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【10.12.23 英国卫报】联合国专家质疑中国保证其人民温饱的能力

发表于 2011-1-4 15:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【原文标题】China's ability to feed its people questioned by UN expert
【原文作者】Jonathan Watts

Olivier De Schutter说,不断减少的耕地面积难以维持足够的农作物生产,中国的食品价格随之上涨。



人们对60年代初,上千万人死亡的大饥荒的记忆犹新。中国政府不遗余力地确保世界上最大的人口群体有足够的食物,但其长远的自给自足模式遭到了联合国食物权力文件起草人Olivier De Schutter的质疑。

De Schutter在访问中国之后,说:“耕地的缩减和大规模的水土流失威胁着这个国家保持目前农作物产出的能力,农村和城市生活的巨大差距是对中国人食物权力的重大挑战。”




随着未来气候的变化,农产品的价格预期会大幅上涨,而产量到2030年则会削减5%到10%。De Schutter说,很重要的一点是,中国必须要尽快戒除在农业生产中大规模使用化石燃料的恶习,改用更加可持续的农业生产技术,包括有机技术,并且更好地利用它自身的两大优势:巨大的战略物资储藏和庞大的农村人口。




在他提交给中国政府和联合国的报告中,De Schutter提到了西藏和内蒙古的问题。在一项有争议的重新安置计划中,游牧人群被迫离开草原。他还敦促中国政府在食品安全出现问题时,要确保消费者有权采取各种方式表达不满。


































“Rice 123:这是英国农民出口产品的好机会。”




人们对60年代初,上千万人死亡的大饥荒的记忆犹新。中国政府不遗余力地确保世界上最大的人口群体有足够的食物,但其长远的自给自足模式遭到了联合国食物权力文件起草人Olivier De Schutter的质疑。”





今天的中国共产党已经不是60年代热衷意识形态战争的中国共产党了。今天的中国像印度一样,致力发展一个独立于政体的、有活力的、资本主义模式的经济体。De Schutter似乎认为中国没有能力依循一个已经被证实有效的发展方向,原因似乎仅仅是只有西方国家才能做这种事。



在来年,我们会看到越来越多这种“Mystic Meg”式的评论,人道主义者有些兴奋过度,以至于他们看不到全世界范围内越来越多的人脱离贫困。















“他还警告大规模农业生产的倾向,这是以牺牲自然资源使用率为代价换取农产品市场价格的竞争力。‘小规模农业生产可以更有效地利用自然资源,我认为,中国就证明了其自身可以养活庞大人口的能力。’ ”



















那些认为家庭农业生活方式比在中国工厂里工作更好的人,应当读一读Leslie T. Chang的书《工厂妹:现在中国的心底之声》,书里的人们谈到他们从乡村移居到城市,是为了“逃避”贫困的生活。
















最常见的借口就是,帝国主义在过去做了错事,所以我们现在也要这样做!这是多么可悲的一个借口啊。你应当听听Desmond Tutu有关非洲人土地的讨论。










Gandalf the White,我的观点是,西方享受现有的土地和资源,中国人和阿拉伯人在合法地采购这些资源。



China's ability to feed its people questioned by UN expert

Shrinking arable land making it harder to maintain agricultural output, says Olivier De Schutter, as food prices rise in China

Vegetable sellers wait for customers at their stalls in a street market in Hefei, eastern China. Recent food price surges in the country have underscored the supply challenges it faces.

China's ability to feed a fifth of the world's population will become tougher because of land degradation, urbanisation and over-reliance on fossil-fuels and fertiliser, a United Nations envoy warned today as grain and meat prices climbed on global markets.

With memories still fresh of the famines that killed tens of millions of people in the early 1960s, the Chinese government has gone to great lengths to ensure the world's biggest population has enough to eat, but its long-term self-sufficiency was questioned by UN special rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter.

"The shrinking of arable land and the massive land degradation threatens the ability of the country to maintain current levels of agricultural production, while the widening gap between rural and urban is an important challenge to the right to food of the Chinese population," said De Schutter at the end of a trip to China.

