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发表于 2010-12-6 09:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 kuangwenhao 于 2010-12-6 09:30 编辑

  发表日期:2010-12-5 8:55:00

BEIJING, China - A Chinese passenger train hit a record speed of 302 miles per hour (486 kilometres per hour) Friday during a test run of a yet-to-be opened link between Beijing and Shanghai, state media said.

The Xinhua News Agency said it was the fastest speed recorded by an unmodified conventional commercial train. Other types of trains in other countries have travelled faster.

A specially modified French TGV train reached 357.2 mph (574.8 kph) during a 2007 test, while a Japanese magnetically levitated train sped to 361 mph (581 kph) in 2003.

  State television footage showed the sleek white train whipping past green farm fields in eastern China. It reached the top speed on a segment of the 824-mile (1,318-kilometre) -long line between Zaozhuang city in Shandong province and Bengbu city in Anhui province, Xinhua said.
  The line is due to open in 2012 and will halve the current travel time between the capital Beijing and Shanghai to five hours.
  The project costs $32.5 billion and is part of a massive government effort to link many of China’’s cities by high-speed rail and reduce overcrowding on heavily used lines.
  China already has the world’’s longest high-speed rail network, and it plans to cover 8,125 miles (13,000 kilometres) by 2012 and 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometres) by 2020.
  The drive to develop high-speed rail technology rivals China’’s space program in terms of national pride and importance. Railway officials say they want to reach speeds over 500 kph (312 mph).


作者:風炎浪子 回复日期:2010-12-05 09:51:11 
  A fast train without freedom and democracy worth nothing.
    Look in the US we can do whatever we want - own guns and shoot, do drugs, watch violence on TV, even people as dumb as Bush can be the president for two terms.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:02:32 
  Name IS 3 hours ago Report Abuse We have the best scientists in the world cuz we stole scientists from all over the world.
作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:03:50 
  We have the best trained soldiers in the world cuz middle east is our training field.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:08:59 
  Unfortunately, supply of talented individuals and good families from rest of the world to America is down to trickle now. In fact many are planning to return.
  The only people now try to enter America are crazies from middle-east and losers from around the world.
  It is difficult for America to build something spectacular given shortage of talent.

作者:野猪的外公 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:11:22 
  yes, we have all heard this (CHINA THE NEXT SUPERPOWER IN A FEW YEARS). Really!!!. You guys are not looking at this. The real superpower here is and will forever be the U.S.A ( believe it or not). How many military bases does china have all over the world? How many american businesses are in China? A lot and these companies can pull the plug on the Chinese anytime. China is new to space technology ( America and Russia were there before them and will continue to make breakthroughs in space technology and dont forget these countries have more nukes than the Chinese). Is China really a superpower? How many countries can they rally behind them if the situation calls for it? not a lot trust me. They can display as much as they want but the truth is the americans are the real and only superpower- they have their hands in interests in so many countries in the world including China which is a mighty country thanks to the Americans giving them their jobs at their own expense and consuming their goods. if you take a good look at China, they feel choked in Asia with American bases in Korea, Japan and Taiwan. A real superpower relys not just in their own ability but their abilty to influence other nations to come their side in times of trouble. China still has a long way to go and should stop spying on the U.S. That just shows that you have nothing but american and european technology to show that a lot of us have seen already. Even worse is if america takes their investments out of China and many countries, oh my goodness, you would see China and so many of these countries fall from grace, but U.S is not like that. You can be an emerging nation, but dont compare yourself to others that were there before you, if they fall from grace (U.S.A), they have the abilty and resources to bounce back and become stronger because they know what it takes to be on top.
  是的,我们听得太多了(中国将会很快成为下一个超级霸权),这很不错.但是有的东西你们看到,我要说的是:真正的超级霸权现在和今后都只能是米国,随便你信不信.中国在世界范围内有几个海外基地?又有多少米国公司在中国有生意?这些公司可以随时对中国釜底抽薪,中国在太空技术上只是个菜鸟(米国和老毛子更先涉足这个领域,而且还在不断的突破,别忘了他们的核弹数量也比中国多得多).中国算得上超级霸权么?有多少国家能听从他们的召唤,如果有事发生?我想没几个吧.他们可以随便向外界展示,爱怎么展示就怎么展示,但现实是米国才是真正唯一的超级霸权---美国人可以把手伸向他们任何感兴趣的地方,包括中国这个强大的国家,他们得感谢美国给了他们工作机会. 如果你好好的看看中国,他们在亚洲已经被围堵了,美国在棒子国,倭国,和湾湾都有军事基地.一个真正的霸权不但自己得牛比,还有能力去影响其他的国家,让他们有事情的时候迅速靠拢.中国还有很长的一段路要走,而且别再美国从事间谍活动了.他们只是在展示美国和欧洲人已经玩儿过的东西.如果米国人把在中国或者其他国家的投资撤掉,那他们就更惨了,这些国家会衰落得更快的.但美国不会这样做.你们可是是新兴国家,但千万表和很早以前就领先你们的国家相比较,如果这些国家衰退了,比如米国,他们也有能力和资源卷土重来,甚至变得更强,因为他们知道怎样做.
作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:11:23 
  We cant colonize the world, but we have soldiers all over the world

