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【10.11.09 BBC】奥巴马访问印度 着眼于中国问题

发表于 2010-11-9 17:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 批一啊pia 于 2010-11-9 18:05 编辑

【原文标题】Obama visits India with an eye on China
【中文标题】奥巴马访问印度 着眼于中国问题
【译  者】 liuxianhui
【翻译方式】 人工
【声  明】 本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。
【译  文】
President Barack Obama and the First Lady - or Potus and Flotus as White House aides refer to them with acronymical affection - are clearly having a ball in India. Plumed hats, bugles, red carpets and adoring school children - what's there not to love?

First there was the welcome escape from political humiliation at home, even though Mr Obama is bound to be peppered by irritating questions from the accompanying press corps about Ron Paul chairing the House monetary policy subcommittee and Eric Cantor vowing to roll back healthcare reform. The travelling White House press is the modern equivalent of the lictor that used to accompany the Roman Caesar on his chariot during a triumph, whispering: "You are not a god".
首先这是对国内选举失利的逃避良机,尽管奥巴马必然会遇到很多记者团提出的尖锐问题,例如有关Ron Paul主持的内务货币政策小组委员会,以及Eric Cantor宣称要推翻医疗改革问题,然而随行的白宫记者就像罗马凯撒大帝胜利时陪同在他身边的侍从,一直在说:你不是神。

But then there is the potent imagery of a black presidential couple being feted by the Indian elite. America and much of the world have probably forgotten that this picture was once a beguiling novelty.

In his speech, the president has explicitly drawn the line between Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Implicitly he surely hopes the line will continue to his own presidency.

I am not sure if Middle America will be impressed or even interested by this. Aware of the PR pitfalls of a foreign trip so soon after a domestic "shellacking", the White House has re-branded this tour as a massive job creation exercise, drumming up work for Americans in Ohio or Michigan by doing deals with India. The proof of that pudding is surely in the hiring.

On his visit to India earlier this year Prime Minister David Cameron offered Delhi a "special" relationship and was greeted with a shrug that implied brutally, why would we want especially close ties with our former colonial masters. What's in it for us?

Mr Obama, by contrast, has offered the Indians a strategic partnership that could define the geopolitics of the century. The Pakistanis will doubtless see this as a slap in the face. But it wouldn't be the first time that these two step-sisters have fallen out over America's affections.

Far more interesting is the fact that Obama's 10-day tour involves most of the countries in the region who potentially feel the menace of a muscular China. With Afghanistan, Yemen and Iran occupying much of our attention far too little has been paid to the Great Game being played out slowly but deliberately around the South China Sea.




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