He told the Guardian his main concern was the decline of soil quality in China because of excessive use of fertilisers, pollution and drought. He noted that 37% of the nation's territory was degraded and 8.2m hectares (20.7m acres) of arable land has been lost since 1997 to cities, industrial parks, natural disasters and forestry programmes.

Further pressure has come from an increasingly carnivorous diet, which has meant more grain is needed to feed livestock. The combination of these factors is driving up food inflation. In the past year, rice has gone up by 13%, wheat by 9%, chicken by 17%, pork by 13% and eggs by 30%.

"This is not a one-off event. The causes are structural," said the envoy. "The recent food price hikes in the country are a harbinger of what may be lying ahead."

With climate change expected to increase price volatility and cut agricultural productivity by 5% to 10% by 2030, De Schutter said it was essential for China to wean itself off fossil-fuel intensive farming and adopt more sustainable agricultural techniques, including organic production, and to make even better use of its two great strengths: a huge strategic grain reserve and a large rural population.

He said other countries should learn from China's food reserve, which accounts for 40% of the nation's 550m-tonne grain supply and is released to minimise the impact of market price fluctuations.

He also cautioned against a shift towards industrial-scale farming, which increases economic competitiveness at the cost of natural productivity. "Small-scale farming is more efficient in its use of natural resources. I believe China can show that it is successful in feeding a very large population. " However, he acknowledged that this may prove difficult in the future as more of China's 200million farmers move to the cities.

The widening rural-urban gap has hit supply and demand of food in other ways. Nationwide nutrition levels have risen, but the growing income disparity has left sharp discrepancies in access to food. While some poor rural families in western China scrape by with two meals a day, wealthy urban households on the eastern seaboard eat so well that they are increasingly prone to the "rich diseases" of obesity and diabetes.

In his report to the Chinese government and the UN, De Schutter also raised the case of Tibetan and Mongolian nomads who have been relocated from the grasslands under a controversial resettlement scheme, and pressed the Chinese government to ensure that consumers have the freedom to complain when food safety is compromised.

He spoke specifically about Zhao Lianhai, a former food-safety worker who was jailed last month for organising a campaign for compensation over a contaminated milk scandal that left 300,000 ill and killed at least six babies.

"I'm concerned this will have a chilling effect on consumers who want to complain," he said. "You cannot protect the right to food without the right to freedom of expression and organisation."


good chance for Uk farmers to export


This is a rare and insightful appraisal of the Chinese situation.

It should also inform all national agricultural policies.

Without a sea change away from monocultural, agrichemically and GMO assisted food and farming regimes, the soil will become completely sterile and so will we.


Strange. My wife who is Chinese talked to her Aunt and mother last week and they both say the cost of food has dropped. They both live in cities in China


The people in the big cities of China are very concerned about inflation right now, but the lack of information about the root cause/s is non-existent.

This sounds like an excellent report. Hopefully reform will happen soon....


The Chinese family I'm living with at the moment are complaining about this, though it seems it's part of an increase in the price of living in general, as the prices of other household goods are also increasing.

@spiroaus This story is all over the news, though as I can only understand baby-speak Chinese, I'm not sure what they're on about.


Zhao Lianhai, a former food-safety worker who was jailed last month for organising a campaign for compensation over a contaminated milk scandal that left 300,000 ill and killed at least six babies

Sounds perfectly reasonable to expect compensation.


Unfortunately this will result in added pressure on countries like Brazil to increase export of soya/beef to China.

This will be at the expense of the rainforests, and must not be allowed to happen for the good of the world as a whole.

China needs to tackle desertification


This is something of a partial picture as the Chinese already are world leaders in sustainable organic horticulture using deep bed methods which they invented. These are used for the intensive production of vegetables and fertilised with human and animal wastes.

As for soil degradation and unsustainable production, we should be equally concerned about the American grain belts which are totally dependent on artificial fertilisers, unsustainable ground water and extensive use of pesticides. No amount of genetically engineered varieties are going to save the day there.

The Chinese need only look to the American example and the dust bowls for example, to understand where their intensive agriculture will get them, even without the ravages of global warming.

