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 楼主| 发表于 2010-8-28 10:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

原文标题: In Hong Kong, Tributes and Backlash Follow Hostage Deaths

中文标题: 人质死后香港的哀悼和强烈反应

原文地址: http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2010/08/26/in-hong-kong-tributes-and-backlash-follow-hostage-deaths/


4:18 pm August 26, 2010
Tony wrote:

The PNP ’s incompetence in this tragedy is painfully clear. But it is only the tip of the iceberg of the problems of the Philippines government on a whole. Years ago I when on a similar tour and during the tour, I saw with my own eyes at one of the attractions a uniformed police trying to sell his police batch to tourists. And then on the last day of the tour a fellow tourist lost his wallet, the local guide advised the he did not report to the police as it would have been a waste of time doing so !! Then I read in an Newsweek article that the Philippines army that were fighting the rebels in the south were so badly equipt that they used their own personal mobile phones for field communications !!!
With police and the army like these, who need the bad guys/ enemies??
But are the guys on the ground solely to be blamed? I think the government and the leaders are the ones accountable.

执政党 (Nacionalista Party) 在这一悲剧中显示的无能清楚得让人痛苦。但它仅仅是整个菲律宾政府问题的冰山一角。几年前,我去过类似的旅游,在某个景点,我亲眼看到一名穿制服的警察在向游客兜售其警察肩章。然后在旅游的最后一天,某个家伙丢了钱包,当地向导建议他不要向警方报案,因为这只会浪费时间!然后,我在一新闻周刊的文章上看到,在南部跟叛军战斗的菲律宾军队的配备如此之差,以至于他们必须用自己的手机来互相联络!

有了这样的警察和军队,谁需要敌人/ 坏人??


5:47 pm August 26, 2010
mike wrote:

If the filipinos are so badly equipped and poorly trained, that’s a reflection of their third world, failed state status. My question is….why do so many affluent HK and Chinese want to visit this place to begin with? Is it like visiting a zoo? The best way to send a clear message to the filipinos is to boycott the place. By the way, I am absolutely sure the outcome would be far different if it was a bus load of Americans being held.


5:53 pm August 26, 2010
david wrote:

Its a great tragedy.Instead police force they should play brain games with the hijacker…

这是个大悲剧。 警察应该跟绑匪斗智...

5:59 pm August 26, 2010
bimboy wrote:

Man’s imperfections, Satan and his demons plus other factors caused the hostage crisis. You could blame the Philippine Government. But, haven’t you know that we’re living in this critical times? Why is their so much suffering and pain? This is Satan’s design, my dear folks. According to the Bible’s book of Revelations Chapter 12 verse 9, Satan, who misleads the entire inhabited earth is thrown on our planet earth together with spirit creatures called Demons. Please read. Thank you.


6:22 pm August 26, 2010
Wombadan wrote:

“Tributes”, right. They were a bunch of working class Hongkies on a cheap tour not soldiers returning in bodybags from Afghanistan. Lets get some perspective here.


7:11 pm August 26, 2010
1234 wrote:

Canadian passport holder? not canadian citizens? seems canada is disowning some of the victims here sad….

加拿大护照持有者? 不是加拿大公民? 似乎加拿大不承认部分受害者,可怜。。。

8:01 pm August 26, 2010
mike wrote:

“A bunch of working class Hongkies on a cheap tour not soldiers returning in bodybags from Afghanistan…”
Typical Americans who think what they do, and their own lives, are worth far more than others. Perspectives? The perspectives of American soldiers who voluntarily joined the US armed force of any branch, and are now called on to fight an American war against those who attacked NYC. And by the way, they are paid very very well, thank you, and their families are well cared for if the unthinkable happens. Why are these soldiers more “heroic” to the rest of the world? They should be respected for doing their job well….but why would one honor them more than innocent victims slaughtered due to the gross incompetence of a pathetic thrid world government? Racism do come in many form. Get your perspectives right, bud.


