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【10.11.20 CNN】日本能从国家“酷”中获利吗?

发表于 2010-11-20 16:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 紫玉炎华01 于 2010-11-20 16:42 编辑

Can Japan profit from its national 'cool'?

By Mairi Mackay, CNN  

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Japan's finances may not be in great shape, but when  it comes to fashion, there still aren't many places more cool.                    


Consumers from Asia, Europe and the United States might not be buying as many  Japanese cars and TVs, but they continue to be influenced by Japan's culture.  That means that when global brands are looking for the hottest new fashions,  eyes almost inevitably turn eastward.                    


 "Most of the time, most global trends start in Tokyo," trendspotter Loic  Bizel told CNN. A Tokyo-based fashion expert who consults for labels like  Timberland, Lacoste and Sonia Rykiel, Bizel also takes foreign fashionistas on  tours of Tokyo to scout for street style trends to replicate in their home  markets.                    

在很多时候,大多数的全球时尚潮流始自东京”时尚达人Loic Bizel  告诉CNN。一个在东京的为像天伯伦,法国鳄鱼以及索尼娅丽吉尔一样的国际品牌提供咨询的时尚专家。Bizel也带领来东京旅行的疯狂追求时尚的外国人去发现这里的街头流行风格在他们家乡市场的复制品。                              

 "People really started to look at Japan as a lab about seven or eight years  ago," he added. "Trends are picked up really quickly in the streets."                    


 That's why, according to Bizel, brands like Topshop from the UK and Sweden's  H&M come: "They know they have time to produce what they have spotted in  Tokyo for next season and it will be a hit."                    

据Bizel所说,这就是为什么如来自英国的Topshop  和瑞典的H&M 来到这儿的原因。“他们知道他们有时间为下一季创作他们在东京发现的流行时尚,这将是很受欢迎的。                                       
   It's easy for big brands to come to Japan, and compete, and send [designs]  to their home market," according to Bizel, because, crucially, hardly any  Japanese fashion labels sell abroad.                    

But, says the Japanese government, things are set to change. It is proposing  to pump just over ¥19 billion ($237 million) into the creative sector in 2011 to  see if it can make more money from Japan's national cool.                    

Mika Takagi is the Deputy Director of the Creative Industries Promotion  Office -- aka the "Cool Japan" Office -- the government body charged with making  Japan's cultural industries (anime, graphic design, film, fashion and more)  start paying.                    

有政府背景的机构AKA酷日本创意产业推进部副主任Mika  Takagi 认为日本文化产业(动漫,平面设计,电影,时装等等)正开始盈利                                       

Part of what makes Japan cool is this  innocence they have in the way they do  things.
                                                                                               --Charles Spreckley                                                                
"Japan has a lot of unique  culture ... [but] if you compare it with other money-making industries, the  creative industries don't make much money," Takagi told CNN.                        

"We want to try to invest more in these cultural issues and try to brand  Japanese products with the uniqueness of Japanese culture," she added.                    

    The aim, by 2020, is to increase profits by $85 billion (¥6.9 trillion) -- to  $698 billion (¥56.6 trillion). Revenues in 2007 amounted to $613 billion (¥49.7  trillion), according to Cool Japan. Japan's GDP in 2007 was $4.4 trillion.                    

The office's figures include already-established sectors like food and drink  and tourism, and Takagi says there are no specific figures for fashion. They  also don't provide any breakdown of how much money Japan makes from fashion  exports, Takagi says, because "it is hard to define."                    

Some experts aren't so sure the Japanese government can turn cool into a  commodity. One skeptic is Charles Spreckley, the Tokyo-based co-founder of  consumer research and trends company Five by Fifty, with customers like Unilever  and Coca-Cola.                    

一些专家不确定日本政府能够将酷时尚变为商品。位于东京有着联合利华和可口可乐这样的用户的研究消费者和流行趋势的公司Five by  Fifty 创始人之一Charles Spreckley就是怀疑者之一。                                       
"I am incredibly skeptical that a bunch of bureaucrats can succeed in turning  the nebulous concept of Cool Japan into something that makes the country money,"  he told CNN.                    

Spreckley says that Japan's uniqueness is one of the reasons it seems so  cool, but this special brand of creativity may be tough to translate to the  global stage.                    

"Japan is so out on its own and it's still a huge economy -- a massive  market, 120 million people -- so there's a lot going on here and cities like  Tokyo are overflowing with stores selling fashion, graphic design, comics. It's  a very intense place and it's one that's got its own unique style," Spreckley  told CNN.                    

According to Spreckley, the most creative individuals work on a very small  scale. He fears that trying to commercialize Japan's creative cottage industries  could kill their cachet.                    

Part of what makes Japan cool is this innocence they have in the way they do  things," Spreckley said. "They do things very well here, with sincerity and lack  of ego and I think the very act of commercializing it will make it inherently  uncool."                    

 “日本酷的一方面就是他们做事抱有的这种天真的态度  ”,Spreckly说“他们依靠诚恳的态度和自我的缺乏在这方面做的很好所以我认为商业化的措施会让这种内在变得不那么酷了”。                                       
There is little opportunity for entrepreneurs to break out because big,  old-fashioned conglomerates dominate Japan's economy, according to  Spreckley.                    

And then there are the cultural blocks. "(These individuals) are generally  not very globalized ... They don't speak languages like (they do in) Korea and  China," Spreckley told CNN.                    

I think there's a lot of potential in the global  market that we have not acquired.

                                                --Mika Takagi, Cool Japan                                                                                                                              
"They don't know how to go overseas and sell themselves and communicate with  potential buyers," he added.                    

Takagi agrees that while Japan's fashion trends are very popular in Hong  Kong, China and Korea, Japanese clothing companies have struggled to enter the  wider Asian market.                    
    Takagi  认为当日本的流行时尚在香港,中国以及韩国十分流行时,日本人的服装公司很难进入到更广阔的亚洲市场                                       
Takagi told CNN, "Japan has lots of fashion magazines that are sold in China  and they are very popular. The clothes that are shown in the magazines are made  by small and medium-sized companies. They have no knowledge or networks or  capital to be able to enter Asian markets."                    
She says that Cool Japan will help companies like these with marketing  abroad.                    

"Japan has a lot of unique culture which is very important to us. We have not  utilized that very much until now because we could compete in (other)  industries," she explained.                    

In fact, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) sees the  cultural industries as a strategic sector that could drive the nation's future  economic growth.                    
"I think there's a lot of potential in the global market that  we have not acquired," Takagi said.                    




发表于 2010-11-20 16:27 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-20 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
靠 这个排版这么难  还是这么乱
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发表于 2010-11-20 22:27 | 显示全部楼层
靠 这个排版这么难  还是这么乱
紫玉炎华01 发表于 2010-11-20 16:41

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