But they seem quick to learn and have been amongst the first to commit to targets to reduce emissions and develop alternatives. I wish the same could be said about the United States with its vested interests in the fossil fuel multinationals.


This is another reason why China, bit by bit, is swallowing up parts of Africa. The bad news is that fewer Africans will be able to feed themselves in the future because the African elites have sold off vast farmlands to feed the Chinese. Cue more western charity appeals to aid 'helpless' Africans.


Oh great, another excuse in the germination phase for governments here to send yet more of my cash in 'aid' to a regional superpower with nukes and a space programme.

This madness will only end in tears.


Rice 123

good chance for Uk farmers to export

The UK imports over 50% of its food. We are fortunate in being rich enough to do this, for the time being.


China's ability to feed a fifth of the world's population will become tougher because of land degradation, urbanisation and over-reliance on fossil-fuels and fertiliser, a United Nations envoy warned today as grain and meat prices surged on global markets.

With memories still fresh of the famines that killed tens of millions of people in the early 1960s, the Chinese government has gone to great lengths to ensure the world's biggest population has enough to eat, but its long-term self-sufficiency was questioned by UN special rapporteur on the right to food, Olivier De Schutter.

And so, onto the favourite sport of the West: China bashing! How dare this nation industrialise and set themselves on a course of dynamic economic growth?

First off. Many country in the west turned their backs on an agricultural based economy in order to pursue a programme of industrial mass manufacturing, during the 19th Century. The only European country to face famine at that time was Ireland, that had no industrial base because it was the ‘breadbasket of Britain’.

As a result of Chinese industrial growth the number of poverty-stricken people in China's rural areas decreased to 14.87 million in 2007 from 250 million in 1978. A World Bank report released in 2007 said that China accounted for 67 per cent of the achievements in global poverty reduction in the past two decades. Without China's efforts, the poor population in the world would have continued to grow, it said. China is also the only country that has halved its poor population ahead of schedule, according to the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Whilst it is true that pockets of poverty exist, it is the rural outposts in China that experience it most.

The Chinese Communist Party of today is not the Communist Party of the 1960s which was engaged in an ideological war. Today’s China is engaged, along with India, in creating a dynamic, capitalist, economy, free of imperialist design. De Schutter seems to think that the Chinese are inacapable of repeating a tried and tested formula. The inference being that only those nations in the West are capable of such a thing.

We have seen plenty of China bashing over the past five years, mainly the West use the spectre of environmental pollution to chastise the Chinese, now we see that doom mongers are dragged out to paint the Chinese leadership as evil bastards, who care nothing about their people.

The truth is that both China and India are presenting themselves as real competition for the traditionalist capitalist economies, to the extent that China has bankrolled the USA to the sum of $1 million +.

We can expect more of this sort of ‘Mystic Meg’ commentary in the year to come. Meanwhile this humanist is only too pleased to see more people, throughout the World, being lifted out of poverty.


The truth is that both China and India are presenting themselves as real competition for the traditionalist capitalist economies, to the extent that China has bankrolled the USA to the sum of $1 million +.

That should read 'trillion'. Sorry!


I always wonder at the huge amounts of food restaurants here serve...but people are very resourceful and make sure nothing is wasted by asking for a "daobao" to take home whatever's left to eat later, or tomorrow. It's as if they remember previous bad times...and I'm sure any new bad times would see them reining in....

But another question...how much grain does Mc Donalds, and chicken, KFC, use up in feeding its restaurants in the country...that's where the obesity is coming from.....not your average Chinese meal



This is another reason why China, bit by bit, is swallowing up parts of Africa. The bad news is that fewer Africans will be able to feed themselves in the future because the African elites have sold off vast farmlands to feed the Chinese. Cue more western charity appeals to aid 'helpless' Africans.

Well no doubt China is protecting its resource supplies all over the world from South American Soya to African oil. However, the suggestion above is bordering on sanctimonious considering Europe and the US have been raping and pillaging Africa for a couple of centuries now. Slave trade? The Scramble for Africa? World bank policy to Africa? Europe and the US have created the mess in Africa.