典型的美国人! 总认为他们做的事情和他们的生命远远比别人的有价值。观点?自愿参军的美国士兵的观点,就是在跟袭击纽约市的敌人进行美国的战争。顺便说一下,他们的工资非常非常高,谢谢你,如果发生了什么不可想象的事情,他们的家人也会被照顾得很好。为什么这些士兵比世界上其他人更“英雄”?他们应该得到尊重因为他们的工作做得很好...但为什么对他们的尊敬要多于那些因为一个可怜的第三世界国家政府的严重不称职而死亡的无辜受害者?种族主义出现在许多形式中。摆正你的观点,年轻人。

8:03 pm August 26, 2010
22 wrote:

One more reason to hate philiphines


10:41 pm August 26, 2010
More anon wrote:

Obviously, this event has struck a huge nerve, in China and the Philippines. If China played its cards right, it would offer help to the Phils. to develop its law enforcement, economy, etc, thereby heading off something like this happening again while enhancing its influence in the Phils. and by extension elsewhere in Asia. But often the Chinese govt shies away from just such responsibility.


11:37 pm August 26, 2010
lmao wrote:

“Many online commenters have also raised questions about whether the outcome would have been the same had the tourists been Americans”
Bunch of stupid superstitious Cantonese.


11:52 pm August 26, 2010
Imao hater wrote:

don’t understand your reasoning here? How does superstitious Cantonese relate to your comment above? Learn some English before you write on such blogs , otherwise you’re such a disgrace. You heartless fool.


12:12 am August 27, 2010
Anonymous wrote:

“Obviously, this event has struck a huge nerve, in China and the Philippines. If China played its cards right, it would offer help to the Phils. to develop its law enforcement, economy, etc, thereby heading off something like this happening again while enhancing its influence in the Phils. and by extension elsewhere in Asia. But often the Chinese govt shies away from just such responsibility.”
Mainland China is NOT in a position to help anyone in terms of law enforcement.
Hong Kong may be able to help.



12:12 am August 27, 2010
aeroman, PA wrote:

Indeed they are not “soldiers returning in body-bags from Afghanistan…”, you are right about that, they didn’t invade another country like we do.

确实他们不是"从阿富汗被装在尸体袋中被运回来的士兵。。。" 你说的对。他们没有象我们那样侵略其他国家。

12:25 am August 27, 2010
mike wrote:

“Mainland China is NOT in a position to help anyone in terms of law enforcement. “….
Oh here we go again…anytime there’s something remotely about China, these Tibet freaks-China bashers come crawling out like bedbugs…


1:36 am August 27, 2010
Anonymous wrote:

I understand the anger. I am angry myself. The ineptitude of the police in the Philippines is beyond belief.
However, like other posters have pointed out, I too question how the Chinese police forces would have performed. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer either. The Chinese government cannot even get safe milk for its babies to drink.


1:51 am August 27, 2010
Anonymous wrote:

let’s step back a little here.
The Chinese and the Chinese govt are really “saddened” by the deaths of their own people.
I find it ironic - as the chinese value for human life is next to null considering their past records on human rights. They shot their own people in Tiananmen Square, and who knows how many people have died unnecessarily during their earthquakes, oil spills, floods, etc. I doubt the government really cares. Off course, it’s not what you see on the news. They still control the media, you know.
This sounds more like posturing. beating their chests, because they can.
Believe me, I grew up in Asia Pac. I know the way they think.
And the Philipiines? They were inept. No doubt. But, it is a third-world developing country wherein the police volunteer on their own and accept next to nothing paychecks. What do you expect?


中国人和中国政府对本国人民的死亡感到“悲伤”。我觉得讽刺 - 根据过去的人权记录,中国人根本不考虑生命的价值。他们在天安门广场枪杀自己的人民,谁知道有多少人在地震期间不必要地死去,石油泄漏,洪水,等等。我怀疑政府是否真的在乎。当然,你在新闻中看不到。他们还控制媒体,你知道的。



1:57 am August 27, 2010
Connie wrote:

There is only one factor that caused everything and that’s poverty in the lives of the Filipinos…the graft and corruption even in the jurisdiction of justice and law; the insufficient knowledge and training of law enforcement agencies; the manic desire of journalists to get the story first that lead to the failure of negotiation; and even the uneducated decision of the common people who came in droves just to gawk at the crime scene with complete disregard for safety and outward disrespect for human dignity are signs that the Philippine government is losing the battle against poverty.
The world should not look down upon the Philippines. Had this unfortunate incident happened here in Canada or in the United States there would be no repercussions on the lives of citizens of these countries. It would be treated as an act of a deranged man who lost his mind through a series of troubling events in his life. The hostages will be seen as people who were, unfortunately, at the wrong place at the wrong time. It wouldn’t be a matter of race or intelligence.
The Filipino and Chinese people have intermingled for hundreds of years, not only in business but also in their personal lives. As a Canadian citizen with Filipino and Chinese lineage, I would like to appeal to the media to promote healing and forgiveness instead of fanning the flames that is severing the ties between these two countries.