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:24:32 
  Andy 6 hours ago Report Abuse The Chinese unveiled a passenger train that can travel at 462 KM per hour which cuts the travel time from Beijing to Shanghai to 4 hours.In the same week and I am not making this up - America unveiled a new laser guided military rifle that can blast through walls - the benefit ---It kills people.Personally Ill take the train.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:29:47 
  Imagine how many jobs we can get from a project like that her in the US. Instead of wasting money on illegal wars, we can have high speed rails across the country.

作者:野猪的外公 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:29:56 
  The Chinese can build at whatever quality level we in North America desire... unfortunately, the majority of us slack jawed yokels want the cheapest crap imaginable.
  We go to WalMart to save money on essential items, then cant resist some impulse purchases ("ohhhh, isnt it cute" or "what a deal, Ill buy it even if I dont really need it"). So the Chinese are making EXACTLY what we stupid westerners want, which is CHEAP CRAP and we are NOT saving money when we buy it.
  Its worth mentioning that the majority of stuff purchased at the likes of WalMart/Target etc. ends up in a landfill within months of purchase... usually because it breaks or fails to perform at an acceptable level.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:37:16 
  A few years ago I took an amtrack train from Sacramento to Los Angeles (430 miles) it took 15 hours. Maybe the Chinese can teach us how to improve our transportation system
作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:42:43 
  We could; and should have high speed rail service in the United States. Other countries have it; and are highly sucessfull. Why then; doesnt the United States have a rail system in place that would benefit a majority of Americans? Two words. Big Oil. At the end of WW2; L.A. had the very best rail system in the country; bar none. So what happened? The oil companies at the time colluded together; bought all the local transit compamies; ripped out the tracks; and started paving roads. End result. L.A. resembles the worlds biggest parking lot at rush hour.

作者:野猪的外公 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:46:34 
  VEZ: Sometimes when I eat a big bunch of grapes, followed by a big cold glass of water, Any existing food in my colon, travels through it faster than a Chinese Bullet Train!!!! Ahhhhmazing!!!!!
  DARIO:China technology is improving so fast and in three years china will be the number one economy in the world in 30 years china will build colonies in outer space.
  deegirlshopping :i think china should feed there people first
  lol, people in china no longer starve to death anymore, however they still need a better health care and a pension system. Still there are only a few countries on this planet can produce high speed trains, chinese do have advance technology right now.
  J is right, not many in China starve. The health care is corrupt and I cannot understand why they pay for the Olympics, the Asian Games, build the fastest trains yet ignore the people. But J, the technology for the train was taken from Europe and just redesigned.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 10:59:55 
  China almost conquered the world as it was known over a thousand years ago. They opted for isolation and all new developments in science and engineering ceased. They had already invented the things we take for granted today. They are a waking giant and new, bigger and better things will flow from China in the yerars to come. Anyone who thinks they are stupid, is himself stupid. They dont have to steal from the West. They are well capable of developing on their own. When they "steal", they are only following the principal of "not re-inventing the wheel".