At least the Chinese don't seem to be intent on the same sort of Genocide the Europeans were.

Sinopec have a poor environmental record in Africa and have been told by the Chinese watchdog to clear it up (although I don't know if the watchdog has any teeth) but their record is considerably better than Shell's record in Nigeria. However, this doesn't excuse Sinopec. I wonder if their human rights abuses are as bad as Shell's?


China is more affluent the food crisis thanks to global trading in food as a commodity won't happen for the Chinese but is liable to happen in other developing nations as prices are raised.


Amusingly in a previous article I read some time last year (somewhere) China was criticized for increasing it's meat intake and was apparently to blame for the new strain on grain consumption.

It seems that the Asian's are not allowed to eat meat.

How dare they!!!

Personally, I haven't noticed any increase in food prices in the year I've been living in Shanghai and I shop where the Chinese shop (not those extortionately priced expat stores)

But perhaps the price increase hasn't hit this city.


"He also cautioned against a shift towards industrial-scale farming, which increases economic competitiveness at the cost of natural productivity. "Small-scale farming is more efficient in its use of natural resources. I believe China can show that it is successful in feeding a very large population. "

I glad someone is advocating this and we still get people who think that large scale industrial farming is the only solution, while missing the point that many small farmers are highly efficient farmers.


This is so dam obvious. Why do you think China and the middle east weath funds are buying up land in Africa!

Why do you think China is in dispute on land in various border states as well as those not even on it sborders such as the Sprately Islands which hardly anyoe has heard of- look it up in Wikipedia!

The investment by China and Middle east wealth funds in to Africa, Central America etc is growing fast to secure Land to grow food for its own people and not the country where the land is, as its been sold off by their ruling politicans for you guessed $$, so called investments and benefits..?!
A lot more too come on this. As there is no get out clause.. ;o)


Chinese leadership understands this problem. That is the reason they are investing in lands in Africa and Latin America. Good for Brazil and Argentina and Sudan,etc.The water shortages both in China and India will seriously curtail food production with huge negative social consequences. Both countries could go to war if China builds dams in Tibet to divert water from the rivers flowing into norther India.Too bad India is not investing much in agriculture internally or overseas. Too much short termism and preoccupation with getting rich quick.

It will come to haunt in another decade or two.



The older industrial countries did not abandon the agricultural economy, they industrialized it. The US is still one of the greatest agricultural powers, but with a fraction of the number of farmers providing the products. This took place alongside the rapid industrialization of other sectors, much as we are seeing in China today. The question is if China can duplicate the strategies that worked in the US, such as increased mechanization and consolidation of small holdings into much larger farms. Under any circumstances, does China have enough total land to provide itself with enough food?

One point about the article, the author mentions the famines of the early 60s as an object lesson to the current government. However, although they did have problems with bad weather, historians agree that the main cause of the deaths of more than 30 million people was stupendous mismanagement by the ideologically driven regime. Mao didn't need GMOs to kill those people, he did it with doctrinaire Marxism, the deadliest pathogen known. Read more at:


The likely cause of food shortages in China is the problem of young farmers abandoning their parents' farms to look for work in the cities. This is because farm income is so poor. A rise in prices to the farmer is the best solution to this situation, as it may tend to slow or reverse the flight from the land.

The best hope is for a rise in income for Chinese farm workers. Hopefully increases in food prices will be passed on to them, not pocketed by middlemen.

This is nothing but old-fashioned imperialistic condescension with a UN flag on it.

If small-scale farming and rural living is so great, let's see some large Western nations try it first, before advising China to give up on modernization and go back to the land. One rule for the west, another for the rest, ey?

Anyone who thinks the farming lifestyle is preferable to working in a factory in China should read Leslie T. Chang's Factory Girls: Voices from the Heart of Modern China to hear from the people who talk of their move from the country to the city as an 'escape' from a life of back-breaking poverty and toil.



The likely cause of food shortages in China is the problem of young farmers abandoning their parents' farms to look for work in the cities. This is because farm income is so poor. A rise in prices to the farmer is the best solution to this situation, as it may tend to slow or reverse the flight from the land.