2:00 am August 27, 2010
Anonymous wrote:

The are many reasons to be furious at this tragedy
1) the philippines police force, many times, anger the gunman during the negotiation. Professionals from all over the world has bashed the philipines police force for not being able to calm down the gunman, instead, pushed him to start the first shot
2) Aquino III was smiling at the press 3 hours after tragedy occured
3) philipino students & police were taking pictures the hijacked bus as souvenir photos; smiling and posing a victory sign


5:09 am August 27, 2010
John Chan wrote:

With regards to the Jackie Chan tweets, it’s understandable for some Hong Kong people to be upset under the circumstances, but some people are just using this as an excuse to get their hate on. Jackie Chan is saying the right things. It’s a shame this came from an actor instead of a political leader. If people can’t see through the anger that he is right, then I am ashamed these people are Chinese.
Yes Fillipino cops and government is incompetent. We didn’t need this incident to know that.
Venting anger at the country of Phillipines is not going to improve the safety of Chinese tourists there, or bring dead people back. The people of the Phillipines are already ashamed of their police and government, what else can you ask for?
Let’s hope police around the world and in China use this opportunity to absorb this lesson so similar failures would be less likely in the future. Because it will happen again.





5:38 am August 27, 2010
Anonymous wrote:

this story has gotten big play in china because the CCP sees it as a rallying point, a way to draw the citizenry around the govt and party as the people’s champion, and protector.


6:06 am August 27, 2010
mike wrote:

Actually, and given the monumental tasks like fighting disasters (huge earthquakes, floods etc), I think the Chinese rapid response is pretty good. Look at how the US relief work went during Katrina, and how the Chinese responded in the earthquake in Sichuan in 2008 and the difference is obvious. And the US is a first world, developed country, no less.
I personally dont hold any animosity toward the filipino people…they are part of a failed, poor state, and there’s nothing one can do about that. I hope that CHN and HK people are smart enough to avoid visiting these places in the future. I was planning on going to Manila for 4 nights on the way to Sidney, Australia this fall, but I cancelled that excursion already. Manila is hot, dirty and now, dangerous with an inept police force.



9:04 am August 27, 2010
JC from HKG wrote:

tears from all , drew, each and every moment, the TV seanced the incident, aftermath, yet to be pacified….. Heart sank , numbness overtook, and overtaking … This will last for a long time, for all HKG residents .. indeed.
Allow me to share .. the below
1. emotion status of the gunman, the bomb-fuse : this was not taken into consideration .. The brother arresting scene sparked off, and lit the tragic first, then following shots; claiming lives, casualties
2. safeguarding the unlikely, numerous times, the gunman was exposed, snipers could disabled him, altho he then, showed most stable sane, senses … status..
3. tactic distraction .. much could be done, eg, making noises on rooftop of coach, distracting gunman’;s attention, and simutaneously sniper-shot… It does not at all, to take a genius to draft sensible options … but..
This could continue for ever … Too many neglegences, too much uncaring llet-be attitude, etc.. etc.
Mocking over who did what wrong, finger-pointing will never at all brings the victims back… Nursing the wounds, uplifting the spirits of the nightmaring victims , and seam-burstingly remedizing what could be done, for similar future incidetns, from all angles… PAYS OFF, TO EXTEND; the innocent, 8 lives, sacraficed .. Prayers,

1) 枪手的情绪变化是导火索,警方没有考虑到。枪手弟弟被捕的画面就是火花,点燃悲剧,然后枪声响起,生命逝去,遇难者。
2) 好几次枪手曝露,狙击手完全可以击毙他。尽管他当时的情绪稳定,常识,状态。
3) 战术干扰。。。可以有很多方式,比如在巴士上头弄出声音,转移枪手的注意力,同时狙击手开枪。一个天才可以拟定合理的方案...但..
这可能永远持续下去的... 太多失职,太多的对生命漠不关心的态度等。等等

(译者: 这老兄语无伦次,不知所云,我不翻了)

10:11 am August 27, 2010
No Anonymous wrote:

Bloggers be advised - “Anonymous” is a anti chinese a-hole that writes in many blogs in WSJ. He hijacks the blogs and he has no balls. He is rumour monger, make up fake stories and trys to make inflammatory comments to stir hatred against Chinese. Just be aware & not to fall this BS traps.

