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【10.11.24 纽约时报】朝韩冲突再次升级 中国陷入被动局面

发表于 2010-11-24 16:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China Faces a Nettlesome Neighbor in North Korea
【中文标题】朝韩冲突再次升级 中国陷入被动局面
【译  者】 Claire
【翻译方式】 人工
【声  明】 本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。
【译  文】












朝鲜炮轰韩国岛屿这一事件  周二,中国官员透露他们对此事件完全没有进一步的消息,也无法与朝方取得联系。在一场新闻发布会上,外交部一位发言人称中国需要先证实媒体的报道。


周二晚上,美国驻朝鲜特使Stephen W.Bosworth在北京进行演讲时也呼吁恢复六方会谈,他还说他已经与中国官员进行了有实质意义的会谈,并且双方已经达成了建立多边主义的共识。






BEIJING — North Korea’s unending appetite for confrontation has left many wondering what its bottom line is, none more so than its supposed patron and big brother, China.
Despite its impoverishment and heavy dependence on Chinese aid and support, North Korea seems to regularly defy every Chinese diplomatic initiative, from Beijing’s work to keep the Korean Peninsula nuclear-free to its efforts to prevent a violent confrontation.

China’s influence is rising steadily around the world. But the problem of how to manage North Korea, its Communist neighbor and onetime ally, appears to befuddle China’s leaders, who stumble from indulging the North to sending occasional signals of pique, all without persuading the country to adopt a path toward greater openness or stability.

“At the moment China has limited influence,” said Cai Jian, a professor of Korean studies at Fudan University. “On one hand it’s unhappy with North Korean actions and its provocative behavior, but on the other hand it still has to support North Korea.”
The support continues because China fears that the vacuum created by a sudden collapse there would open the door to rule by South Korea, “and that will put an American military alliance on the doorstep of China.”

Mr. Cai said that during a recent trip to China, the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il,was told by the Chinese president, Hu Jintao, that they should communicate better so that China would not be surprised by its behavior.

This was followed by a warning given by one of China’s senior leaders, Zhou Yongkang, who made a much publicized trip to North Korea last month. Mr. Zhou reportedly told Mr. Kim that China would support his son’s succession but North Korea would have to take substantive steps to open up its economy, including rejoining diplomatic efforts, to relieve the external economic pressures on it. None of the top nine leaders in China — the Standing Committee of the Politburo — have close ties to North Korea. And China has little interest in seeing a Communist political dynasty take hold.

Despite its efforts to accommodate North Korea’s idiosyncratic political system, China was apparently caught off guard by the recent developments. The news that North Korea had built a sophisticated uranium enrichment plant was received with incredulity by Chinese media outlets. The normally nationalistic Global Times cited experts who cast doubt on China’s diplomatic strategy and said that North Korea had been “purposefully hard-line.”

The North Korean shelling of a South Korean island seemed to have been even more of a shock. On Tuesday, Chinese officials implied that they had no advance knowledge at all and still had no contact. At a press briefing, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said China needed to verify media reports.

China also called on all sides to return to “six-party talks” between the main countries involved in the region. But almost no Chinese analyst seems to believe that this will result in anything until North Korea shows an eagerness to negotiate rather than make demands — the current one seeming to be that the world recognize it as a full nuclear power with no strings attached.
Speaking in Beijing on Tuesday evening, the United States special envoy to North Korea, Stephen W. Bosworth, also called for a return to the six-nation talks and said he had “very useful” talks with Chinese officials. The two sides, he said, agreed on the need for multilateralism.

But during previous negotiations, North Korea used the time to further develop its nuclear capacity, even though this was against China’s public position. China has also repeatedly called for calm and the avoidance of armed confrontation, but the two Koreas are now shelling each other.

This could strengthen the hand of critics of North Korea within China, some of whom are geographically closest to the border. Many leaders in northeastern China are frustrated over the steady flow of refugees escaping poverty. Others are disappointed that North Korea has dashed decades of hopes for cross-border trade or special economic zones along the border.

The question many have is whether China will do more than grumble. On his China trip, Mr. Kim was probably trying to shore up his support in Beijing for his son and in preparation for his current provocations. Many times in the past, that sort of lobbying worked and China chose to ignore the North’s provocations. In 2006, for example, China had almost no warning of a North Korean missile test, leading Beijing to call it “brazen” — fighting words compared with China’s normal response. That led to limited sanctions. The question now is how close China is again to giving up on subtle influence.

“No matter whether it be within the party, among the people, or even within the military, China has grown increasingly sick and tired of North Korea’s rogue politics,” said a senior Chinese media commentator, who asked not to be named because of the delicacy of the issue. “But strategically, China’s kidnapped by it.”




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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-25 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
回复 2# China君

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发表于 2010-11-27 16:10 | 显示全部楼层
sfgairh 发表于 2010-11-24 18:18

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发表于 2010-11-27 16:29 | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# 红色的血

    这个时候想起中国在东亚的影响力来了?美狗、韩狗 都是狗日的一样。
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发表于 2010-11-27 18:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-11-29 11:46 | 显示全部楼层
sssufang 发表于 2010-11-28 19:35

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