This is true all over the world, not just in China.

It is uncomfortable because food price rises cause hardship to the poor.

It is uncomfortable because many wealthy countries subsidise agriculture, which makes the problem far worse for everyone else.


So what's your suggestion?


@ Gandalf the White -

You seem worried about the Chinese and Arabs buying up land abroad. Do you see them as a threat?

The West has expropriated without payments most of the rest of the world at one time or another. Are you saying that "we" shouldn't allow the Chinese and the Arabs to actually pay for land they want to buy?

If that's not what you're suggesting, then what is it?


Speculators in the markets are driving up food prices and availability. It is no different than the game that is played by investors in the oil industry; gold market; diamonds; etc.

Want to make the world a better place and more equitable for all? Do away with the speculators.


@ Gandalf the White - You seem worried about the Chinese and Arabs buying up land abroad. Do you see them as a threat?

The usual excuse is that because in the past imperial states behaved badly then modern imperial states should do the same! How very sad of course it is a threat. You should have listened to the debtae lead by Desmond Tutu on is Africas land for Africans?

Same as for Tibet, TIbet was invaded and occupied for political and imperialism reasons.. But sunbjugated for reason of natural wealth hence the new railway. Gold, Cobalt, Hydro power, Coal, Iron etc.. Yet the 7 Rivers dams is already seen as an ecological disaster. More to come. Too many people. Yes it is wrong. The human race should learn from its mistakes not repeat them and say well you did it 200yrs ago.

Was that not the very reason for the Opium Wars against imperialism of the US, French and UK, or the Boxer revolution?


Isn't it about time this thread turned into a discussion about human over-population?

At the end of the day, population growth makes every other problem worse.


@ JRWoodman -

Are you just trolling there, or are you serious?

Let's not turn this into a Malthusian topic. It's bad enough already that people think it's acceptable to tell the Chinese to go back to being peasants, without introducing the pseudo-scientific racism of overpopulation as well.


@ Gandalf the White -

My point was that whilst we in the West have enjoyed the benefit of simply appropriating the land and resources we wanted, the Chinese and Arabs are buying it legally.

They are not acting like imperialists at all. Saudi Arabia (for example) has two choices to provide food for its population - massively energy intensive desert farming which uses untold amounts of water, electricity and fertilizer, or it can grow the food it needs somewhere else, and what's wrong with that?




发表于 2011-1-4 15:43 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-1-4 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
With climate change expected to increase price volatility and cut agricultural productivity by 5% to 10% by 2030, De Schutter said it was essential for China to wean itself off fossil-fuel intensive farming and adopt more sustainable agricultural techniques, including organic production, and to make even better use of its two great strengths: a huge strategic grain reserve and a large rural population.
原译:随着未来气候的变化,农产品的价格预期会大幅上涨,而产量到2030年则会削减5%到10%。De Schutter说,很重要的一点是,中国必须要尽快戒除在农业生产中大规模使用化石燃料的恶习,改用更加可持续的农业生产技术,包括有机技术,并且更好地利用它自身的两大优势:巨大的战略物资储藏和庞大的农村人口。




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发表于 2011-1-4 20:34 | 显示全部楼层
李逍遥 发表于 2011-1-4 19:05

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发表于 2011-1-5 06:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-5 06:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-5 06:20 | 显示全部楼层
中国食品短缺的原因似乎在于,年轻的农民放弃了父辈的土地,到城市中寻找工作机会。因为从事农业劳动的收入 ...
haoweichina 发表于 2011-1-5 02:14



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发表于 2011-1-5 10:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-1-5 15:46 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2011-1-5 15:47 | 显示全部楼层

就我从我身边的人了解的情况,不少地方的农作物收购价格都在涨,农民这两年收入增加了,包括我老 ...
sensi 发表于 2011-1-5 06:20

    最近珠三角又有用工荒了  现在农业政策比较好 很多人回去了 再加上发展西部 很多人在离家很近的地方也能找到工作
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