大家请注意 - “无名氏(Anonymous)" 是一个反中国的SB,他在华尔街日报的许多博客留言。他劫持博客,又没胆子。他是谣言贩子,编造虚假的故事,写煽动性的评论,来煽动对中国的仇恨。大家小心不要上这个人的当。

11:25 am August 27, 2010
Camie Leung wrote:

Only in the Philippines, the dead murderer in the bus hijack killings, are shown in his coffin wrapped in full honours in the Philippine National Police uniform and the Philippine National Flag!
Wasn’t he sacked by the Philippine authorities, and how come he can still be considered as a part of the honourable Philippine Police “heroes”.
If a dead murderer is allowed to to be honoured with the National Flag of a country, it speaks volumes about Philippines’ values as a country.
This is adding insults to the victims of this massacre of Hong Kong tourists.
We must not deal with people with these kind of distorted values at the national level!

他不是由菲律宾当局解职了吗? 怎么他仍然可以作为光荣的菲律宾警方"英雄"的一员?

12:54 pm August 27, 2010
Wombadan wrote:

Oh the outrage of superior Chinese nationals being gunned down by a Philippino. If they’d have been shot by American, or another Chinese, that would’ve been OK. But a Philippino? Those mixed blood low end Asians with CathoVoodoo? Man thats going to take a lot of Hell Money to burn outside Wanchai’s nightclubs to pacify the dead spirits. Yes, those same Hong Kong nightclubs that entrap Filipina girls and sell them into the sex trade. Yes, the same Hong Kongnese whose housewifes regularly attend court for abusingt their Filipina maids. One was jailed last year for pressing a hot iron on her maids face. Yes, the shame of being murdered by such an inferior race of people. It’s shocking.


2:03 pm August 27, 2010
Martin de Mars wrote:

In a statement e-mailed to media outfits, the Chinese embassy here noted the apparent honor accorded to Mendoza with this act.
“Television reports showed that that Rolando Mendoza, the cold-blooded hostage-taker, was laid in his house in a coffin draped in the Philippine national flag. The Chinese embassy in the Philippines condemns the brutality of the criminal and expresses its strong indignation over this irritating act,”
Are those Filipino actually insane? Or this is just a private action by the murder’s family? If the act is official, Chinese should take this as the state of Philippines is taking this killing.as an admirable event for their citizen and is encouraging copy-cats.


2:18 pm August 27, 2010
Canadian wrote:

There are sick posters here. I am not going to state the obvious. These China and Chinese haters will continue to hate regardless because they live to hate even in very black and white situation. As you continue to hate China, China marches on and develops and one day be the most important country on Earth and you haters can go on hating because that is what you can only do as the world turns …and as you continue to hate the Chinese, they will get richer and better educated. They will bring fresh perspectives to the world and you the haters can wallow in your sty as the world turns. Get a life, hating can only causes pain to yourself … It does nothing to China and the Chinese because they have been there and have done it all for 5000 years through the ups and downs and up again.


2:53 pm August 27, 2010
Anonymous wrote:
They should mourn the murder with a national bury.


5:54 pm August 27, 2010
mike wrote:
Like I said, I hope fellow CHN people in HK and the mainland will take heed and boycott the philipines. I dont know why anyone would want to use their money visiting a zoo so far away. There are plenty of great places to visit in SE asia that has better everything, and in China itself. And if you really want to travel, go somewhere nice like Australia or Canada…why the smelly, dirty place like Manila? I hope the spirit of those innocent dead find peace.
CHN should use this occasion to take back the islands in the South Sea still occupied by the inept RP forces. Now that the RP has shown how incompetent it is, ejecting their “military” would be a matter of minites.






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哎, 乱民多。
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