作者:野猪的外公 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:09:34 
  I am chinese in Canada and was living somewhere near the Guangzhou railway station, where there are this kind of experss trains leaving from guangzhou to Wuhan.
  It is a good news for people who care about speed and efficiency, but not the fare. But the reality in China is millions of people who dont care about the speed but the fare, when the new fare is far above the normal fare and the normal trains have been retired gradually
  maybe people should take a trip to china and see the change...l have a condo there..l don,t see any guns...no teens with babys..no garbage on the streets..people respect the law..when the governments takes down your house..they give you a pension for life..they don,t say that in the press..who built the railway in canada..it was not us...it was the chinese.(CPR)..in four years l have never seen a problem with the police, there very well informed
  when l get off the plane in T.O. it,s like a thrid world country
  或许大家应该去中国旅行看看中国的变化..我在中国有套公寓.这里没有任何的枪支,没有还未成年就有孩子的少女,街上没有垃圾.人民遵纪守法.当政府拆了你的房子,会无任何压力的给你赔偿金. 但在加拿大谁会给我们修铁路?不是我们自己修的,是中国人帮我们修的(PS:当时中国劳工在加拿大修铁路的时候待遇跟奴隶没什么分别) ,在中国的4年里,我没有看到当地的警察有虾米问题,他们都是见多识广的,而当我回到多伦多下飞机的时候,简直觉得来到了第三世界国家.
  try being born and raised their, coming from nothing. Im sure youll sing a different tune.
  Youre a white visitor to china, thats why you have it good.
  Pack your stuff and leave
  If its so good in China then why are they immigrating to Canada?
  no guns cause its the death penalty for even mediocre crimes, no teens with babies cause they are killed at birth....penison for life...wel you said it...cause they take down your house that you have lived in your whole life......yeah, sounds great to me...where do I sign up? Lmfao
  it sounds like you are describing Tokyo but not China.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:10:16 
  As China does this
  Gov. Cris Cristy of NJ says America is too broke and stupid to dig a tunnel to NY

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:16:27 
  By the time US voters will be done with their self-destructive behaviour at the polls, the US will have become the worlds leading developing country and China will have taken the position of the most developed country.
  You dont think so? Suit yourselves and we will talk about it, again, after the fact.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:20:42 
  In the next 5 years, China will lead the world in solar and renewable energy if we dont pay attention.
  Meanwhile, the Congress is busy giving Tax Break to Paris Hilton and the rich. Paris has enough money to party, she does not need any more.Reply.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:25:09 
  Our companies control the state and in China it's the other way around.
  So long as it is possible to extract one more penny from you on an Airplane than it would be on a Train you wont see any trains here.Reply.

作者:野猪的外公 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:28:01 
  Canada makes no effort to invest in or develop transportation technologies of any kind. High speed trains running from coast to coast are of no value. Why invest in infrastructure when there will be no growth or use for its development?
  Canada is simply a resource base for business and industry. Further, it is unlikely to continue as a sovereign state in the foreseeable future. Canada can no longer be considered a country as it is really owned by multinationals.
  Here in the west we have gradually developed into a "me" society (take care of # 1 first). China is a "we" society. They work as a team. The group takes precedent over the individual. This difference is most apparent in our school system. We need to reverse this soon. It is not good. We are weakening ourselves as a society.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:40:03 
  cynical 11 hours ago Report Abuse We pay for war not trains. Bomb them into the stone age! Or maybe it's us who shot ourselves in the foot with nothing but military spending!

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:52:13 
  While the Chinese move ahead, gay Governor Christie stops funding for the new rail link tunnel along the Northeast Corridor and you goons cheer and master-bate over him.

作者:野猪的外公 回复日期:2010-12-05 11:55:15 
  Japanese helped chinese to build fast train system in Summer Olympic, Chinese just copy Japanese train technology, and say it to the world it their own technology. Chinese Government is awful.
  So what
  One of the reasons China will rule the future, Building infrastructure. Too many of the early industrialised countries are still relying on old tech and can't afford or are unwilling to upgrade. China is basically building from the ground up and using the past success and failures of other countries as a guildline. Just smart. If I was going to start a business I'd look at all my rivals first.
  Can you provide evidence?
  What is wrong if indeed Japanese introduced the first train and the Chinese built on this and made improvement? Isn't this how progresses are made?
  The west stole a lot of their technology too. You think the USA would of made it to the moon without the Germans? Think nuclear reactors would exist today without Einstein?
  Electricity without Tesla? The telephone without Bell? You probably still think Bell was educated in Canada.
  西方人同样也偷了不少技术.你觉得米国人没有德国人的帮助就能登月?你认为没有爱因斯坦世界上就会有核反应堆? 你认为没有特斯拉就会有电?没有贝尔就会有电话?难道你真认为贝尔是在加拿大接受教育的?

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 12:13:21 
  The majority of the population cannot afford to ride this train. Hundreds of millions of your people work in sweat shops.

