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发表于 2010-12-23 22:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文-美国】Steve Francis checks into Chinese game with iced ankle【原文地址】:http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Steve-Francis-checks-into-Chinese-game-with-iced?urn=nba-297966&cp=4#comments
【翻译截止日期】:2010-12-22 14:27:22
【翻译评论数/总评论】: /


The NBA doesn't have much use for former All-Star Steve Francis(notes) these days, so he's flown off to China to work for the Beijing Ducks, same as former All-Stars/tiny shooting guards Allen Iverson(notes) (to Turkey, though) and Stephon Marbury(notes) (to China, definitely) have done. And in his first game with the Ducks, yeah, Steve kind of took to the court in his first game wearing an ice pack on his ankle.The long list of players not being ready to hop into pro basketball games is long, and semi-legendary.
There's former PACer Bob Netolicky, who once pulled away his sweats at the scorer's table to see a jock strap and little else where basketball shorts were supposed to be. There's Rod Strickland, who checked into a game wearing his Wizards shorts backwards. There's Stephen Jackson(notes), who Lang Whitaker once witnessed eating popcorn before a game as a ballboy (a kid, mind you) wondered aloud as to how a professional ballplayer could be so flighty with what he puts into his body. And then there's Rod Strickland, whose pregame (as in, seconds before the game) meal of a hot dog was then thrown up onto the court a few minutes later. The list is mostly Rod Strickland.
[Rewind: Big Baby lives up to name on the court]  
But I can't completely blame Steve Francis for checking into the game with an ice pack around his ankle. I kind of can, but not completely.
This is where Jon Pastuszek of NIUBball.com has the (great) story:
Even just hours before the game, Coach Min indicated to reporters that Francis would not play tonight, as both the player and organization wanted to allow more time for him to improve his conditioning and adapt to the 13 hour time Beijing-New York time difference.  But, as game became more and more out of reach in the fourth quarter, large numbers of fans started chanting obscenities towards Min in an effort to get him to change his mind.
With Francis icing his ankle on the bench clearly not expecting to be subbed in, Min inserted him into the game anyways after Beijing's Jordanian forward, Zaid Abbas, converted on an and-one lay-up on the offensive end.  Completely unprepared to enter the game, Francis didn't even have time to tie his shoes as he quickly shed his warm-up suit and tucked in his jersey before entering the court.  With his shoelaces loose and the ice pack around his ankle, Fu Laoda -- loosely translated into English as Big Boss Francis -- received a loud standing ovation and the obligatory "Fu Laoda, jiayou!" chant from the home crowd as he ran back on defense after the free throw. (In Chinese, jiayou literally means "add oil," but translated into common English, it would mean "let's go!" "here we go!" and/or "come on!")  After a Charles Gaines(notes) putback for Qingdao, Francis received the inbounds pass and dribbled out the clock, despite cheers from the crowd egging him to shoot one at the buzzer.
Seventeen seconds, no shot attempts, no assists, not a single digit registered in the box score save for the 0:17 time of play.
[Rewind: Greg Oden just can't catch a break, out for the season]
The whole thing seems a bit dodgy from all sides. Francis is clearly out of shape, along with being out of line with the Chinese time zones. And while I can understand how a properly placed bag full of ice strewn around your ankle can really help, and while every second of anti-inflammatory rehab counts, did he really need it there (outside of a sock, no less, which doesn't really do much in terms of limiting swelling) during the game? And though those bags are usually taped on by trainers, I have a hard time believing (even if the Ducks have an NBA-level trainer taping those things to his ... socks) Steve couldn't have ripped it off in time to take the court.
On the other end, if Francis is rehabilitating, wouldn't putting the guy in street clothes be just as much of a boon to the Ducks and their fans as would tossing him out there in uniform and leaving him and his coach prone to the whims and frustration of the paying fans? Steve had to be ticked off at the coach who gave into the catcalls, and while he handled it the wrong way, so too did the Ducks.
So, obviously, the relationship between Francis and the Ducks is going to go exceedingly well.



