong Kong's leader, confirmed that seven Hong Kong residents had died, two were severely injured and that six more remaied in hospital.
"The way it was handled, particularly the outcome, I find is disappointing," he said.
Police Colonel Nelson Yabut told reporters that the gunman, identified as 55-year-old Senior Inspector Rolando Mendoza, was killed after he decided to enter a shoot-out with police marksmen.
"On our first assault, Captain Mendoza was sprawled in the middle of the aisle and shot one of our operatives. On our second assault we killed him," said Col Yabut.
TV stations in the Philippines carried live broadcasts of the drama, and the footage showed hostages crawling out of the vehicle by the back door as the siege came to an end.Radio threats
The gunman was reportedly sacked over robbery and drugs claims, and was attempting to be reinstated into the force. 4.jpg Police acted cautiously in ending the siege

During early negotiations, nine people were freed from the bus, and the driver fled to safety, leaving 15 hostages on board.
One of the gunman's brothers, also a police officer, was drafted in to help the negotiating team.
But as the police operation moved into full swing, the gunman became agitated and told a local radio station he would kill the remaining hostages.
"I shot two Chinese. I will finish them all if [the police] do not stop," he told the Radio Mindanao Network.
"I can see a lot of SWAT [special weapons and tactics police] coming in. I know they will kill me. They should all leave because any time I will do the same here."
The BBC's South East Asia correspondent Rachel Harvey says the gunman would have been trained in police tactics, and would have known what to expect - so the police moved very cautiously.
About an hour before the siege ended, a group of officers approached the bus and attempted to board it by barging in the back door.
But they retreated amid the noise of gunfire coming from the bus.
Soon afterwards, TV images showed the body of a man slumped out of the front of the bus; later reports claimed it was the body of the gunman, shot by police.
Twenty-two of those on board were tourists from Hong Kong, with three Filipinos - a driver, a guide and a photographer.
The gunman boarded the bus at Luneta Park in central Manila and the hostage drama played out across the eight-lane road inside the park.
BBC News - Philippine police end Manila bus hijack.png
发表于 2010-8-23 23:57 | 显示全部楼层
【2010.08.23】Bloody end to Philippines hostage drama
来源:CNNBloody end to Philippines hostage dramaBy the CNN Wire Staff
August 23, 2010 -- Updated 1444 GMT (2244 HKT)

Manila, Philippines (CNN) -- At least eight hostages held for 10 hours appear to have survived the hijacking of a tour bus in the heart of the Philippines capital Monday.
The hostage-taker, former police officer Rolando Mendoza, died of a gunshot wound to the head, and at least two hostages were killed, police said.
There were 15 hostages on the bus when police stormed it. Nine had been released earlier, including a mother and her three children, a man with diabetes, and two photographers, according to CNN's Anna Coren, who was there. Most of those on the bus were tourists.
Police boarded the gunman-controlled bus about 40 minutes after the driver left and claimed the hostage-taker had killed all those remaining on board, Coren reported. The police retreated immediately, possibly after firing a shot into the bus, pictures from the scene showed.
Earlier, a police assault team charged the bus, breaking the windows with an ax, Coren said.
Mendoza had sprayed machine gun fire at the hostages, a police spokesman told CNN. Manila's vice mayor, Isko Moreno, told CNN that Mendoza's brother had been arrested because he was "guilty of conspiring with his brother" and allegedly helped instigate the shooting.

Mendoza had threatened "more drastic measures" if police approached him, Manila police official Leocadio Santiago told CNN.
There were 25 people, including 22 foreigners, on the tourist bus when Mendoza boarded it with a gun, Manila District Police Chief Rodolfo Magtibay said.
Mendoza was demanding his job back, police told CNN. He wrote his demand on a board and displayed it in the bus windshield, the police official said.
Mendoza was wearing his uniform and carrying a rifle when he flagged down the tourist bus and asked for a ride, police spokesman Erwin Margarejo told reporters.
A tour guide for Hong Thai Travel tried to stop him from boarding the bus, the company's general manager told reporters.
"The gunman said he wanted to have a free lift. Then the tour guide stopped him," general manager Susanna Lau said. "Eventually, the gunman got on the coach and then asked the driver to lock the door."
Lau said the gunman did not threaten people on the bus.
The hostages were calm but confused, Margarejo said. Around 2 p.m. (2 a.m. ET), the Philippine news channel ANC showed images of signs posted on the bus windshield saying, "Big deal will start after 3 p.m. today" and "3 p.m. today dead lock."
But two hours later, there were no outward signs that the situation had changed.
Police cordoned off the area around the bus as they tried to negotiate, and sharpshooters were stationed nearby. Food was delivered to the hostages still on board.
ANC showed passengers peeking out from behind curtains of the parked bus and a sign posted on the bus door saying, "Big mistake to correct a big wrong decision."
Mendoza was dismissed a year ago for misconduct unbecoming a police officer, Margarejo said.
However, CNN affiliate ABS CBN said he was fired for extortion. The police have not confirmed the report.
Police and the Philippines Red Cross assessed the hostages who were freed, sending some back to their hotels and continuing to interview others, national Red Cross Secretary General Gwendolyn Pang told CNN.
Lau said the company had informed family members of the hostages about the situation.
Santiago said earlier Mendoza's family members had been speaking with him as well.
"As an individual, his responses so far have been very reasonable and very psychologically stable," he said.
But that reasonability and stability devolved into the shooting later in the day.
"This is an incident where the person doesn't think of right thing," Moreno said. "I feel sad for the families of these victims. I hope there's more reports of survivors of this incident."
Hong Kong Secretary for Security Ambrose S.K. Lee told reporters that government officials were "very concerned" about the incident and had asked officials from the Chinese Embassy in Manila to help.
"We have contacted the Philippine Consulate-General in Hong Kong and we requested that they should ensure the safety of the hostages and we also requested that the incident be resolved in a peaceful manner," he said.
The Hong Kong government is arranging for a Cathay Pacific flight to fly hostages' families to Manila at midnight, Andy Ho, the spokesman for Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang, said Monday. Ho said even if only one or two families are ready to go at midnight, they will proceed with the flight.
The deputy security minister, government officials from the security bureau, psychologists, doctors and police and immigration officials will be on board that flight.
Another flight is being prepared for the tourists' families, and is set to leave at 8 a.m. Tuesday from Hong Kong to Manila, Ho said.

Asked if tourists should have any concerns about travel to the Philippines after the hostage incident, Moreno said, "It could happen anywhere in the world."


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