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『异域趣知』Size Matters!全球最大数一数

发表于 2010-9-21 12:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
World’s Largest Serving Of Fried Chicken 世界最大桶炸鸡块

Kentucky Fried Chicken, a unit of Yum! Brands, Inc. served 2,493.35 lbs. of fried chicken to the citizens of Louisville – setting the new world record for the Largest serving of fried chicken during the celebration of KFC’s 70th anniversary of its Original Recipe of 11 herbs and spices. (Link | Via)
作为百盛集团旗下公司一员的肯德基,在纪念其11种香草和调味品的原创配方的70周年庆上,为路易斯维尔的居民提供了一桶2493.35磅的炸鸡块,创造了新的最大桶炸鸡块世界纪录。 World’s Largest Natural Breasts 世界最大“非人工”咪咪

Norma Stitz, real name Annie Hawkins -Turner, was born in Atlanta, Georgia. She attended Jackson State University and got a BSW (Bachelor of Social Work). Norma began sending in pictures to publications in the early 1990’s and there were finally published in 1994. Treated mainly as a curiousity, the magazines soon learned that there are many men out there that really do love big tits like this and she began appearing in more mags. By 1997 she was also making her own movies as well.
In 1999, the Guinness World Records declared Norma as having the Biggest Natural Breasts in the world and also the owner of the largest bra. Her measurements at the time were 70-48-52″. Her bra size was 48V. Each tit weighed 28 pounds and she weighed 270. Since then her tits have grown up to 72ZZZ and she tops the scale at 345 pounds. (Link)
1999年,吉尼斯世界纪录宣布诺玛拥有世界最大“非人工”咪咪,同时也是最大胸罩的拥有者。当时她的三围是70-48-52。她的胸罩尺寸是48V。每个咪咪重达48磅而她体重270。后来她的咪咪生长到72ZZZ,而她最重时达到345磅。 World’s Largest Chocolate Bar世界最大巧克力

It is a chocolate lover’s dream. Armenian company Grand Candy unveiled the world’s largest ever -chocolate bar — a 10-inch-thick slab weighing in at 9,720 pounds and measuring 18.4 feet by 9-feet. In a televised ceremony, representatives of Guinness World Records measured the dark-chocolate bar and handed a document to company managers certifying it as the new record-holder. (Link | Via)
这是巧克力爱好者的美梦。亚美尼亚大糖果公司推出世界最大巧克力:10英寸厚,重达9720磅,长18.4英尺宽9英尺。在电视庆典上,吉尼斯世界纪录的代表测量了这块黑巧克力,并将新世界纪录的证书交给公司经理们。 World’s Largest Arthropod世界最大节肢动物

Hail Crabzilla! The Japanese Spider Crab is the biggest arthropod on Earth–their legs are believed to grow up to 12 feet long. But since they live at such great depths (typically 1,000 feet down or so) a full grown spider crab has yet to be caught. So for now, we’ll have to make due with the 5 foot long Crabzilla (that’s what it’s called–I didn’t make it up!), one of the largest known crabs in the planet. (Link)
Hail Crabzilla!日本蜘蛛蟹是最大的节肢动物。据称,它们的腿可以生长到12英尺。但由于它们生活在深水区(通常在水下1,000英尺左右),因此尚未抓获一只完整生长的蜘蛛蟹。所以,目前我们不得不把5英尺长的Crabzilla(它就叫这个名字–我没瞎编)当作这个星球上已知的最大的蟹。 World’s Largest Hand世界最大的手

24-year-old macrodactyly patient Liu Hua, from Jiangsu, China, was recognized in 2007 as the man with the world’s largest hand. He was born with a left thumb, index and middle finger much larger than normal, which grew dramatically together with his arm as he grew older and has had a serious impact on his work and day-to-day life.
When Liu was hospitalized in Shanghai in July 2007, his left thumb measured 26 centimeters, his index finger was 30cm and his middle finger 15cm. The overall weight of his left arm was about 10 kilograms. Surgeons ended up making a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu’s fingers and thumb, removing 5.1kg of flesh and bone in the procedure. (Link)
2007年7月,刘华在上海就诊的时候,他的左手大拇指长达26厘米,食指长达30厘米,中指长达15厘米。整个左臂重达10公斤。医生做了7个小时的手术,去除了5.1公斤的骨肉,以此减小他的手指。 World’s Largest iPod世界最大的iPod