作者:野猪的外公 回复日期:2010-12-05 12:13:48 
  yeah, great advances, no doubt. still remeber going from Shaghai to Urumchi in dirty and cold ying zuo car in 1989. ying zuo means car with only sitting seats. 3 days and a half ride ;
  yeah,毫无疑问,进步得很快,我至今都记得1989年从上海到乌鲁木齐那又冷又脏的yingzuo车,.ying zuo的意思就是有得坐没得睡的车,用了朕三天半的时间啊.
  your european pride is probably taking a good beating reading about this news.
  Talking about remembering, what else can we remember..i know we can remember the time when china was the cradle of civilzation and of course innovations together with the middle east while the white man in europe was still living like a caveman.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 12:22:54 
  How fast will it go when its fully loaded,how many people will it hold,and then how many wrecks will it have and China say its safe to ride ? Will it be safe if they have a hundred wrecks a year or a thousand ? Then if a million people are killed a year,the Chinese will still out populate us.I'll pass on riding that train !
  commentALLABOUTTHEFEAR 14 hours ago Report Abuse You must be a spokesman for Texas/Saudi Oil..3 users liked this comment
  out the Obvious 14 hours ago Report Abuse it would still be safer than AmTrek
作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 12:31:46 
  God used to bless America. We don't want God's moral laws telling us how to live. Why should we expect God to bless this land of abortion,sodomy, living together unmarried, nonworking stealing from hard workers thru government entitlement. The list is longer but you should get the picture. God owes America nothing.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 12:40:20 
  China has dreams....America has schemes! China has enthusiasm...America has negativism! China is progressive....America is regressing! The Chinese are willing to work for it...the Americans would rather steal it! The Chinese will share....the Americans are greedy!... The Chinese are excited about their country...the Americans simply tolerate there's!
  Coming back to the airports in America after flying through PuDong is like coming to a third world country! Listeneing to the bickering and just say "no" crap is totally disappointing! You made your bed America...now you can lay in it!

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 12:54:55 
  this is what happens when the government sets it's sights on economic growth and to becoming a super power on the world stage. things are truly getting better for the chinese and their citizens will reap the benefits. i only wish that here in the US, we had similiar goals, instead of making the rich richer

作者:游骑兵小马甲 回复日期:2010-12-05 13:06:43 
  The great American Capitalist Industrial Miracle can build a train that goes 90 MILES AN HOUR !!!

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 13:08:37 
  300mph ??..... chinese made train ?? ..... ooops!
  i wouldnt wanna be in that train if i were you.Replies (1) 1 users liked this comment
  15 hours ago Report Abuse Similar trains have operated for almost 2 years now without one accident相似的火车已经运行近两年了,没有一起事故

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 13:13:08 
  Yeah, thats the train I want to ride on...a scary fast train built by the same country that cant even make safe toys and dog food. lol
  They built those toys for American not for their people

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 13:19:50 
  "300 mph! Awesome! How long will it take for the US to develop a rapid train system?"
  Forget about high speed rails. Our politicians wont abandon their rich oil buddies who in turn help them win election adn re-election.

作者:野猪的外公 回复日期:2010-12-05 14:25:00 
  ts good to see the Asian countries following the Equropeans lead and building efficient rail systems. It will cut pollution and the ridiculous traffic they have on their roads right now. Now we need to bring that attitude here to North America.
  I would think people would approve of them doing something like this. Also, Patrick, I have worked with many Chinese in both education and industry. This is an example of what the Chinese do best, take a good idea thought up by someone else and run with it. As long as China has a culture that suppresses creativity they will always be following the rest of the industrialized world. Original ideas arent born in China they are imported by China. Also, China isnt even close to dominating the world economy. China has a dysfunctional co-dependent relationship with the US that makes it appear to have a huge trade surplus but it is all in fact worthless because it is all in US federal debt which if they ever tried to collect would sink their economy as well. Furthermore, while a large portion of the workers in the fields of Math and Science are Chinese, I dont know any who are doing any original work. They make great drones but in the end its usually a European or a Persian doing the truly creative ground breaking work.
  Do believe me, Chinese will do a lot of creative work in the coming days. Its education has laid very solid foundation for this. I think creativity is inborn. Few people with inborn capability of innovation, plus the education, it works then.
  No one could predict China can reach todays pace 10 or 20 years ago, but China now reaches. Imagine 10 -20 years later, everything is possible.
  The Chinese you can see and meet in USA or Canada are not the Chinese in China. Chinese living in west countries have largely lagged much behind after their school mates and peers who are still in China now. You may ask some for answers.