1. Posted by re_4m Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:36 am EST Report Abuse
for the love of money

2. Posted by Brandon L Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:36 am EST
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Wow - he had so much potential. I think wearing an icepack around your ankles in a game in China means you're officially "washed up."

6. Posted by L H Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:16 pm EST
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That is so newsworthy. I hope Yahoo Sports continues to give us our daily injections of the Francis situation.

11. Posted by rockets269 Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:38 pm EST
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Damn, these guys really need to hang it up. Iverson,Kenny Anderson, Marbury, Francis And Antione Walker these guys had great careers huge contracts glamorous lifestyles. Thats what happens when you spend your money on Gambiling , Drinking , jewelery and Groupies. Instead of living humble and investing in lifelong endevous. take notes (ROOKIES). Mr. Wall, Mr. Griffin. Time is moving faster than we think...........
该死,这些家伙真该吊死。艾弗森,安德森,马布里,弗朗西斯还有沃克。这些家伙曾经有着伟大的职业生涯,大合同,灿烂的人生。但看看现在的下场吧,这就是把钱花在赌博,酗酒,珠宝和吉他上而不是谦虚生活,进行投资的下场。看看Mr. Wall, Mr. Griffin吧。时间流失的永远比我们想的要快。

12. Posted by Thomas C Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:12 pm EST
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My god he must of lost 40 pounds of muscle..

15. Posted by jason h Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:25 pm EST
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I am from Houston and about two months ago I drove by a place and saw Steve sitting on a curb with a wife beater on and I was down right shocked at his appearance. I'm afraid that he has fallen into the world of drugs. It is a real shame, I was always a big fan of his and I hate to see anyone waste their life like that.
It's really sad!

16. Posted by Christian W Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:35 pm EST
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he wouldn't play in Vancouver but he'll play in China...LOL

17. Posted by Carlo Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:39 pm EST
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I hate to be the one to speak the harsh truth here but I don't feel sorry for him at all.
This is the end of 2010 and he was drafted in 1999.
So you tryin to tell me that in the course of 10-11 years he went from being broke to balling figuratively and literally, and now he broke again.
These dudes don't know how to manage money and I feel no sympathy.
Now let me say that if I'm wrong and he has money put away and he's justing balling for the love then, I apologize.
So fugging what....

19. Posted by Dikembo A Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:07 pm EST
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Its all cool steve just play your heart out and prove those haters wrong we still love you in houston and good luck!!

22. Posted by duke Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:18 pm EST
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Yeah, I hate to be negative but the franchise has fallen a long way. Hopefully he can rebound his game while he's in China.

25. Posted by lilk1d777 Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:46 pm EST
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that photo is so sad. his face is chubs. and the ice pack LOL. how sad. if hes playing to earn a living that is really bad money management. people dont know how to save or what? making millions and not being able to chill the rest of ur life boggles my mind

26. Posted by coolman123 Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:53 pm EST
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He maybe hated here, but he has a lot of funs in China by once played with Yao.
For money or for fame, but I bet the chinesemans love it.
They think this is a show of sportmanship - you might get older and unable to compete physically but the sspirits should never die.

27. Posted by Mead Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:56 pm EST
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What a waste of talent. He needs to get back in shape!

32. Posted by Captain America Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:12 pm EST
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One of the most over rated NBA "stars" ever. Just made teams worse.

37. Posted by milton somerville Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:47 pm EST
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I'd forgot about him:

54. Posted by Jordan Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:15 pm EST
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This guy has played on how many teams now? Some nickname "The Franchise" when nobody wants you because you suck!!

67. Posted by RatinMyComp Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:24 pm EST
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He don't look like the Franchise now.

68. Posted by adamosborn236 Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:25 pm EST
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What a horribly written article. My word.
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