This 25 ft. iPod is attached to the side of the Unizan Bank building across from the State house at Third St in Columbus, Ohio. Not only does it look like an iPod, but it actually plays music. The gadget was created for Columbus Alive, a weekly entertainment magazine and website serving central Ohio with fresh, fun coverage of the music, arts, food and nightlife that makes Columbus, Ohio, tick! We chose some of our favorite local musicians that had submitted songs to the online jukebox and we added them to the iPod playlist, Columbus Alive report.(Link)
俄亥俄州哥伦布市第三大街,这个25英尺的iPod被挂在州政府对面Unizan银行的墙上。它不仅看起来像iPod,它真地可以播放音乐。这个设备是为了“活力哥伦布”而制作的。这家娱乐周刊和网站的服务涵盖新鲜有趣的音乐,艺术,食物以及夜生活。活力哥伦布报道说,我们选择一些当地受欢迎的音乐家提交到在线点唱机的歌曲,并把它们添加到iPod的播放列表里。 World’s Largest Human Rainbow世界最大的人工彩虹

On September 18, 2004, over 31,000 students, faculty, staff and alumni of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines broke the record previously held by the Maltese. They used the human rainbow to celebrate the university’s centennial, which was from 1904 to 2004, and to highlight the signing of the Declaration of Peace which will be submitted to the United Nations.
This beat the previous effort of 2003, when 11,750 individuals assembled in Floriana, Malta, to break the record. (Link)
这打破了2003年,在马耳他佛洛瑞娜由11750人创造的记录。 World’s Largest Goldfish世界最大的金鱼

It might look like an enormously generous fairground prize. But no goldfish bowl in the world could contain this catch. The orange koi carp weighs 30lb – the same as an average three-year-old girl – and is thought to be one of the largest of its kind ever captured. (Link | Via)
这可能看起来像是巨大而慷慨的露天游乐场的奖品。但是世上没有如此大的金鱼缸来装下它。这条橙色的锦鲤重达30磅,和一个三岁女孩一样重。它被认为是已捕获的最大的金鱼之一。 World’s Largest Mosaic世界最大的马赛克

Two brothers revealed a painstaking reconstruction of Britain’s largest Roman mosaic that took them ten years to complete. Bob and John Woodward used 1.6million tiny pieces to produce their copy of the Orpheus pavement. Now the 47ft square pavement is being auctioned and it is expected to fetch £25,000. The mosaic depicts the ancient Greek music master Orpheus and lyre resting on his left knee, his hunting dog alongside him and a myriad of beasts all around him. The work is on display at Prinknash Abbey, near Stroud, but the lease has come to an end and its owner – who does not wish to be identified – has decided to sell. Iona Sale, who is publicizing the event for auctioneers Chorley’s, said it had been challenging putting an estimated sale price on the mosaic – because no-one had ever attempted such a feat before. (Link)
这两兄弟展示了英国最大的罗马马赛克精致重建物,此工程花费他们十年的时间来完成。鲍勃.伍德沃德和约翰伍德沃德用了160万小块马赛克制作了俄耳甫斯路面。目前,47平方英尺的路面正在被拍卖,预计可卖到25000英镑。马赛克描绘了古希腊音乐大师俄耳甫斯,七弦琴在他左膝上,他的猎狗在旁边,无数的野兽围绕在他的周围。这件作品在普林克纳什修道院展示,近斯特劳德,不过租约已经快要结束,它的拥有者–一位不愿透露姓名的人,已经决定出售。乔利拍卖行的宣传销售艾奥娜表示,这是一项具有挑战的马赛克销售价格预估,因为之前没人尝试过这样的壮举。 World’s Largest Sand Carpet世界最大沙毡

When one thinks of sand art, sand castles are what often comes to mind, but Tibetan Buddhist monks have long designed magnificent mandalas out of colored sand, for which Iranian artists have put a new spin to — famous for their traditional Persian rugs, a group of artists have taken it to a whole new level by creating the world’s largest sand carpet. The unique 39,370.078 square foot (12,000 sq. meter) world record carpet was created by 25 visual artists made entirely of 70 types of colorful sand found on the country’s southern island seashores of Hormuz, widely known for its red soil, to create the ‘Persian Gulf’ sand carpet. (Link | Via)

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