 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-6 09:52 | 显示全部楼层

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 14:33:46    

  vascopyjama 03:11 AM on 10/31/2010
  62 Fans
  Sadly it will be a long time before we see anything like that.
  mike72 12:26 AM on 11/01/2010
  62 Fans
  I feel the same. I look around America and watch what is going on in DC and in the cable news. My only reaction is, "Thank heaven that there is still China that keeps the human spirits moving forward!"
  "Faster, HIgher, Stronger" is the Olympic slogan for human endeavor and spirit . China did not just host a successful Olympic Games, but it actually work hard to achieve such lofty Olympic goals at every level of their society.
  With all its shortcoming, China WILL BE the beacon of hope for humanity, and it will be a positive impact on US to get it snapped out of self endulgence and self instituted ridicules.
  Hope is in the hard work. China has both.
  ArgumentumAdPopulum 12:02 PM on 11/01/2010
  1 Fans
  A comment made by me is missing, Did the moderator delete it? and I havent receive any notices, is there some kind of censorship in HP?
  mike72 02:03 PM on 11/01/2010
  62 Fans
  They will filter your post out if your post contains some sensative word. I would suggest you to add * or . or ( or ) to your sensative words to bypass the filter. I dont know the exact words but try and error.
  Good luck.

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 14:34:59    

  sino-boy 07:37 AM on 11/03/2010
  0 Fans
  the price for the high speed train (4 hrs) is too expensive, almost 500 RMB yuans for the entire trip,
  the normal speed train (11 hrs) only cost 150 RMB yuans,
  the airline between wuhan and guangzhou is about 1000 RMB yuans, but sometimes the price can be as low as 300 RMB yuans.
  china is growing fast, but USA is still far beyond china
  take it easy, there is a long way before china to go yet.

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 14:46:09    

  ConservativeWorld 09:38 PM on 10/29/2010
  268 Fans
  We dont need high speed trains. We do need engineers and entreprenuers and job producers.
  GuyCybershy 11:15 PM on 10/29/2010
  274 Fans
  Youre right what we need are bigger bombs, tougher soldiers and a few more wars. Thats what made America great!
  Bhokara 04:14 PM on 10/30/2010
  260 Fans
  Right! Well keep using 5,000 pounds cars using fossil fuels to haul our 200-pound butts around forever! And in 50 years when the petroleum runs out, the Chinese will be going 250 miles an hour, and well be walking.

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 14:52:39    

  Palaver 10:45 AM on 10/28/2010
  72 Fans
  Were more into airplanes, unfortunat ely. Our military industrial complex doesnt produce much trains. If high speed rail cars could kill people and invade resource rich countries, wed build them for sure...

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 15:00:21    

  duxguts 01:49 PM on 10/27/2010
  71 Fans
  We may no have any high speed trains but we do have a very large military.
  netzwerg 02:10 PM on 10/27/2010
  125 FansFollow
  Congratulations for a very large military and your taxes well invested for future generation s.
  Maybe they can go on vacation in Afghanista n oder Iraq some day.

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 15:07:17    

  Amalek 09:40 AM on 10/27/2010
  1122 FansFollow
  China gets high speed rail between Beijing and Shanghai. For the same money we got a dozen B-2 bombers.
  But the bombers look just as cool as the train.

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 15:27:20    

  Red Herring 09:39 AM on 10/27/2010
  105 Fans
  So with the US dysfunctio nal system you have Amtrack. The Chinese prefer to move on ahead of their time.Thats why they have the most modern and efficient transporta tion system in the world. Thats why they were able to move 400 million people out of poverty in the past ten years.
  On the other hand, you have a cacaphony of screaming idiots, who`s only talent is getting elected, and driving the country into the Middle Ages and Bankruptsy . While the Chinese moved 400 millions out of poverty your vaunted Capitalist System has moved 40 millions into poverty.
  For me I will take competant leaders, in a competant system, and good government over what the Average American has to put up with, any day. In China every single one of those Masters of The Universe that destroyed the American Economy would already have been tried in court and shot. But in America, you give them 3 trillion dollars and let them continue to destroy the country. Along with that, you allow them to pay themselves billions in bonuses while doing it. Just who are the dumbest people on the planet here? I`ll give you a hint, it ain`t the Chinese.

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 16:20:46    

  knightoftheroundtable 04:51 PM on 10/26/2010
  741 Fans
  We here in America are deteriorating fast. No longer number 1 in anything except invading sovereign countries. We boast about how in will be years before any other country can catch up to us militarily . Actually other countries are not concerned with catching up to us militarily , they are moving ahead on making life better for its citizens. We need to elect people that will protect the constituti on, and I am not talking T baggers.
  Big0725 04:58 PM on 10/26/2010
  194 Fans
  I heard today that the US has dropped out of the top 20 of the least corrupt government s in the world.
  HisPetGoat 05:13 PM on 10/26/2010
  566 Fans
  Near the end, we will have nothing but a rusting nuclear arsenal we will rely upon to extract tribute from the rest of the world.

作者:tvenana 回复日期:2010-12-05 16:36:52    

  cabrobst 05:57 PM on 10/26/2010
  39 FansFollow
  China has bullet trains meanwhile we cant built an ordinary train tunnel in NJ. Thank you Republican s for driving us back to the stone age.

作者:换个马甲好难 回复日期:2010-12-05 16:38:47    

  If the trains are Chinese made, I wont ride on them,since they make junk.
  If you ever get a chance to travel in those trains, you will realize how dumb u r for these comments. I have traveled in those trains so I know how good it is. Stop this stupid American ignorance. Bye the way, I am not a Chinese in any of the ways..如果你有一个机会搭乘这些火车的话,你会意识到你的这些评论有多愚蠢。我曾经搭乘过,所以我知道它们有多棒。停止这种愚蠢的美国式轻视吧,顺便说,我绝对不是中国人。
  You shouldnt have typed on a Chinese make keyboard either..那你也不应该在一个中国产的键盘上面打字。。。。
  I dont think you have money to travel that far, so stay in your town..我不认为你会有钱去旅游到那么远的地方,所以你就继续呆着吧。
  If you visit San Francisco in the next few years, dont drive across the Bay Bridge because it is being built using structures assembled in China..如果你以后会造访旧金山的话,请不要穿过海湾大桥,因为它是在中国组装起来的(随便说这个评论的作者的头像是一个典型的中国古人,可爱)  

作者:CfremontA 回复日期:2010-12-06 04:39:47    

  hey, I just watched an "Unstoppable" yesterday. Hope it will not happen in China with this train. Hope they pulled all the "security stops" to make it absolutely safe and manageable. But its safe to bet that they did, otherwise firing squads are always ready!!
  Pretty soon China wont even be able to see America in its rear view mirror.... sad for America.
  Yaa the time comes for the suppressed and under privileged people, we the westerners rule and suck their blood lot much, Europeans left Asia 60 years before, in this small time they achieved lot, If Europeans didnt go there, Asians would be the leaders in all field. Ok we will definitely see their progress.......




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发表于 2010-12-6 11:57 | 显示全部楼层
  Unfortunately, supply of talented individuals and good families from rest of the world to America is down to trickle now. In fact many are planning to return.
  The only people now try to enter America are crazies from middle-east and losers from around the world.
  It is difficult for America to build something spectacular given shortage of talent.
  现在还企图加入美国的只有来自中东的那些疯狂分子和来自全世界各地的loser。[/b]  美国在缺少人才的情况下已经很难有所作为
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发表于 2010-12-6 12:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-6 13:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-6 13:19 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-6 13:40 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-12-6 14:17 | 显示全部楼层
回复 7# kuangwenhao

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发表于 2010-12-6 15:17 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-6 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-6 15:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-6 15:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-6 18:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rongjingji 于 2010-12-6 18:12 编辑





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发表于 2010-12-6 18:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-6 18:38 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-12-6 18:39 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-12-6 19:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-6 19:28 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2010-12-6 21:58 | 显示全部楼层
Yeah, thats the train I want to ride on...a scary fast train built by the same country that cant even make safe toys and dog food. lol
  They built those toys for American not for their people
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发表于 2010-12-6 22:31 | 显示全部楼层
 A comment made by me is missing, Did the moderator delete it? and I havent receive any notices, is there some kind of censorship in HP?
  mike72 02:03 PM on 11/01/2010
  62 Fans
  They will filter your post out if your post contains some sensative word. I would suggest you to add * or . or ( or ) to your sensative words to bypass the filter. I dont know the exact words but try and error.
  Good luck.

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